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  • af Alfred George Shaheen
    247,95 kr.

    Many people don't know their soul because it is of a different dimension than their heart and mind. Your soul is part of you. It is located throughout your physical body, but at a superior level of vibration. That vibration is the dimension of Heaven. The moment you receive the energy of your heavenly soul in your heart and mind, any fear of death will greatly diminish or disappear. You will know that "you" were never born and that "you" will never die. But that "you" are part of this eternal heavenly being that you now know is your soul. Your soul is dimensionally one with God. When you are one with your soul, you will naturally be one with God, also. Oneness of your heart and your mind with your soul is called "spiritual union" or "inner oneness." The result of inner oneness is self-realization. For when you are one with your soul, you will know yourself as a Particle from Heaven, a child of God on earth. It does not take years or even weeks to know your soul and to experience spiritual union. The techniques in this book are simple and natural. They will reveal your heavenly soul to you within a couple days of practice and lead you to self-realization as quickly as you are willing to completely surrender your heart and your mind to your soul. The information in this book is concise, yet comprehensive. Upon its completion you will have reawakened to the inner (heavenly) dimension of your being, and you will know how to successfully walk the inner road to God within you.

  • af Alfred George Shaheen
    247,95 kr.

    Many people are unaware that unhappiness, depression, low self-esteem, bad choices, a lack of self-confidence, illnesses, and many other negative conditions are usually caused by the unhappy energies from the world that enter one's being. Because these energies come from outside oneself, appropriate names for these conditions are "environmental unhappiness," "environmental depression," "environmental illnesses," and the like. How can you stop the unhappy energies in the world from entering you? By activating the natural harmony of your aura. Your aura around your body is the living energy of your heart and mind. It is part of you. The energy of your aura is extremely interactive with the energies in the world. If you do not activate the natural harmony (positive energy) that is innate to your aura, your aura will not have what it needs to insulate you from the unhappy energies in the world. A cell of a body is a perfect example of how this works. The outer layer of a cell has a protective membrane that allows nutrients to enter the cell but prevents anything that is harmful to the cell from entering. The cell's membrane also allows for the expulsion of any waste that has developed in the cell. This protective process maintains the cell's natural harmony. Your aura protects you from the unhappy energies in the world in the exact same way. Harmony is the natural state of your heart and mind when you are protected by your aura. Like a cell, your aura has a membrane located about two feet away from and all around your body. The very moment you activate the harmony of your aura's membrane, your aura will produce a forcefield of harmony around your body that will insulate the natural harmony (positive energy) of your heart and mind from environmental unhappiness, environmental depression, environmental-illnesses, and so on. When you experience the activated harmony of your aura, you will recognize that it is an extremely pleasant and stable type of harmony and happiness, a type that is not dependent upon the conditions of your life or on the conditions of the world. The Happiness Activation Technique¿ (HAT), presented herein, will guide you in activating this extraordinary harmony. The HAT¿ is easy to learn and simple to perform. Anyone can do it. I hope you will take this opportunity to experience firsthand how this simple technique can instantly and dramatically benefit your life.

  • af Alfred George Shaheen
    232,95 kr.

    You can easily and immediately awaken to the heavenly (soul) dimension of your being by performing the Edenic Prayer¿, presented herein. If you choose to awaken to your soul body, you will know the beatific energy of the dimension of the Soul (Heaven) that you can bring to the physical dimension. Moreover, you will see, that as more and more people receive their soul, the atmosphere of spiritual peace at the physical dimension can increase in density (reality) and spiritualize the Earth. This is not only possible; it is inevitable. You will know this to be true as you experience the bliss of your soul and the effects of its beatific vibrations in your life. There is no better teacher than our own souls. Awaken to your soul at the inner (heavenly) dimension of your being, and your soul, which is the presence of God (Soul) in you, will reveal to you the expanding activity of Its Heavenly Universe.

  • af Alfred George Shaheen
    232,95 kr.

    When we awaken to the inner existence of our souls, we find a new dimension, a new world composed of Edenic vibrations. As we receive those vibrations into our hearts and minds, they bring with them their Edenic peace, their Edenic love, and their Edenic wholeness (oneness) to the conditions of our lives. The divine vibrations of the soul teach us that the soul alone is I. The heart, mind, and body falsely claim to be I. But when we accept the soul as the singular I, the troubles and burdens of the world disappear and Edenic Living¿ begins. If you have not yet awakened to the inner (soul) dimension of your being, you can do so by reading about and performing the Soul Body Technique¿ in my book Particles from Heaven: Self-Realization. You can also awaken to your soul via the Edenic Prayer¿ presented on my website at It does not matter the method you use to awaken to your soul. Knowing how to find the inner dimension, however, is necessary to enter it. Once you can see and sense your soul, you know the direction you should go. That direction will lead you to inner (soul) unity, spiritual wholeness (oneness), and to the Land of the Soul.

  • af Denise-Marie Martin
    177,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Quillin
    307,95 kr.

    Using nutrition (food and supplements) to bolster the body's host defenses to complement medical therapies while undergoing cancer treatment.

  • af Daniel J. Mueller
    172,95 kr.

    Strategic Execution for Executives: How Top Leaders Bring Their "A" Game to Running a Business is about the art and science of making things happen from the top. The ability to execute with excellence is one of the major markers of a great executive. Conversely, poor execution results in short-term employment. You could say that consistently positive execution is table stakes to playing at the executive level. If you are reading this, and are an executive, you likely have significant expertise in this area. However, chances are you could stand to improve in a few of these competencies. This book will look at various aspects of executive execution and give you ways to capitalize on your strengths, address areas of weakness, and hopefully uncover any blind spots you may have. Execution is the root of the word "executive," and excellence in this area is the minimum criterion for success as a business leader. Your credibility depends on the results you get. That said, consider this statistic: "More than 64 percent of C-level executives from 250 midsized to large companies in the United States and the European Union have said that being able to execute, to 'react quickly to changing business opportunities, models, technologies, and processes is critical for their success, ' and yet is nearly impossible to achieve." As an executive, you are relentlessly hounded to produce great quarter-over-quarter execution. Pressured from all sides, with little time for missed expectations, it is no wonder that turnover is so high in the executive ranks. My estimate-based on significant research, conversations with top business leaders, and first-hand experience with more than 1,500 executives-is that one in five newly appointed executives gets fired or quits in their first year. The intense, seemingly impossible challenges facing you are increasing at a rapid rate. This is due in no small part to the ever-increasing speed at which organizations are moving, fueled by a dizzying array of technological advances. The expectations for execution have never been higher for boards, CEOs and the executive team.As a senior executive coach, I have witnessed scores of executives fail in their roles due to poor execution. That is what prompted me to write this book. My hope is that in some small way during our time together, I will help you to improve in this critical area. But before you dive into the first chapter, please take the assessment provided later in this introduction. This will give you an idea of where you stand. Then, if you have limited time, you can simply read those sections where you scored the lowest. If you are engaged with an executive coach, I suggest you go over the results together and develop an action plan for improving in your weakest area. You can also do this with a mentor. If you don't have a coach or a mentor, then you have already identified a gaping hole in your executive execution. No professional sports athlete would even think of taking the field without a strong team of advisors. Neither should you. I am not "selling" you on executive coaching. In fact, you will find this book devoid of any kind of "pitch" for coaching beyond this: Take your executive role seriously enough to invest time working with a mentor, trusted advisor, or executive coach. Books will only get you so far. There is no more powerful relationship for the executive than one where you can gain objective, unvarnished feedback on your performance from a live human being who is wholly invested in your success.

  • af Kathleen C. Sales
    117,95 kr.

  • af R. H. Fagundo
    117,95 kr.

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