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Bøger udgivet af DOS Madres Press

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  • af Robert Podgurski
    196,95 kr.

    The poems in this collection beg the question of what leads up to and what is happening as things labor to come into being.According to the scholar and poet, Charles Stein: "Magic is pragmatic, or better performative, phenomenology. But phenomenology is the magic of ontogeny." Robert Podgurski's IN THE SHADOW OF THIS BRANCH is itself deeply invested in a thaumaturgy or wonder working of the magic of nascency. The poems in this collection beg the question of what leads up to and what is happening as things labor to come into being. As Michal Ajvas expressed in his novel, Empty Streets "I realized that in trying to express what a thing communicated, I was making a thing of the communication--an unusual and fantastic thing perhaps, but of what is not yet a thing, a matter from which things are formed." And yet, Podgurski is not so presumptuous as to assert he knows precisely what this process of emergence is, but that it warrants acknowledgment, further exploration, and to facilitate the possession of the senses in its sway."Robert Podgurski's poems deploy systems and structures akin to the sacred geometry of the temples and monuments he meticulously elucidates in his rare scholarly works. The micro-macro play in these poems show the center is everywhere."--Raymond Foye"If Robert Podgurski didn't exist, I think I would have had to invent him -- a practicing magician who also thinks about magic; whose careful scholarship and conceptual clarity are dimensions in an intensive, theurgic armamentarium; and a poet whose poems are hazards in a vital ontological probing. One enters them to the degree that one is correspondingly willing to hazard what might be found there: events in the living future of magic, a future not at all Not Yet, but more pertinently -- From Now On."--Charles SteinPoetry.

  • af Chuck Salmons
    201,95 kr.

    Chuck Salmons won the 2011 William Redding Memorial Poetry Contest, sponsored by The Poetry Forum of Columbus, has garnered awards from Ohio Poetry Day, and is a recipient of a 2018 Ohio Arts Council Individual Excellence Award for his poetry.The modern ekphrastic poems in THE GRACE OF GAZING INWARD seek to engage in a conversation with artwork created by Alice Carpenter. Each poem responds to a particular monotype, an artform that incorporates aspects of painting and printmaking. Most of Carpenter's monotypes, which are printed alongside their respective poems, are very small (typically a few square inches) and very detailed landscapes where the moon is prominent. Through highly lyrical poems, Salmons considers such questions as identity, human relationships with nature and each other, and the nature of art. Each poem reflects, in form and content, the monotype it speaks to using fresh imagery, lines of brevity, and concise, spare language."'Given the choice, how would you enter the space, ' asks poet Chuck Salmons in his transcendent collection of ekphrastic poetry THE GRACE OF GAZING INWARD. Each poem is a skillful blend of observation, reverence, wonder and whispers, tight with insights that linger. The art is the words, the words are the art, at some point one easily loses track of which may have come first. Salmons has a gift for meter and turning a poem in adroitly ingenious directions, a poet who looks beyond the frame to consider what might exist 'out by the hard edge of the world.' This book is one to sit with, contemplate, savor." --Kari Gunter-SeymourPoetry. Art.

  • af David Schloss
    197,95 kr.

    PROVOCATIONS explores arguments about literary and spiritual Creations, through definitions of selves and others, and the self with others. Questions of resistance and transcendence, both internal and interpersonal, and to the "facts" of our existence are addressed throughout. Questions about mortality are the convergent points, ultimately, of the 'provocations' in the self-questioning that is the central thrust of the text.

  • af Richard Hague
    210,95 kr.

    CONTINUED CASES is a collection of poems satirical, social, and political. A sequel to Hague's Public Hearings (Word Press, 2009) it was written partly in response to the 45th presidency of the United States. It addresses practices, policies, and personalities as well as opines on education, the arts, and the fate of the environment. One of the book's epigraphs is from the 2017 prayer card at the funeral of Wayne Barret, author of Trump: The Greatest Show on Earth: The Deals, the Downfall, the Reinvention. "Our credo must be the exposure of the plunderers, the steerers, the wirepullers, the bosses, the brokers, the campaign givers and takers ... So I say: Stew, percolate, pester, track, burrow, besiege, confront, damage, level, care." In CONTINUED CASES, Hague does his best to offer opposition to the outlandish, the illegal, the inhumane. At the same time, as a native Appalachian from the Ohio Valley steel town declared in the 1970s to have the worst air in the country, he recollects the personal damages of industrial extractive industry. Aware of the agrarian traditions of Jefferson, the democratic, populist appetites of Whitman, and the counter-cultural politics of the Sixties, Hague offers seasoned witness to our times.

  • af Richard M Berlin
    199,95 kr.

    Richard M. Berlin's fifth collection of poems, TENDER FENCES, spans the arc of the poet's career as a doctor and psychiatrist. Beginning with his family's hopes and expectations, and his own dream to become a doctor, Berlin explores the challenges of medical and psychiatric training, his years of practice, and the deep rewards that grow from healing relationships structured by a "tender fence" which provides the necessary boundaries for closeness and distance. Berlin's voice touches on themes of intimacy, love, the doctor-patient relationship, the drama of psychotherapy, a doctor's sense of responsibility, transience, aging, and the satisfactions that come from a healer's life. With these poems, Richard M. Berlin confirms that medical and psychiatric practice fit well with Pablo Neruda's description of poetry as, "Entrance into the depth of things in a headlong act of love.""A twenty first century William Carlos Williams."--Booklist"Clear, honest, direct, and--what doctors usually can't afford to be--vulnerable, Richard M. Berlin's poems make me feel good about the health of American medicine and poetry."--Charles Harper Webb"Berlin's writing sheds all doctrines and poses. His poetry is about the revelation that emerges at the edge between our knowledge of the world provided to us by science or maturation, and the chaotic understructure that throws up in front of us surprises that are both wanted and unwanted."--Paul R. Fleishman, MDPoetry.

  • af Owen Lewis
    184,95 kr.

    Knock-knock! Who's there?Ultimately for all, it will be age. At first, it seems like a bad joke--needing a cane, memory loss, more care, forgetting even one's own name. In KNOCK-KNOCK, Lewis creates the persona of an older physician who should've known what's in store. Sometimes the reality is grim, but there's humor, love, and even romance in his inventive and poetic story-telling. "Lost-and-found / is not a planned / destination." Yet we all eventually find ourselves there."Old age is no joke. The body breaks down; the mind wanders away. For many, if not most, aging is existentially challenging and physically demeaning. And yet Owen Lewis' KNOCK-KNOCK finds a variety of entry points into this penultimate human experience. The eighteen poems (in the numerology of the Kabbalah, life) gathered here range from mild ruminations on the disconcerting experience of losing and forgetting inconsequential things, to more intense poems, exploring critical conditions: impaired ambulation, deterioration of vision, cardiac failures. Like all good healthcare providers, Lewis - a medical doctor, himself - is always writing toward the fear of mortality that lies at the heart of aging, and that frightens most of us, nearly to death. Through poetic storytelling, deep empathy, psychological courage, and a gimlet eye, he finds both solace and meaning (and yes: sometimes humor) in this phase of life."--Kate Daniels"KNOCK-KNOCK is a sophisticated chapbook about aging and the brain by a prize-winning poet and professor of psychiatry. The poems come to the reader in a variety of shapes, moods and sounds. The book opens with the speaker's tender first encounters with such age-related issues as the use of a cane for mobility and the occasional challenges of memory. Music is an important element (and subject) in the subsequent poems about more serious symptoms and the fears they inspire. Only a clinical expert in diseases of the mind could have constructed the drama of the scenes that follow."--Michael SalcmanPoetry.

  • af Joel Bettridge
    197,95 kr.

    In this striking collection of poems, Joel Bettridge crafts a poignant mix of lyrics, half-stories, epigrams, speculations, histories, and songs to study how evolution, especially that of people, is guided more or less by magic. OF SPECIES documents the relentless transmutations of our human selves and the environments we inhabit; reveals the facts coded in myths, prayers, and rituals; unearths the forgotten gods who live in gene pools, artifacts, and biomes. These poems map our created and changing world, offering a vision for how to belong now to what we are on the brink of losing."'Awake, awake: look awry, look new, ' insists Bettridge's new breathtaking collection, OF SPECIES. Gods, gullies and crevasses, Homo georgicus and horses, bark beetles, and more, all burrow out from the 'artifacts of light' that are these poems. Too fierce to be pastoral, too urgent to be elegiac, this collection widens the imagination of what nature poetry might be, what it must do. Some books are meant to be read--this one wants to be lived."--Richard Deming, author of This Exquisite Loneliness"Bettridge's collection invites the reader into an entangled existence where we have permission to be curious and intimate about everything: What even is a species or an animal body without other species or other animal bodies? What is the unlearning required for a human to see beyond the categories of human and nonhuman, to look beyond categories at all? 'What is the ambition of grasses? / What dreams as they throng / With the winter in abeyance?' The conversations that emerge from these questions are perhaps the conversations we should all be having more often. Beautiful and expansive, OF SPECIES is a significant work."--Janice Lee, author of Separation Anxiety"OF SPECIES begins with a knock-out introduction, 'HORSES, ' in which the poet confesses that horses in two beguiling illustrations by artist Rick Bartow have begun speaking to him, initiating him into a world of metamorphosis, one that he duly records in a series of stunning theriophanies--of beast, of person, of divine power. This book is a marvel of formal and tonal shifts that Joel Bettridge manages with enviable ease, from the stateliness and earnestness of the 'Transmutations' that initiate each new section to the magical open-form free verse interspersed by the short, pungent epigrammatic poems the poet has been dazzling us with for years. In this daring collection, Bettridge has devised a creation mythology for evolution and it really sings. A masterful book!"--Peter O'Leary, author of The Hidden Eyes of ThingsPoetry. Nature.

  • af Lera Auerbach
    222,95 kr.

    FOREVER MUSIC is a thought-provoking reverie written from the perspective of a child who is discovering the world through music. A mosaic of dreamy recollections, a glimpse into paradise gained of early childhood, this collection of short poems envelopes the reader with its hidden magic. Concerned with all that is sempiternal - music, memories, dreams, Auerbach's writing is fraught with vulnerable openness, throbbing with the pulse of its time. Ferociously tender, these reveries leave you thirsty for more of their fresh intelligence and intuitive grace. Auerbach's language has effortless virtuosity in its illusory simplicity, always remaining at the very core of experience. Lera Auerbach has developed a fine-tuned voice that captures and distills dreamlike recollections into memory snapshots on the crossroads of poetry and music. Inspired in part by the Japanese form of Zuihitsu (running brush), this book is an invaluable addition to anyone interested in language, memory, intuition, creativity, and child's psychology. "Pitch-perfect. It's really beautiful."--Christopher Merrill, poet, essayist, director of the International Writing Program at the University of Iowa. "Wonderful writing! I love every note Lera makes in what is really a tapestry of memories. It is permanently exquisite and impenetrable, this yearning and memory. Lera captures it so well - Russian childhood, its painful and exquisite beauty. This sense of beautiful, poetic urgency is in everything she writes. There is, in everything she creates a sense of genius in flight."--Thomas McCarthy, Irish poet"Every single thing Lera Auerbach writes is astounding in its breadth and depth and brilliance. I know no one who can leap, spin, and surprise me as she can. The amount of space - intimate and world - she covers! I have no doubt that I am reading a genius of a natural, pure poet." --Emily Fragos, poet, anthologist"Anyone who deals with the psychology of creativity would discover here new unmapped depths. It is an unprecedented self-disclosure (...) In addition to a wide readership, it is of particular interest for scientists to explore the hidden aspects of creativity for psychologists, educators, and art historians. The fact that it is written in the voice of and from a child's perspective makes it an invaluable treasure."--Mikhail Kazinik, writer, musician, radio host, art historian" ... Invaluable and fascinating guide for everyone who wants to introduce their child to the magical world of music."--Solomon Volkov, writer, art historianPoetry.

  • af Geoffrey O'Brien
    212,95 kr.

  • af William O'Rourke
    317,95 kr.

  • af Henry Weinfield
    237,95 kr.

  • af Hilary Sideris
    227,95 kr.

    Sideris carries us through grief, memory, family, and the pandemic. These poems, some originally jotted on paper napkins, show us ourselves, in our absurdity, our generosity, and our legacy.Written during the pandemic in the working class, immigrant neighborhood of Kensington, Brooklyn, LIBERTY LAUNDRY is a book about freedom, work, grief, love, and the civic and familial divisions and estrangements that have deepened with each new variant of the virus.'My daughter cuts my damaged/ends in the garden behind/her father's house where, /per his orders, I am not welcome--' Hilary Sideris' poems flash forward at lightning speed. Before you can blink, there's a back story, details become volatile, and we're catapulted into unfathomable history. The Q train goes express, a plague strikes. The America of 'foaming root beer/in thick glass mugs' confronts active shooter drills. A 'BLT's pale tomato implies a vast system of servitude. Always, language is a bridge and a wall. Always, events elude the stories we shelter in. Jaime Sabines wrote, 'everything happens in silence/the way light is made in the eye;' Sideris can access that inscrutability of experience, how we know ourselves only through clues and only in retrospect. LIBERTY LAUNDRY is a book of gorgeous immediacy and depth.--D. NurksePoetry.

  • af Laura Matthias Bendoly
    237,95 kr.

    "This book contains forty examples of Laura Matthias Bendoly's recent photographs, along with an introduction explaining the history of her engagement with the art and some elucidating notes adjacent to the photographs themselves. As the book was in progress, she asked her father, the poet John Matthias, if he would like to contribute a few short poems to enter into dialogue with her images. This he has done, producing some work quite untypical of poetry in his recent books, but compatible with the photographs he has chosen to write for. ("For," rather than necessarily "about.) Bendoly's photographs make an excellent introduction to her work as a photographer. She is also a writer, having published three novels: The Estate (2015), Laerka (2017) and The Peddler of Wisdom (2018)"--

  • af Rachel Bernstein Kaufman
    227,95 kr.

  • af Hank Lazer
    212,95 kr.

  • af Moira Linehan
    212,95 kr.

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