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  • af Kenneth Wapnick
    178,95 kr.

    Though not a formal characteristic of God's advanced teachers, kindness is nonetheless something we would attribute to anyone who has traveled far on the journey home. True kindness--applied to all people without exception--is impossible as long as our primary identification is with the ego's thought system of separation and differences. Therefore, the focus of this program is on the importance of recognizing that the source of kindness is the mind, not the body, which is the embodiment of the ego. Asking Jesus' help to be kind, we recognize that everyone who walks this earth fights the same hard battle of dealing with the ego and its thought system of separation and guilt, specialness and attack. By recognizing the oneness of God's Son as a split mind, we undo the barriers of specialness that prevent us from remembering our oneness as Christ, and that "Kindness created us kind."

  • af Cindy Lora-Renard
    242,95 kr.

    What are relationships for? The answer might not be what you think. Cindy Lora-Renard explains the purpose, process, and practice of shifting from identifying with the false self or ego to the true Self, so that all the relationships in one's life serve a holy purpose. Specifically focusing on romantic relationships, Cindy further discusses the difference between traditional marriage and spiritual partnership, ultimately leading the reader to the understanding that the goal is not merely to become one with another individual, but to remember your oneness with God. Forgiveness is explored as the roadmap to the holy relationship, encouraging the reader to awaken from the dream of separation. When this happens, the need to hold onto past grievances and judgments vanishes, healing all relationships and accepting oneself as already whole and complete. Personal examples, exercises, and stories are shared to deepen the spiritual practice of shifting the purpose of relationships from being influenced by the ego to the expression of holiness.

  • af Alan Cohen
    257,95 kr.

    While most people know the religious Jesus, there is much more to the man and his teachings. He is a mystic master who cloaked lofty spiritual principles in earthy parables that the people of his day could understand. Yet hidden in his simple stories were time capsules of vaster truths we are now ready to unearth and decode.

  • af Wayne W. Dyer
    267,95 kr.

    "En este libro revelador, Wayne Dyer comparte los sucesos de su vida desde que era niäno en Detroit hasta poco antes de su deceso. Detalla vâividas impresiones de sus encuentros y de las encrucijadas de su camino, transportâandonos a estas experiencias formativas. A continuaciâon, contempla los mismos sucesos desde la perspectiva actual, tomando nota de las lecciones aprendidas y de los principios espirituales que han guiado su dedicaciâon al servicio. Sentirâas que estâas ahâi con âel, que sus experiencias resuenan con las tuyas y te hablan personalmente. Tambiâen te sentirâas inspirado a mirar tu propio camino para ver que todo lo vivido te ha llevado a ser lo que eres. Aunque no seamos conscientes de "quiâen mueve los hilos", la vida tiene un propâosito, y cada paso tiene algo que enseänarnos. Como Wayne dice: "Desde la posiciâon de ser capaz de ver ahora con mucha mâas claridad, sâe que cada encuentro, cada reto y cada situaciâon son hilos espectaculares del tapiz que representa y define mi vida, y me siento profundamente agradecido por todos ellos."--

  • af Enric Corbera
    252,95 kr.

    In this unique book, Enric Corbera introduces us not so much to the abundance of having as to the abundance of being, distilling the wisdom of A Course in Miracles drop by drop and what really matters to feel fulfilled. The secret of abundance is in the consciousness of unity, where we do not seek to separate ourselves from what we see and feel, but to join it. It is in overlooking the labels that define us and mark borders. It is by understanding that it is by giving that we feel that we have, and have a lot to give: smiles, attention, consideration, respect and a long etcetera. Enric also invites us to look inward, to investigate the stories that we tell ourselves, and that many times anchor us in immobility, to learn to distinguish the lie from the truth. And he teaches us the inversion of thought. This work is a gift of clarity to get back in tune with the abundance that we are.

  • af John Campbell
    192,95 kr.

    "What courses do intimate relationships usually take? And why do they often seem to go wrong? Concise, brief guide aimed at finding and maintaining peaceful, harmonious relationships, Miracle Relationships: A Path to Freedom and Joy will help you understand the purpose of these relationships and the gifts they have to offer. Understand the healing opportunities in every relationship and the real reason we choose the partners we choose. End the cycle of repeated painful patterns and discover that there is no "failed" relationship."--

  • af A. H. Almaas
    222,95 kr.

  • af Robert Dilts
    257,95 kr.

    There are times in the life of every individual, every marriage, every family, every culture and every business, where what has been done in the past will not help you to successfully go forward into the future. In these situations you have to do something completely new that has not been done before. To be generative means to create something new. That is what this book is about. How do we creatively support ourselves and others to find new solutions and develop new possibilities? Situations calling for generative change also frequently involve a lot of uncertainty, risk, and potential danger. This can bring out inner obstacles and resistances which block creativity and that need to be identified and transformed. To effectively do so requires the ability to engage multiple intelligences and use "out-of-the-box" thinking.

    252,95 kr.

    The Map of Consciousness Explained is an essential primer on the late Dr. David R. Hawkins's teachings on human consciousness and their associated energy fields. Using muscle testing, Dr. Hawkins conducted more than 250,000 calibrations during 20 years of research to define a range of values, attitudes and emotions that correspond to levels of consciousness. This range of values - along with a logarithmic scale of 1 to 1,000 - became the Map of Consciousness, which Dr. Hawkins first wrote about in his New York Times bestseller, Power vs. Force. In this book, readers will gain an introduction and deeper understanding of the Map, with visual charts and practical applications to help them heal, recover and evolve to higher levels of consciousness and energy.

  • af Wayne W. Dyer
    222,95 kr.

    In this wonderful little book, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer brings you a wealth of information that will inspire you to achieve success in all areas: personal, professional, and spiritual. By applying these positive thoughts to your daily life, you'll find that you will not only see improvements in yourself, but you will also serve as an inspiration to those around you. Soak up the wisdom--every day!

  • af Cindy Lora-Renard
    232,95 kr.

  • af Ricardo Orozco
    312,95 kr.

    This is a profond study of the 38 flower essences studied by docto Bach. It contains a clinical and descrptive aproach to the florwers as well as to the psycholocal profiles of each flower. By one of the best known authors in the field.

  • af Angelo Dilullo
    267,95 kr.

  • af Dan Millman
    242,95 kr.

    "I want to tell you a true story. A long time ago, I set out on a quest to find meaning in the modern world. In the years that followed, I evolved from a youthful athlete to an elder teacher of practical (some say spiritual) life skills. The events and experiences unfolded as I describe them--not metaphorically or in a parallel dimension but in the stormy arena of daily life."--

  • af Enric Corbera
    232,95 kr.

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