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  • - Análisis Comparado de Sus Causas a partir de Conjuntos Difusos
    af Juan C O'Farrill
    540,95 kr.

    La deserción escolar ha sido identificada como prioritaria durante años en la América Latina debido a sus consecuencias sociales e individuales. Las investigaciones en este campo señalan la enseñanza media superior como uno de los niveles de mayor incidencia. Por otra parte, existen diversos marcos explicativos donde confluyen elementos estructurales y relativos a la agencia social; en ellos resulta, en ocasiones, difícil entender como interactúan las causas y que peso relativo se le otorga a cada uno de los factores explicativos. El estudio que se presenta en este volumen focaliza su atención dos países que han experimentado un descenso de sus tasas de abandono escolar durante los últimos veinte años. Ello presenta un escenario favorecedor para indagar desde una perspectiva comparada en los elementos que explican ese resultado. El periodo de investigación comienza en el año 2000 y culmina en 2019. Se utilizó como marco teórico el enfoque morfogenético de la Teoría Social Realista. Se usó una estrategia metodológica basada en el Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA), implementado a partir de conjuntos difusos. Los resultados indican que las tasas de abandono son explicadas por la combinación de diseños institucionales que toman en cuenta de manera integral la multicausalidad del fenómeno y por una alta reflexividad en torno al mismo de parte de los agentes sociales implicados en la implementación de dichos diseños. El estudio discute el significado de este hallazgo y la pertinencia tanto de la teoría y la metodología utilizada en la búsqueda de nuevas zonas de sentido en la explicación de la deserción escolar.

  • - Perspective of Power Wielding, Empowerment and Succession Planning
    af Edward Agbai
    429,95 kr.

    In "Leadership Style and Temperament," Dr. Edward Agbai presents a comprehensive analysis of leadership dynamics, focusing on the intricate interplay between leadership styles, temperaments, and their impact on organizational success. Drawing from extensive research and practical insights, this book offers a nuanced understanding of how leaders wield power, empower their teams, and plan for succession. Through illuminating case studies and thought-provoking analysis, Dr. Edward Agbai explores the diverse approaches to leadership, showcasing how different styles and temperaments influence decision-making, communication, and team dynamics. Whether you're a seasoned leader looking to refine your approach or a budding professional seeking to understand the complexities of leadership, this book provides invaluable guidance and insights. "Leadership Style and Temperament" is a must-read for anyone interested in unlocking the secrets to effective leadership, offering a roadmap to navigate the challenges of leadership in today's dynamic world.

  • - The Mathematical model of humourous dynamics in human interaction
    af Vaishnavi Pathrikar
    384,95 kr.

    The Book delves in depth connection between humor styles and resilience in university students, distinguishing between those in hostels and off-campus housing. Humor and resilience are vital for mental well-being, and understanding how they interact can offer insights into students' psychological health. Using a correlational approach, the research explores how various humor styles relate to resilience levels in a diverse student population aged 18 to 25. Participants completed self-report measures, including the Humor Style Questionnaire (HSQ) and the Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale (CD-RISC), providing quantitative data on humor preferences and resilience. The HSQ identifies four humor styles: affiliative, self-enhancing, aggressive, and self-defeating, while the CD-RISC measures the ability to rebound from adversity and adapt positively to challenges. These findings can inform interventions by educators and counselors to promote a positive psychological climate among students. Moreover, the study contributes to understanding the psychological well-being of students in different living arrangements. The correlational analysis offers insights into the complex relationship between humor styles and resilience, potentially guiding targeted interventions to support students' mental health in higher education settings.

  • - Gobernanza Medioambiental (2021 - 2026)
    af Rita Mabel Pérez
    383,95 kr.

    ¿Sabías que el 10 de octubre de 2024, el mundo celebra el papel de las etiquetas ecológicas en la construcción de una economía global verde? El libro presenta un proyecto para implementar una ecoetiqueta regional en la provincia de Córdoba como parte de un experimento para analizar el comportamiento de los consumidores ante una ecoetiqueta diseñada especialmente para tal fin. El experimento abarca tres instancias, a saber: La primera parte trata acerca de la selección y criterio de diseño de la ecoetiqueta y del envase del producto contenedor de la ecoetiqueta de modo tal que permita evaluar la experiencia del consumidor. Por otro lado, la segunda parte se enfoca en realizar encuestas a una muestra de consumidores, relevando todos los datos posibles para generar información concluyente. Finalmente, se realizará un análisis estadístico y conclusiones del experimento.

  • - Intervención Urbano-Arquitectónica y Tecnológica
    af Jessica Vianney García Vázquez
    580,95 kr.

    Este proyecto se centra en proponer intervenciones arquitectónicas y urbanísticas para contrarrestar la pérdida cultural en San Juan del Río, Querétaro. Una de las propuestas principales es la creación de un centro cultural que fomente la conciencia ecológica entre la población local, enfrentando desafíos como la desintegración social y la falta de seguridad e interés cultural. Siguiendo los lineamientos del Reglamento de Edificación de la Ciudad de México y los reglamentos municipales pertinentes, se plantea la construcción de dos estructuras elípticas de tres niveles en un terreno irregular de 15,388 m2. Esta propiedad se encuentra en una zona de transición, cercana al centro histórico y la principal zona residencial de la ciudad, según la zonificación geotécnica. El objetivo principal es revitalizar la identidad de los habitantes y promover la conciencia ambiental y la sustentabilidad. La falta de esta conciencia se refleja en la degradación de los espacios ecológicos disponibles y en las actividades perjudiciales de jóvenes y adultos, que dan un mal ejemplo a las generaciones más jóvenes. Abordar este problema requiere un cambio desde el núcleo cultural hacia el núcleo social para hacer frente al calentamiento global y sus consecuencias.

  • - Estudios reflexivos sobre la situación estudiantil escolar y universitario
    af Carmen Sharon Huaca Vilca
    411,95 kr.

    La educación es un factor clave para el desarrollo de una sociedad, pero también es un campo complejo y diverso que requiere de un análisis crítico y reflexivo. En el Perú, la educación enfrenta diversos desafíos y problemas que afectan la calidad y la equidad de los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje. En este libro, se presentan varios estudios que abordan diferentes aspectos de la educación básica y universitaria en el país, esto principalmente desde la perspectiva de los propios actores educativos: los estudiantes. De esta manera, el libro presenta una mirada profunda a la realidad educativa del país. A través de tres investigaciones, se analizan temas cruciales como el pensamiento crítico y las estrategias de aprendizaje en el ámbito universitario, la participación de los estudiantes escolares en la construcción de políticas sociales, y la influencia del clima social familiar y la inteligencia emocional en el rendimiento académico.

  • af Mitre Stojanovski
    384,95 kr.

    Meat is a rich source of lightly-digestible proteins, fats, and minerals. The meat contains all the necessary nutrients in an appropriate ratio for maximum utilization by the human organism, and as a result, the meat is characterized by high digestibility of 96% and utilization of 98%, thus bringing meat into a high biological food product and nutritional value. The meat as a food game is characterized by its specific sensory characteristics, which are produced during ripening, fattening and heat treatment. On the basis of the performed tests for chemical changes in fat after the heat treatment of pork and white chicken meat, the heat of cooking for pork meat was found to be 32%, fried in sunflower oil up to 43.80% fried in a mixture of pig fat and sunflower oil, white white chicken meat is 31.8% fried in palm fat and sunflower oil up to 44.0% fried in pig fat. After the heat treatment of meat in different types and combinations of fats, there are changes in their fatty acid composition, resulting in the formation of new fatty acids under the influence of temperature, the extraction of fat from the meat and the interaction of fatty acids from fat, meat and high temperature in the heat processing. The obtained results from the tests carried out for chemical changes in fats after the heat treatment of the meat will contribute greatly to the changes in the fatty acid composition of the fat before and after the thermal treatment of the meat, as well as the changes in the mass of the meat after the thermal treatment.

  • - A Liberation of Shareholder Value or a Nuclear Threat Towards Corporate Governance?
    af Kyriakos Trigonis
    411,95 kr.

    Assessing the plausibility of the takeover's market efficiency theory, this paper advocates that the current regulatory framework of UK hostile takeovers confers an unfair advantage upon acquirers often at the detriment of the long-term performance of target companies. Driven by the "sacred" concept of shareholder value, the current legal framework has been structurally drafted upon false economic narratives which favor hands-off ownership, short-term myopic decision-making, and militate against investors engaging in the long-term strategy of the British plc. Thereby, sanctioning a financialized form of governance which undermines the importance of corporate stewardship by permitting acquirers to not only impinge upon the interests of target companies but to damage the wider industrial economy in the long-run. Illuminating a wide spanning regulatory vacuum, a fundamental re-investigation of the UK takeover regime is long overdue.

  • - Filosofía de la Ciencia
    af Leonel Eduardo Padilla
    329,95 kr.

    El primer contacto con el mundo exterior, nos da tan solo la apariencia, pero la ciencia nos permite alcanzar la cosa en si. Un punto de vista erróneo, es el que nos da el fenomenalismo, el cual dice que solo se puede captar lo que aparece. Pero el valor de la investigación consiste en averiguar cómo es realmente el objeto y los acontecimientos bajo estudio. El contenido de éste libro consiste en algunas reflexiones sobre la naturaleza del ethos científico y la racionalidad que resultan de su manejo. Se destaca particularmente el requerimiento de un enfoque realista que puede ser materialista y con ello se elimina el fenomenalismo, que fue una construcción enteramente equivocada.

  • af Alejandro Córdova Izquierdo
    492,95 kr.

    La obra "Estrategias de suplementación para rumiantes en el trópico" es un texto que aborda diferentes tópicos relacionados con el tema de actualidad en la suplementación para rumiantes en el trópico. Está dirigido a estudiantes de Agronomía y de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, a investigadores en el área de las Ciencias Agronómicas y Veterinarias, a productores agrícolas y pecuarios; así como todo aquel interesado en la suplementación de los rumiantes en el trópico. La obra consta de siete capítulos. En el primero, se aborda el tema de ensilado de maíz y sorgo forrajero. El capítulo 2, describe la elaboración de dietas integrales para pequeños rumiantes con el fruto y follaje de árboles forrajeros tropicales. La elaboración de bloques multinutricionales, se trata en el capítulo 3. En los capítulos 4, 5, 6 y 7 se describen el ensilado de frutos de cirián, la elaboración de sorgo fermentado + urea, el Suplemento mazorca-urea y la elaboración de heno; respectivamente. Los autores de esta obra deseamos que sea de utilidad en las actividades de los ganaderos productores de rumiantes en el trópico para mejorar el rendimiento de su ganado.

  • af Atallah Al Taha
    383,95 kr.

    During the unprecedented challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic in Oman, businesses experienced a diverse range of impacts. The economic landscape underwent significant shifts as industries navigated through lockdowns, supply chain disruptions, and changing consumer behaviors. While some sectors, such as healthcare and technology, witnessed a surge in demand, others like hospitality and tourism grappled with severe setbacks. The Sultanate of Oman, with its heavy reliance on oil exports, faced additional hurdles due to the volatile oil market. The government implemented measures to mitigate economic strain, including stimulus packages and financial support for affected businesses. Despite these efforts, the overall business performance varied across industries. E-commerce emerged as a lifeline for many businesses, experiencing unprecedented growth as consumers shifted towards online shopping. On the other hand, traditional brick-and-mortar establishments faced operational constraints and reduced foot traffic. The hospitality sector, including hotels and restaurants, encountered significant challenges with travel restrictions and social distancing measures impacting their operations. Supply chain disruptions reverberated across sectors, causing delays in manufacturing and distribution. Companies with diversified supply chains and agile adaptation strategies fared better, highlighting the importance of resilience in the face of unforeseen crises. The workforce underwent a transformation with a widespread adoption of remote work. Technology-oriented businesses capitalized on this shift, while others grappled with the need to adapt to new working norms. The pandemic also prompted a reevaluation of business models, pushing innovation and digitalization to the forefront.

  • - Critical Essays
    af Pia Brinzeu
    576,95 kr.

    FROM SHAKESPEARE TO POSTCOLONIALISM: CRITICAL ESSAYS is a collection of academic studies offering a diverse array of subjects related to literature and semiotics. The book has four large parts, dedicated to the dilemmas of postmodernism and postcolonialism, to visual and verbal semiotics, to Shakespeare, and to the various techniques used in recent British and American literary works. It introduces novel concepts, challenges established paradigms, and paves the way for new avenues of exploration, hoping to encourage researchers to continue the critical analyses started in these pages.

  • - Explanation of Industrial Dispute Act, 1947 with case laws
    af Ankit Kaushik
    410,95 kr.

    Examine the Industrial Disputes Act of 1947 in detail to gain a deeper understanding of the nuances of labor laws in India. This book takes the reader on a tour of its main features, beginning with a thorough examination of the industries covered by the act and how individual conflicts became industrial disputes. Navigate the hierarchy of agencies in charge of resolving disputes, such as boards, courts, tribunals, and conciliation officers. Discover the procedures used, including conciliation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication, in accordance with the 1947 Industrial Dispute Act. Discover more about trade unions, including their definitions, registration requirements, and related rights. Learn the subtle differences between lockouts, strikes, layoffs, retrenchments, and closures as well as the legal frameworks that control each. The Act's critical role in promoting a fair and balanced relationship between employers and employees, assuring justice, defending rights, and creating a positive work environment is highlighted in the book's conclusion. A thorough table of cases that highlights significant incidents that have influenced the interpretation and implementation of the Industrial Disputes Act is included to go along with this investigation. This book provides a comprehensive overview of India's labor laws, making it a valuable tool for practitioners, academics, and anyone else interested in learning more about the workings of industrial conflicts.

  • af Aarti Saini
    307,95 kr.

    Queuing theory have wide range of applications that helps a person in making right decision in complex queuing system encountered in daily life. Queuing theory deals with the study of queues that occurs in real world situations and arise when the rate of arrival exceeds the rate of service. The capacity of a particular system can be determined by queueing theory based on the probability idea. A method of optimization cannot be used to describe the application of queueing theory. It aids in making the best possible use of the currently available staff and other resources to enhance the service. As a result of the unfavorable experiences of waiting for service, customers become dissatisfied and may migrate to other service providers. The cost of waiting is both psychological and financial, because waiting time implies the loss of a valuable resources. Customer dissatisfaction increases as the wait time increases.This book provides a stochastic analysis of a priority bi-tandem queue network of two parallel biserial subsystems commonly connected to a single server. This analytical study is not limited to a specific situation, but has numerous applications in networking system, supermarket, administrations, industries etc. This study is useful to increase customer's satisfaction and optimum utilizations of the serving facilities. Numerical and Graphical analysis of the study is helpful to those, who are interested to analyze the complex Priority queue system in stochastic environment.

  • - Basis and Lab Application
    af Nassima Aissani
    446,95 kr.

    The term "Remote repair, diagnostics, and maintenance" includes a wide range of technologies and applications, all of which are crucial in today's digital age. At its most fundamental level, information technology can refer to a simple phone call made to seek assistance in resolving minor technical issues. However, at its most intricate level, it comprises a comprehensive suite of computer and network applications that seamlessly integrate with one another. These applications are designed to continuously monitor the performance of various systems, identify any potential problems or faults, and automatically generate requests for attention from trained service technicians who possess the necessary expertise to address and resolve these particular issues. To address the concept of remote maintenance, it's essential to understand the core principles of maintenance. This manuscript will begin by providing an overview of maintenance and its fundamental aspects. Subsequently, the discussion will shift to remote maintenance, encompassing the nuances of remote communication and control, along with an exploration of industrial networks and their connectivity constraints. Valuable recommendations will be offered to tackle these constraints. Following this, the various facets of remote maintenance, such as teleservice, telediagnostics, and remote maintenance, will be elucidated, accompanied by insights into technological advancements in this domain. Chapter 3 will introduce some prominent platforms designed for remote maintenance in industrial settings. Finally, in Chapter 4, we will delve into the details of an experimental remote maintenance platform that was developed within our laboratory at the Institute of Maintenance and Industrial Safety

  • - Diagnóstico Ecográfico, Termográfico e Histopatológico
    af Efrén Estrada
    411,95 kr.

    El aporte de este libro es el compendio de la información de investigaciones originales y de fondo sobre el deterioro testicular de verracos destinados a la inseminación artificial en el centro de transferencia genética, en donde los verracos estuvieron en condiciones medioambientales de trópico en el estado de Guerrero México, en 2 años los verracos fueron evaluados en base al diagnóstico ecográfico, termográfico, anatomopatológico y su efecto deletéreo en la calidad del semen. ante este escenario, el libro aporta los conocimientos valiosos y necesarios para entender la falla en la funcionalidad testicular de los verracos en condiciones de trópico desde la comprensión de su anatomía y fisiología, control endocrino, espermatogénesis, patología, factores que determinan la calidad seminal y control en la termorregulación testicular, que conllevan al proceso patológico de daño de las gónadas del verraco.

  • af Claudia Patricia Mendoza Saldaña
    447,95 kr.

    El proyecto de investigación intitulado "Marketing Digital como herramienta para ventas en plataformas en los emprendedores de Tumbes, 2020", tiene como finalidad identificar como las estrategias de marketing digital contribuyen a las ventas de productos que ofrecen los emprendedores de Tumbes por plataformas como Facebook e Instagram; las ventas generadas por parte de estos emprendimientos en los espacios virtuales son oportunidades laborales que le permiten un ingreso económico, siendo indispensable debido a la crisis sanitaria por la COVID-19.

  • af Esli Vega Florian
    385,95 kr.

    El objetivo de este libro de investigación es identificar el comportamiento pre pandémico del precio de las criptomonedas. Se plantean algunos elementos de la teoría de juegos como sustento o base teórica-racional. Se colecta información de las 10 principales criptomonedas del mundo, de frecuencia diaria (N=730) de 2017 a 2019 (antes de 2017 básicamente sólo hay información de Bitcoin y 2019 es el último año del que se disponía información al momento de correr el análisis). Se emplea la correlación de Pearson para contrastar la hipótesis de que el precio de las criptomonedas se correlaciona entre sí. Los resultados permiten aceptar la hipótesis a un nivel de confianza estadísticamente significativo (99%).

  • af Wangmo Wangmo
    384,95 kr.

    This action research plan at Jigme Namgyel Engineering College aims to evaluate and enhance negotiation skills in the Diploma in Materials & Procurement Management program. Utilizing pre-test and post-test questionnaires, the study involves students and faculty, fostering collaboration to address competency gaps. By exploring the significance of negotiation skills in contemporary business, the research seeks to identify deficiencies and propose improvements, ultimately contributing valuable insights for refining the curriculum.

  • af Swati Singh
    385,95 kr.

    The Tant-Fant finds its origin in Bengal, India. The original game hereby referred to as the classical game has two players. To develop a basic understanding in the reader's mind, the paper describes the rules and strategies for playing Tant-Fant in detail. The classical game board can be drawn on paper, played on board, or a web reference available. In the classical version, players ought to have three pieces aligned in a row termed as a three-in-a-row either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally but not on the players' initial position also termed as the home row. Alternatively, the players can make specifically a diagonal three-piece alignment also termed a diagonal three-in-a-row. QTF uses the counter-intuitive principles of quantum superposition and collapse to design new moves. The players may choose from either of the two quantum moves, QM1 and QM2 which are equivalent to placing a superposition of pieces in different squares. The quantization of a given game use fewer steps in comparison to classical computation, bringing out previously non-existing strategies for game playing and for tackling more and more complexities in the game. Quantum computers are finding potential applications in almost every field of life. As the quantization of many classical games has already been achieved, the quantization of a lost traditional game would be an interesting feat to achieve.

  • af Hemanta Kumar Sahu
    582,95 kr.

    Diving into the cutting-edge realm of wireless communication, "Harvesting Signals" offers a meticulous exploration of the synergistic potential between cooperative communication, Space Shift Keying (SSK) modulation, and Radio Frequency (RF) energy harvesting. In a landscape where the demand for efficient wireless networks is ever-growing, this book presents a groundbreaking investigation into the fusion of cooperative strategies with advanced modulation techniques, promising not only enhanced spectral efficiency but also sustainable energy utilization through RF energy harvesting. Authored by leading experts in the field, this comprehensive analysis delves into the theoretical foundations, practical implementations, and performance evaluations of cooperative communication systems employing SSK modulation and RF energy harvesting. Through a blend of rigorous mathematical frameworks and practical insights, readers are guided through the intricacies of system design, resource allocation, and optimization strategies. From theoretical derivations to real-world experimentation, "Harvesting Signals" offers a roadmap for researchers, engineers, and students alike to navigate the complexities of next-generation wireless networks. Whether seeking to optimize spectral efficiency, extend network lifetime, or minimize energy consumption, this book serves as an indispensable resource in unlocking the full potential of cooperative communication combined with SSK modulation and RF energy harvesting. Prepare to embark on a journey into the forefront of wireless communication research, where innovation meets sustainability, and where the pursuit of performance leads to the harvesting of signals.

  • af Shazia Haider
    413,95 kr.

    Embark on a journey through the intricate world of Computational Systems Biology with this comprehensive guide. Delve into the fundamental concepts of network biology, exploring the interconnectedness of biological systems at a molecular level. From understanding the basics of network topology to unravelling complex biological phenomena, this book navigates through databases and tools essential for analysing biological networks. Through illuminating case studies, readers gain practical insights into real-world applications, witnessing how computational methods are revolutionizing our understanding of biological systems. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or a curious student, this book equips you with the knowledge and tools to unravel the mysteries of life through the lens of computational systems biology.

  • af Andrés Forero
    411,95 kr.

    El autor ha querido ilustrar a través de esta producción el sentimiento tan particular de habitar un país en donde tanquetas antidisturbios lanzan agua a manifestantes mientras las regiones de clima cálido del territorio nacional mueren de sed, lo cual provoca más protestas. El sentimiento de habitar una ciudad donde existe el cargo gubernamental del Gerente Del Metro y sin embargo no hay metro. De caminar por calles en las que las ambulancias pasean a los enfermos porque ningún sistema de salud los quiere atender. Estas son solo algunas de las tragicómicas aventuras que hacen tanto eco como mella en el pensamiento de un joven interesado en dar a conocer a la academia su perspectiva acerca de cómo es la realidad tan disforme y a la vez incomprensible que hoy día se ha asentado en el gobierno del mundo. No se trata, este escrito de una critica rampante, o si, se trata más de un ordinario señalamiento con el dedo índice a quien hacía piruetas en una bicicleta y sin previo aviso fue a frenar contra el pavimento provocando la risa de los presentes, en esa bicicleta iba pavoneándose la sociedad moderna y quien se burla es todo el pensamiento posterior, el autor quiere reír con ellos.

  • af Luis David Velasco Almachi
    383,95 kr.

    El libro "La Educación en tiempos de Pandemia Covid-19: Retos de la Educación durante la Pandemia" explora las condicione por las que tuvieron que pasar los niños, niñas y adolescentes mientras duro la Pandemia para poder acceder a la educación. Esta enfocado en mostrar la realidad que vivió el sector rural para poder acceder a la educación virtual mediante la adquisición y uso de la tecnología. Ademas el compromiso de los hogares en el cumplimiento de las tareas escolares.

  • af Joseph Jordania
    463,95 kr.

    Joseph Jordania: Essays on the Evolution of Music, Future of Education, Human Morphology and Behavior brings together several of Jordania's important works published as journal articles or book chapters during the last two decades. These cover a wide range of subjects, from the problems of Georgian traditional polyphony, issues of national minorities, origins of music and the phenomenon of polyphony, evolution of human morphology and behavior, the evolution of peacock's dazzling train, the mysterious correlation between vocal polyphony and stuttering over the cultures, the future of children's education, and other topics.

  • af Mario Efraín Benavides López
    595,95 kr.

    ¡Profe Mario! toque la guitarra y cantemos una canción, esta es la clase de música y es la mejor clase que tenemos me dijo Yari. Por un momento todo en mi mente, absolutamente todo, quedó en completo silencio, a pesar de compartir el salón de clases con mi estimado Yari y más de treinta estudiantes tocando flautas, quenas, zampoñas, bombos y maracas. En aquel momento comprendí que en la clase de música no sólo se aprende a hacer música, también se aprende a hacer buena música y además de ello, se aprende a ser buenas personas. Es este un primer acercamiento en el que pretendo sea un camino extenso lleno de retos, de obstáculos, decisiones y aprendizajes, y en el que la música sea un actor fabuloso, un personaje sin comparación, un ingrediente de sabores excelsos para que cada persona se reconozca como un ente transformador de su propia realidad y para bien, de la realidad de todos y todas las demás. Música y habilidades sociales, una combinación que de verdad suena bien, como un sonsureño tocado en el carnaval de blancos y negros, o como una quena sonando en los confines de los Andes.

  • af Johana Alicia Castillo Rodríguez
    384,95 kr.

    La investigación nos lleva a conocer y comprender poco a poco todo el universo, desde el comportamiento de las personas hasta los misterios del universo. En este libro se debate como las tecnologías nos han ayudado a evolucionar en muchos campos, por eso mismo es que con el tiempo se han creado más formas de trabajar, una de ellas es el trabajo remoto, pero... ¿El trabajo remoto ayuda a tener una mejor o peor calidad de vida?, ¿Qué repercusiones tendrá en el empleado y la empresa?

  • af Mayur Kale
    492,95 kr.

    Mitochondria are central to neuronal health, serving as the primary energy producers within cells. This vital role makes them a focal point in understanding various neurological disorders. Across conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), multiple sclerosis, neuroinflammatory disorders, neurodevelopmental disorders, stroke, and traumatic brain injury (TBI), mitochondrial dysfunction emerges as a common thread. In Alzheimer's disease, for instance, dysfunctional mitochondria contribute to the accumulation of amyloid-beta plaques and tau protein tangles, accelerating neurodegeneration. Similarly, in Parkinson's disease, mitochondrial impairment disrupts cellular energy production, exacerbating the loss of dopaminergic neurons and leading to motor dysfunction. ALS, characterized by the progressive degeneration of motor neurons, also exhibits mitochondrial dysfunction, further contributing to the disease pathology. Additionally, in conditions like multiple sclerosis and neuroinflammatory disorders, dysfunctional mitochondria exacerbate inflammation and neuronal damage. The role of mitochondria extends beyond neurodegenerative diseases; in neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism and intellectual disabilities, disturbances in mitochondrial dynamics impact neuronal connectivity and synaptic function. Furthermore, mitochondrial impairment plays a significant role in acute neurological insults like stroke and TBI, exacerbating neuronal injury and complicating recovery processes. Despite the challenges posed by mitochondrial dysfunction in neurological disorders, there is growing interest in mitochondrial therapeutics as a promising avenue for neuroprotection and disease modification. Investigating the neuroprotective potential of mitochondrial-targeted interventions opens new avenues for therapeutic development and offers hope for mitigating the impact of mitochondrial dysfunction across a spectrum of neurological conditions.

  • af Anneke Farías-Yapur
    384,95 kr.

    This book endeavors to forge a comprehensive theoretical framework, shedding light on the intricate web of causal relationships linking negative attitudes towards vulnerability of autonomy to the perpetuation of oppressive behaviors. Commencing with a rigorous definition of vulnerability, the study introduces The Attitudes Towards Vulnerability of Autonomy Scale (ATVAS), an instrument that meticulously assesses the cognitive, affective, and behavioral dimensions of this attitude. The introduction of the English version of ATVAS further broadens its cross-cultural applicability, affirming the inverse association between negative attitudes towards vulnerability of autonomy and key psychological factors such as self-worth, self-esteem, and generalized trust, a correlation originally identified in the Mexican study. This development represents a stride forward in both research and practical application, with social workers and psychologists primed to harness the potential of ATVAS to tailor interventions with the aim of catalyzing positive transformations within their respective communities.

  • af María Marcela Castañeda Mota
    465,95 kr.

    El presente libro presenta un estudio experimental para identificar primeramente las competencias de promoción de la salud a nivel preescolar y posteriormente un Programa sistematizado de acuerdo a las competencias identificadas establecidas en el Programa de SEP(2011): control de movimientos, manejo de instrumentos, prevención y seguridad, expresión de sus emociones. Se intervinieron estas competencias a través de un modelo conductual que permitió a través de juego enseñar a los niños respuestas útiles en la promoción de la salud, ubicando una necesidad primordial en la educación para la salud. Los resultados demostraron que los niños en esta corta edad pueden aprender desde la importancia de lavarse las manos hasta tener habilidades sobre su seguridad y protección.

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