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Bøger udgivet af Empyrion Publishing

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  • - Trusting the God I Knew, With a Future I Didn't
    af Rick Manis
    117,95 kr.

    This is the most positive book I've written, and also the most personal. I've written with the joy that has come from my Father as He has proved Himself faithful and true to His Word. I have experienced the true power of resurrection! However, this encouragement comes with much empathy. I know first-hand the shock of losing, and the joy that comes from getting the last laugh. I know both my abject weakness and my unlimited power that comes from God. If you've suffered loss, and are finding it hard to get going again, this is for you. Your high praises are about to sound. You are about to enter more joy and goodness than you have ever imagined you could. You are about to experience your RESURRECTION. Forward!

  • af Jerry Koch
    177,95 kr.

    We are on a journey with Jesus, but we spend most of our time trying to understand the journey instead of enjoying the trip.This book is a sort of allegory. We are God's sailing vessels on a journey across spiritual oceans to discover the depth of our relationship with our Father, with Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit.It's not a journey of destinations, but a journey discovering who we are and what has been given to us by our Captain, Jesus. He has destined us for this voyage to learn through His grace, how to use what we have hidden deep in our inner man.Our destiny is in the voyage, not in the destination. He has given us a Navigator to assure us of our course heading and arrivals at spiritual ports that He has destined us to experience.But will we trust our Navigator and the Captain of our soul? Are we flowing with Him, or taking over by our own efforts to follow our plan?I spent a number of years sailing through the Caribbean, to Central and South America, running from God, finding that Jesus never left me. He drew me back to Him. He then took those experiences to show me how they parallel our journey with Him.It's only by grace that we can make this voyage. So let's take this journey together to find out who we are, what we have been given, and how to flow in this grace.

  • af James Christian
    142,95 kr.

    A book of poetry, reflecting our progressive walk in our personal relationship with God, as it reveals His loving will and purpose for mankind.

  • af Dwayne Norman
    127,95 kr.

    Probably the greatest witness to the resurrection of Jesus is another resurrected man or woman. I believe that many people have been physically raised from the dead over the years, but not everyone has that testimony. The good news is, every Christian has been spiritually raised from the dead. If you are born again, then you are in Christ; since you are in Christ, His resurrection was your resurrection! As Believers, we have been spiritually resurrected with Christ, and one day we will be physically resurrected into our immortal bodies. Until that day, our Heavenly Father wants us to learn how to live and minister out of His supernatural, resurrection realm. We need to understand that we can now operate out of a totally different dimension than the non-Christians in the world. Great privileges come with being resurrected men and women in Christ. Great power from Heaven is available to flow through us in leading the lost to Christ, and demonstrating God's Kingdom. The Holy Spirit can now use us in bringing salvation, healing and miracles to the people! Let's be a great witness to the resurrection of Christ everywhere we go!

  • af Dwayne Norman
    117,95 kr.

    Most Christians know that salvation is God's will for everyone, but they don't know that healing is God's will for everyone. We understand the will of God for salvation because we have Scriptures which reveal that. We've been taught those Scriptures. We haven't been taught the Scriptures which reveal God's will concerning healing; therefore, we've ignorantly concluded that we don't know if it's God's will to heal us today. Our ignorance is from a lack of studying the Bible for ourselves, and choosing to listen to ministers who haven't spent any time studying the healing Scriptures, and therefore are not qualified to teach on the subject. Don't conclude that healing is not for everyone, since everyone won't be healed. Your conclusion should be based on God's Word, not people's experiences. We would never conclude that salvation is not for everyone, even though everyone won't go to Heaven.

  • af Tiffany Lobo
    142,95 kr.

    Once upon a time there was a Big Good God who created an adorable little girl. Her name was Little Busy Izzy. Big Good God promised Little Busy Izzy that He would ALWAYS be with her...

  • af Bren Claborn
    142,95 kr.

    "Love God, Love People, Love Like Jesus" is a compilation of real life stories and stirring encouragements. Written with surprising candor, humor, and transparency, Ms. Claborn captures the depth of spirituality which lies underneath both the mundane and the extraordinary circumstances of life.

  • af Richard Mallette Th D
    127,95 kr.

    There are numerous places in the Word of God where we are told "not to be ignorant". Different circumstances and situations have caused Peter and Paul to write these words to the church. Today, we have many God-loving Christians who need to hear these words spoken to them for a number of reasons. One being that these men and women of God do not have any depth to their understanding of what the scriptures say, nor do they even care to delve deeper to get the real meaning out. Some of these people make statements, thinking they are quoting scriptures, but in reality are simply repeating what they heard others say, and when you ask them about these statements, they have no answers that will line up with God's holy Word. A good example is; they say "God is sovereign", or they say "God is so mysterious, you'll never know what He'll do". I will address these two issues in this book, and more, with a sincere desire, not only to clear up some misconceptions, but at the same time, cause a thirst in those who read this book, and that this thirst will only be satisfied by the true knowledge they will acquire from God's Word.

  • af Maya Poghosyan
    157,95 kr.

    Living in an orphanage with a secret gift, Erica Winters is suddenly swirled into a whole new life, reconnecting with her origins on the Flying Island - a mythical place that is in real danger from old enemies. Courage, friendship and ingenuity are up against unimaginable obstacles as brave youngsters rise to the challenge. What will it take to save the Island?

  • af Dwayne Norman
    157,95 kr.

    Every Christian has been given the great honor and privilege of operating in a new and eternal Blood covenant with Almighty God! Think about that! You are in a covenant with your creator and heavenly Father! Do you really know what that means?Many Christians do not realize that the Bible is made up of the old and new covenants, and the Word of God from Genesis to Revelation is the Word of His covenant to us today.In this book you will gain great insight into your union with Christ Jesus, as a result of your identification with Him in this wonderful Blood covenant. The precious Blood of Jesus which was shed for you and me won't be thought of as something that just happened in the past, but it will become very real to you in the present, and you will receive a greater revelation of how powerful and alive His Blood is in your life today!IF you haven't understood how important it is to "Plead the Blood," then get ready for a greater reality of the power and blessings that the Lord has made available to you through His Blood! All the victories and accomplishments of our Lord Jesus Christ are ours through His all-powerful covenant Blood!

  • af Morris J St Angelo
    222,95 kr.

    A compilation of spiritual and practical writings based on the beauty of the gospel. Filled with insight and wit on numerous topics. It is a book that will provide inspiration, encouragement, and clarification. Easily used as a devotional.

  • af Dwayne Norman
    142,95 kr.

    In II Corinthians 12:2, the Apostle Paul said: "I know a man in Christ..." Just like Paul, you need to be able to say I know a man in Christ, because that man is you, if you are born again. If you are in Christ, you need to know what that means!Knowing your identity in Christ is probably one of the most important things you can do to experience victory and success in your Christian life on this earth! Remember, the devil could not deceive or trick Jesus when he faced those three tests in the wilderness. Jesus overcame every test, didn't He? The devil lost that battle because Jesus knew who He was, but that still did not stop the devil from attacking Jesus' identity three times.Three times he said, "If you are the Son of God". If the devil had the nerve to attack the identity of the Son of God, then why would you think that he would not attack your identity? That is why you better know who you are! I don't mean where you went to High School, what town you grew up in or how well you understand your occupation!I am talking about knowing that you know what your spiritual identity is; what your place and position is in Christ, and it happens to be in the secret place of the Most High! No matter what tests, trials and temptations come your way in life, the main attack from the devil will be against your identity in Christ. Satan wants you to doubt who you are in Christ, who Jesus Christ is in you and what God can do through you on this earth for His glory; all because and only you are in Christ!!

  • af Dwayne Norman
    107,95 kr.

    What does it mean to repent? Can a person repent without someone telling him to repent? Did the Apostle Paul repent when Jesus appeared to him in Acts 9? Did the Lord tell him to repent? Did the eunich repent in Acts 8, before Philip led him to the Lord? Did Philip tell him to repent? What about when the Apostle Peter was sent to the household of Cornelius? Did Peter tell them to repent? We know they got saved and filled with the Spirit while Peter was preaching. He didn't even give an altar call. In Acts 3:19, Peter said to repent and be converted. What exactly does that mean? In Mark 1:15, Jesus said to repent and believe the Gospel. What did He mean by that? We need a better understanding of what it means for a lost person to repent, and for a Christian to repent. In Revelation 2, the Lord Jesus told the church at Ephesus that they lost their first love. What does that mean? Should we examine our lives to make sure Jesus is still our first love? Jesus gave this church an A plus for their good works, but still rebuked them! Is there something else we need to understand?

  • af Margaret E Deeds
    172,95 kr.

    This book is based upon occurrences which happened during a mother's and a daughter's life, which were then consolidated in order to emphasize God's life provisions through Jesus Christ. This is written to be an inspiration and an advisory to widows and to all of those who have lost their loved ones by any means, be it death, divorce, or any other impediment.

  • af Dwayne Norman
    127,95 kr.

    I heard a great teacher of faith give this response when asked why he taught so much about faith. He said according to Ephesians 2:8 we are saved by faith. No one can be saved without faith. Romans 1:17 says the just shall live by faith. As Christians we cannot live without faith. The Bible says that we walk by faith in II Corinthians 5:7. We cannot walk with God every day without faith. The Apostle Paul said that our faith grows exceedingly in II Thessalonians 1:3. Therefore, we spiritually grow up by faith. We please God by faith. According to Hebrews 11:6 it is impossible for us to please God without faith. God said it is impossible! Wow! No matter how developed we are in hope, love, joy, peace and giving; you and I cannot please our Father God without faith! So, we are saved, we walk, we live, we grow and we please God by faith. It sounds to me like faith is very, very important! Of course it is not the only subject to teach from the Bible, but it is one we should major in! Since faith comes by hearing God's Word (Romans 10:17), let us press in with all of our hearts to see our faith soar to new heights every day!!

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