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Bøger udgivet af Energion Publications

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  • - The Lord's Prayer from a Process Perspective
    af Bruce G Epperly
    88,95 kr.

  • - Conversations Regarding the Trinity by a Disciples of Christ Pastor/Theologian
    af Robert D Cornwall
    88,95 kr.

    The doctrine of the trinity is probably the most complex and mysterious topic in Christian theology, yet it impacts our understanding of many other doctrines.Pastor/Theologian Robert D. Cornwall brings his knowledge of church history to the task of examining this doctrine, looking at how it developed and what justifies its presence in Christian theology. He uses the history of his own Disciples of Christ tradition as one of the expressions of the Stone-Campbell movement, which avoids creeds very effectively in examining how we distinguish between the statements and events of scripture and our theological reflections on them.Can a doctrine not mentioned in scripture be of value? Are creeds necessary or even useful? Cornwall threads a careful course between the value of the creeds, and within them the doctrine of the trinity, in defining our ecumenical relationships and task on the one and, and on the other the danger of having creeds as a test of fellowship and faith. While rooted in his own denomination's traditions, this is very valuable to other denominations and movements as we examine what defines us while at the same time seeking freedom in non-essentials.This book is especially strong in examining the history of the development of this doctrine and connecting this to our ongoing reflection on scripture and what our tradition and experience provides.This short volume is valuable to all those who seek to understand the trinity not just as an element in a doctrinal system, but as it aids us in thinking about elements of our faith.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    88,95 kr.

  • - Taking Apart the Trinity
    af Chris Eyre
    88,95 kr.

  • - 40 Days to Spiritual Transformation and Planetary Healing
    af Bruce G Epperly
    143,95 kr.

    "In choosing simplicity, says Dr. Bruce Epperly, "we make room for God's light to flow in and through us.""Decluttering" is a concept that is all over social media and the news these days. We have books with detailed instructions in how to declutter our houses and live more simply. Epperly takes this beyond the merely material, and teaches how to declutter our minds and spirits as well.Spiritual decluttering is more than a passing fad! In clearing the clutter of our lives, we put first things first and align ourselves with God's vision for our lives.Tis a gift to be simple and one of today's leading progressive theologians and spiritual guides shows us a pathway to experiencing the holiness of everyday life and sharing the gifts of simplicity to heal the world.

  • af Linda Estes
    143,95 kr.

  • af William Powell Tuck
    118,95 kr.

  • af Edward W H Vick
    118,95 kr.

    In debates about the authority of the Bible, people commonly argue that the Bible is inspired, even inerrant, and therefore that it has authority. Is this argument valid?Dr. Edward W. H. Vick argues that it is not, that authority does not derive from inspiration, and that terms like “inspiration” and “inerrancy” do not contribute to a belief in, or the authority of the Scriptures at all.Using the example of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and debates over the inspiration and authority of the Bible and then of Ellen G. White, he outlines and illustrates the pitfalls of arguing directly from an idea of inspiration to a view of authority. In short, he maintains that a doctrine of inspiration cannot serve to establish the authority of a writing. Writings have authority as they are accepted by and used in the community.As a philosopher with years of teaching experience in biblical studies and theology, Dr. Vick examines the way in which Christians speak about these issues and then asks whether what we say is contributing to what we do, or where we wish to go.Seventh-day Adventists especially owe it to themselves to read this compact yet powerful book as they think about their use of E. G. White’s writings and their relationship with Scripture. Other Christians can benefit, however, as the arguments are similar whether one is talking about the Bible itself, an authoritative figure in your religious tradition, or a source of interpretation and application you view as authoritative. It is especially relevant in a pluralistic world. How is it that you decide what is authoritative? 

  • af Becky Lynn Black
    163,95 kr.

    My Life Story by Becky Lynn Black isn't a celebrity autobiography. It's better.Becky's story is a testimony. We are promised we can overcome through the word of our testimonies (Rev. 12:11). A testimony doesn't just tell a story to satisfy curiosity. It presents a divine call. The story in this book will call you to put God first, especially in your marriage. It will call you to mission. It is, in fact, the Gospel story. God loves you, died to save you, and calls you to join Him in the ministry of reconciliation.No matter where you go or what problems you face, God will be with you. He will not remove all your troubles, but He will work through you no matter what. When Becky Lynn Black went home to glory, it was not a victory for the cancer that tried to conquer her. It was God's victory over death, shown in the life of His servant."Becky Lynn Black was the daughter of missionary parents to Ethiopia and my wife for 37 years. Her life was a story that only God could have written. It is a powerful tale of sacrifice, struggle, hope, and ultimate victory. Her life changed my view of serving God and will certainly challenge yours." -David Alan Black, Dr. M. O. Owens Jr. Chair of New Testament Studies, Southeastern Baptist Theological SeminaryΦ┤¥σƒ║∩╣ÆτÉ│µü⌐∩╣Æσ╕âΦÄ▒σàïσåÖτÜäµêæτÜäτöƒσæ╜σÄåτ¿ïΣ╕ìµÿ»Σ╕ǵ£¼σÉìΣ║║Φç¬Σ╝á∩╝îσ«âµ»öσÉì Σ║║Φç¬Σ╝áµ¢┤σÑ╜πÇéΦ┤¥σƒ║τÜäµòàΣ║ïµÿ»Σ╕ÇΣ╕¬ΦºüΦ»üπÇéµêæΣ╗¼σ╛ùσê░τÜäσ║öΦ«╕µÿ»∩╝îµêæΣ╗¼σÅ»Σ╗ÑΘ¥á τ¥ÇµêæΣ╗¼ΦºüΦ»üτÜäΘüôσ╛ùΦâ£∩╝êσÉ»τñ║σ╜ò12:11∩╝ëπÇéΦºüΦ»üΣ╕ìσŬµÿ»Φ«▓Φ┐░µòàΣ║ﵥѵ╗íΦ╢│σÑ╜ σÑçσ┐â∩╝îσ«âσ▒òτÄ░σç║Σ╕ÇτºìτÑ₧σ£úτÜäσæ╝σżπÇéµ£¼Σ╣ªτÜäµòàΣ║ïσ░åσæ╝σżΣ╜áµèèΣ╕èσ╕¥µö╛σ£¿τ¼¼Σ╕ÇΣ╜ì∩╝îσ░ñσà╢σ£¿σ⌐Üσº╗Σ╕¡πÇéσ«âσ░åσæ╝σż Σ╜áσÅéΣ╕Äσ«úµòÖ∩╝îσ«âσà╢σ«₧µÿ»τªÅΘƒ│µòàΣ║ïπÇéΣ╕èσ╕¥τê▒Σ╜á∩╝îΣ╕║µï»µòæΣ╜áΦÇ╗∩╝îσ╣╢σæ╝σżΣ╜á Φ┐¢σàÑΣ╕ÄτÑéσÆîσÑ╜τÜäΣ║ïσÑëπÇéΣ╕ìτ«íΣ╜áσÄ╗σô¬ΘçîµêûΘ¥óΣ╕┤Σ╗ÇΣ╣êΘù«Θóÿ∩╝îΣ╕èσ╕¥Θâ╜Σ╝ÜΣ╕ÄΣ╜áσÉî σ£¿πÇéτÑéΣ╕ìΣ╝ܵî¬σÄ╗Σ╜áσà¿Θâ¿τÜäΘ║╗τâª∩╝îΣ╜åτÑéσºïτ╗êΣ╝ÜΘÇÅΦ┐çΣ╜áσüÜσ╖ÑπÇéΦ┤¥σƒ║∩╣ÆτÉ│µü⌐∩╣Æσ╕âΦÄ▒σàïΦìúσ╜Æσñ⌐σ«╢σÉÄ∩╝îσ╣╢Σ╕ìµÿ»Σ╝üσ¢╛σ╛üµ£ìσÑ╣τÜäτÖîτùçσ╛ùΦâ£Σ║åπÇéΘéúµÿ»Σ╕èσ╕¥ΘÆêσ»╣µ¡╗Σ║íτÜäσ╛ùΦâ£∩╝îσ£¿τÑéΣ╗åΣ║║τÜäτöƒσæ╜Σ╕¡σ▒òτÄ░σç║µ¥ÑπÇé“Φ┤¥σƒ║∩╣ÆτÉ│µü⌐∩╣Æσ╕âΦÄ▒σàïµÿ»σƒâσí₧Σ┐äµ»öΣ║Üσ╖Ñσ£║τÜäσ«úµòÖσú½σñ½σªçτÜäσÑ│σä┐∩╝îΣ╣ƒµÿ» Σ╕ĵêæτöƒµ┤╗Σ║åΣ╕ëσìüΣ╕âσ╣┤τÜäσª╗σ¡ÉπÇéσÑ╣τÜäτöƒσæ╜µÿ»σŬµ£ëΣ╕èσ╕¥µëìΦâ╜Σ╣ªσåÖτÜäµòàΣ║ïπÇéΦ┐Ö µÿ»Σ╕ÇΣ╕¬σà│Σ║Äτë║τë▓πÇüµîúµëÄπÇüσ╕îµ£¢σÅèµ£Çτ╗êσ╛ùΦâ£τÜäµäƒΣ║║µòàΣ║ïπÇéσÑ╣τÜäτöƒσæ╜µö╣σÅÿΣ║å µêæσ»╣µ£ìΣ║ïΣ╕èσ╕¥τÜäτ£ïµ│ò∩╝îΣ╣ƒΣ╕Çσ«ÜΣ╝ܵîæµêÿΣ╜áτÜäτ£ïµ│òπÇé”σñºσì½∩╣ÆΘÿ┐σà░∩╣Æσ╕âΦÄ▒σàï  M.O.σ░ŵ¼ºµûçσìÜσú½∩╝îΣ╕£σìùµ╡╕Σ┐íτÑ₧σ¡ªΘÖóµû░τ║ªτáöτ⌐╢Σ╕╗σ╕¡

  • af J Hamilton Weston
    143,95 kr.

  • af Bruce G Epperly
    88,95 kr.

  • af Nick May
    313,95 kr.

  • af Nick May
    313,95 kr.

  • af Tamika Champion-Hampton
    143,95 kr.

    What is love? Kamden is now at the age when the world is beginning to tell him its ideas of love. But Kamden loves his Nana and the definitions are not adding up - so he goes to her with his question: What is love???

  • - Musical Memoirs
    af Nancy Petrey
    193,95 kr.

  • - Hearing and Answering Christ's Call
    af William Powell Tuck
    193,95 kr.

    Even when it comes to our faith, voices seem to come from many directions, urging us to follow them. How do we decide what is real and what is false?Christian voices are mixed with fundamental certainty to agnostic Christianity, biblical literalism and inerrancy to prosperity gospel, the only true church to come as you are and leave as you came invitations, narrow-minded beliefs to anything goes philosophy, or an eternal quest for the truth with an openness to a growing faith. - William P. TuckProlific writer, William P. Tuck, brings his insight from years as pastor and mentor. He pulls no punches and seems to look the leader right in eye with his candor and desire to bring each person closer to the real deal, Jesus Christ. This book is a comprehensive presentation of how to live the Christian life faithfully with an effective witness to the world around us.How God speaks, the temptations that distract us, praying, hearing God answer in various ways, are all part of Tuck's sharing. Jesus called us to be Light and Salt. What voice will you follow to be Jesus' Light?

  • - Preaching and Worship Through Reproductive Loss and Adoption
    af Richard W Voelz
    143,95 kr.

  • - Spiritual Activism in an Age of Fear
    af Matthew Braddock
    163,95 kr.

  • - Unique Insights Into His Fascinating Personality
    af S J Hill
    133,95 kr.

  • af Wanda Thompson
    113,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Helen Wisniewski
    108,95 kr.

  • - A Bold and Honest Look at the Eternal Question
    af Ronald Higdon
    118,95 kr.

  • - The Basics
    af Elgin L Hushbeck
    88,95 kr.

    In Christianity: The Basics, Elgin Hushbeck presents the basic doctrines that have defined orthodox Christianity down through the ages, giving a basic defense for this core of the Christian Faith.  He also addresses questions such as can we really know and understand what the Bible teaches; isn’t it all just a matter of interpretation; and what do we mean when we say someone is, or is not, a Christian?  This is a serious study, but is written in language that anyone can understand. It is suitable for use in classes in basic Christianity as well as for those who want to refresh their memory about the basics and prepare to share their faith intelligently and with grace.

  • - Reiki and Christian Healing
    af Bruce G Epperly
    88,95 kr.

  • - A Progressive Vision
    af Bruce G Epperly
    118,95 kr.

  • af Tamika Champion-Hampton
    143,95 kr.

  • af J Hamilton Weston
    143,95 kr.

  • af Jr Charles J Lopez
    163,95 kr.

  • - What the New Testament Teaches about Faith and Works
    af Alexander E Stewart
    133,95 kr.

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