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  • af B S Bhamra
    141,95 kr.

    as for the story it has been totally made up form scratch its a new idea with Lucy and benjmain totally not knowing what is going on in their life until Benjamin blows his cover after being watched by Lucy who blows her cover a few weeks earlier two cops on the same case getting in the way of each other one disguised as a tramp and well she s a cop. with a little bit of action and romance as they solve the case and bring the bad guys down.

  • af B S Bhamra
    108,94 kr.

    the play was a good idea it ahs three main characters Lucy Benjamin Dan and a narrator the story is about love it is a love story a play it continues with Benjamin and his best friends Dan who in secret friends Benjamin s girl Lucy who really wants to see the truth in Benjamin as a person as she is thinking about their long term partnership and want to know if his heart is in the right glance before he proposes to her Dan slowly falls for being the fall guy in the first place Lucy knew that they would be calling as they both look the together way leaving Benjamin to figure out what all the controversy is about.

  • - Into the North
    af Rachel E Garcia
    183,95 kr.

    Into the North: a tale of two peaks, two teams and two tragedies. In an effort to close the fissure, a hideous gaping maw spewing mana wasted demons and fae onto Illthdar's shores, venin, Lerki of Goldbirch has been dispatched to the Northern Mountains to collect deadly boreal poison. His team consists of Tundra, a cryomancer, Nyima, an ice elemental, and Zercey, a part-venin. With surprise attacks, sub-zero temperatures and relationship pitfalls, Lerki will need more than the luck from his tree for everyone to make it there and back in one piece. Meanwhile, Lerki's other teammate, Date Toshiiro, has been "invited" back to his estranged home on Mt Takao. At the behest of his father, Lord Naigubu, and brother, Nobumasa, he goes, taking the remainder of his team, Seth Storm-Bringer and Inari, and from Zercey and Nyima's team: Vyxen Allaway, Scyanatha Dubhgeleach and Sozo Abaddon. Date will have to navigate political intrigue, family backstabbing and a heartbreaking history if he and his friends wish to make it off the mountain.

  • af B S Bhamra
    141,95 kr.

    this book is one of two that I have just written the initial idea came to me many years ago and it was only just recently that I had decided make it Parr of my franchise Lucy and Benjamin the first attempt of this story was created way back in 1997 it was a story I created for an English essay its filled with fun and action and its dangerous if you like this kind of thing its almost reads like a comic book and the characters too have that comic book kind of feel. I really hope you enjoy this.

  • af Neil Graham Walton
    140,95 kr.

    After my autobiography 'Bi Polar Expedition', was published, I found I had the time to think about my next project. I wrote down short notes and placed them in a file. When I looked back over them, three months later, I found that each of notes contained the words, humour or comedy. Even in the depths of my clinical depression I had still hung on to my sense of humour. What you about to read are over 40 true-life comic stories before I was diagnosed.. Such as, how does a copy of the Evening Standard end up the skirt of a passenger of the 5.32 to Chingford? How does a simple trip to the dentist turn into a meeting with an east european speed driller? The sign for this book were to big to ignore, I simlpy wrote with my strongest skill.

  • - A Journey towards Reconciliation'
    af Martha Ashwell
    132,95 kr.

    The early 1940s in Manchester. Martha was the second eldest in a family of four children, all born during the war; a time when rules and boundaries were set aside for who knew what tomorrow might bring. Her childhood was deeply affected by a family secret and the existing tensions around an unhappy marriage. Something was not right; she knew it from an early age but how could she discover the truth? Set in the context of Martha's young life; the teenage years, the dancing, the music and the special friendships, she seeks personal fulfilment and embarks on a course of study. Away from home, she views her situation more objectively. When first revealed, the secret leads to despair rather than resolution and Martha faces some painful issues in her life; mental illness, bereavement, loss of chosen career and, above all, her changed relationship with her much-loved mother.The story analyses the emotional impact of the secret on Martha and other family members and searches for understanding and forgiveness. It seeks reconciliation for the living and for those beyond the grave. As a trained counsellor, Martha writes about the process of counselling; how the counselling relationship, self-knowledge and determination can restore and empower. This is a story of searching and discovery over many years. The structure of the story is clear and progressive taking the reader through the working process of understanding, acceptance and forgiveness. The book ends on a very positive note. Martha knows there are no definitive answers to the challengers we face. Peace, she believes, can only be achieved by knowing that one has done all that is humanly possible to resolve them.

  • af B S Bhamra
    136,95 kr.

    This great story is a creation of mine my many years ago I believe that I created it a long time ago way back in the end of the ninety's the idea came a English essay for my English lesson the character the dark horse was just a picture then I had no idea of what I was going to write about. on this occasion I have invited my two character Lucy and Benjamin in to the story in my first attempt to create the Dark horse it was just the Dark horse nothing else, This is my second version part two the same idea different story. with a few added extras the raven and its new attitude. in the end all is well.

  • af Nathan McGrath
    170,95 kr.

    In a world where Magic is terrorism, the last surviving vampires search for the most powerful book of spells ever written. But only two sorcerers can uncover its location. Problem is, Lizzy and Chris have no idea of what they can do, or where the other person is - But the Vampires do.Lizzy just escaped prison and knows she is fated to die within weeks. As for Chris, well he barely has a handle on his powers. His mind is set on getting rich and living the high life.

  • af Benson Singh Bhamra
    128,95 kr.

    THIS IS SPIRIT FIVE PART FIVE. Benjamin with Lucy are visiting the planet earth again still trying to put the humans inhabitants distruction of the planet earth back in order. benjmain has just settled in only to be settled out. due to the disapprovel of his councillors way back on his planet.

    147,95 kr.

    This book discusses humanities goal to achieve, also the Aldazani advanced human race in higher dimensions using negative ETs for soul harvesting & running the world. Discussed are the Demonic Dragon families, the Annunaki, Marduk-Satan, Enili-Yahweh, Enki-Lucifer, the Archons & Jinn, also the ET Elites two Covens obsessed with world domination. Also discussed is the twelfth dimension Universal Council that has a manifested Ambassador on Earth to help remove tyrannical forces of darkness from the planet, the Ambassadors missions, discussed are the two Covens, the Hall of Records, the Covenant of Neferitti & Solomon & The Souls DNA Source Code. As well as the new official world military called life enforcement with programs to aid & better humanity, the orchestrated fake scam pandemic release of biological weapon viruses, for negative forces being locked out of the megatron black mirrors system, diminishing the Archon Entities manifested life span. Info on the Dark Universe that's connected to earth by the megatron ethereal field & black mirrors technology allowing the dark prince to dominate earth on behalf of the dark universe that wish to control & dominate the whole multiverse & info on the dark universes manifested creation the science behind its creation, and the understanding of the nature of darkness in this duality reality. Also discussed is The Scaffolding of Life & an introduction to the DNA Blueprint of instructions to grow a light body, & the truth behind Alchemy the connection to DIVOC meaning in Hebrew possession by an evil spirit, reversed meaning Covid, also touched on are the Elite Occult & Predatorial Parasitism.

    160,95 kr.

    The Biology and Chemistry Fraud Exposed & The Truth of Bacteria and Viruses and Alkalised Healing Of The Biological Avatar Body, meaning the Fall of the Pharmaceutical Industry, the whole Medical Basis of Teaching Standard Will Collapse as well as all Universities and Education Systems. Also information of the introduction to grow your eternal light body via your schematic blueprint instructions in your DNA and general information on physical and mental well being to run at your biological and chemical and electrical optimal levels to access your eternal light body and then able to access the hyper-dimensional matrix of creation in its entirety all dimensions of The Brahman, The Whole, The Creation and the eternal realms the kingdom of light that resides outside time and space by lovelifelee.

  • af Sheelagh Wurr
    87,95 kr.

    Changes in teaching were afoot. The National Curriculum had been in place for a decade and many new initiatives were being introduced. Literacy Hour, Numeracy Hour, Science and Design Technology loomed large, as did the new Ofsted inspections. Health and Safety was largely left to common sense and teachers had more flexibility than they have today, although restrictions were closing in. I taught the oldest children in a small village First School and, between 1999 and 2000, I kept a diary. These extracts were published in the magazine, Child Education, for eighteen months and they are all brought together here, in one volume, as a nostalgic look at teaching at the turn of the century.

  • af Atef Jabar Kadom
    237,95 kr.

    How Al Sistani and The Pope regained peace in Iraq by Atef Kadom is an educational and expressive book highlighting the history and religious importance of two incredibly well known and influential religious leaders. It delves deeply into Al sistanis role in sectarian Iraq and how and if the Iraqi citizens accepted his role as cleric. The book will identify and analyze the distinction between Al Sistani's approach, and Wilayat al-Faqih. Furthermore the book also discusses the interconnections between both Australia and Iraq and the connection that Iraqis living in Australia have with Al Sistani. The book targets various questions that are usually avoided during political communities such as:To what extent do Iraqi people accept Al Sistani's role as a cleric with political influence? Do they approve of his approach to his own political influence?Do Iraqis see Al Sistani as holding special hope for Iraq in regard to the nation's problems, and to how Iraq is viewed by the rest of the world?How does Al Sistani see his role?Why did Al Sistani issue an election Fatwa in 2004 while most of the Sunni areas were suffering from terrorism and therefore could not participate in elections?Why did Al Sistani issue a Jihad Fatwa against ISIS but not against American occupation forces when they invaded Iraq?Does Al Sistani support democracy?What is the attitude of the Iraqi diaspora in Australia to Al Sistani, and to what extent do they follow his leadership?The book challenges the religious world as we know it and how two polar opposite religious leaders (The Pope and Al Sistani) were able to regain peace and prosperity to the country of Iraq, and how the merging of two religious leaders can result in a brighter and better future. The book delves into the history of Iraq and how it has been affected by religious indifference. As well as why both The Pope and Al Sistani hold the religious power they have.

  • af James Anthony
    164,95 kr.

    What is the strange formation on the Atlantic sea-bed? Could this be the fabled Atlantis? Is it an ancient Orbiane city, flooded after the end of the last ice-age? Following Mary and Si's previous experience,they investigate discoveries from the mid-Atlantic to Egypt.There they find more questions; Did the Egyptians build the Giza pyramids? How did they carve and move the massive stones? Their discoveries challenge our accepted view of human pre-history. But they are not the only ones interested in these discoveries. While searching for the truth, they have to ensure that these discoveries don't fall into the wrong hands.

  • af Peter Wrench
    144,95 kr.

    'The Night Of The Round Stable' takes classic elements of children's literature and brings them bang up to date. Outraged by plans to build a factory farm on the edge of their town, Johanna and her brother Harry set out to stymie the junk food magnate behind it. They meet the magical but overconfident Mr Phigg, who has his own reasons for helping them - and manage to paper over the cracks in some of his dodgier schemes. Part of the story takes place in the Greyworld we know, part in a more colourful parallel reality. There are hidden doorways, amazing inventions and talking animals, set against an unmistakeably contemporary background of animal welfare, protest marches and corruption - with both thrills and fun as events in the two worlds gradually converge.

  • af Cielo de Rojo
    127,95 kr.

    Fecundity, Fidelity, Freedom A story of sexual entrancement and power. Claire's beauty brought emotional power and many followers, who were sexually entranced by her, but her innate fecundity acknowledged the need for monogamy at least for a limited time. When freed from the moral shackles imposed by marriage, she constructed a transactional philosophy that harnessed her attraction as a means of exchange for financial and practical favours and promises of sexual encounters. Without the moral boundary of childrearing, Claire's forced fidelity was abandoned as a barrier to her real desires. Follow Claire's new path through the good life she creates, with the currency of attraction, flirtation and sexual promise. Consider whether the meeting of existential needs by emotional and sexual power leads to a dilemma of moral ambiguity and dishonesty or freedom.

  • af Martine Smith
    127,95 kr.

    A transvestite meets a woman cancer sufferer at a posh reunion lunch in London. They exchange emails and become friends.

  • af Neil Graham Walton
    97,95 kr.

    Frupp and Riley's Splendiferous Week is set on a village allotment in rural Englend, where Riley discovers some new friends. He gets quite a shock when hemeets Frupp for the first time,as he isn't human, animal or an alien.Frupp's friends are a ilttle on the odd side too. The books charts the last seven days of Riley's summer holiday, during the hottest summer in 'Windowsill Ledge'.There are thrills and spills, a touch of sadness, and a lot of fun and laughter. But, overall it was a splendiferous week.

  • af Michael Jones
    207,95 kr.

    I felt a bit light-headed and dizzy. Rhona strummed her guitar, and then started picking. She said, "This song is one of my favourites, and I'd love to record it, but Nina Simone has beaten me to it. It's called 'I Wish I knew How it Feels to be Free.' "As she played and sang, all sorts of thoughts and feelings were whirling round in my head. I couldn't put them into words, and as the train rolled along I went into a kind of waking dream. I shouted out, "But I have to stay there for eight more years before I can be free!"Then my thoughts became clear, and I said, "Sometimes I have trouble knowing what is real and what is a dream."It is September 1967, and Pippa Dunbar is ten years old, and in a hostile place, far away from anyone who loves her. She has already learned some harsh lessons, but will her natural resilience, and experience of life so far, be enough to keep her little boat afloat in the cold and dangerous sea that surrounds her?Your Beautiful Place is the fourth in the My True Nature series of novels, exploring attachment, love and loss in Britain in the 1960s and 70s.

  • af Self Detective
    140,95 kr.

    Are you blessed with empathy? Have you considered putting this potent force to use in your community, in your workplace? The Wellness Facilitation Handbook is a call to action for anyone who would like to make a difference to those they come into contact with. You don't need to be an expert to change people's lives - you just need to be good enough. We train people up to harness the skills they already possess - as well as pass on a few new ideas along the way. This handbook is a sharing of all the practical and experiential knowledge we have amassed following our own adventures in this field. Are you ready to have your own venture?

  • af Marie O'Connell
    143,95 kr.

    Online dating at a certain age. If you're above the age of 35, dating can be confusing. if you want to meet someone, you've probably dipped into the online dating game at least once. Some just to see what it was like. I can attest, it's challenging. However, I believe that finding love in the digital age is possible and worth it in the end.

    317,95 kr.

    317,95 kr.

    Meditation is the key to peaceful manifestations, then your inner peaceful thoughts will manifest outwards into vibratory words and actions, creating your physical reality of your choosing. Through stillness of the mind with breath work, and ancient breath practices, you will create space to have clarity. With clarity you will see the mind is just a tool of the human avatars, the human biological body in which we manifest, through the luminous energy field around around the human body, which is the software that informs the hardware the DNA to grow the body. The luminous energy field is a foot below your feet, a foot above your head and as wide as your arms stretch outwards.

    232,95 kr.

    This book discusses the fundamental Cosmic foundation of the true reality of what a woman is, that forms one of the two essential components of the essential system and structure of all physical animated Universal Cosmic life, and the Divine Feminine is discussed from histories ancient forms of the Great Mother Goddess.Also discussed is what it is to be a woman who gives birth to the miracle of life for us eternal Spiritual light beings from the Oneness ultra violet energetic Source field of Consciousness, to manifest into physical avatars for experience and Spiritual growth. The biology of a woman is also discussed including the female anatomy and the birthing process. Also discussed is the fundamental Universal law of the two only genders of female and male. Also discussed is the Mental Illness of Gender Identity Disorder now know as Gender Dysphoria, which is being forcefully promoted by Western Governments and forced onto society and onto minor children. With the Western Governments and their pedophile politicians criminally sexualising minors which is grooming minors which is promoting sodomy and pedophilia, under the false guise of transgenderism which is a Mental Illness.Also Individualism vs Collectivism Societies is discussed, along with an introduction to the DNA schematic blueprint of instructions to grow your Merkaba field, which is your eternal human light body.

  • af Richard Burridge
    97,95 kr.

    "Life must be construed as an adventure, and we must summon up a little courage to go out and live it, because sitting in the corner mumbling 'please don't hurt me' looks like a wasted opportunity. 'Here and now' defines the life that the universe is currently offering you, so don't, please, waste it."Richard Burridge's abiding passions were philosophy and gardening, sometimes conducted simultaneously. He carried a small edition of Marcus Aurelius's Meditations in his coat pocket but occasionally also described himself as "a closet Taoist".From the late 1990s onwards he took pleasure in writing thought-provoking articles for the cover page of his church newsletter, and these are collected in this book.Above all, Richard was a man who tried to live his philosophy and his writing reflects his very personal and sometimes quirky take on contemporary events, the meaning of life and Spiritualist thought.He was a spiritual healer for many years and President of Ealing Spiritualist Church in West London.

  • af Katie Mack
    162,95 kr.

    This book will take you on a journey through the eyes of seven children in one family. They were born in a small town in Ireland in the 1930's. They were very happy and contented living on their small holding with their mammy and daddy, until one fateful day, when tragedy struck, changing all their young lives for ever.They were torn apart and sent separate ways to different family members, but then their father decided that he wanted a new life and went to court to swear his children away and that is where their real horror stories began. Life in the Industrial Schools in Ireland were horrendous.But these children are fighters and survivors, their story is one of humour as well as sadness and hurt.This book is written as a novel, but is actually based on fact. It is the story of one family, and the stories have been passed down from the Survivors.

  • af Richard Rowland
    115,95 kr.

    This book shows how you can enter the Zen state whilst playing Cricket.Explore the mystical mind state known as the Zone to improve your game.Learn about Crickets origins and its fascinating history.Find out how Cricket can be seen as a Christian Game of meditation.Read about the author's long-term experience of tai chi and meditation and how it relates to experiencing zone.Researching the modern science understandings of what the zone is and how to be in it.This book shows the modern Cricketer how to improve their performance when entering this mystical Zone.

  • af Rory McQuillan
    132,95 kr.

    The school year is just about to end and for Thomas, Martin, Robert and Steven, the summer months promise so much. They are confronted with the new pressures and desires that arrive when adulthood starts to begin. Along with many of their classmates, they pin their hopes of pleasure, happiness and social status, on a big party planned for the last day of school. However, reality proves to not be as simple as their daydreams and they find themselves gradually drawn into competition against each other underneath the veneer of their friendship. 'Beauty and Grace' depicts the lives of its teenage characters realistically and explores the battle between good and evil in their young souls.

    427,95 - 472,95 kr.

    A book of a jungle journey to Santuario Hushtin Ayahuasca retreat in Peru South America, to heal from plant medicines, in nature, connecting with Spirit, travelling through portholes of the Universe, entering the Spirit world. An epic journey of soul searching, cleansing the body of toxins. A book about the Mother Spirit of Ayahuasca medicine, the journey of Shamanic healing in the rainforest, the mechanical sciences, medicinal properties & Spirits behind Ayahuasca medicine & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix of the Creation built with the Advanced Biotechnology of DNA operated by Ultra Violet Energetic Eternal Spirit Consciousness. Also discussed are other practices of Munay-ki ceremonies, Tambo retreats in solace, in the jungle, connecting to plant spirits, to find clarity in silence in nature, awakening another layer of consciousness, my thoughts on Ayahuasca ceremonies & experiences with light Beings & Spirits, & plant medicines I ingested, there healing & effects on the mind & body. Discussed is the Luminous blue print within our DNA, our Light body. The science behind the building blocks of life, that build the scaffolding of life of our avatars & the Holographical Hyper-Dimensional Matrix, & discussed are the eternal realms where Spirit resides until becoming animated in this Creation of Advanced DNA Biotechnology. Magical in nature is the Creation, with multiple densities for us Spirits to Manifest into for experience, for growth, raising consciousness, raising our avatars frequency to Ascend, embodied but able to transverse the Matrix in its entirety, in your eternal light body. No space crafts needed. With History of Geomancy & of the Universe.

    332,95 kr.

    POEMS OF MAGICAL WONDER, Poems Magical In Nature, Poems Of Splendour, from the mind's eye and heart space of LoveLIfeLee, some of my magical life journeys and experiences of shamanic ceremonies, Ayahuasca ceremonies, plant medicine, dreams, meditations, remote viewing, out of body journeys and life experiences.Through these poems, messages of ancient knowledge and wisdom about accessing your fullest potential as a human being, learning to access your DNA through disciplines, practices, meditation, yoga, shamanic ceremonies, plant medicines, ayahuasca ceremonies, astral travel, dreams, spirit world, diet part of the key and evolve consciously, grow a body of light from the blue print in your DNA, transcend time and space, transverse the universe, travel the hyper-dimensional matrix in your rainbow body of light. You are eternal immortal inter-dimensional light being of ultra violet energetic consciousness, angelic divine infinite you be in an ocean of light, in the oneness of the creation.

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