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  • - Las Estaciones de la Cruz
    af Diane Zike
    97,95 kr.

    Vía Dolorosa (Lat. "vía dolorosa") o Via Crucis(Lat. "el Camino de la Cruz") es el sendero quese cree fue percorrido por Jesús desde el lugar desu condena por Pilato al Monte Golgota, el lugarde su crucifixión, y luego al lugar de su tumba.Los primeros cristianos continuaron la antiguapráctica judía de peregrinaciones hacia Jerusalén.De tal práctica nace la tradición de las Estacionesde la Cruz como una serie de devocionesconmemorativas y devocionales.

  • - Stations of the Cross
    af Diane Zike
    87,95 kr.

    Via Dolorosa (Lat. "sorrowful way") or Via Crucis (Lat. "the way of the Cross") is the path believed to be taken by Jesus from the place of his condemnation by Pilate to Mount Golgotha, the site of his crucifixion, and then to his grave site. Early Christians continued the ancient Jewish practice of pilgrimages to Jerusalem. Out of this practice came the tradition of the Stations of the Cross as a series of commemorative devotions or meditations.

  • - Poems & Prayers
    af Diane Zike
    87,95 kr.

    Author Diane Zike presents poems and prayers that reflect her personal growth and spirituality and a deepening awareness of her faith in God.

  • - Advent to Epiphany Meditations
    af Diane Zike
    97,95 kr.

    Daily spiritual meditations for Bible study and prayer for Advent through Epiphany seasons. Annunciation, incarnation and manifestation... These three words provide the connections between the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany. They are also links to the major theme of the seasons: the son of God coming into the world.... These three seasons together draw sharply into focus the fulfillment of God's promise to us in the birth of Jesus Christ our Redeemer.

  • - University
    af Darlene A Cypser
    152,95 kr.

    Mysterious deaths, a blackmail ring, a ship named "Gloria Scott" and the mysteries of his own mind face Sherlock Holmes while he studies at the University of Cambridge.It was some time before Sherlock Holmes recovered from the events of late 1871. Physically, it took many months; mentally, it took many years. He was bound by both a promise to the living and a commitment to honour the dead, and being so bound he set the full force of his will to rebuilding the shattered pieces of his life. Yet sometimes will alone is not enough.Part I of The Consulting Detective Trilogy follows 18 year old Sherlock Holmes from the end of The Crack in the Lens through his university career. It tells the story of his mental and emotional journey to his decision to become a detective as well his early cases and training.

  • af Darlene A Cypser
    127,95 kr.

    If someone had asked Sherlock Holmes later in the year, there is little doubt that he would have said his life began that spring day in 1871 when he met Violet Rushdale upon the moors and ended in the winter some months distant. His mother would have disputed the former claim, and many, both friend and foe, would come to deny the latter. Yet what happened that year nearly cost him his life and his sanity, and strongly influenced the man he was to become. It is well known that the toughest steel that makes the sharpest swords must be plunged into the fire, then beaten and reshaped. So it is as well with the best and wisest of men.

  • af Lance S. Terada
    287,95 kr.

    A practical manual for clinicians in the care of critically ill patients. This volume covers nephrology, neurology, obstetrics care, pain, agitation, and delirium, perioperative assessment, procedures, pulmonology, radiology, and toxicology.

  • af Lance S. Terada
    342,95 kr.

    A practical manual for clinicians in the care of critically ill patients covering Acid-base Disorders, Cardiology, Intravenous Drug Dosages, Electrolyte Disorders, Endocrinology, Environmental Critical Care, Ethics, Gastroenterology, Hematology, Hemodynamic Monitoring, Infectious Diseases

  • af Darlene A. Cypser
    72,95 kr.

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