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  • - The Ayurveda Beauty Book (B&W)
    af Vinod Verma
    197,95 kr.

    The purpose of this book is to help you attain roop or a natural glow and maintain a youthful appearance with various external applications, through nutrition and lifestyle, and inner purification of the body. A dull complexion, rough skin and pimples can be treated with external applications only to a very limited extent. You need to go to the root of the problem and eradicate it. Your external appearance is nothing but the reflection of your internal state. Everyone, men, women and children want to look healthy and beautiful. The books on beauty are generally written for women or they are considered exclusively for women. Men, particularly in the West are usually conditioned not to beautify themselves. However, in Indian tradition, during various ceremonies before marriage, man and woman are given similar Ayurvedic beauty treatments. The book provides Ayurvedic and yogic wisdom to enhance your health and to obtain a radiant look. In Ayurveda health covers diverse aspects of existence like physical, mental, social and spiritual for the complete well being of an individual and society. The book emphasizes on enhancing your beauty, glamour and radiance with simple and natural methods. A person's appearance depends largely on her/his health and 'inner environment' of the body. In this book, there are methods given to purify your inner environment and beautify your external appearance with diverse treatments feasible easily at home. There are simple and fascinating methods like diverse oil treatments, oil baths of individual parts of the body, bath of gods, inner lubrication and for the first time - the yogic dance. Your thought process affects immediately your appearance and radiance. Thus, the book also deals with the spiritual aspects of beauty. This book was first published in German in 2003 and 2012 in Spanish. The book is written by renowned scientist Dr. Vinod Verma who had also studied Ayurveda for 23 years from legendry Professor Acharya Priya Vrat Sharma of Banares Hindu University. Dr. Verma has written 23 books besides numerous articles on various themes of yoga, Ayurveda and Women's health.

  • - Learning to make a Karmic Horoscope and benefit from it to do the appropriate Present Karma for inner Peace and Happiness
    af Vinod Verma
    182,95 kr.

    Many think that astrology is for predicting future and they can have a better hold on the future if they know about the happenings beforehand. This is an erroneous notion, as in the Vedic tradition and culture, astrology is not meant to predict the future, as nobody can predict the future entirely. If it were so, then where is the human freedom? Astrology predicts principally the results of our past karma and the only way to counteract the results of the past karma is through present karma. Therefore, astrology is meant to guide you and to help develop your positive qualities and provide you guidance for eradicating the factors or qualities that lead you ultimately to bad fortune. The book is based on the Vedic tradition which is number oriented and the significance of numbers has been inspired from cosmogony and cosmology. Like the cosmos has its influence on us, these numbers also effect our day-to-day lives. Besides that, numbers play an important role in the performance of all rituals and ceremonies. Performance of fire ceremonies, weddings, entrance into a new house (grihpravesh), naming the newborn, beginning of a new work or business or starting a construction, and thousands of other daily rituals are performed on a calculated specific time and day. Vedic mathematics is famous in the world and it gave the world the concept of zero and of decimal. The advanced astronomy and astrology and interaction of all what exists in the cosmos with each other is used to calculate the special dates for performance of the rituals and ceremonies. For example, the rosary used for japa (repetition of a mantra) in yoga has 108 beeds. The distance from the earth to the sun is 108 times the diameter of the sun. Thus, this number is used to reach the celestial plane. The present book illustrates some amazing concepts of the ancient Vedic wisdom related to the numbers and how they can guide you in your everyday life. This book is meant to teach you simple numerological methods that you can beneficially use in your everyday life. You will find facts about your personality, how to modify your negative characteristics and how to enhance your positive characteristics. A quality can be used for both, destructive and constructive purpose and you will learn how to divert your energies for beneficial purpose. Organise yourself to hold important talks and meetings on the days and at times which is favourable for you. This book teaches you to calculate the disturbed periods in your life and do your best to go through it calmly and peacefully with the suggestions given in this book. How to use this book? Study this book in a systematic manner in order to get maximum benefit from this wisdom based on the most ancient living traditions of the world. Learn step by step in the following manner. -Learn to calculate your life number and other important numbers related to you with the methods given in the first Chapter. Try to understand your karmic personality. -In the second Chapter, learn about the importance and qualities of the individual numbers. Try to understand the philosophical basis behind each number and their importance in your life in relations to your life number. Learn about your personality traits. -Learn to correlate different numbers related to your life number for making a complex horoscope and for matching the horoscopes of two persons for compatibility. -Learn to calculate the life periods from the sum of age related to the life number. -Learn to get over-difficult and disturbed periods of life with concentration practices and meditation on the symbolic significance of the numbers. This book is meant to be a self-help guide for developing positive traits in your personality and for learning to coordinate your past karma (daiva) with present karma (purushkara) to obtain the best results from given situations and circumstances in life.

  • - The Eternal Energy: Spiritual techniques for stability, strength, stress management and healing
    af Vinod Verma
    167,95 kr.

    AUM: The Eternal energy Vedas are written in the sound and tonality oriented language. A specific kind of chanting of mantras evokes inner power. AUM or OM is considered to be the seed mantra from which everything originates. That is why it is used in the beginning of all the mantras. A mantra is a special sound or chanting with significance. AUM signifies the totality of the cosmos, the matter and the energy in combination. The purpose of this book is to evoke the subtle energy within us, which we have in abundance and are unable to use. We have this energy in dormant form and it is the cause of our being. It is important to recognise the cause of consciousness in our bodies for awakening this energy by using various techniques. By using the techniques provided in this book, one can reach a higher state of mind to evoke the dormant energy. Repetition of AUM and concentration on its form help develop lucidity and intuition and enhances work efficiency. You do not need any extra time, sitting sessions or doing malas (rosary), simply imbibe the chanting of the mantra in your daily routine to gain stability and strength, for enhancing work efficiency, as well as for healing. This book is meant to strengthen the mind with repetition of mantra AUM or OM. The simple breathing practices and meditative techniques are specifically described for a better management of life and for learning stability, strength, stress management and healing. In the Vedic tradition, therapy is three-dimensional: rational, mental and spiritual. These three kinds of therapy should be applied simultaneously. This book provides systematic techniques to control the mind and direct its power for beneficial purpose. These techniques form the basis for mental and spiritual healing. For holistic living and healing, it is important to learn these techniques to reach the profound part of our consciousness, attain mental stability and evoke the energy present within ourselves. Simple and easy to use techniques with mantra AUM facilitate the task of balancing the mind and use our own immense energy for getting mental and physical strength and use it for healing along with the rational therapy.

  • - A way of Life: Scientific Explanation of Ayurvedic Wisdom and its benefit for Body, Mind and Society
    af Vinod Verma
    247,95 kr.

    Ayurveda: A way of Life has been the first book ever that explains the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda in terms of modern science. It was published in India in 1990, thereafter in various European countries and America. It is a scholarly book that is meant to give the reader an insight into the classical tradition of this 5000 years old discipline. At the same time, the book is a guide in the living tradition of Ayurveda and inspires one to assimilate this age-old wisdom into daily life for enhancing energy to the optimum level. The book also highlights Ayurvedic psychology and importance of sattva (inner peace and stillness) and santosha (sense of contentment) in order to ward off the ailments. Modern medical research is directed toward finding cures for diseases, but there is little talk about finding methods to maintain good health and adopting preventive measures to avoid various ailments. Healthy living and preventive measures are not a part of the medical education. In Ayurveda, the principal focus is on maintaining good health and adopting a healthy way of living. The second important drawback in modern Western medicine is that it treats all human beings the same way. Individual differences and individual constitutions are not taken into consideration. We differ as much inwardly in our reactions and responses to a given treatment as we vary in our external appearance and personality traits. In Ayurveda, individual variations are taken into consideration and health care and treatment are based upon the individual constitution. Ayurveda is an extensive and vast source of knowledge. This book is only an introductory guide to the Ayurvedic way of life. Day-to-day practices and what we can do for ourselves in order to keep good health and bring harmony in our lives are described. Various methods for self-diagnosis, for curing minor ailments through simple measures, for preventing disease, for making simple herbal medicines, and for inner and outer cleaning of the body are discussed here. Every practical detail is explained and information about the availability of various products is provided. Ayurvedic medicines are not limited to the herbs that grow in India (especially in the Himalayas) where the original literature of Ayurveda was compiled. Identification of the herbs according to taste and other properties of the drugs are explained in detail. This book is written to help people become conscious of their health-to make them aware that a little care can save them from minor health problems, as well as from long-term health hazards. With the increasing number of ailments and a universal rise in health care costs, it has become more and more essential for each individual to make a personal effort to maintain good health. The old wisdom of rishis (sages) teaches us the use of preventive measures and mild medicine for maintaining good health instead of waiting until body and mind are exhausted and there are major disorders in the organism. The purpose of this book is to present methods people can use to improve the quality of life. For this, it is essential to begin from a new beginning. We live our lives in bits and pieces, fragmented in time, space, body, and mind. Therefore, to adapt Ayurveda in our lives, we just cannot start the application of its principles on our disintegrated beings. What I mean by a new beginning is that first we need to see and feel ourselves as a "whole," as a "unit," and an "integrity" and then we can realize our oneness with the cosmos. Holistic medicine is not possible without a holistic way of life. This book is presented in a way that will make us self-aware so we can realize our integrity as body, mind, and soul. This book is written for general readers who may not have any background of Ayurveda or medicine in general. A special effort has been made to explain the technical terms in an easy-to-understand manner. Comments and suggestions from readers are welcomed.

  • - Health, healing and vigour with balanced nutrition, appropriate quantity and quality of food and by observing the related principles of consumption
    af Vinod Verma
    247,95 kr.

    During the recent years, Ayurvedic wisdom has been propagated by religious or sectarian gurus rather than by Vaidyas (traditional Ayurvedic physician), scholars and Indian women, who have kept the Ayurvedic tradition alive for thousands of years. Gurus tend to mould the Ayurvedic wisdom from scientific to sectarian. This book, written by a woman Ayurvedic scholar, who has also had Western education in medical sciences, is a valuable piece of work, as it puts forward the scientific aspect of Ayurveda in context of its food culture and preparations. It is a prime example of the integration of scientific values in Indian cultural tradition. The book highlights the rational basis of what we should eat, when, how and why. The book contains authentic Ayurvedic food culture and mode of preparation of various international recipes by applying Ayurvedic principles. Scriptural wisdom of Ayurveda does not tell you to give up your glass of wine or leave out your favourite dishes. The way to good health is not through insipid food, but to enjoy the colours and flavours of life and have sensuous fulfilment with various rasas (tastes) of the cosmos. The secret to good health lies in understanding the Ayurvedic food culture and following its Eight Golden Principles. The book teaches the art of preparing balanced and rejuvenating food by using different herbs and spice mixtures and by attaining the knowledge about their hot and cold nature. With appropriate knowledge of Ayurvedic food culture, one can enhance energy, immunity and vitality and above all can cure one's minor ailments. The Great Sanskrit scholar and an India's leading Pandit on Indian cultural tradition, Professor Dharmanand Sharma has described this book as follow: "Dr. Vinod Verma's book, which is based upon the ancient scientific principles of Ayurveda and is presenting modern methods of preparation is like a ray of hope in this age of darkness and confusion when our food is little better than poison. It is not only a recipe book but also describes the Ayurvedic food culture, which can help many people heal their digestion-related ailments. The use of modern equipments to shorten the time and systematic preparations of numerous spice combinations make the book a valuable gift to humanity. This book is a commendable and extraordinary attempt to present the ancient wisdom in a modern way for the benefit of humanity."

  • af Vinod Verma
    197,95 kr.

    It is a basic fact that Dementia is spreading like wild fire all over the world. At the moment, the higher percentage of dementia patients are found in the economically affluent societies of the world (see map in Wikipedia). However, in the developing countries, its spread is directly proportionate to affluence and adopting a mindset based on the mind-dominating philosophy. In brief, it is the lifestyle and the attitude, which is associated with the industrialisation and the Western philosophy of a mind's domination over body. Descartes' philosophy of attributing all the powers of a being to the mind and considering it as 'self' has done tremendous harm. That has lead to the misuse of mind and thus deformation of its capabilities. For preventing the horrors of dementia in future, along with the lifestyle, we need to change our attitude and learn to coordinate our mind with the five senses and the physiological body. We should stop being only a 'mind individual' but a whole being whose real self is not mind but an energy that puts life into a body of which mind is only a part.

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