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Bøger udgivet af Good News Fellowship Ministries

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  • - on How to Walk with the Master
    af Karen Johnson
    117,95 kr.

    39 Gems was written to encompass the walk with Christ and the surrendered life to follow His teachings. 39 gems mirrors, 39 stripes and 39 Native American tribes of OK is what inspired me to write the book. It is about a deep walk with God and the JOY and HOPE walking in His Garden brings to the believer. The intimacy of knowing Christ and all His names with His character is a beautiful intimacy of knowing HIM. I was inspired and moved by the Holy Spirit to write the 39 Gems. Christ has so touched my life in such a real way that I wanted to share the nuggets of what it meant to draw near to Him. Many do not know the precious treasure and life of walking with God on a daily basis. There are those crying out in the wilderness like myself once did to know the TRUTH. God is the TRUTH the WAY and the LIFE. He has given me abundant life and such blessings to numerous to count. But knowing Him and that He is real--the real deal--and nothing can surpass is glory, His great grace and His unlimited bountiful love. It is true that if you seek Him you will find Him. You will discover the Creator, His manual and all that He knows about you before you were born. He has such a plan for your life and such an incredible purpose for your life that you will be astounded to discover how much of your destiny is yet to be fulfilled. Join God on an incredible journey of love and grace by taking hold of His hands and make the choice to say YES LORD, I will follow you and no one else. Forgive me Lord for following after false gods and false religions and doctrines. Bring me out of the darkness into your glorious light by teaching me your ways, your instruction for all eternity. Let me become a pilgrim in progress into holiness, righteousness and truth. Desire to know God above all else and your life will never be the same. Join God on His holy highway and know He has your back at all times. Freedom in Christ is the KEY to returning to the Lord Jesus Christ no matter where you may find yourself this hour. He is there, He cares and He knows all about you. Believe it receive it as truth and seek Him with your whole heart. He loves YOU! He loves YOU so much and wants the very best for your life. He wants to heal your heart wounds and take you on an incredible journey to a whole new world if you will only say YES and take His hand. Nothing fills your heart they way HE does. Worship Him in Spirit and truth and let Him reveal treasures of Heaven to you. Buy from Him silver refined and gold purified in the fire. He is there. He is waiting. He love you.

  • - A Practical Handbook for Prophetic Christian Art
    af Laurie a Stasi
    172,95 kr.

    Many Christian artists from every denomination listen to the Lord and create art, music or writings from what God reveals to them. Some receive a message from the Bible, from a sermon, or even just "a knowing" what to write or create. Some have dreams from God, or see images in visions. Artists, sculptors, writers, dancers, musicians and other types of artists are incorporating revelation from God into their Christian art. We call these individuals "Prophetic Artists." SHADOW PAINTER is an instructional handbook for prophetic Christian artists to help them grow in their calling. This handbook includes the 33 categories of prophetic art. It contains exercises and Bible Studies for individuals and groups. The author writes from a visual art perspective, however, whatever type of artist you are, this book will help you grow in your calling as a Christian prophetic artist. SHADOW PAINTER explains the mission of Bezalel, the first person in the Bible who was spirit-filled. He was a craftsman and an artist who released a shadow or a picture of the heavenly tabernacle, and made its copy on the earth. His assignment gives prophetic artists guidance in their calling. SHADOW PAINTER also discusses supernatural wisdom, creativity, godly imagination, and revelation. It covers important spiritual principles relating to the supernatural ways of God that every prophetic artist should know about. SHADOW PAINTER also gives guidance in creating small arts groups, as well as instruction for living as a prophetic artist. This handbook encourages ways to take back the arts and how to intercede regarding the arts. If you hunger for God and you want to use your creative gifts for Him, this book will support you in your quest. It will also help guide the beginner in learning to hear from the Lord. God is rising up gifted individuals who are surrendered to hearing His voice and releasing His messages through the arts. If this is your calling, boldly go forward and develop your abilities. SHADOW PAINTER is a useful tool in fulfilling your mission. SHADOW PAINTER includes 46 black and white photos of artwork. Please leave reviews!

  • - You have the Holy Spirit! Does the Holy Spirit have you?
    af David Walters
    87,95 kr.

    This booklet is packed with revelation on how the Holy Spirit's desire is to control our lives. From information to revelation, then to impartation, finally to transformation. Are you ready to be transformed? "That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ the Father of Glory may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding be enlightened; . . ." (Eph.1:17-18 "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him. But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes the deep things of God." (2.Cor.2:9-10) Here is a clear, revelatory, step by step follow-up to David Walters Original classic "The Anointing & You/Understanding Revival." You have the Holy Spirit! Does the Holy Spirit have you? This booklet explains the difference and how Christians can come into the fullness of the Holy Spirit rather than just a measure.

  • af David Walters
    97,95 kr.

    This Classic book is uniquely different from other books about the anointing. Packed with practical, biblical, gold nuggets of revelation. One of the best books ever written on this subject. With over 40 years experience of flowing in the anointing David answers the following questions: How to understand the anointing. Why some receive and some don't. How to continue with a fresh anointing. How churches can impart the anointing to others. How the Holy Spirit can touch our emotions and bring joy, boldness, conviction, deliverance with laughing and weeping. How to pass the anointing on to the next generation. This book will challenge and stir many to be part of what the Holy Spirit is doing in the earth today.

  • af Mark Pulley
    107,95 kr.

    This book is about a greater revelation of what Jesus did on the cross for those who believe in him and as our faith increases in his finished works we will receive the fullness of what he provided for us on the cross.

  • af David Walters
    87,95 kr.

    In the 1700's John Wesley, the renowned Methodist preacher, experienced amazing outpourings of the Holy Spirit, not only upon adults, but on children and youth as well. Read testimonies from children as young as two and a half years of age to fifteen years old. Others were taken into heaven in trances; many as young as six years or age, spoke with the wisdom of the aged. Is this possible in our generation? Author and revivalist David Walters says, EMPHATICALLY "YES!" David Walters known as an Apostolic Grandfather, is President of Good News Ministries. Not only are there amazing accounts from Wesley's journals, but also similar accounts from David's own experience with children and youth to show that God is still the same today as He was in Wesley's day. In teaching the current generation obviously Christian education is important, but this booklet will take you beyond mere religious instruction of knowledge in the head to drop into the heart in order for this generation to have a real dynamic encounter of God's power and love.

  • - Living the New Covenant Way
    af Malcolm Wayne Puckett
    162,95 kr.

    Every Christian has God's anointing and has charismatic endowments to dispense God's grace into this broken world. The author desires his brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus to know the freedom that they have under the New Covenant, to better understand the truths of God's written word, and to experience the Body Life that our Lord gave to us as the royal children in the Kingdom of God.

  • af Ian Johnson
    117,95 kr.

    This book is an inspiring and historical look at the amazing life of Francis Xavier, missionary and pioneer to India, Sri Lanka, Malacca, Indonesia, the Islands of the Philippines and Japan. which includes a challenge to us to return to the supernatural ministry of Christ as outworked in ordinary men and women of God. In the brief years between 1541 and his death in 1552 Francis saw hundreds of thousands turn to Jesus; the miracles that followed his preaching of the gospel, included twenty eight people recorded as being raised from the dead and countless healings, and unusual signs and wonders, just like the book of Acts. King John 3rd of Portugal was the sender who mostly financed Francis mission, Francis was the one who went and encouraged countless hundreds of others to do the same. My hope is that this book will inspire your heart to the supernatural mission of the body of Christ, either as someone who goes, or as someone who sends. There are still millions who wait for the next Francis Xavier and you carry the same Holy Spirit as Francis did. May this book inspire you in your supernatural journey with Christ.

  • - The Everyday Lifestyle of the Normal Christian.
    af David And Kathie Walters
    152,95 kr.

    We wrote this book about the awesome revival we were part of-WHY? to show that God uses everyone.. Doctors, lawyers, butcher, baker, street sweeper, kids, grandmas, .... Subject: I SAW AND FELT A GREAT RIVER TONIGHT As I sat down at the computer tonight I had a vision of a great river that was rushing fast from a huge waterfall coming from heaven. I can feel it now like it is going to rush me off the chair any minute so I am hurrying, typing this. . You know - we have finished our new book at last - And I want to tell you some reasons why It's important to get it and get some for others too. It contains accounts of the wonderful revival we were in years ago and the supernatural things God did. God used EVERYONE - not just people at the front. People need to really know this -because so much of the church is facing the "front." It also contains some of the funny things that happened when we were learning to hear from God. There is NO SUCH THING as a perfect revival - and anyone that tells you different has not been involved in a real revival. God does sovereign supernatural miracles-but He also uses people and HE WANTS TO USE YOU - So this is written to tell of the great things that God did and also to encourage you to jump into the mighty flow of Gods river -- God can use you in awesome ways - Sid Roth said ""Most Christians are religious and will miss the coming revival. This book will make you "normal," normal as defined by the Bible!"

  • af Malcolm W Puckett
    112,95 kr.

  • - A Brief Look At Replacing Darwinism
    af Puckett Ph.D. Malcolm W. Puckett Ph.D.
    72,95 kr.

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