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  • - 31 Days of Healing, Edification & Rest
    182,95 kr.

    Life is full of challenges that often turn our happiness into sorrow. The American writer Carl Sandburg writes, 'Life is like an onion; you peel it off one layer at a time, and sometimes you weep'. In this transformational book, Nadia Watson-Anthony shares how she navigates the challenges of life on a daily basis. Born and raised in the heart of Fort Worth, Texas, USA, Nadia has not let her challenges characterised by poverty, child pregnancy and abusive relationships become her standard. Instead, she considers her challenges as opportunities for healing, edification and rest. Having gone through life with this mindset, Nadia is now a church minister, marriage counselor, motivational speaker, and life coach. In this page-turner, Nadia believes that the challenges she has faced are present and often hidden in our homes, workplaces, economies and others spheres of life. She is sure that no one is exempt from these challenges during his or her lifetime. She knows that these challenges are sometimes initiated by the people we love, like and trust. Nadia warns us that when things go wrong, we should not go wrong with them. Like me, Nadia believes that we must refuse to let our struggles, failures and challenges become our standard. Like her Saviour Jesus Christ, Nadia firmly believes that when we face challenges, we need to run to Jesus Christ so that he can heal us, edify us and give us rest. In my personal experience, this requires us to live from a place of faith. So, if you believe that the solutions to your challenges are found in your faith, then read 'H.E.R Inspiration' and discover the process Nadia is advising you to use from the moment you face challenges to when you witness the healing and are able to live the rest of your life as the best of your life. If you believe as I believe that when the storms of life come your way you need to hold on to your faith, then read 'H.E.R Inspiration' and discover what you need to do to edify your life. If you believe as I believe that there is life beyond failures, then read 'H.E.R Inspiration' and discover how to align circumstances and people to your side so that you achieve unlimited success and find rest in the Lord. I now have three questions for you: What do you do when you face challenges? What do you do when you are wounded by life? What do you do when life resembles a violent storm? My answer is look at Nadia Watson-Anthony. Nadia is a living answer that there is life after the challenges of life. Nadia's book gives you access to her faith as she navigates through the challenges of poverty, abusive relationships, and teenage pregnancy. Nadia has written this book from her heart to enrich your faith. Read 'H.E.R Inspiration' and discover how to never allow the challenges of life become your standard. If you believe as Nadia that it is not over until you are healed; if you believe as Nadia that it is not over until you are edified; and if you believe as Nadia that it's not over until you rest in the Lord, then read this book for 31 days and witness the transformation in your life. As you read this book, meditate on the daily reflections. Allow the words therein to move from your head to your heart. Write how you feel in your heart, what you see with your eyes, and what you think in your mind. It is my hope that at the end of this book you will raise above your challenges and confess like St Paul the apostle, 'I can do everything with Christ who strengthens me'. I now present to you 'H.E.R Inspiration' and may the great faith within you allow you to be healed, edified and find rest. Dr Patrick BusingeFounder of Greatness UniversityLondon, UK, 20th January 2019.

  • - Stories to Inspire You to Take Refuge in God
    192,95 kr.

    We live in a world characterised by poverty, plagued by the shortage of hope, and marred with average performance. In the midst of this world, the City of Refuge has not remained a spectator. Under the leadership of Dr Ira Roach III, it has embarked on the mission of preaching the Word of God and living the Gospel values. In this book, I bring you stories from people whose lives have been transformed by The City of Refuge. At the heart of these stories are men and women who continue to live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. Read and discover these real life stories told from the heart to inspire you to respond to take refuge in God.

  • af Patrick Businge
    157,95 kr.

    Many people dream of becoming kings, queens and princesses. In reality, very few people are. As you read and colour this book, you will discover about the World's Youngest King. His name is Omukama Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV who lives in Uganda. He became king when he was only 3 and a half years old. Now at 27, he rules the Great Kingdom of Tooro. I hope this book will help you colour your future through the 7s: Purpose, Passion, Plan, People, Persist, Praise, and Pray. The system to create the success you deserve is simple: look, learn, colour, and check. Enjoy the journey for it is not over until you colour your future and create your best life.

  • - Learn Rutooro Language
    af Tracy Norah Guma
    412,95 kr.

    It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you, "Yega Orutooro" (Learn the Rutooro Language). Rutooro Language is a heritage and identity of the People of the Kingdom of Tooro located in South Western Uganda.Rutooro is the principal glue that binds us as a distinct group of people. It is a means of communication. It reflects and shapes our values, beliefs and aspirations as Batooro people. It is through Rutooro that we transmit our experiences, our traditions and our knowledge from generation to generation.Cultural heritage is the legacy of tangible and intangible culture and natural heritage which is inherited from past generations, maintained in the present and bestowed for the benefit of future generations.However, in the face of globalisation and a changing world, Orutooro is increasingly threatened with disappearing and taking with it our entire cultural and intellectual heritage. It is therefore pertinent and imperative that we celebrate, promote and preserve our language, Rutooro for the present and future generations.The best way to celebrate, promote and preserve our cultural heritage and Rutooro language is to share it with others. I therefore, commend Tracy Guma Adyeeri and Julian Businge Amooti for their admirable effort and work in preparing and publishing "Yega Orutooro" which will promote and help preserve the Rutooro language.I call upon every Mutooro to be proud of our heritage, ancestral roots and identity and to become the Custodians and Guardians of our language, Rutooro. I urge you to promote and preserve Rutooro by learning, teaching and speaking Rutooro with your children and ensuring that you safeguard and pass our precious language, Rutooro and our cultural heritage and identity from our generation to the next.I invite you all to read and share "Yega Orutooro". Thank you.Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IVKing of Tooro Kingdom in Uganda

  • - Visitors Guide
    af Patrick Businge
    122,95 kr.

    Welcome to the Great Kingdom of Tooro in Uganda: home of the World's Youngest King Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV and Uganda's number one tourist destination. We hope you will enjoy this brief introduction written by Dr. Patrick Businge: greatness researcher, award winning educator and Tooro's official royal biographer. As a son of Tooro, Dr. Businge has written and published other books about Tooro such as The Great Kingdom of Tooro: Discover Its Friendly People, Amazing Culture and Hidden Treasures; The World's Youngest King: Dr. Oyo Nyimba Kabamba Iguru Rukidi IV; and Colour Your Future With The World's Youngest King. In the first part of this introduction, Dr. Businge walks you through the history of Tooro Kingdom since 1822. Therein, you will have a chance to discover its humble beginnings, and meet its princes and princesses. In the second part, you will encounter the current royal family. You will know more about the World's Youngest King (Omukama), and learn about Tooro's Royal Trinity. In part three of this book, you will savour the culture of Tooro with its people, clans, ceremonies and sport. The fourth part is an invitation for you to participate in the various initiatives related to poverty, culture, peace, agriculture, health, education, and to the fascinating Hakyooto events. The fifth part opens doors for you to become a friend of Tooro. It outlines the membership levels such as Royal Diplomat, lists the mission of the Friends to Tooro and the various royal awards. Parts six and seven describe the various treasures in Tooro such as royal palaces, national parks and crater lakes. The last part lists the products and services such as royal tours, greatness research, royal memorabilia, travel agents and hotels that you might use during your stay in Tooro. We hope you will enjoy reading about the Great Kingdom of Tooro.

  • - Learn Rutooro Language
    af Tracy Guma & Julian Businge
    182,95 kr.

  • af Greatness University
    732,95 kr.

  • af Greatness University
    503,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Businge & Greatness University
    564,95 kr.

    The World Book of Greatness is the first ever and only book that documents great people on the national and international levels. This book, which is like the "Guinness World Records" Book of Greatness, was invented in 2020 by Professor Patrick Businge: the Founding Chancellor of Greatness University. This prestigious book is curated by Greatness University: the world's first institution dedicated to discovering, developing, delivering, sustaining, and celebrating greatness in the world. Induction into the World Book of Greatness is by nomination and upon meeting the criteria set by Greatness University. For more information, visit and In this special edition, we bring you inductees from the Democratic Republic of Congo: Ambassadors of Greatness Dr Nadia Watson-Anthony, Founder of H.E.R Inspiration, USADr Billy Issa, Founder of Inspire 50 Women Conference & Network, DRCIcons of Greatness Luc Gerard Nyafe, Philanthropist & Founder of Strategos Group LLCProf. Noel K. Tshiani Muadiamvita, Renowned Economist & Politician Leading Lights of Greatness H.E. Chantal Yelu Mulop, Special Advisor to the President of the DRC Annie Matundu Mbambi, Author & Leader of Resolution 1325 in the DRCMamitsho Pontshi Lobo, 3rd Woman Pilot in the History of Civil Aviation in DRC Visionaries of Greatness Lula Hamba Wabwa Cecile Grace, Civic Educator & Women Rights Activist Creators of Greatness Dr Josue Mawanga, Founder of Generational Leaders Association Educators of Greatness Senator Didier Mumengi, President of the Senators of the City of KinshasaProfessor Georgette Biebie Songo, Philanthropist & Professor of Toxicology Voices of Greatness Licelv Mauwa, Singer, Songwriter & PhilanthropistMarie Ludovic Manoka Nzuzi, Deaconess & Politician Julienne Lusenge, Human Rights Activist & Gender Expert Dei Mbiya Moyowabo, Lawyer, Politician & Women Rights ActivistLeonnie Kandolo, Expert in Gender, Governance & Natural Resources Faida Mwangilwa, Honorary Minister for Gender, Family and Children, DRC Humanitarians of Greatness Mathilde Lohaka, Medical Doctor & Philanthropist Sophie Ngalula Mukuna, Founder & President of ASEDEF Dr Merlyne M Tukalakiesse, Dentist & Founder of DrepaCoeur Liliane Temuni Ngoyi Mawa, Godmother of Peace in Central Africa

  • af Julian Businge
    227,95 kr.

    197,95 kr.

  • - Creating a New World
    af Greatness University
    197,95 kr.

  • - How to Develop a Lifestyle of Diplomacy
    af Julian Businge & Clyde Rivers
    112,95 kr.

  • af Greatness University
    337,95 - 767,95 kr.

  • af Patrick Businge
    467,95 kr.

  • - 77 stories to inspire you to live your dreams
    af Patrick Businge
    317,95 kr.

  • - Discover its Friendly People, Amazing Culture and Hidden Treasures
    af Patrick Businge
    337,95 - 597,95 kr.

  • - Stories to Inspire You to Plant Better
    af Patrick Businge
    272,95 - 467,95 kr.

  • af Greatness
    467,95 kr.

  • - The Workbook to Take Your Life, Studies, Career and Business to the Next Level
    af Patrick Businge
    197,95 kr.

    Do you want to create the best version of yourself? Do you want to live your dreams and not your fears? Are you interested in taking your career to the next level? Are you searching for the fuel to perform better in your business? Are you looking to add passion to your studies? Are you looking for people to network with and take your life to the next level? Based on his bestselling book '7 Steps to Greatness: The Masterplan to Take Your Life, Studies, Career and Business to the Next Level', Dr Patrick Businge now gives you activities to do on each step. Complete the activities in this workbook and create the best version of yourself.You have something special. There is greatness within you. Don't let your current conditions become your standard. Use this workbook so that you give yourself a chance to live the rest of your life as the best of your life.

  • - Discover the Miracle Power, Uncommon Nature and Greatness in You
    af Patrick Businge
    112,95 kr.

    Do you feel that your life has come to standstill? Do you want to change direction but do not know where to start? Do you want to take your life, studies, career, and business to the next level but are unsure how to make this happen? Allow Dr Patrick Businge to show you the road to the miracle power, uncommon nature, and the greatness in you so that you live life on your terms. Born in Uganda, Dr Patrick Businge did not let his circumstances characterised by war, poverty and fear become his standard. He followed the road to his best self and made greatness his benchmark. He is the Founder of Greatness University: the world's first institution dedicated to discovering, unlocking, and monetising greatness in individuals and businesses. He has researched, written about and spoken for approximately 20 years in the fields of ethics, philosophy, religion, education, armed conflict, disability, and greatness. Dr Businge's vision is to inspire one million people become instruments of peace, messengers of hope and channels of greatness. He has already inspired over 50 000 people in classrooms, churches, orphanages, villages, community centres, and boardrooms throughout the United Kingdom, Europe, Africa, and Americas. Now, his goal is to help you tap into your greatness faster and easily than you ever imagined. With the right mindset and skillset, how you achieve this is: The Road to Your Best Self.

  • - The Masterplan to Take Your Life, Studies, Career and Business to the Next Level
    af Patrick Businge
    217,95 kr.

    Do you want to live your dreams and not your fears? Are you interested in taking your career to the next level? Are you searching for the fuel to perform better in your business? Are you looking to add passion to your studies? Are you interested in finding the people to network with and take your life and cause to the next level? In this page turner, Dr Patrick Businge shares with you the strategies he has learnt from his mentors such Les Brown: the world's number one motivational speaker, Ona Brown: expert in personal transformation, Brian Tracy: bestselling author and world's top success coach, and Omar Periu: world leading wealth coach. Read the and discover how Dr Patrick Businge has been unstoppable in pursuing his dreams in the face of war and gone on to achieve his personal, academic, and business goals. You have something special. There is greatness within you. Don't let fear become your standard. Follow the 7 Steps to Greatness masterplan and take your life, studies, relationship, and business to the next level. 'This book is straight to the heart and back into action. Every chapter is like a staircase to success'. Julian Businge, Founder of Peace Property Education'The only midwife to the greatness in you'.Dr Pravin Patel, Author and Celebrity Guru 'This book is simply extraordinary...If you want to fly, your wings and passport to any destination you desire will be found within this book'.Antonio T. Smith, Jr. Bestselling Author of 'Keep Walking'

  • - Stories To Inspire You To Take Refuge In God
    af Patrick Businge
    197,95 kr.

    We live in a world characterised by poverty, plagued by the shortage of hope, and marred with average performance. In the midst of this world, the City of Refuge has not remained a spectator. Under the leadership of Dr Ira Roach III, it has embarked on the mission of preaching the Word of God and living the Gospel values. In this book, I bring you stories from people whose lives have been transformed by The City of Refuge. At the heart of these stories are men and women who continue to live ordinary lives in extraordinary ways. Read and discover these real life stories told from the heart to inspire you to respond to take refuge in God.

  • - Stories From The Heart To Enrich Your Faith
    af Patrick Businge
    207,95 kr.

    No one on earth has positively changed people's lives than Jesus Christ. However, we continue to live in a world characterised by war, plagued by the shortage of hope, and marred with average performance. In the midst of this world, Dr Patrick Businge's mission is to inspire one million people become instruments of peace, messengers of hope, and channels of greatness. In this book, he brings to you stories from people who are living ordinary lives in extraordinary ways because they have allowed Jesus to change their lives. Read and discover these amazing, inspiring and transformational stories told from the heart to enrich your faith.

  • - Stories To Inspire You To Respond To Your Calling
    387,95 kr.

    I have known Archbishop Doyé T. Agama from the early years of this century, first by correspondence and we later met in person at a number of public events. In 2012 HIH Prince Ermias Haile Selassie, awarded me the Senior Fellow of the Order of St Hadrian of Canterbury, where Archbishop Doyé T. Agama serves as Abbot General. In 2013, I was delighted to welcome the Archbishop and Prince Ermias Haile-Selassie as speakers at an event at iCAN Community Church London. In 2017 I had the pleasure of hosting the Archbishop on a ground-breaking TV Series "Africa, Christianity and the Bible" on TBN-UK Christian Television.Archbishop Doyé T. Agama has a unique vision that the African and Asian Diaspora "Ethnic Minority Churches" presently in the Western nations must be united and mobilised to face the issues that affect their people. His view is therefore that our Leaders must consequently be willing to reconnect with the ancient roots of Christianity but also to jointly leverage the potential of the collective church on behalf of the lands of their origins. He has lived out this vision in his own life and ministryHe is a man of immense spiritual, spiritual and physical discipline, energy and creativity, consistent in principle and procedure. He has worked to restore order and strength-in-depth to many emerging churches. He has remained conservative theologically but open ecumenically, working with all the historic churches including Orthodoxy, Roman and Eastern Catholic, Lutheran, Anglican, Presbyterian, Congregational, Baptist, Methodist and Pentecostal. He also has an advantage of a deep knowledge and love of Judaism, something that we share.This book researched by Dr Patrick Businge shows Archbishop Doyé Agama's distinct approach to modern Christianity. He is indeed an Apostle to the Diaspora through the Pastoral Congress which he founded and leads. He is a barrier breaker bringing divergent streams of church together in a new convergence. He has straddled England as an ecumenical giant for years, calling all Bible-believing Christians to unity. He is a true worshipper and follower of Christ who lives in daily thanksgiving for the Salvation of Calvary. The author of many insightful and inspirational books, the Archbishop is a repository of wisdom, a visionary leader who has been a mentor and spiritual father to many of the emerging church leaders of our future.Archbishop Doyé T, Agama is truly a remarkable personality one of very few such it has been my destiny to meet. His impact on the lives and ministries of many Christian Leaders around the world may only be finally revealed in Eternity.Bishop Wayne Malcolm, London England, December 2018

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