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Bøger udgivet af Greenhaven Publishing

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  • af Christina Fisanick
    417,95 kr.

    No Child Left Behind has set the course of education policy in the new century, but what has its impact been? Is high-stakes testing the best way to assess the success of a school? Has NCLB left special education students behind? Does NCLB treat education as a business, and is this the best approach? This anthology offers analyses and solutions to some of the most relevant issues concerning NCLB and education, urging readers to understand the full debate fueling this education policy.

    454,95 kr.

    With significantly hotter average temperatures, an increase in natural disasters, and rising oceans, the reality of climate change is hard to miss. Predictions about the future of Earth and its inhabitants vary, from hopeful to frantic to doomsday scenarios. Does climate change pose an immediate threat to Earth's biodiversity? What other factors have resulted in biodiversity changes, and are they as severe as the impacts caused by climate change? Is there enough time to mitigate and even reverse the destruction we have caused?

  • - Tourism, Competition, Militarization
    597,95 kr.

    Once the domain of federal governments, space travel has entered the realm of private enterprise. Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Richard Branson all have directed portions of their vast fortunes toward space tourism. Is this just a billionaires' hobby, or is it a legitimate peek into vacations of the future? The militarization of space is also being considered by world leaders, but concerns arise about the potential for dangerous activity within the international community. Is continued exploration into outer space even worth the time and money being spent on it?

  • af Stefan Kiesbye
    417,95 kr.

    The Internet is a tremendous tool for education, but it also has its dark side. We can tell teens to be careful, but new threats evolve out of this flexible medium every day. Present your readers with essential information on the crime elements of the Internet. This book expertly explores sexual offenses, cyberbullying, online gambling, and other manifestations of illegal activity conducted on the Internet.

  • af Stefan Kiesbye
    417,95 kr.

    This volume explores the issues surrounding anorexia, a serious eating disorder affecting up to one percent of girls and women in the United States. Essays discuss the roles of sociocultural influences and genetics in causing anorexia; a possible connection to Asperger syndrome; the effectiveness of internet-based treatment programs; and the potential danger of pro-anorexia websites.

  • af Stefan Kiesbye
    417,95 kr.

    Running from Alaska's North Slope to Calgary, Canada, the Alaska Gas Pipeline is expected to provide a steady supply of gas and make the United States more energy independent. What are costs to the environment? Will migratory patterns be altered to the point where species die off? Is the focus on natural gas as a clean alternative to oil misguided? This anthology tackles these questions and other relevant concerns in accessible essays. Readers will learn about the science and the politics behind the energy revolution, and efforts to extract minerals from the North Slope.

  • af Erica Grove
    412,95 kr.

    While difficult to define conclusively, cyberterrorism involves using computer systems to create chaos and fear in order to harm individuals or larger groups such as organizations or nation states. Acts of cyberterrorism can be a major threat to infrastructure and security. But how realistic a threat are they? Some experts claim that despite their dramatic scope, cyberterrorist acts are mostly exaggerated by the media. Others counter that such threats should be taken very seriously. The viewpoints in this resource debate the potential damage created by cyberterrorism, how it can be prevented, and who is responsible for policing it.

  • af Lisa Idzikowski
    597,95 kr.

    Despite recent outbreaks and warnings of a future global pandemic, the world seemed largely unprepared when COVID-19 quickly spread from China to Europe to the United States and beyond. In the US the response was slow and heavily politicized. What went wrong and what can be done to ensure the country is prepared for the next pandemic? Carefully selected viewpoints from experts in the field explore the virus and how it spread; the scientific community's scramble to understand, treat, and vaccinate; and how science and politics can work together in the future.

  • - Fragile Democracy
    af Gary Wiener
    597,95 kr.

    The insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6, 2021 sent shockwaves around the world. Suddenly, the United States, for many the gold standard of democracy and stability, seemed at risk. The riot was a direct response by a mob of extremist Trump supporters contesting the results of the recent election, but in many ways it was a culmination of larger and more complicated forces. The viewpoints in this volume explore how and why this astonishing violation happened, who and what is ultimately responsible for the insurrection, and what it means for the future of democracy and the United States.

  • af Lisa Idzikowski
    412,95 kr.

    Like other large global corporations, the technology sector known as "Big Tech" possesses the money and power to disproportionately influence society. But so far, many of these companies have escaped scrutiny and regulation while enjoying the benefits of a relatively new--and not always understood--medium. Should social media companies be considered publishers, being held accountable for spreading misinformation? Does technology increase extremism and other harmful behaviors? Is it too late to change? The viewpoints in this volume explore the fascinating debate surrounding what responsibility Big Tech should take when it comes to upholding democratic principles.

  • af Eamon Doyle
    607,95 kr.

    The United States seems to be more ideologically divided than ever, with political polarization at an all-time high in recent history. Political differences can be positive, as when they drive an increase in political engagement or push both sides to come to better conclusions. But taken to an extreme, they can be dangerous. The viewpoints in this volume examine extremists on both the right and the left, how domestic extremism has evolved since the advent of the internet and social media, and how law enforcement at various levels should address it, particularly in the prevention of extremist attacks.

  • af M M Eboch
    437,95 kr.

    If children are the future, the importance of educating them cannot be overvalued. Why, then, is access to quality education in the US consistently under debate? The US is known as the Land of Opportunity, but the truth is that many children are unable to meet their potential simply because of educational inequities. The viewpoints in this resource examine the difference between equality and equitability; issues such as funding disparities, impacts of gender, race, and socioeconomic status, and lack of resources; and what can be done to ensure that every student has a chance to succeed, regardless of their background.

  • af M M Eboch
    437,95 kr.

    Green parties began to take route in Europe in the 1970s and soon spread to other parts of the globe. This political ideology is rooted in environmentalism, nonviolence, and social justice. In the United States, the Green Party has failed to make a mark on national politics, like all third parties, and under the current election system it seems unlikely that will change. The viewpoints in this resource debate the issues and relevance of the Green Party, ways in which it can promote its agenda without candidates in office, and how it can it achieve success.

  • af Avery Elizabeth Hurt
    437,95 - 632,95 kr.

    Is there intelligent life elsewhere in the universe? It seems unlikely that Earth's inhabitants are the only ones. Those who claim to have witnessed UFOs and alien life are often dismissed as crackpots, yet the search for extraterrestrial intelligence has been conducted by scientists ever since technological advancements allowed for it. The viewpoints in this resource explore what it would mean on a practical level to find other intelligent life forms, how important space exploration is in general, whether governments or private enterprise should fund such searches, and other relevant issues.

  • af Gary Wiener
    632,95 kr.

    Donald Trump entered the political arena by relentlessly questioning the legitimacy of President Barack Obama. He had become famous--and infamous--as a businessman and TV personality, and his rise to the presidency was shocking and polarizing. Trump's bombastic campaign and tumultuous term in the White House revealed a changing Republican party. Swept up in a populist surge, the Party of Lincoln seemed poised to become eclipsed by hateful rhetoric and wild conspiracy theories rather than solid conservative policies. This resource explores the Trump phenomenon and asks what is the future of the Republican party, with or without Donald Trump?

    547,95 kr.

    More than 25 percent of the world's population experiences moderate or severe levels of food insecurity. The United States is not exempt: 35 million Americans do not have regular access to food that is safe and nutritious. The viewpoints in this volume address how this is possible in such a rich and resourceful nation. They also explore why so many urban and rural areas are now considered food deserts. Readers will examine the paradox of the obesity epidemic and the government's responsibility to feed its citizens. The side effects of a hungry population, particularly children and seniors are assessed. Readers are challenged to evaluate and consider solutions for ensuring food security.

  • af Scott Barbour
    376,95 kr.

    Editor Scott Barbour has carefully compiled several essays that debate various issues relating to censorship. By presenting readers with more than one intelligent viewpoint, they will think critically while forming or revising their own opinions about censorship. Chapter one debates whether there should be limits to free speech. Chapter two asks whether the Internet should be censored. Chapter three takes a look at worldwide censorship on free speech. Chapter four discusses whether freedom in the U.S. is threatened by censorship. Essay sources include Dean Baquet, Bill Keller, Haroon Siddiqui, Adam B. Kushner, April Gu, Debra Lau Whelan, and Alan Sears.

    477,95 kr.

    Since 1973, when the draft ended, involvement in the U.S. military has been voluntary. The makeup of the men and women who serve America today has evolved over the subsequent decades. This volume explores many issues pertaining to the U.S. military, such as what segment of the population is serving, how that translates to patriotism and politicization, and the military-industrial complex. Readers will survey the treatment of women and transgender servicepeople, how the country treats its veterans and addresses their special needs, and many other important considerations.

    547,95 kr.

    Americans spend more than 460 billion dollars on prescription drugs annually, according to the Department of Health and Human Services. Not all of this medication is helping us. Unnecessary and improper use of medication is responsible for an extremely high number of hospital visits and deaths each year. In addition, the cost of many medications can be prohibitive. Are we taking too many drugs? Why are prescription drugs in the United States so expensive? Does the pharmaceutical industry work for our best interest? The perspectives in this volume delve into the many facets of the controversies pertaining to prescription drugs.

  • af Christina Fisanick
    357,95 kr.

    This volume focuses on food around the world: its safety, scarcity, security, and significance in the world economy. Chapters address the need for international food safety standards and current efforts and vulnerabilities. Readers will evaluate the dependence on fossil fuels to produce and ship food, and learn about concerns for the world's fisheries. Threats of food shortages in Africa and Asia is analyzed, and the economic impact of free trade, fair trade, and the local food movement is explained. Essay sources include Integrated Regional Information Networks, International Water Management Institute, Maggie Airriess, Richard Heinberg, and Tang Yuankai.

    547,95 kr.

    We have entered a time when celebrities are so valued that they are more respected and powerful than anyone else. It began with movie and sports stars, but as a result of the preponderance of reality shows that change nobodies into stars with immense clout, celebrity has been democratized. YouTube stars and Instagram influencers are the latest to rise to celebrity status, and they have more power than many of us know. This curation of perspectives explores the advantages to celebrity, how advances in media technology have impacted fame, and the dangers inherent in a rising celebrity culture.

  • af Louise I Gerdes
    308,95 kr.

    How harmful are performance-enhancing drugs to health? Does federal involvement in policing athletes entitle those accused to due process? To what degree should athletic governing bodies administer drug testing? Supporting key Social Studies standards, this edition tackles the ongoing debates and issues surrounding performance enhancing drugs. Readers are presented with a series of diverse viewpoints on the many facets of this debate through a collection of resources, essays, and articles.

  • af Roman Espejo
    417,95 kr.

    This comprehensive edition explores the issues regarding the cost of the Internet, including the availability of broadband access, tiered Internet access, and Internet availability for minorities. Readers will evaluate both sides of the idea that the Internet should be a free resource for all to access. Includes primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives; eyewitnesses, scientific journals, government officials, and many others.

  • af Stefan Kiesbye
    417,95 kr.

    This edition explores the health and environmental problems posed by hazardous waste contamination and disposal. Readers are presented with a variety of viewpoints on questions pertaining to nuclear and toxic waste such as, what hazardous materials are, what the current public policy regarding hazardous waste is, and what sectors should bear responsibility for hazardous waste disposal. Includes primary and secondary sources from a variety of perspectives; eyewitnesses, scientific journals, government officials, and many others.

  • af Bridey Heing
    622,95 kr.

    The divisive 2016 presidential election suggested the presence of a rift between residents of urban areas and those in rural communities, with fundamental differences in beliefs and values between the two. While the election spurred renewed interest in this divide, the divergence in the perspectives and priorities of urban and rural communities has existed throughout American history. This volume explores how the urban-rural divide came to exist, how it impacts politics, whether technology has decreased or increased this sense of division, and what can be done to unify Americans.

  • af Lisa Idzikowski
    622,95 kr.

    The term "artificial intelligence" was introduced in 1956. Today's AI is accomplishing the original goal of mirroring human thought processes; it's designed to independently adapt to and learn from new data. AI involves programming machines and robots to automatically complete complicated tasks. The opportunities to simplify and enhance daily life that these machines offer could make them instrumental in advancing the development of humankind. However, concerns about what can be accomplished through robotics, the extent to which humans can control sophisticated AI, and the impact robots and AI will have on labor, warfare, and health must also be considered. This volume presents thoughtful, well-researched essays that help readers analyze this topic and develop their own intelligent viewpoints.

  • af Louise Hawker
    362,95 kr.

    This book offers an in-depth examination of colonialism as presented in Chinua Achebe's novel Things Fall Apart, as well as contemporary perspectives on this issue. Discussions include the use of language to convey status and power, the clash of Igbo and European cultures, the loss of personal identity, and the different faces of neo-colonialism.

  • af Kelly Barth
    308,95 kr.

    Does one have to speak English to be an American? Or follow a particular religion? Many students learn in school that America is the world's melting pot, yet this belies long-established attempts by many communities to retain aspects of life from original countries. Racial and ethnic identity sometimes conflict with established national narratives, leading some students to wonder how the most diverse country in history can also define itself so narrowly? This volume analyzes assimilation in the United States from contrasting viewpoints. Readers will learn the relevant questions and key ideas driving perceptions of assimilation, such as the role of immigration policies in creating assimilation, the implications of adopting dual-language and dual-citizenship programs, and the importance of pushing businesses to market to a diverse society.

  • af Martin Gitlin
    389,95 kr.

    For many years, "no means no" served as the standard for whether sexual consent is granted, but valid concerns have called for an expansion of this standard. Factors that could prevent someone from rejecting an unwanted advance include coercion and intoxication, making the concept of verbal consent muddy. The debate over whether this standard should be replaced and what should replace it has brought forth various possible solutions, with some arguing that only enthusiastic verbal consent will do, and others asserting that this expectation is unrealistic. Factors like age, positions of trust and authority, and mental and emotional conditions and disabilities also factor into the discussion. The well-balanced articles found here will provide your readers with an intelligent understanding of this topic.

  • af David M Haugen
    393,95 kr.

    This assembly of essays examines whether global warming is a real phenomenon or a myth, addressing possible causes like carbon dioxide, deforestation, melting permafrost, and livestock agriculture. Readers will evaluate the effects of global warming on the polar ice caps, polar bears, and human health. They'll consider some proposed strategies to mitigate the impact. Essay sources include Ralph Nader, Toby Heaps, Marisa Miller Wolfson, Michael Reagan, and Kassie Siegel.

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