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Miniserie: Cabrera-brødrene (2)Den berygtede milliardær Alejandro Cabrera lokker den uskyldige eventplanlæger Calandra Smythe til at tilbringe en vidunderlig nat sammen med ham. En nat, der får konsekvenser. Da hun fortæller ham, at hun skal være mor og selv vil opfostre sit barn, overtaler han hende til at lade ham bevise, at han vil være velegnet som far, ved at de tilbringer en uge sammen i Frankrig ...
"Former Seattle homicide cop J.P. Beaumont faces trouble in the small town of Ashland as both his personal and professional lives are thrown into turmoil. Beau's daughter and son-in-law are having marital troubles, and his grandson, a senior in high school, shows up on his doorstep, wanting to live with Beau and his wife Mel as he finishes out the school year. Meanwhile, a friend from his past asks for Beau's help in looking into what appears to be an accidental death. A young man died of a fentanyl overdose, but those closest to him are convinced that he would never have used the drug, and that something much more sinister has happened. Beau agrees to unofficially reopen the case, and his investigation leads him to uncover similar mysterious deaths that all point to a most unlikely suspect"--
TvillingerneMatt McKay forestiller sig, at hans dage som ungkarl er talte. Ja, han regner sågar med, at hele hans liv er planlagt, da han kører af sted for at fri til sin passende kæreste gennem mange år. Men så griber skæbnen ind, og lader Erin Douglas og et par uvorne, men uimodståelige tvillingedrenge komme i vejen.Matts ridderlighed bliver vakt, da denne fikse og færdige familie bliver del af hans liv, og han indser snart, at han nyder at have tvillingerne i nærheden. Men hvad med den kvinde, som elsker dem?Lyt til barnet Gina har et sagt punkt for Carsons søn, Joey - hun var engang selv i hans situation. So for hans skyld går hun med til at bo i den fraskilte Carsons hjem for at vise denne stolte mand, hvordan han skal nå ind til sin søn. Men hun begynder snart at spekulere på, om Carson også engang vil få brug for hende ...
Hvis eventyret bliver sandtHans prinsesse i den hvide kittel - Dr. Kiki Fender - vidste, at prins Stefano af Aspelicus ikke var manden, hun skulle leve lykkeligt til sine dages ende med, da han forsvandt efter deres hektiske affære. Selvom hun var den eneste kvinde, der var trængt ind gennem de jernhårde barrierer omkring hans stolte og pligtopfyldende hjerte. Men nu må de to læger arbejde sammen på et krydstogtskib, og Stefano indser, at der er ét ansvar, han fuldstændig har svigtet - ansvaret over for sig selv. Hvis han ønsker, at Kiki bliver hans prinsesse, må han bevise, at han alligevel er hendes prins på den hvide hest.Ramt af livetDen ludfattige Darcy bliver ansat som barnepige hos en græsk prins, der lever inkognito i Los Angeles med sin lille datter. De er begge blevet hårdt ramt af livet, og ingen af dem er interesseret i at knytte nye bånd. Mod deres vilje flyver amorinerne i luften, og de bekæmper dem begge to indædt!Den fortabte prinsServitricen Bailey Harper kæmper for at tjene til dagen og vejen og for at beskytte sit sårede hjerte. Da hun møder Raphael, tør hun endelig åbne sit hjerte for den mand, hun kan se en fremtid med. Men Raphael er ikke den, han giver sig ud for at være, og da han forlader Bailey, er hun alene med hans barn i maven.At sige ja!Folk jubler! Kronprins Lucca gifter sig med Alexandra Grigory. Prinsesse Alexandra ser forelsket på sin brudgom. Hvis bare han følte det samme for hende, som hun føler for ham!Fra spidsen af sin diamantbesatte tiara til spidsen af sine silkesko ligner hun en prinsesse. Men hun ved, at kun Luccas kærlighed kan få hende til også at føle sig som en prinsesse!
En lang rejseJaney Stafford har aldrig regnet med at blive mor, men hendes søster er pludselig død, og nu står hun med ansvaret for sin lille nevø. Janeys største ønske er at sørge for, at drengen er glad - og hun har endda bestemt sig for at prøve at finde Luke, drengens far. Undervejs kommer de ud for en ulykke og Janey kommer på hospitalet, og hendes nevø forsvinder. Luke Bresciano holder øje med Janey på hospitalet. Han er opsat på at finde sin søn, og mon hun kan hjælpe ham?Brændende kærlighedDet sydlige Australien er plaget af skovbrande, men selv midt i kaos går Max' ankomst til stationen ikke ubemærket hen. Max er helt ubeskriveligt sexet og præcis sådan en mand, som den sårbare ambulanceredder Phoebe har lovet sig selv at holde sig langt væk fra ...
Elskerinde for en million dollarMiniserie: Diamanter varer evigt (1)- Jeg vil være din elskerinde … for en million dollar.I årevis har fotomodellen Briana Davenport bekæmpet fristelsen - i form af en høj forfører med smukke blå øjne. Jarrod Hammond er hendes chefs svorne fjende og derfor forbudt for hende.Men da hendes far har brug for en million dollar til at redde sig ud af en knibe, har Briana intet andet valg end at vende sig mod den australske forretningsmand.Den skønneste juvel Miniserie: Diamanter varer evigt (2)Ric Perrini, bestyrelsesformand i Blackstone Diamonds og Sydneys mest sexede ungkarl, mangler kun lige en fangst for at hans lykke er fuldendt: Kimberly Blackstone. Det vil blive Rics vanskeligste opgave nogensinde at lokke hende tilbage til sin fars virksomhed, tilbage til sin fødselsret - og tilbage i hans arme. Ric har før haft Kimberly i sine arme, men denne gang accepterer han kun hendes fuldkomne overgivelse ...Fire skønne romaner - nu atter genoptryktHede drømmeMiniserie: Diamanter varer evigt (3)Jake Vance er en farlig, velklædt og charmerende forretningsmand. Da han vender blikket mod Blackstone Diamonds, Australiens rigeste diamanthandler, bliver Holly McLeods primære opgave at være hans assistent. Hendes sekundære opgave er at agere spion ...
Nikkis svære valg Baby fundet på skadestuen!Lægevikar Nikki Lawrence kommer ud for mere end hun havde regnet med på Hope City Hospital. Ikke nok med hun skal arbejde sammen med en mand der engang knuste hendes hjerte og stadig hjemsøger hendes drømme, men hun skal også tage sig at et spædbarn, der bliver efterladt på skadestuen af sin mor!Ødemarkens engelEt job i ødemarkenSygeplejerske Olivia Morrell begyndte sit nye job i ødemarken ikke hlet uden angst. Hun havde ønsket at komme væk fra det hele, men i det isolerede Kirrijong var der kun en læge. Og udfra rygtet at dømme var dr. Clemson humørsyg og besværlig.Clem begyndte at mistænke sin nye sygplejerske for at komme til Kirrijong i forsøg på at komme sig over hjertesorg. Men det forhindrede ikke, at han følte sig tiltrukket at hende. Og hvis Olivia skulle lære, at ikke alle mænd var upålidelige, kunne han være hendes lærer ...
Under månens skærI tre år har hun hjemsøgt ham i drømme. Og mindet om den nat på stranden får surferen Jesse King til at vende tilbage til Morgan Beach i Californien. Han vil se den mystiske kvinde igen.Bella er ikke ligefrem begejstret for at se Jesse. Han tog hende med storm, fortsatte med sit liv, som om intet var hændt, og nu kan han ikke engang genkende hende!En enlig mors hjerteDen enlige mor Natalie jonglerer bade skabelsen af fantastiske kager og opdragelsen af sine udfordrende tvillinger. Cooper Sullivan er en vindertype. Han er ambitiøs og på toppen af sin karriere. Et nyt job fører ham tilbage til Natalies dør, og da han møder hende igen, indser han, at det eneste, han i virkeligheden gerne vil vinde, er Natalies hjerte ...Et hjerte af glasHelena smækker døren i efter sig. Læberne brænder stadig efter Salvatores kys, men indeni er hun fyldt med modstridende følelser. Da hun rejste til Venedig, var hun overbevist om, at hun og Salvatore Veretti ville blive enige. Han ejede allerede et glaspusteri og ville købe hendes til markedsprisen. Men nu ser det hele anderledes ud. Hun kan mærke, at han vil føre hende bag lyset, og kysset havde været hans forsøg på at få overtaget. Men så husker Helena, hvordan han også var blevet påvirket af deres møde.Kærlighed klarer alt, BraddyDoktor Brad Peranos hjemkomst til Blenheim får sladderen til at gå i hele byen. Sygeplejersken Erin Foley er mere end fascineret. Hun er sikker på, at der er mere til den rebelske enspænder end hans frække smil.
Arvebruden Miniserie: Søstrenes skæbner (3/4)Ione Gakis, en multimillionærs eneste barn, vil en dag blive en af de rigeste unge kvinder i verden. Men hendes rigdom kan ikke købe det hun længes højst efter, nemlig frihed. Da hendes far beordrer hende til at gifte sig med den græske pengemagnat Alexio Christoulakis, planlægger hun i al hemmelighed at stikke af på bryllupsnatten. Men Ione bliver indfanget af Alexios charme og udstråling. Da bryllupsdagen nærmer sig, tvinges hun til at træffe et valg. Vil hun være i stand til at forlade sin mand?Elsker elsker ikkeMiniserie: Søstrenes skæbner (4/4)Den internationale forretningsmagnat Luciano da Valenza træder til for at redde Linwood-familiens skrantede vinkæde og slår benene væk under den unge, påvirkelige Kerry Linwood. Hun er imidlertid bange for, at det ikke er hende han vil have, men derimod det vinimperium hun en dag skal arve. Så stjæles der penge fra firmaet, og beviserne sender Luciano i fængsel. Fem år efter senere erklæres Lucianos dom for usikker. Han er vendt tilbage og vil rense sit navn. Han er sikker på at familien Linwood har hængt ham op på tyveriet, og vil hævne sig og begynder med Kerry.
En falsk forlovelseHan havde fanget hende på fersk gerning og Duarte ville udnytte det til sin fordel. Ingen journalist skulle nærme sig hans familie og slet ikke gennem soveværelsesvinduet. Hvis Kate Harper ville have sin historie, måtte hun sige ja til hans betingelser.Stolthed og vilje Emma McKinley kæmper for at redde sit familiefirma, og det kommer som et chok for hende, da rigmanden Alex Garrison rækker hende en hjælpende hånd sammen med en forlovelsesring. Han kræver, at hun giver ham halvdelen af sit firma, så skal han nok betale hendes gæld.Det viser sig hurtigt, at gnisterne flyver mellem dem, og sød musik opstår, men Emma gør sig ingen forhåbninger. Hun ved jo, at deres ægteskab er bygget på en løgn ...
Forbudte løfter Miniserie: Søstrenes skæbner (1/4)Tilgængelig igjenDa kronprins Jaspar Al-Husayn kommer brasende ind i Fredericas liv, bliver hun rasende over hans arrogante væsen. Men aldrig har en mand set på Frederica, som Jaspar gør. Han er dog ikke kommet for at gøre kur til hende, men for at gøre krav på hendes lille nevø, der netop er blevet forældreløs. Frederica nægter at give afkald på lille Ben. Hun må gøre noget. Og hvad kan være mere nærliggende end at fri til Jaspar?Den ulydige elskerindeMiniserie: Søstrenes skæbner (2/4)Tilgængelig igjenMisty Carlton bliver chokeret, da Leone Andracchi tilbyder at hjælpe hende ud af hendes økonomiske vanskeligheder. Der må stikke noget under? Det gør der også. Den hensynsløse og sexede sicilianske finansfyrste har brug for hende til at optræde som hans elskerinde i et par måneder. Misty er tvunget til at påtage sig rollen. Og når alt kommer til alt, har Leone kun bedt hende om at være hans elskerinde af navn. Hvor svært kan det være?
Aegtemand for et årAftalen var overstået ...Stefanie havde været den perfekte hustru, og deres et år lange ægteskabs-arrangement havde passet Gabe Wainwright perfekt! Underligt, at han nu tøvede over at skulle forlade rollen.... ville deres rigtige ægteskab begynde?Stefanie ønskede ligeledes, at Gabe kunne være hendes ægtemand - på flere måder end kun af navn. Men ville stoltheden afholde dem fra at forhandle om en ny ægteskabs-kontrakt - denne gang som et permanent arrangement?AftalenEn mand ... to babyer!Nat Mastermann, den stærke, tavse kvægavler fra Australiens ødemark aner intet om babyer! Alligevel er han lige blevet værge for et tvillingepar på otte måneder og han skal til London for at hente dem!Prue ønskede, at hun aldrig havde fortalt sin engelske familie, at hun tog en flot australsk fyr med hjem til søsterens bryllup. Han eksisterer ikke! I hvert fald ikke, førend Prue møder Nat - og de beslutter at tage til London sammen...
Juliet Castellucci forstår ikke, hvorfor den smukke karismatiske mand, hun forelskede sig på en regnvejrsdag i Rom, bliver indesluttet og afvisende efter deres bryllup. Da hun desuden ser ham sammen med en smuk kvinde, vælger hun at rejse hjem til England og søge skilsmisse.Men Ralph Castellucci er ikke utro, for en gammel hemmelighed har set dagens lys ...
Lieutenant Cal Donnelly has come home full of guilt he can't shake for events he could never control. First, he has to tell his family he's thinking of leaving the military. Second, he promised to give a Dear Jane message to his best friend's girlfriend. At least Charlotte Wilson doesn't seem heartbroken when he makes contact.
Susan Mallery, the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Boardwalk Bookshop, returns with the joyful and utterly irresistible story of a mother who couldn't love her kids more but hopes that, just this once, they please don't come home for Christmas. Perfect for fans of Mary Kay Andrews and Julie Murphy! Julie Parker’s kids are her greatest gift. Still, she’s not exactly heartbroken when they ask to skip a big Christmas. Her son, Nick, is taking a belated honeymoon with his bride, Blair, while her daughter, Dana, will purge every reminder of the guy who dumped her. Again. Julie feels practically giddy for one-on-one holiday time with Heath, the (much) younger man she’s secretly dating.But her plans go from cozy to chaotic when Nick and Dana plead for Christmas at the family cabin in memory of their late father, Julie’s ex. She can’t refuse, even though she dreads their reactions to her new man when they realize she’s been hiding him for months.As the guest list grows in surprising ways, from Blair’s estranged mom to Heath’s precocious children, Julie’s secret is one of many to be unwrapped. Over this delightfully complicated and very funny Christmas, she’ll discover that more really is merrier, and that a big, happy family can become bigger and happier, if they let go of old hurts and open their hearts to love.
"Amanda Taylor isn't a fan of Christmas, but as the owner of a local soap shop, ignoring the holiday season isn't an option. To forget the pain of Christmases past, Amanda focuses on making the season bright for her customers at the Shelter Springs Holiday Giving Market. But when her beloved grandmother Birdie starts dating the dashing new resident of the Shelter Inn retirement community, Amanda smells trouble. Fortunately, Rafe Arredondo, the grandson of Birdie's charming suitor, is equally dubious of the match. Unfortunately, he's just as fiery as his grandfather--and Amanda has zero interest in getting burned"--
"Hailey Harris can't stop messing with fate. A successful life coach, Hailey uses her ability to glimpse the future to guide her clients down the right path. But her gift has made her own life lonely. After all, having a real friend would mean asking someone to believe the unbelievable. The one person she might have confided in -- her ex, Liam Jensen -- is newly engaged to a beautiful, sweet, thoughtful heiress. But when Hailey has a vision predicting a not-so-happy ending for the couple, her mission is clear: help Liam and his fiane avoid the biggest mistake of their lives. Stopping the wedding while planning Liam's engagement party is no easy feat. And Warren Mitchell -- Liam's sexy, irritating best man and Hailey's nemesis -- is suspicious of Hailey's motivations. Between sleeping with her frenemy and watching her careful plans spiral out of control, Hailey discovers the real cause of Liam's future heartbreak. But now that she knows the truth, will Hailey keep on fighting fate or trust in the love she never saw coming?"--
"When Landry King shows up at Four Corners Ranch with Lila, the teenage daughter no one ever knew he had, it sets the gossip mill churning. Landry's daughter has lost her adoptive parents and is in desperate need of a new family. So this Christmas, the untamed cowboy is finally getting the chance to become the father he could never have been when Lila was born. Even if it means dealing with his other biggest regret...Fia Sullivan hates Landry King. That's how it's always been. At least, that's how it's been since their dramatic teenage love affair ended in a way that shattered their hearts and left them with wounds that never healed. When Landry dredges up her most agonizing secret, Fia's devastated...and also overjoyed at the possibility of the new life they could have. But there's only so long she can be near Landry before their simmering desire reignites. Can they finally overcome their past pain to find new love--and new family--this Christmas?"--
Now in print with exclusive new bonus content!“The Game Plan has pulse pounding sex and stomach twisting emotion. I fell in love with the hero by chapter one, straight into all-out lust by chapter two.”TESSA BAILEY, #1 New York Times bestselling authorA beard-related dare and one hot-as-hell kiss changes everything.NFL center Ethan Dexter’s focus has always been on playing football and little else. Except when it comes to one particular woman. The lovely Fiona Mackenzie might not care about his fame, but she’s also never looked at him as anything more than one of her brother-in-law’s best friends. That ends now.Fi doesn’t know what to make of Dex. The bearded, tattooed mountain of man-muscle looks more like a biker than a football player. Rumor has it he’s a virgin, but she finds that hard to believe. Because from the moment he decides to turn his quiet intensity on her, she’s left weak at the knees and aching to see his famous control fully unleashed.Fi ought to guard her heart and walk away; they live vastly different lives in separate cities. And Dex is looking for a forever girl. But Dex has upped his game and is using all his considerable charm to convince Fi he’s her forever man.“The Game Plan should come with a reader advisory: Beware, your ovaries will explode at about the 2% mark, and you will not stop sighing Dex's name.”—SARINA BOWEN, New York Times bestselling authorThe GAME ON series by Kristen Callihan: Book 1: The Hook Up Book 2: The Friend Zone Book 3: The Game Plan Book 4: The Hot Shot Book 5: Only on Gameday - coming in 2026!
An epic novel of the construction of the Panama Canal, casting light on the unsung people who lived, loved, and labored there, by Cristina Henríquez, acclaimed author of The Book of Unknown Americans It is said that the canal will be the greatest feat of engineering in history. But first, it must be built. For Francisco, a local fisherman who resents the foreign powers clamoring for a slice of his country, nothing is more upsetting than the decision of his son, Omar, to work as a digger in the excavation zone. But for Omar, whose upbringing was quiet and lonely, this job offers a chance to finally find connection.Ada Bunting is a bold sixteen-year-old from Barbados who arrives in Panama as a stowaway alongside thousands of other West Indians seeking work. Alone and with no resources, she is determined to find a job that will earn enough money for her ailing sister's surgery. When she sees a young man?Omar?who has collapsed after a grueling shift, she is the only one who rushes to his aid.John Oswald has dedicated his life to scientific research and has journeyed to Panama in single-minded pursuit of one goal: eliminating malaria. But now, his wife, Marian, has fallen ill herself, and when he witnesses Ada's bravery and compassion, he hires her on the spot as a caregiver. This fateful decision sets in motion a sweeping tale of ambition, loyalty, and sacrifice. Searing and empathetic,The Great Divide explores the intersecting lives of activists, fishmongers, laborers, journalists, neighbors, doctors, and soothsayers?those rarely acknowledged by history even as they carved out its course.
Miniserie: Den rette arving (1)Charlotte elskede Ross dengang, for tre år siden, men da hun måtte rejse, fordi han ikke respekterede hende, og hans far, hendes chef, var for nærgående, opdagede hun, at hun måtte klare den uventede graviditet alene. Forladt. Uønsket. Men nu er Charlotte tilbage i Royal, og snart bliver hun stillet ansigt til ansigt med Ross igen.
"A year has passed since Elizabeth Palmer was nearly killed with hundreds more in the attempted bombing of St. Paul's in London, believed to be a terrorist act until the police discovered it was a cover for something even more sinister. For Elizabeth, life is finally back to normal. She's optimistic, her painting is getting accolades, when suddenly her world changes in a flash. With three new attempts on her life, and her connection to the terrorist attack, MI-5 gets involved to find out who is trying to kill her and why. Autumn Backman, twelve years old, begrudgingly accepts a summer job to shepherd Tash Navarro, a shy, bullied little boy. He's staying with his uncle while his father and stepmother go on a honeymoon in Europe. Then the unexpected happens. Autumn learns Tash is gifted psychically, like her, and Tash's father, Archer Navarro, is suspected of embezzling from his own firm. The FBI and Interpol are on the case, but Archer and his new wife have disappeared. Tash is scared and convinced his father needs help, so Autumn reaches out to Dillon Savich, the only person she knows who can find them. Desperate for answers, Elizabeth flies to Washington, D.C., to seek out Savich and Sherlock and is assigned Special Agent Rome Foxe for protection. With deadly assailants in terrifying pursuit, Elizabeth and Rome soon find themselves neck deep in danger and in a race for survival."--
"Emilia has a dream life. But someone knows the truth... Emilia Ward lives in suburban London with her husband, their young son, and a teenager from her first marriage. Emilia is an ordinary mom--and she's also the bestselling author of the Miranda Moody detective novels. But when writing her tenth--and most difficult--book, life takes a disturbing turn: an incident mimicking the plot of one of her novels occurs in real life. Just an unsettling coincidence, right? Until it happens again. And again. Then someone she knows dies the same way as a victim in the book she's currently writing. Why is someone doing this? What do they want? How could they possibly know what she's thinking--and writing? Is Emilia and her family next?"--Publisher description.
"For GBI investigator Will Trent and medical examiner Sara Linton, McAlpine Lodge seems like the ideal getaway to celebrate their honeymoon. Set on a gorgeous, off-the-grid mountaintop property, it's the perfect place to unplug and reconnect. Until a bone-chilling scream cuts through the night. Mercy McAlpine, the manager of the Lodge, is dead. With a vicious storm raging and the one access road to the property washed out, the murderer must be someone on the mountain. But as Will and Sara investigate the McAlpine family and the other guests, they realize that everyone here is lying. Lying about their past. Lying to their family. Lying to themselves. It soon becomes clear that normal rules don't apply at McAlpine Lodge, and Will and Sara are going to have to watch their step at every turn. Trapped on the resort, they must untangle a decades-old web of secrets to discover what happened to Mercy. And with the killer poised to strike again, the trip of a lifetime becomes a race against the clock..."--Provided by publisher.
Miniserie: Cabrera-brødrene (1)Everleigh står for at miste sin fædrene arv, da det går op for hende, at den spanske milliardær Adrian Cabrera har købt Fox Vingård, hvor hun har boet og arbejdet hele sit liv. Hun beslutter at give ham kamp til stregen, men har ikke taget sine følelser i betragtning.Adrian tager Everleigh med hjem til sin vingård, der ligger i Granada, for at bevise over for hende, at han ikke er den store stygge ulv, hun tror. Men han har ikke regnet med, at han falder pladask for hende, selv om han har svoret aldrig at involvere sig i varige forhold.
"At first glance, Hope Evans just landed the perfect job: spending the summer on a shark research boat. Except as every marine biologist knows, it's what's going on beneath the surface that counts, and Hope's new position comes with a big catch--the boat belongs to her ex-boyfriend, Adrian Hollis-Parker. For three years Hope's been treading water, staying away from anything that reminds her of their past. It's time to dive back into a job that could springboard her career--and maybe offer much-needed closure. Since their split, Adrian has risen to Internet fame as a shark expert with the launch of his YouTube channel to dispel myths and educate viewers about sharks. But success rings hollow without Hope"--
"Tallulah is smart, vivacious, and studying to be a marine biologist. She's also twenty-six and broke. So when Burgess, a battle-scarred hockey veteran and newly single dad, offers her a job as his live-in nanny, she jumps at the opportunity to get paid while living in a super fancy neighborhood and being around Lissa, his cool but introverted tween. Her tween charge isn't the only one who could use some help fitting in, though. According to, everyone except Burgess, he needs to get back on the dating scene, and adventurous Tallulah is just the girl to show him how. But as boundaries are slowly crossed and Burgess finds himself pulled between his daughter, who wants her parents back together, and his insane chemistry with Tallulah, a huge rift is formed, and Tallulah does the 'right' thing--breaks her own heart and walks away. Though Burgess knows it's for the best--he's too jaded, with too much baggage--a chance meeting, and a new push from his daughter, forces him to put everything on the line and fight to prove he learned his lessons well and is worthy of a happily ever after with Tallulah"--
From legendary author Raymond E. Feist, the first installment in an epic new series that will join his acclaimed Firemane Saga with his signature Riftwar Cycle in a riveting, conclusive adventure. As worlds collide . . .Hatushaly, last scion of the Firemane dynasty; his beloved Hava, and their dubious friend Donte have been transported across space and time from their war-torn world of Garn to the relative peace of Midkemia.There, on Sorcerer's Isle, under the guidance of the great magician Magnus and his reincarnated father Pug, Hatu will explore and expand his unique magical abilities: for if Garn is to be saved, they will be needed.With the evil Pride Lords defeated, the Church of the One has risen to bring death and destruction to Hatu's home world. The kingdom of Ilcomen has fallen, and now the Church is sending forces to Marquensas, where Daylon Dumarch has declared himself king, and master swordsmith Declan Smith finds himself suddenly raised to the status of prince and war commander.But there are even greater menaces than the Church of the One waiting in the wings, beings from the Void, creatures born of Darkness. . .
"The execution of a Vatican archivist within the shadow of the Kremlin exposes a conspiracy going back three centuries--to the bloody era of the Russian Tsars. Before his murder, he manages to dispatch a coded message, a warning of a terrifying threat, one tied to a secret buried within the Golden Library of Tsars, a vast and treasured archive that had vanished into history. As combative forces race for the truth behind this death and alarming discovery, Sigma Force is summoned to aid in the search--not only for this missing trove of ancient books, but to follow a trail far into the Arctic, to search for the truth about a lost continent and a revelation that could ignite a global war. But Sigma Force has its own difficulties at home after an explosive attack on the National Mall--one aimed at the heart of their covert agency--has left them vulnerable and exposed. The growing conflict--both on Russian soil and deep in the Arctic--will reignite a centuries-old war between the newly resurgent Russian Orthodox Church and the Vatican, while sabers rattle across the nations of the Arctic Circle, threatening to turn those icy seas into a fiery conflagration. Facing enemies on all sides, it will be up to Commander Gray Pierce and Sigma Force to unravel a mystery going back millennia--and uncover the truth about a lost civilization and an arcane treasure that could save the planet...or destroy it."--Provided by publisher.
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