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Bøger udgivet af Harvey Christian Publishers Inc.

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  • af Edwin F. Harvey
    207,95 kr.

    Ninety-eight two-page readings on the often misunderstood subject of humility. It is a compilation of testimonials from almost two hundred godly men and women describing the dangers of pride and the necessity of dependence upon God. Read how others, in traveling this journey of descent, discovered wings with which to soar into the heavenlies with Christ Jesus. The authors, Edwin F. and Lillian G. Harvey, have Included an index of authors and Scripture texts. Your library is incomplete without this book.

  • af Robert E. Speer
    257,95 kr.

  • af Trudy Harvey Tait
    107,95 kr.

  • af Amanda Berry Smith
    277,95 - 389,95 kr.

  • - True Stories of Answers to Prayer Written Especially for Children
    af Edwin F Harvey, Lillian G Harvey & Trudy B Harvey Tait
    123,95 kr.

  • af Edwin F Harvey
    97,95 kr.

    127,95 kr.

    How can we be victorious as Christians? How can we overcome long-standing problems? How can we help change the world? These and many other such questions have plagued countless followers of Jesus. This is why Edwin F. and Lillian G. Harvey who wrote and compiled this volume have searched the sermons and books of fellow Christians down the centuries and now share their universal discovery that it is only on our knees that we truly conquer.Kneeling We Triumph, Volume One, contains sixty readings on prayer, including titles such as: "Authority to Take," "Prayers that Outlive an Age," and "For the Asking." Read them and you will be encouraged to believe that the Holy Spirit comes to our aid when we ask, seek, and knock. "To arouse one man or woman to the tremendous power of prayer for others," writes A. J. Gordon, "is worth more than the combined activity of a score of average Christians."

    127,95 kr.

    If your prayer-life needs invigorating, if your spiritual strength seems at an all time low, or if you simply feel alone in your struggle to be a victorious Christian, then you will want to read this collection of sixty readings on prayer, written and compiled by Edwin F. and Lillian G. Harvey. It is a companion to Kneeling We Triumph Volume One. A few of the titles are: "Prayer Power," "Answers That Cost," "Waiting, a Proof of Our Faith," and "When Prayer is a Cry."How can we be victorious as Christians? How can we overcome long-standing problems? How can we help change the world? These and many other such questions have plagued countless followers of Jesus. This is why Edwin and Lillian have searched the sermons and books of fellow Christians down the centuries and now share their universal discovery that it is only on our knees that we truly conquer.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    187,95 kr.

    Daniel dice que "el pueblo que conoce a su Dios se esforzará y actuará" (Dn 11:32). Estos dieciocho cuadros revelan la vida interior de hombres y mujeres que eliminaron toda barrera y frontera en su búsqueda del conocimiento de Dios, en Su longitud, anchura, profundidad y altura. A pesar de sus diversas nacionalidades y trasfondos de sus iglesias, cada uno hizo el mismo descubrimientöque la muerte al "yo" es la puerta a la vida nueva en Cristo. El título, "Ellos Conocieron a Su Dios", ha sido escogido como uno que abarca la introducción hacia Dios por medio del Nuevo Nacimiento, recibir la plenitud del Espíritu Santo, y el posterior "viaje hacia Dios", que revela pro-gresivamente Su carácter. Incluimos personajes de ambos sexos, de diversas nacionalidades, de eras sucesivas de tiempo, y de diferentes trasfondos de iglesias. Dios nunca se repite a Sí Mismo en la experiencia humana, y es refrescante notar que estos santos, al aventurar su todo en Dios, nos han dejado historias individuales que enriquecen el reino espiritual por esa misma variedad de-leitable que descubrimos en las "demás" creaciones de Dios. No presentamos estos cuadros para que sean imitados detalladamente en su búsqueda individual de Dios, ni como una evidencia de que ellos lo hayan alcanzado. Más bien, oramos para que la fe y el valor de estos santos al probar y conocer a Dios, nos anime a entender que no hay límite alguno, más que nosotros mismos, a lo que podríamos descu-brir de Su reino, mientras estamos aquí en el "tiempo".

  • af Edwin F Harvey
    217,95 kr.

    This book is a challenge to this busy, materialistic age to make time for God through prayer, meditation, and deep study of His Word. Two hundred different authors deal with the subjects of prayer, the Scriptures, guidance, obedience, joy, patience, witnessing, love,and others. The Christian's Daily Challenge was the first book the Harveys published in 1954 and it has sold steadily for over sixty years.The following is the story of how this book began written by the authors' daughter: "I stared at the three hundred and sixty-five manuscripts my parents had prepared for the printer. They were stacked in neat piles and divided into various subjects. Why, I puzzled, when they were meticulously typed and proofed, did they lie there day after day? 'Aren't you sending your book to the printers?' I finally asked my parents. 'It's ready, isn't it?' "They smiled at me and answered patiently, 'Yes, it's ready. But we want each reading to be bathed in prayer. In the coming years, it will be read by people in crisis, people facing bereavement, discouraged and lonely people. We want to be sure we have God's mind on the order in which we put all these readings.'"It sounded reasonable and I was satisfied. But I could not realize then, being only nine years of age, how vitally crucial that period of waiting on God would prove to be. I could not foresee the many letters we would receive from all around the world, telling us how some particular reading, on some particular day, saved some young person from making a wrong decision, encouraged a pastor or missionary to keep faithful to the cross, or gave hope in the moment of despair."

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    147,95 kr.

    Is it possible to know God? Is He really knowable? And if He is, then can we actually come to know Him intimately, talking to Him as friend to friend, hearing His voice guiding and counseling us, living to please Him and basking in His company? From Biblical times up to the present, men and women have asked these questions and forged out answers that enabled them to become what we now describe as "the saints of the Church."The journey of some of these saints is recorded in They Knew Their God Volume One by E. & L. Harvey who were inspiredthe passage in Psalms 48: 12-13: "Walk about Zion, go all around it, count its towers, consider well its ramparts; go through its citadels, that you may tell the next generation." Beginning with Nicholas of Basle, a fourteenth century preacher, and concluding with Johanna Veenstra, a twentieth century missionary, the authors introduce us to men and women whose desire to know God, led them on often dangerous yet rewarding journeys. Their starting point varied greatly-Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Episcopalian, Salvation Army, and Methodist, but they all had a common goal-- a life hidden in the heart of God.Don't read this book, however, if you are stuck within denominational boundaries. Don't read it if you want a hard and fast recipe for spiritual success. Don't read it if you have already set the limits of your faith. But read it if you feel within you the unquenchable desire to know the God Who made you, loved you, and redeemed you. And then be inspired to forge out your own peculiar journey into God.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    147,95 kr.

    What does it mean to hear God's voice and follow it? And can we be certain of the calling God has for us as His children? From Biblical times up to the present, men and women have asked these questions and forged out answers that enabled them to become what we now describe as "the saints of the Church." The faith journeys of some of these saints are recorded in They Knew Their God Volume Three by E. & L. Harvey who were inspired by the passage in Psalms 48: 12-13: "Walk about Zion, go all around it, count its towers, consider well its ramparts; go through its citadels, that you may tell the next generation."Beginning with the French count, Marquis de Renty, and concluding with Bishop Asbury, the founder of American Methodism, the authors introduce us to men and women who heard God's voice and followed. Although their paths of service varied greatly, each were channels of blessing through which God poured His saving and healing balm on hungry and thirsty souls. Some sacrificed riches and fame to fulfil their calling; others left home and country, while still others were led to share their revelations from God through sermons and books which still stir and provoke us to holy living.Don't read these biographies, however, if you are stuck within denominational boundaries. Don't read them if you want a hard and fast blueprint for your lives. Don't read them if you have decided exactly what you will or will not attempt for God. But read them if you feel within you the unquenchable desire to bless the world through following the call of the One Who made you, loved you, and redeemed you. His Voice still speaks to listening ears!

  • - They Could Not Enter In How Israel Missed God's Rest
    af Patricia St John
    87,95 kr.

  • af Lillian G Harvey
    147,95 kr.

    It is not uncommon, nowadays, to hear the lament, "These are terrible days in which we are living." Maybe you share this sentiment, or at least, share a desire to see Christians meet the challenge of our times through the power of the Holy Spirit. If so, then you have doubtless asked yourself, "What is the answer to the spiritual lethargy and decline that we so bemoan? From Biblical times up to the present, men and women have asked these questions and forged out answers that enabled them to become what we now describe as "the saints of the Church." The faith journeys of some of these saints are recorded in They Knew Their God Volume Six by Lillian Harvey who was inspired by the passage in Psalms 48: 12-13: "Walk about Zion, go all around it, count its towers, consider well its ramparts; go through its citadels, that you may tell the next generation."In this volume, the author introduces us to men and women who longed to see their world reformed and redeemed. We read, to mention but a few, of John Chrysostom, the exiled bishop; of William Wilberforce, both prophet and reformer, and of Johann Christoph Blumhardt, the pastor who challenged the spirits of evil which surrounded him. We also read of less dramatic saints who, nonetheless, through their prayers and example, made a difference to the world in which they lived.If, then, you too are dissatisfied with the status quo and reach out to God for an answer, this book is definitely for you. The saints you will read about in this volume are not to be copied. We live in a different time and place. But their fearless obedience, coupled with a rare humility and childlike spirit, will inspire you to cease bemoaning the times and seek to change them instead.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    147,95 kr.

    What does it mean to hear God's voice and follow it? And can we be certain of the calling God has for us as His children? From Biblical times up to the present, men and women have asked these questions and forged out answers that enabled them to become what we now describe as "the saints of the Church." The faith journeys of some of these saints are recorded in They Knew Their God Volume Four by E. & L. Harvey who were inspired by the passage in Psalms 48:12-13: "Walk about Zion, go all around it, count its towers, consider well its ramparts; go through its citadels, that you may tell the next generation."In this volume, the authors introduce us to men and women who heard God's voice and followed. Matthew Henry was inspired to write enlightening Biblical commentaries; Lord Radstock and Frederick Baedeker were led to pioneer in Eastern Europe before it became convulsed by revolution and war; still others were called to labor at home, providing hospitality for God's people and preparing young candidates for the mission-field. But whatever their vocation, each heard God's voice and obeyed.Don't read this book, however, if you are stuck within denominational boundaries. Don't read it if you want a hard and fast blueprint for your lives. Don't read it if you have decided exactly what you will or will not attempt for God. But read it if you feel within you the unquenchable desire to bless the world through following the call of the One Who made you, loved you, and redeemed you. His Voice still speaks to listening ears!

  • - A Devotional
    af Yvonne Eason
    162,95 kr.

    "Heaven's Dew Drops" is a devotional that contains individual messages prepared over a period of time, and are intended to give its readers an understanding of how the Written Word is packed with "Hidden Manna" for the spirit. As Manna fell for the children of Israel during the night, and settles as dew upon the ground to be gathered early in the morning for food to the natural body, surely, "His heavens shall also drop dew" Deuteronomy 3:28b, spiritual food for the spirit. The Lord Jesus is, not only the Living Bread that came down from heaven, but also the Living Word who came to give life.Speaking of the Word, it says, "The Word became Flesh, and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory…." John 1:14. The Lord Jesus Christ who became that living Word spoke and as He did, there was an impartation of "Spirit and Life" to all who had ears to hear.As the natural man needs to feed his body daily in order to maintain a healthy physical being, even so one must feed his spiritual body to grow and mature spiritually. It is through the impartation of the anointed Word, that such growth and development take place.This devotional is part and parcel of a catchment that receives God's dew (His Word) which is designed to help feed and nourish the spiritual life, and to cause a deeper hunger for the truths of His Word to grow thereby.As each message is prayerfully read with an open and worshipful attitude and receptivity, the needed food will be imparted into your spirit, thus causing an enlargement of the very life of the Lord Jesus Christ to take place within your being.Yvonne Sutton Eason was born and raised on the island of Jamaica, where she was married to Herman (Tony) Eason. Soon after that, they moved to the United States. Yvonne and Tony have two children, Kimberly and Ian, who are now adults. Yvonne was trained to be a teacher and she spent many years teaching the elementary grades in both Christian and public schools. When she and her husband retired, they moved from their home in central New Jersey to their present home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Much of her life includes her roles of wife, mother, grandmother and teacher.

  • - What You Owe Your Child
    122,95 kr.

  • - The Stuckenbrucks' Story
    af Ottie Mearl Stuckenbruck
    155,95 kr.

    In this book you will learn to know us and our family. You will meet people who came together to make it possible for us to serve in Germany and in the States. You will meet others with whom we worked overseas and learn about the Institute for Research in Christian Origins and the International Christian Church-"faith in practice." More than recording the story of our personal lives, I wanted to preserve our commitment as representatives both of the Lord in whose name we served, and of the European Evangelistic Society in Germany. I wished to testify to the presence and guidance of Jesus and the Holy Spirit who undergirded our lives and the lives of those who sent us to accomplish His will. The Tübingen story did not end when my husband and I left Germany. It is ongoing, and, as the years unfold, I hope those who followed us to Tübingen will tell their stories just as I have done.

  • af Trudy Harvey Tait
    167,95 kr.

    Like most grandmothers, I loved to tell bedtime stories to my six-year-old granddaughter, Catherine. This is how the tale of Licky the Singing Mouse began. Then, one day, I thought it might be worth writing down. And so the story grew. Eventually, Catherine wanted to help. Sometimes she would suggest names for the characters; sometimes, sitting beside me on the sofa or propped up in bed, she would spell out words on the keyboard. "This is what a child would say, Grandma," she would advise, or "I don't like that name for the king. Let's call him Rumurus." "If this ever gets printed," I told her, "your name should be on the book." I have kept my promise. This is why we both present to you the story of Licky the Singing Mouse. Enjoy!-Trudy Harvey Tait.

  • af Edwin F Harvey
    147,95 kr.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    147,95 kr.

    George Herbert (1593-1632) : Poet of the Heavenly CourtMiguel Molinos (1627-1696) : The Priest Who Knew GodJoseph Alleine (1634-1668) : A Living Sacrifice at Thirty-fourJohn Fletcher (1729-1785) : Apostle of MadeleyMary Fletcher (1739-1815) : Shepherdess of OrphansFrederick Oberlin (1740-1826) : Benefactor to the Vosges DwellersSamuel Pollard (1826-1877) : He Waited for the Fulfilment of His VisionGeorge Matheson (1842-1906) : The Blind Poet Who Saw Too MuchJonathan Goforth (1859-1936) : He Suffered the Loss of All ThingsRosalind Goforth (1864-1942) : She Climbed the Ascents With GodKate Lee (1872-1920) : The Angel AdjutantW. Graham Scroggie (1877-1958) : The Unusual Keswick SpeakerGod never repeats Himself in human experience, and it is refreshing to mark these saints as they ventured their all upon God and left us individual histories which enrich the spiritual kingdom by the delightful variety we discover in all God's "other" creations. We do not submit these sketches that they should be imitated in detail as to their search for God, or as to their evidence of that attainment. We pray rather that their faith and courage, in proving and knowing God, might encourage us to realize there is no limit, except in ourselves, to what we might discover of His kingdom while here in "time".Our situation today is much like that which existed in the time of the Judges: "Another generation grew up after them, who did not know the Lord or the work that he had done for Israel." (Judges 2:10). Such ignorance in those days issued in God's people doing evil and turning to false religion. This book describes giants of faith---people who did exploits because "they knew their God." Such devotion as we read about shames our shallowness and our failure to make a vacuum for God in the busy materialistic scramble for higher living standards. We have expensive homes and luxury cars but know little of the vast riches and resources available to one who takes time to know and understand. Our ideals are to low, and our zeal so lukewarm, and our stocks of grace so pitifully small that we need to remember great saints who all remind us, we too can make our lives sublime, and departing leave behind us, footprints in the sands of time, as Longfellow wrote:Footprints that perhaps anotherSailing o'er life's solemn mane,Some forlorn and shipwrecked brotherReading may take heart again.---from the foreword.

  • af Felix Bovet
    113,94 kr.

  • af Leonard Ravenhill
    116,95 kr.

    Heart Breathings is a fitting title for a book where words are only the vessel that somehow endeavors to hold, and show forth, the breathings of the spirit that is not flesh. There is a frustration when yearnings beyond words find themselves clothed in the only medium that can cause them to be tangible to others. These poems are the roarings and sighings and longings of the inarticulate soul trying to create a substance through which to transmit its feelings to others.-Paul Ravenhill.

  • af Trudy Harvey Tait
    177,95 kr.

  • af George Bowen
    182,95 kr.

  • af Lillian Harvey
    132,95 kr.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    108,95 kr.

    The first three chapters of this book contain testimonies from various Christians on the benefits of early morning rising for prayer and Bible study. The remaining chapters reveal the emphasis given to prayer in the lives of ministers and preachers from differing denominational backgrounds and nationalities.-George Fox, Joseph Alleine, Charles Simeon, John Wesley, John Fletcher, Harold St. John, G. H. Lang, Anthony Norris Groves, John Knox, Samuel Rutherford, John Livingstone, Robert Murray McCheyne, Rees Howells, Monod, Jonathan Edwards, A. B. Simpson. George Watson, E. M. Bounds, Gerhard Tersteegen, John Gossner, Tholuck & Bengel.When the glory of the Father Is the goal of every prayer-When before the Throne in Heaven Our High Priest presents it there-When the Spirit prompts the asking, When the waiting heart Believes-Then we know of each petition Everyone who asks receives.-Selected

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    127,95 kr.

  • af Edwin F Harvey & Lillian G Harvey
    127,95 kr.

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