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  • af Henry Courier de Méré
    320,95 kr.

    Like his mother Herminie, who was the pupil of Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun and Louis David, Paul-Etienne Courier de Méré (hereafter 'PECM') was feeling since his childhood an immoderate attraction for painting, that incitating him to integrate the school of the family friend called Jean-Dominique Ingres who, soon, considered him as his preferred pupil. But, such painting studies ceased when the king Louis-Philippe I, the best friend of his father the great pamphleteer Paul-Louis Courier de Méré assassinated a decade ago, shall oblige his godson PECM to leave the Ingres's school for integrating with his son Henry the Duke of Aumale the Military School of Saint-Cyr and later on, his Etat-Major. In 1852, PECM shall integrate the Napoléon III's Etat-Major that obliging him to participate to the Crimea War in quality of aide-de-camp of the Prince Napoléon, the emperor's cousin. Hardly wounded he can renew in his Jura's property of Port-Lesney with his artistic demons up to 1865, date of his re-appeal to the Army. So, obliged to live again in Paris, he shall meet his childhood fellow the Orientalisme's co-inventor Maxime Du Camp who, since this time shall encourage him to forget classical principles for pre-impressionnist ones. Here, because benefiting of a large fortune, PECM has never sold any piece of a work fully conserved in his family up to the year 2015 when the arson of his 'la Clouterie' property reduced in ashes 36 paintings of his classical period (cf. Wikipedia article). Hopefully, as explained in the following biography, dozens ans dozens of PECM's works mainly dating of his pre-impressionnist period are always secured in their native studio located in the PECM's home called 'les Berruries' and that, under the guard of his great-grand son Henry Courier de Méré.Henry Courier de Méré ('HCM') is an internationnaly recognized inventor in right to pretend, for instance, to have cut by quite an half the energy worldwide dedicated to lighting and that, since the 90', when his basic invention of the 'high frequency series resonance electronic ballasts' has advantageously replaced Claude's ferromagnetic ballasts energizing fluorescent tube lamps (FTLs) since 1910 and authorized the manufacturing of Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) having pushed out the market incandescent Coolidge's tungsten bulbs exploited since 1906.2 years ago, it's due to a medullary ischemia awaking his atavistic writing pulses, if HCM shall be incitated to leave his oscilloscope for the no

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