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Bøger udgivet af Healthy Life Press

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  • - Short Stories of Christian Living
    af Michelle Johnson
    157,95 - 192,95 kr.

    ABOUT THE BOOK: This version has a grayscale interior; 4-color also available. God Loves You Circle is an uplifting series of short stories based on the life of the author and her family. Learn to find God in unlikely places, and draw miraculous encouragement from daily life. You will laugh; you will cry; but most of all, you will draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you. Come rest in the arms of the Lord and learn how God Loves You Circle. FROM THE BOOK: The older woman was dark-skinned and her ragged appearance spoke of a hard life. She walked toward me with slight limp and her back was stooped from age. Her thick, wiry hair was unkempt and stuck out everywhere in unwashed clumps. It was parted in the middle, and two streaks of silver-white hair led me to believe she was in her mid-sixties. She had many layers of dirty, drab clothes on, and a blanket on top of them. Her dark, fingerless gloves were tattered and torn, with strands of weathered yarn hanging from them. Everything about her said she was homeless and alone. "Do you have any spare change?" came her shaky voice as she looked at me with pleading eyes. My heart broke knowing I had nothing to give her. Lord, what have I to give this child of yours? Softly, the childhood hymn, "Silver and Gold Have I None," drifted across my mind: but such as I have give I thee... "Oh, honey," I said tenderly, putting my hand on her arm, "the only thing I have to offer you is the Kingdom of Heaven." "Oh," she gasped, her eyes welling with tears, "Oh, how could I ask for more than that?" From readers: Beautifully written and inspiring words always-thank you!! - Michelle K. You are an awesome woman of God, put here for a very special reason. I look forward to reading your very inspiring posts daily. Keep on shining for God. - Sharon D. Your words are very touching and inspiring. I don't know your life or know your struggles but you are an amazing woman of God. I thank you for posting your inspiring messages. Continue to bless us because you never know whose heart you're speaking to. - Staci H. Your words lift me up and encourage me to be the woman God sees in me. - Alex N. You have a glow, from your words of faith, to draw in those that need to hear the Word and the actual stories from the Bible, to understanding. Thank you. And God bless you. - Laura H. You have spoken to me and touched my heart with your writings. God bless you and yours always! - Rayna A.

  • - Prayer 101: Praying Aloud, for Beginners
    af Gary a Burlingame
    87,95 kr.

    This short book by scientist Gary A. Burlingame is a practical guide for anyone who has been asked to offer a public prayer. Multiple examples and practice format establish the uniqueness of this helpful book on prayer for Christians. Using the "Lord's Prayer" as a guide, the author shows how simple yet personal praying in public can be. "Who me, pray? I'm not good at public speaking or praying aloud." Does this remind you of something you thought at a Bible study or friendly gathering, when you were asked to lead the group in prayer? You don't have to feel this way again. Who me, pray? is a practical guide on prayer, based on Jesus' direction, with examples provided for use in typical situations where you might be asked or expected to pray, including: Prayer Before a Meal; Prayer Before an Athletic Contest; Prayer while Helping a Friend; and, Prayer in a Bible Study Setting. While the Bible is the best place to learn about prayer, this guide is an encouragement for you to practice praying aloud, using the examples given, but in your own words. Remember, God desires for you to experience the blessings of praying with others. Therefore, you will not be alone as you study Who me, pray? and practice your own prayers; after all, we have the Holy Spirit as our helper in relation to prayer.

  • - Transformed in Him: A Meditative Bible Study on the I Am Statements of Christ
    af Kim Tapfer
    157,95 kr.

    What people are saying about: I Am "I Am" is a wonderfully personal, thought provoking study for believers desiring to grow in intimacy with Jesus. The Bible passages and questions help you to examine your heart and relationship with Jesus. Do you really know who I Am is? Do you want to know him better? As you go day by day through the lessons you will be changed as the Spirit of God helps you to see the condition of your own heart and your love for Jesus. --Shelly Juskiewicz, Pastor to Women, Rooted and Life Groups, Mariners Church About the book: I Am (Transformed in Him). Have you wanted a closer walk with the Lord? Do you sometimes find yourself dragging through your days wondering where He is, who He is, and why He isn't helping you more? In your heart of hearts, have you been hoping, perhaps even imagining, that God would reveal Himself to you more and more, that He would help you to build a trust that would ease your burdens and, blessing of blessing, refashion your life into a grace- and peace-filled walk with Him? Who does God say He is, and how can He answer these questions? In this Bible study you will discover the deep and abiding riches of God, whose name is I AM WHO I AM, as He told Moses in the Book of Exodus. You will discover the many meanings and implications of each I AM saying from both an Old and New Testament perspective. Throughout this six week study (Volume One of a Two Volume set) you will begin to unearth the treasure trove of riches that are found within God's name, I AM WHO I AM. From the authors: First and foremost, we want you to enjoy the Lord in all His aspects with all the incomparable and amazing meanings for life that come from the I AM sayings. Whether you are doing the laundry, or flying to Hawaii, or undertaking mission work to the underprivileged, or just fighting through bad times, we want you to know, "You have a friend, eternal, constant, moment by moment, who lives within you, the Almighty, I AM WHO I AM." We ask blessings and enlightenment, joy and depth-deep calling to deep-for all the students of this work.

  • - Lessons from Landing in the Hudson River
    af Andrew Jamison MD
    112,95 kr.

    The image on the book cover to the right is one of the top news images of our time. Immediately upon seeing it, we asked ourselves, "How could that happen? It would take a miracle!" In the providence of God, one of the passengers on board was a Christian fourth-year medical student who got on the flight home to Charlotte, SC, standby, because his residency interviews in New York City, January 15, 2009 were concluded sooner than expected. From the book: "As I took my seat, I pulled out two books I had been reading on the interview trail. One, The Sovereignty of God, by Arthur W. Pink, was a heavy theological book that had been convincing me of just how sovereign God is. The other was a little lighter read, Prince Caspian, by CS Lewis. This is a children's book with great biblical allegories.... "During this time on the taxiway, the flight attendants went through their typical speech of what to do if, "In the unlikely event of a water landing, your seat cushion may be used as a flotation device." I only half-way registered what she said, but I guarantee you, those words will never fly past my brain again, unattended." From the Foreword, by Dr. David Stevens, CEO of the Christian Medical & Dental Associations: "When you're hurtling toward death, the character already developed in you takes over like an auto-pilot, and finds expression in one way or another. In Andrew's case, while others might have screamed in terror, his response was to ask the nearby passengers if he could PRAY with them. Now that's the kind of doctor I want to attend me when things are taking a turn for the worse, or as the saying goes, when it seems like the wings are about to fall off."

  • - In Two Sets - A Day in the Life & Come Running
    af Gary a Burlingame
    132,95 kr.

    This unique book of Christian poetry is actually two in one. The first collection of poems, "A Day in the Life," explores a working parent's daily journey of faith. The reader is carried from morning to bedtime, from "In the Details," to "I Forgot to Pray," back to "Home Base," and finally to "Eternal Love Divine." The second collection of poems, "Come Running," is wonder, joy, and faith wrapped up in words that encourage and inspire the mind and the heart. Praise for "My Faith, My Poetry": I carry your book in my work bag and I have a great time picking out "my favorites." By the time I read it again I'll have more "favorites." They are all very good and on target. Aside from the actual poetry writing (inspired), your layout and cover are so pleasing to the eye. A beautiful presentation!! - Christian author, Philadelphia I love your book of poetry. It's real. I appreciated so much the poems which resonated with my own experience. And I could see that even your most romantic poems offer a spiritual dimension pointing towards Agape love. - Retired pastor and author, New Jersey

  • - Everything I Needed to Know About Teaching Took Me Only 30 Years to Learn
    af Dan M Biebel
    132,95 kr.

    An honest, humorous book for both new and experienced teachers offering wise advice based on hard experience, the occasional big mistake, and an even bigger heart. "It's complicated, this teacher thing," says the author. "But in the end, it's about honesty, openness, failures, and successes, and the myriad of emotions that accompany them all. Ultimately it's about putting the kids first, which I've tried to do. It's been a long journey but if I had to do it over again, I'd do it over again."Endorsements: "Biebel's sardonic wit is mellowed by a genuine love for kids and teaching . . . A Whitman-like sensibility flows through his stories of teaching, learning, and life." Susan J. Wegmann, PhDTom Schram, PhD, comments, "Honest and heartfelt, practical and wise, [Finding Martians in the Dark] embeds lessons of teaching and learning in a rich set of personal accounts. From hiding in hedges to tracking mud on clean floors to banging an oat bucket, Biebel creatively weaves everyday experiences into broader understandings of how one comes to terms with becoming a teacher. The narrative draws readers into the mind and heart of a veteran educator who has discovered the profound value and abundant humor to be found in the missteps and successes of classroom life."

  • af Justa Carpenter
    132,95 kr.

    This book is not a biblical commentary or theological treatise of any sort. It's just a story. And it's far more than just another good story. Dream House was birthed after its author endured a severe trial that devastated his company and tested his trust in God's loving hand on his life. Looking bankruptcy in the face, he was reminded of the biblical promise that, "...He who has begun a good work in you will be faithful to complete it." The author pulled to the roadside and recorded his thoughts. Then, after returning to his office, he wrote it down, so he would never forget it, and now you are unlikely to forget it, yourself. Endorsement: "One of the greatest challenges of the Christian life is to give ourselves entirely to God and trust Him to build our lives and our characters exactly as He wants us to be, even if the process does not take the path that we would prefer. Through this short allegory, my good friend, Justa, has beautifully illustrated the challenges and victories of the 'construction project' each of us must undergo. As he shows, we cannot stop it. The work will go on one way or another. The only question is, will we join the crew and actually accelerate the project, or will we drag it out through ignorance, unbelief, or by trying to go on strike? I've done both at times, but I'm steadily learning how much better it is to give myself over completely to The Builder. I hope this book will inspire you to do the same." - Ken Sande, Founder and President, Relational Wisdom 360

  • - Helping You Share Your Faith with Friends
    af Gary a Burlingame
    82,95 kr.

    Sometimes things related to faith can be hard to discuss with your friends. This booklet, designed to be given as a gift, was created to help you open the door to discussing spiritual matters with friends who are open to such a conversation.

  • - Helping You Share Your Faith with Your Family
    af Gary a Burlingame
    82,95 kr.

    Sometimes things related to faith can be hard to discuss with your family. This booklet is designed to be given as a gift, to help you open the door to discussing spiritual matters with family members who are open to such a conversation.

  • af Lisa Barthuly
    157,95 kr.

    About the book: Author Lisa Barthuly asks, "Would you like to rid your home of commercial, toxic products but don't want to pay the price for the 'all natural', 'organic' products that line the shelf? Learn to make your own! Create everything from your own laundry soap, to homemade dryer sheets, antibacterial spray cleaners, potpourri blends, fabric softeners, calendula salve, homemade 'Vaseline, ' handcrafted Eucalyptus Chest Rub...even tips for the outside of the homestead and much more! A must have book for those looking not only to simplify, but to cut that grocery bill down, create a healthier environment for our families, and revive the art of making our own! From the book: If we knew how to make our own cleaning products to replace the toxic, commercial ones...would we? Would we put forth the effort required? The desire to make my own products stemmed from the frugal, self reliant side of me. I wanted simple; homemade; natural. Remember the definition of simple is NOT 'easier.' Living "simply" in our times, means making a deliberate choice to differ from the mainstream of today's societal norm. My desire changed over to sheer determination, when one of my children was diagnosed with a myriad of allergies, chemical sensitivities, and asthma. After much study and research, we were determined that we could not have those products in our home, they are useless (when God has provided all we need to your own) and harmful to everyone in our home. Join me, as I show you how to easily make your own natural, homemade, handcrafted products that are not only less expensive but truly better for our families, our home and God's Creation.

  • af Gary a Burlingame
    132,95 kr.

    Danish philosopher Soren Kierkegaard wrote, "A poet is an unhappy being whose heart is torn by secret sufferings, but whose lips are so strangely formed that when the sighs and the cries escape them, they sound like beautiful music...." Gary A. Burlingame is one such being, with this difference-once unhappy, due to the loss of a son, his broken heart now sings, because he kept walking by faith. His readers are the beneficiaries of the work of the One who binds up the brokenhearted, "...bestowing on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the LORD for the display of his splendor" (Isaiah 61:1-3). Gary describes this metamorphosis, "In the days of my youth the songs of my heart were self-focused. My poetry had no clear voice or purpose (outside of wooing my wife). Over time the Lord brought me through some heart-changing experiences. He allowed my heart to break so that He could mold my heart into something new. Out of this regenerated state, my poetry grew-expressing what other people could not express -crying out for them. My prayer is that my poetry would give broken hearts an outlet of release. My Broken Heart Sings is a compilation of poems that speak of pain and joy, love and loss, suffering and new birth." - Dr. David B. Biebel Endorsement: "Gary Burlingame's poetry has been on display in my waiting room for many years. His poems have touched the lives of many patients and their families. His poems stir the emotions while being practical, insightful, spiritual, and deeply truthful. I am glad to have his poetry in book form to refer to my patients and friends for support when they find themselves in pain and fall into deep struggles in their own lives." - Dr. David Trumbore - Director of physical therapy at Delaware Valley Orthopedic Associates, Philadelphia and president of Effective Fitness Solutions, LLC Bensalem, PA

  • - Losing Grandpa-Sammy's Story
    af Jack Runion
    152,95 kr.

    Death . . . no one likes to talk about it, but at some point, we all have to deal with the loss of a family member or friend. As adults, we know death is inevitable, yet when it happens we still have so many questions. Now imagine the confusion and questions that bombard a child's mind in the same situation. After 'While, Crocodile takes us on the journey of a little boy named Sammy as he and his family are faced with the impending death of his great-grandfather. Then they deal with his death, and the immediate events afterward. This heartfelt story addresses the difficult subject of death in a compassionate, yet realistic, manner that will allow adults to help children of all ages talk about loss, grieving, and holding on to the memories of those we love.

  • - What the Christmas Tree Saw
    af Jr Warren C Biebel
    112,95 kr.

  • af Tina Ware-Walters
    167,95 kr.

  • - 25th Anniversary Special Edition
    af David B Biebel
    152,95 kr.

  • af Linda Swain Gill
    167,95 kr.

  • af Monte Swan
    152,95 kr.

  • - The Christmas Story from a Nativity Scene Lamb's Point of View
    af David Biebel
    152,95 kr.

  • - Transformed in Him: A Meditative Bible Study (All 12 Studies in One Volume)
    af Diana Burg & Kim Tapfer
    272,95 kr.

  • - 7 Secrets to Overcoming Life's Worst and Savoring Life's Best
    af Diana S Furr
    167,95 kr.

  • af Lisa Barthuly
    177,95 kr.

  • - The Christmas Story from a Nativity Scene Lamb's Point of View
    af David B Biebel
    152,95 kr.

  • - Scripture and Art to Strengthen Your Heart
    af Dianne Iivari
    152,95 kr.

    A Unique Book of Divinely Inspired EncouragementThis book, the first in a series, lists a variety of emotions, with full-color watercolor paintings augmenting the scriptures chosen—peaceful beautiful reminders of God's presence to meet every need.It makes a perfect coffee table gift book, helping readers remember that God’s word is as relevant to their lives today as ever. It would be the perfect gift for someone who is facing adversity. Or it can serve as a source of devotional readings, a simple yet profound approach—creative art combined with Creator words—reminding readers daily of the truth of Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is alive and powerful. It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow. It exposes our innermost thoughts and desires.”“I wanted to give colorful, visual depictions of emotions and biblical texts that relate to them,” the author said. “I trust that readers will feel more peaceful and tranquil as a result of reflecting on what they find in the pages of this book.”

  • - A Lesson with Lulu
    af Robert Jones
    137,95 kr.

    About the bookIn Happiness, a father takes his daughter to an amusement park to explore how to live a happy life.  They gradually discover that happiness dwells beyond the twists and turns.  From high in the sky, they see the joy that comes from helping others and solving problems.  As the day comes to a close, they find that the biggest smiles of all come from the most open and caring hearts.About the seriesLessons with Lulu are stories that encourage your child's natural curiosity about the world through a young girl's adventures.  Lulu is always asking questions and with patience, kindness, and a guiding voice, she is often able to find the answers herself.  Along the way, her sense of wonder and her self-confidence grow.

  • - Food for Your Soul (Volume 2)
    af Tina Ware-Walters
    167,95 kr.

  • - Insights From a 40-Day Fast
    af Katrina M Nixon
    162,95 kr.

  • - Good Parenting Takes a Plan
    af Robb Brandt
    137,95 kr.

  • - Once-a-Week Tips to Energize Your life
    af David B Biebel, James E Dill & RN Bobbie Dill
    167,95 kr.

  • - Getting to the Other Side of Divorce
    af Lynn Carroll
    167,95 kr.

  • - Spiritual and Mental Health Counseling for Anxiety
    af Elaine Leong Eng
    197,95 kr.

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