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  • af Anand Mishra
    473,95 kr.

    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht aus einer neuen Perspektive P¿¿inis A¿¿¿dhy¿y¿. Es versucht, P¿¿inis Regelwerk der Sanskrit-Grammatik aus formaler Sicht zu erforschen und die Möglichkeiten zu untersuchen, es logisch, explizit und konsistent darzustellen. Dazu wird ein geeignetes Framework für eine solche Repräsentation vorgeschlagen. Im Unterschied zur A¿¿¿dhy¿y¿, die in einer künstlichen, aber natürlichen Sprache verfasst ist und für Personen konzipiert war, die sowohl mit der Sanskrit-Sprache als auch mit grammatischen Techniken vertraut sind, zielt die vorliegende Darstellung auf eine nonverbale Repräsentation in Form von mathematischen Kategorien und logischen Beziehungen ab, die algorithmisch umgesetzt werden können.

  • af Max Stille, Ines Weinrich, Jan Scholz & mfl.
    373,95 kr.

    Religious aesthetics have gained increasing importance over the past few years in the fields of Religious studies and Islamic studies. This volume highlights the transcultural dimensions of the theoretical foundations of religious aesthetics. It explores aesthetic experience in the religious field through a series of case studies. These include Islamic sermons from the Middle East and South Asia, Islamic religious chanting, a chapter of the Qur¿¿n, a German performance artist, Indian rasa theory, and Arabic and Bengali literature. Together, the authors demonstrate that the analysis of the aesthetic forms of religious mediation across regions and genres is a fruitful approach to transcultural studies.

  • af Natascha Ueckmann, Anne Brüske & Anja Bandau
    618,95 kr.

    The Circum-Caribbean and its Diasporas constitute a space of relations and disconnections. Historically, the Caribbean served as a bridgehead for the European conquest of the Americas and a point of exchange of human beings, ideas, and commodities. It also became a laboratory of modern forms of social, political, and economic production. Today, the region represents a multilingual space of conviviality for many different cultures, but also the focus of the dissonances, ruptures and insularities produced by its distinct histories of colonialism and resistance. This interdisciplinary volume seeks to explore how (non)circulation of ideas occurred historically in the glocal production of knowledge in and about the Caribbean and to formulate a clearer picture of who is creating which vision of the Caribbean, and how. The 33 contributions in this volume shed light on the transversal fields of (1) Academic and Artistic Approaches, (2) Arts and Visual Studies, (3) Environment and Sustainability, (4) Migration and Knowledge Circulation, (5) Entangled Histories and Memories.

  • af Silke Leopold
    448,95 kr.

    In academic research, princely summer residences are regarded as places of longing, where rulers sought to realize their dream of an earthly paradise and escape the constraints of courtly ceremonial. Traditionally, this research has been based in history of art. What music was made in the summer residences, and how it might have differed from that of the main residence, has not yet been systematically studied. The conference made a contribution to this by examining the musical life at selected European summer residences of the eighteenth century and relating it to one another. The individual contributions present the respective situations of the cultivation of music at selected summer residences in the German-speaking countries as well as in Italy, Spain, England, Sweden and Russia.

  • af Sebastian Kolditz & Nikolas Jaspert
    373,95 kr.

    Meeresräume haben sich zu einem dynamischen Feld der heutigen Geschichtsforschung entwickelt. Dabei steht jedoch die Untersuchung von Verbindungen zwischen Meeren (entre mers) und Vorstellungen von Land ¿Outre-mer¿ bislang weniger im Zentrum des Interesses. Diesen Fragen widmet sich die Aufsatzsammlung, die auf eine Tagung an der Universität Heidelberg zurückgeht. Die Beiträge behandeln Aspekte transmariner Verbindungen, ihrer Regulierung und mentalen Ausweitung in einem indo-mediterranen Kontext, der neben dem Mittelmeer und dem Indischem Ozean auch die Projektionen von Seewegen nach Indien auf andere maritime Räume in einem breiten zeitlichen Rahmen vom ägyptischen Altertum bis zum Beginn des atlantischen Zeitalters im 16. Jahrhundert umfasst.

  • af Noah Bubenhofer & Marc Kupietz
    518,95 kr.

    Visualisierungen spielen in den Wissenschaften eine wichtige Rolle im Forschungsprozess. Sie dienen der Illustration von gewonnener Erkenntnis, aber auch als eigenständiges Mittel der Erkenntnisgewinnung. Auch in der Linguistik sind solche Visualisierungen bedeutend. Beispielsweise in Form von Karten, Baumgraphen und Begriffsnetzen. Bei korpuslinguistischen Methoden sind explorative Visualisierungen oft ein wichtiges Mittel, um die Daten überblickbar und interpretierbar zu machen. Das Buch reflektiert die theoretischen Grundlagen wissenschaftlicher Visualisierungen in der Linguistik, zeigt Praxisbeispiele und stellt auch Visualisierungswerkzeuge vor.

  • af Michael Wink
    423,95 kr.

    Bürgerwissenschaft (Citizen Science) ist im Kommen: In vielen Wissenschaftsdisziplinen übernehmen Laien Aufgaben wie das Erfassen von Tieren und Pflanzen in bestimmten Gebieten oder die Sichtung von Sternen. In der Medizin sind es Selbsthilfe-Gruppen, die Wissen sammeln und organisieren, in der Psychologie wird über Laien-Therapie diskutiert. In der Germanistik werden editorische Tätigkeiten durch Laien ausgeführt, in der Geschichtswissenschaft durchforsten Amateure die Archive oder sammeln lokale Daten. Diese Thematik beleuchtet der von Michael Wink und Joachim Funke herausgegebene Band ¿Wissenschaft für alle: Citizen Science¿ aus der bunten Sicht einer Volluniversität. Zehn Autorinnen und Autoren aus Geistes-, Kultur-, Naturwissenschaften und Medizin diskutieren Chancen und Grenzen der Bürgerforschung aus Sicht der universitären Forschung.

  • af Michael Roth, Susan Richter & Sebastian Meurer
    568,95 kr.

    Global history has long become an established field of research. At the 11th conference of the working group on the Early Modern Period (Historians¿ Association, Germany), participants aimed at applying global-history approaches not only on distant world regions, but especially on early modern Europe. ¿Europe¿ has consistently been both a subject to and a concept of negotiation processes, which hardly kept to territorial borders or clear-cut topographically or language-bounded areas. The conference proceedings open up new views on geographical and historical imaginations of Europe from within and without, on claims of identity and alterity as well as on the mutability of periphery-centre relations. Moreover, they display the wide range of ¿ internationally well-connected ¿ historical research on the early modern period in Germany.

  • af Philipp W. Stockhammer & Corinna Forberg
    663,95 kr.

    This volume offers a fresh perspective on the copy and the practice of copying, two topics that, while the focus of much academic discussion in recent decades, have been underrepresented in the discourse on transculturality. Here, experts from a wide range of academic disciplines present their views on the copy from a transcultural perspective, seeking not to define the copy uniformly, but to reveal its dynamic and transformative power. The copy and the practice of copying are thus presented as constituents of transculturality via thought-provoking contributions on topics spanning time periods from antiquity to the present, and regions from Asia to Europe. In so doing, these contributions aim to create the basis for a novel, interdisciplinary discourse on the copy and its transcultural impact throughout history.

  • af Radmila Mladenova
    518,95 - 663,95 kr.

    The study ventures into a topic that has been so far largely neglected in film studies: the ¿gypsy¿ phantasm on the big screen. It reconstructs the history of ¿gypsy¿ representations in film since the birth of the medium providing a systematic film-theoretical analysis of their aesthetic and social functions. Based on a corpus of over 150 works from European and US cinema, it is shown that ¿gypsy¿-themed feature films share the pattern of an ¿ethno-racial¿ masquerade, irrespective of the place and time of their origin. The author thus expands the research, concentrated until now in the field of literature, with another art form, film, opening up new dimensions of (popular) cultural antigypsyism.

  • af Marie Sander
    518,95 kr.

    "Passing Through Shanghai" examines how children experience international mobility. Focusing on a specific yet diverse group of expatriate youths in contemporary Shanghai, the book investigates how children negotiate cultural identity when they are subject to the highly mobile and often privileged lifestyle associated with their parent¿s international careers. The ethnographic fieldwork that informs the book was carried out in Shanghai from 2010 to 2012 and focused on expatriate teenagers¿ everyday practices, their lives at international schools, their engagement with the city, their dreams and aspirations, as well as their questions of belonging. The book¿s ethnographic approach captures the ¿in-between¿ state of moving while growing up and explores teenage practices and positionings in this transitory situation. The teenagers¿ own perspectives and experiences of living in expatriate communities contribute to a larger view of the interdependence and contradictions between the aspired flexibility of twenty-first century identities and the rigidity of cultural divisions based on nationality, ethnicity, gender, and class.

  • af Barbara Gerke
    393,95 - 518,95 kr.

  • af Markus Viehbeck
    578,95 kr.

    This collaborative study investigates the hill station of Kalimpong and the larger Eastern Himalayan borderlands as a paradigmatic case of a ¿contact zone.¿ In the colonial and early post-colonial era, this space enabled a variety of encounters: between (British) India, Tibet, and China, but also Nepal and Bhutan; between Christian mission and Himalayan religions; between global flows of money and information and local markets and practices. Using a plethora of local and global historical sources, the contributing essays follow the pathways of people from diverse cultural backgrounds and investigate the new forms of knowledge and practice that resulted from their encounters and their shifting power relations. The volume provides not only a nuanced historiography of Kalimpong and its adjacent areas, but also a conceptual model for studying transcultural processes in borderland spaces and their colonial and post-colonial dynamics.

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