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  • af Tina Schöpfer
    322,95 kr.

  • af Catarina Belo
    322,95 kr.

    Catarina Belo explores the question of spirit in the history of philosophy and in various philosophical disciplines, highlighting its meaning and significance for Thomas Aquinas, George Berkeley, and Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, among other major figures. Belo argues that some of the traditional arguments concerning God, reason, and our knowledge of the world are shared by these philosophers, culminating but not ending in Hegel. In addition, she defends a kind of idealism that is not incompatible with realism. The book assumes the form a lively dialogue between a student and a teacher-following the literary tradition in philosophy that begins with Plato. The question of the spirit and its varied meanings are examined philosophically from a historical and a conceptual perspective.

  • af Subin Nijhawan
    328,95 kr.

    This book is directed at both researchers and teachers with an interest to establish a multilingual and cosmopolitan culture within classrooms; it contributes to research in Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) on multiple levels. The theoretical part sketches a conceptual framework with a competence model for the promotion of global discourse competence as the center of gravity for multilingual CLIL in the social sciences. Along the leitmotif of climate change, the construction of 'cosmopolitan classroom glocalities' for supporting learners' 21st century skills is suggested. Besides defending design-based action research as a research method for bridging the gap between theory and practice, two empirical contributions from a German 10th grade CLIL classroom with English as target language make the preceding theoretical framework tangible. One chapter deals with more language-related issues, whereas the subsequent chapter takes a subject turn. At first, a comprehensive model for multilingual CLIL is presented. It builds on the novel concept of translanguaging, adapted to 'trans-foreign-languaging' for facilitating multilingualism as a daily norm. Thereafter, the model's effect on political judgments is investigated. This chapter concludes in proposing the genesis of a 'perfect equilibrium of emotional and rational learning' for promoting empathy, solidarity, and justice within a democratic and transnational civil society.

  • af Dan Corjescu
    232,95 kr.

    This book engages critically with some of the major assumptions of prominent Transhumanists such as Nick Bostrom of Oxford University and Stefan Sorgner of John Cabot University at Rome. More broadly, questions concerning the complex relationships between society, technology, and ethics are widely explored. Major thinkers such as St. Augustine, Nietzsche, Bertrand Russell, and C. S. Lewis are enlisted to highlight and support the major arguments presented by the author. The book aims at a general readership interested in the current claims and possible outcomes of the Transhumanist and Posthumanist movement. It strikes a cautionary note about humanity's reliance on emerging technologies, particularly their potential to enhance and, eventually transform, human life span, cognition, and emotion.

  • af Chris Webb
    381,95 kr.

    This revised and updated version of Chris Webb¿s comprehensive 2016 book covers the development and history of the first death camp in Poland within the Aktion Reinhardt mass murder program. Webb outlines the construction of the death camp in Poland by the National Socialists and provides a comprehensive account of who built the death camp and how the mass murder was perfected by Christian Wirth, the first Commandant, who was well versed in the mass murder by gas, from his days in the T4 Organization. The history of the death camp is retold with eyewitness testimony of some of the Jewish survivors, the Poles who helped build the death camp, and former SS members of the Garrison and German visitors to the camp. The book includes an updated and revised Jewish Roll of Remembrance, with sources provided to verify each entry. This includes the handful of survivors as well as a comprehensive record of the victims, Polish and Czech Jews, and those deported from the Reich to Belzec.The book also provides a detailed record of the leading figures of Aktion Reinhardt, including Odilo Globocnik, Christian Wirth, and Hermann Hofle, and members of the SS Garrison who served in Belzec. The biographies record their histories, what they did at Belzec, and their fates, where known.Also covered are the post-war testimonies, trials, and excavations. A number of historic and contemporary photographs, some of which have never been published before, and documents and drawings enhance this edition.

  • af Vjeran Katunari¿
    397,95 kr.

    Although there is widespread belief that some artists attract the attention of muses more than others, this topic has, so far, not been taken up seriously in art history or sociology of culture. In his fascinating book, Vjeran Katunaric starts out by presenting many artworks, from literature and visual arts to performing arts and architecture, as examples that demonstrate the transcendental potential of art. The key concept explaining this capability concerns the crossing of three time frames, i.e. past, present, and future in the historical present. An inspirational source for such an approach is to be found in the aesthetic sociology and philosophy of Georg Simmel and in the philosophical hermeneutics of history by Walter Benjamin. The selected artworks and periods, respectively, span from early Renaissance and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution to postmodernity and neoliberalism - with a glimpse to a possible future as the opening of the cosmic era of humanity that is anticipated in early vanguard and some contemporary paintings.

  • af Robert M. Cutler
    372,95 kr.

    This collection of studies investigates the political economy of international relations between the Soviet bloc (the ¿East¿) and the developing world (the ¿South¿), spanning the entire post-Stalin era while focusing on the 1970s and 1980s. The works examine East-South relations from the standpoints of international trade patterns, financial transfers, military relations including their economic angle, interactions within the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), and the international legal framework for trade embedded in the ¿socialist offensive in international law.¿ The chapters provide extensive bibliographies making this volume a handbook of great interest not only to researchers, but also to university students and the general public.

  • af Massimo García Vela Modonesi
    340,95 kr.

    Going from classic to contemporary authors, the authors of this volume consider theorists that provided contributions that became representative of trends, schools of thought and original theoretical perspectives, and that grew into the backbone of Marxist thought: Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Antonio Gramsci, Edward Palmer Thompson, Nicos Poulantzas, Erik O. Wright, Antonio Negri, and John Holloway, with references to Rosa Luxemburg, Georg Lukács, and Ralph Miliband. The authors seek to provide a basis for the knowledge of the main contributions in contemporary Marxism and to place the debate on the concept of social class at the center of current sociological reflections. In this sense, the last chapter is not a balance nor an assessment, but offers an exercise in the problematization of the concepts of struggle and class, geared towards highlighting its relevance and potential in Marxist sociology within an agenda centered in the principle of antagonism.Beyond the endeavor to recognize and revitalize the Marxist perspective, the authors offer tools for reflection that allow readers to refresh and expand their knowledge on a fundamental concept and a debate of great theoretical importance in social thought.

  • af Kendall Petersen
    247,95 kr.

    Erika Kohut is in her late thirties. By day, she confronts her unrealised ambition as a concert pianist teaching at the Vienna Conservatory, while at night she skulks through porn shows and spies on couples in the park, confronting her inadequate awareness of her own sexuality.Kendall Petersen seeks to examine the notion of power - including its manifestations and consequences - in social, sexual, and interpersonal relationships in "The Piano Teacher" by Elfriede Jelinek, based on an analysis of the three main relationships narrated in the text.Not only does it become clear that social and interpersonal relationships cannot be divorced from the dynamics of power which demonstrate themselves in acts of physical, psychological and sexual violence, but, more importantly, that the text narrates a legacy of female internalisation of patriarchal power which, ironically, results not in women who are fundamentally independent and self-sufficient, but rather in women who are, and will always remain, victims - disempowered, desexualised and dehumanised.

  • af Wolfgang Büttner
    157,95 kr.

    Are violent national movements in a democratic Western Europe possible? The conflicts on Corsica and in the Basque country are evidence that they are. The book unveils the background and development of both conflicts within the structured framework of a comparative analysis. It presents the conflicts separately, giving a general overview of their backgrounds and developments. The two conflicts are compared by pointing out their similarities and differences. The diverging outcomes of the conflicts in the year 2000 are explained. Finally, the results of the comparison are applied to a theory of ethnic terrorism. The author: Wolfgang Büttner is a student in history, political science and economics at the Freie Universität Berlin, Germany. His special field of interest concerns ethnicity and ethnic conflict. In spring 2000, he was a fellow at the Department for Peace and Conflict Studies, Uppsala University, Sweden.

  • af Josette Baer
    277,95 kr.

    To the older generations in her native Slovakia, Hana Ponická is well-known for her successful children¿s books and courageous fight against the communist regime. Her psychological ordeal began in February 1977 when the elderly lady refused to sign the so-called anticharta, a condemnation of the human rights group Charter 77, which had published its first manifesto in the West on 1 January 1977. All Slovak and Czech artists had to sign the anticharta; they were forced by the regime to condemn the dissidents, the most prominent among them being Václav Havel (1936¿2011), who were standing up against the violation of basic human rights enshrined in the Czechoslovak constitution following the conclusion of the CSCE treaty of Helsinki. Ponická, like most of her fellow artists, had neither read the Charter 77 manifesto nor the text of the anticharta; she thus refused to sign. Her courage prompted the regime to terrorize her psychologically. This political biography is the first ever written about Ponická, despite her being a household name in Slovakia. Josette Baer¿s analysis is based on Ponická¿s memoirs of that cruel year of 1977, newspaper articles she published prior to 1971, when the regime effectively banned any critical voice from publication, and newspaper articles she published after the Velvet Revolution of 1989 to promote the establishing of a rule-of-law state and democracy. The documents of the StB, the Slovak and Czech Security Services, are analyzed for the first time; they are evidence of how the StB tried to pressure the resilient and disciplined grandmother of three into obedience. Oral history interviews with Dirk Matthias Dalberg, Vlasta Jaksicsová, and Mary ¿amal inform the reader about the situation of the Slovak dissidents of Charter 77, how normal citizens lived in the regime, and how the Czech and Slovak exile communities in the USA saw the dissidents in Communist Czechoslovakia.

  • af Berthold M. Margellos Kuhn
    232,95 kr.

    Berthold M. Kuhn and Dimitrios L. Margellos present a thoroughly reflected analysis of future global trends by drawing on insights and expertise from leading researchers, think tanks, and activists. Climate change and sustainability transformation, digitalization, growing inequalities, urbanization and smart cities, green economy, and sustainable finance are among the key megatrends. Addressing geopolitical shifts and the future of multilateralism, the authors also discuss new trends in democracy and governance, migration, the futures of health and nutrition, and civilizational developments: demography, diversity, identity politics, individualization, and gender shift. Based on their own research and a series of future talks with leading analysts and researchers from different world regions, they present cutting-edge content of future studies.

  • af Andrea Scheurer Gremels
    328,95 kr.

    Entanglements: Envisioning World Literature from the Global South scrutinizes current debates to bring historical and contemporary South-South entanglements to the fore and to develop a new understanding of world literature in a multipolar world of globalized modernity. The volume challenges established ideas of world literature by rethinking the concept along the notion of ¿entanglements¿: as a field of variously criss-crossing relations of literary activity beyond the confines of literary canons, cultural containers, or national borders.The collection presents individual case studies from a variety of language traditions that focus on particular literary relationships and practices across Africa, the Americas, Asia, and Europe as well as new fictional, poetical, and theoretical conceptions of world literature in order to broaden our understanding of the multilateral entanglements within a widening communicative network that shape our globalized world.

  • af Stamatia Devetzi
    392,95 kr.

    The European social security law, i.e. the European regulations on the coordination of social security for migrant workers, has been evolving for over 60 years. This book is the result of a dialogue between academia and practitioners in Germany and Greece on practical issues regarding the implementation of the coordination regulations. On the one hand, it reviews the recent case law of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the interpretation of EU social security law. On the other hand, the book provides accounts of how specific issues are resolved by and between national social security institutions. It explores the exchange of experiences of various administrative authorities, both within and outside the reflection of the ECJ's existing case law. Furthermore, the discussion on transnational social security rights in the EU and on issues such as the posting of workers or platform work highlight the existing and future-practical-challenges in this field.

  • af Stephen Ruane Velychenko
    662,95 kr.

    The contributors to this volume show that the themes of empire, colony, and national liberation movements can be addressed in a European continental as much as in Asian, Latin American, or African contexts. There is a further benefit from a within-Europe comparison: It calls into question the tendency to assume fundamental differences between "western" and "eastern" Europe, including the now largely abandoned distinction between a "western" nationalism, defined as a civil nationalism, and an "eastern" one, defined as ethnic. It also answers the question whether intra-European comparison of this kind is possible, in a context where post-Soviet scholarship is often invisible in Anglo-American scholarship. As Norman Davies reminds us, low public awareness of Europe's smaller and, in west-European minds, "more distant" nations, underlies the persistence of false generalizations about them, including assumptions like "that the whole of the west was advanced while the whole of the east was backward."

  • af H Chris Ransford
    197,95 kr.

    Most studies of consciousness proceed from a standpoint where external reality already pre-exists. As such, these studies would be inherently unable to recognize it if consciousness in fact arose at the same level where reality itself takes its source¿at the level where wave functions collapse and thereby generate the fabric of material reality.At the same time, a number of compelling contemporary interpretations of physics strongly hint that consciousness must most likely be a fundamental constituent of reality, that it cannot be emergent, and that the role of the brain is limited to the harnessing, optimization, and deployment of consciousness within material reality¿aka the realm of collapsed wave functions. This view seems to be also supported by a range of credible observations made by a number of credible professionals who operate at the margins of studies of consciousness, such as psychiatrists, who occasionally observe puzzling cases involving unusual phenomena related to consciousness. If we back-engineer the inevitable macroscopic consequences of a consciousness born at the same level as the building blocks of physical reality itself, we discover that such marginal phenomena become then fully explainable. The book offers readers new insights into interpretations of current research in physics and enables readers without a background in physics to understand the implications and their relevance to our understanding of consciousness.

  • af Shabih Zaidi
    322,95 kr.

    The pharmaceutical ecosystem in Basel, Switzerland, concentrates highly skilled professionals and their families into a small area, profoundly changing the local social landscape and transforming the lived experiences of those involved. Using a multidisciplinary approach to unpack the narratives of belonging at work and home, the author offers perspectives of self-discovery, personal growth, and corporate mobility. How can culture be understood, negotiated, and built through emotional capital and sensorial mobility? If you are looking to learn more about what to expect when moving as a family on international assignments or are keen to explore some typical aspects of life in Basel, the insights from this book will help you pick up strategies to start you on your journey.

  • af Denis Newiak
    172,95 kr.

    Dead phones, chaos in hospitals, looming nuclear meltdowns: For years, experts all over the world have been warning of a widespread power blackout-and the devastating consequences for society as a whole. However, just as before the Covid-19 pandemic, politicians and the public are hardly aware of the far-reaching risks: A blackout would catch us almost completely unprepared.As for other (supposedly improbable) disruptive events, disaster movies and sci-fi series have long shown what would happen if modern society were to lose its lifeblood. Denis Newiak looks into those filmic fictions for answers to pressing questions:How can we prepare ourselves for the dramatic consequences of such a crisis? And can the collapse of modernity still be stopped?

  • af Piotr Pietrzak
    369,95 kr.

    In Statu Nascendi is a peer-reviewed journal that aspires to be a world-class scholarly platform encompassing original academic research dedicated to the circle of Political Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Theory of International Relations, Foreign Policy, and the political Decision-making process. The journal investigates specific issues through a socio-cultural, philosophical, and anthropological approach to raise a new type of civic awareness about the complexity of contemporary crisis, instability, and warfare situations, where the ¿stage-of-becoming¿ plays a vital role. Issue 2022:1 focuses on the novels of Haruki Murakami.Haruki Murakami: What is the relation between philosophy and an acclaimed Japanese literary writer? Murakami himself has been reluctant to expound on any deeper meaning to be found in his stories. The answer can be found in the great interest in and diverse engagement of readers with Murakami¿s work. In a truly global sense, readers have sensed such a depth in Murakami. Whether it is psychoanalytical, sociological, mythological, or political, readers are motivated to extend Murakami¿s texts: to think about and work with them long after their initial reading. The objective of this special issue of ISN is to explore this depth to Murakami¿s work from an interdisciplinary perspective in order to present novel arguments to the growing research community. It is posited that there is something tangible that can be brought to the surface through the critical approaches of the contributors in this issue; broadly speaking, this tangibility can be considered philosophical; that there is some kind of conceptual material at the core of Murakami¿s work, or that his work is congenial to conceptual activity, which is relevant to readers who have a general interest in the humanities and social sciences, and of course, in Murakami studies in particular. The special issue of ISN will include pieces from renowned Murakami scholars who are working with his texts in different ways; topics include cosmopolitanism, intertextuality, gender, ethics, the divine, representations of the family, the other world, and the creative process of writing itself. Introductions to the most recent publications on Murakami in the English-language (2019-2022) by the authors will also be featured. Finally, it is hoped that this special issue on Murakami will increase philosophical and interdisciplinary participation with his work; it may be the case that a few budding divers will become interested in the critical activities presented in the articles, ready to hold their breath and dive into a Murakami-world.

  • af Dan Corjescu
    567,95 kr.

    What is Man? What is his nature? Where is he going? These are but some of the questions this book is trying to find answers to. They are questions that will take us on a fascinating intellectual journey encompassing politics, history, sociology, philosophy, religion, and science. Along the way you will encounter many great thinkers such as Aristotle and Nietzsche (to name but two) as well as be confronted by some of humanity¿s most sublime achievements and horrific failures. After reading this book, you will have a better understanding of humankind¿s potential for good and evil and our chances for survival and transcendence in the not too distant future.

  • af Rumena Filipova
    480,95 kr.

    This comparative study harks back to the revolutionary year of 1989 and asks two critical questions about the resulting reconfiguration of Europe in the aftermath of the collapse of communism: Why did Central and East European states display such divergent outcomes of their socio-political transitions? Why did three of those states-Poland, Bulgaria, and Russia-differ so starkly in terms of the pace and extent of their integration into Europe? Rumena Filipova argues that Poland's, Bulgaria's, and Russia's dominating conceptions of national identity have principally shaped these countries' foreign policy behavior after 1989. Such an explanation of these three nations' diverging degrees of Europeanization stands in contrast to institutionalist-rationalist, interest-based accounts of democratic transition and international integration in post-communist Europe.She thereby makes a case for the need to include ideational factors into the study of International Relations and demonstrates that identities are not easily malleable and may not be as fluid as often assumed. She proposes a theoretical "middle-ground" argument that calls for "qualified post-positivism" as an integrated perspective that combines positivist and post-positivist orientations in the study of IR.

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