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  • af Selina Maitreya
    212,95 kr.

    A hands-on guide to cultivating a more conscious and spiritually present life

  • af Thom Hartmann
    197,95 kr.

    Una guía para reformular nuestra visión del TDAH y aprovechar sus beneficios

  • af Coby Michael
    172,95 kr.

    Una guía para trabajar de forma segura con las plantas venenosas de la farmacopea de las brujas para la magia, la curación y las visiones

  • af Al-Sulami & Ibn Al-Husayn Al-Sulami
    162,95 kr.

  • af Marcel Lavabre
    182,95 kr.

  • af Claude Lecouteux
    227,95 kr.

    SPIRITUALITY / GEM STONES "This has to be the most incredible book ever published on sacred and magical stones. A must-have for historians and anyone interested in the sacred and magical properties of stones. This book really is a magical mystery tour!" --John DeSalvo, author of Power Crystals, Decoding the Enochian Secrets, and host of Mysterious Realms radio show Our ancestors believed stones were home to sacred beings of power, entities that if properly understood and cultivated could provide people protection from ill fortune, envy, and witchcraft; grant invisibility and other magical powers; improve memory; and heal the sick from a wide variety of diseases. These benefits could be obtained by wearing the stone on a ring, bracelet, or pendant; through massage treatments with the stone; or by reducing the gem to a powder and drinking it mixed with water or wine. Drawing from a wealth of ancient Arabic, Greek, Jewish, and European sources--from the observations of Pliny the Elder to extremely rare texts such as the Picatrix and Damigeron's Virtue of Stones--Claude Lecouteux provides a synthesis of all known lore for more than 800 stones. He includes such common examples as the emerald, which when engraved with the figure of a harpy holding a lamprey in its claws will banish panic and nightmares, and beryl, which when appropriately carved can summon water spirits or win its owner high renown, as well as more exotic stones such as astrios, a stone celebrated by ancient magicians and whose center glows like a star. Lecouteux also examines bezoars--stones formed in animals' bodies--as well as "magnets" that attract materials other than iron, such as gold, flesh, cotton, or scorpions. This comprehensive dictionary of sacred and magical gem lore, drawn from the rarest sources of Antiquity and the Middle Ages, represents a one-of-a-kind resource for gem enthusiasts and magical practitioners alike. CLAUDE LECOUTEUX is a former professor of medieval literature and civilization at the Sorbonne. He is the author of numerous books on medieval and pagan beliefs, including The Secret History of Poltergeists and Haunted Houses and The Secret History of Vampires. He lives in Paris.

  • af Amara Charles
    232,95 kr.

    Based on ancient Mayan, Olmec, and Toltec teachings passed down by the Twisted Hair Nagual Elders of the Sweet Medicine Sundance Path, Quodoushka offers practical guidance on sex, intimacy, and relationships that bring the sacred back into lovemaking.

  • af Donna Finando
    267,95 kr.

    Un manual de referencia clínica para la evaluación y el tratamiento de los dolores musculares • Contiene ilustraciones detalladas de los patrones de dolor y de la ubicación de los puntos de activación Los síndromes de dolor miofascial son los problemas más comunes que los médicos, osteópatas, acupunturistas, fisioterapeutas y masajistas tienen que enfrentar entre sus pacientes. En Terapia de puntos de activación para el dolor miofascial, Donna y Steven Finando han organizado grandes cantidades de información sobre cómo tratar el dolor muscular y la han recopilado en un amplio y accesible manual de referencia clínica para profesionales de la salud. Los autores examinan un amplio espectro de patrones de dolor y presentan técnicas de evaluación y palpación para reducir los puntos de activación, y aliviar el dolor, en los músculos más importantes del cuerpo. Esta edición completamente ampliada y revisada de su anterior libro, titulado Informed Touch, comienza con explicaciones sobre el concepto del qi y su relación con la miología, las causas del surgimiento de los puntos de activación y técnicas para mejorar las habilidades de palpación. Luego se ofrece información detallada sobre músculos específicos para que los médicos aprendan a localizar de forma rápida y precisa puntos de dolor específicos y patrones de compensación. Además de diagramas anatómicos de puntos de activación y patrones de dolor, la descripción de cada músculo incluye ilustraciones que muestran técnicas de estiramiento que se pueden aplicar en casa. Un índice visual resume los patrones de dolor y los músculos que pueden verse afectados. El libro Terapia de puntos de activación para el dolor miofascial es un recurso inestimable para cualquier profesional que trate este tipo de trastornos.

  • af Don Webb
    212,95 kr.

    New commentaries on Aleister Crowley's Book of the Law reveal how it is connected to both Right- and Left-Hand Paths.

  • af Chris Carter
    167,95 kr.

    NEW SCIENCE / PARAPSYCHOLOGY "Chris Carter is a one-man wrecking crew for the time-worn, tedious, petulant, and often flimsy complaints of the die-hard skeptics. A science of consciousness is doomed to be incomplete without taking Carter's keen insights into account." --Larry Dossey, M.D., author of Healing Words and The Power of Premonitions Reports of psychic abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, precognition, and psychokinesis, date back to the beginning of recorded human history in all cultures. Documented, reproducible evidence exists that these abilities are real, yet the mainstream scientific community has vehemently denied the existence of psi phenomena for centuries. The battle over the reality of psi has carried on in scientific academies, courtrooms, scholarly journals, newspapers, and radio stations and has included scandals, wild accusations, ruined reputations, as well as bizarre characters on both sides of the debate. If true evidence exists, why then is the study of psi phenomena--parapsychology--so controversial? And why has the controversy lasted for centuries? Exploring the scandalous history of parapsychology and citing decades of research, Chris Carter shows that, contrary to mainstream belief, replicable evidence of psi phenomena exists. The controversy over parapsychology continues not because ESP and other abilities cannot be verified but because their existence challenges deeply held worldviews more strongly rooted in religious and philosophical beliefs than in hard science. Carter reveals how the doctrine of materialism--in which nothing matters but matter--has become an infallible article of faith for many scientists and philosophers, much like the convictions of religious fundamentalists. Consequently, the possibility of psychic abilities cannot be tolerated because their existence would refute materialism and contradict a deeply ingrained ideology. By outlining the origin of this passionate debate, Carter calls on all open-minded individuals to disregard the church of skepticism and reach their own conclusions by looking at the vast body of evidence. CHRIS CARTER received his undergraduate and master's degrees from the University of Oxford. The author of Science and the Near-Death Experience, Carter is originally from Canada and currently teaches internationally.

  • af Iris J Stewart
    242,95 kr.

    Shows how dance, the highest expression of spirituality in cultures and traditions all over the world, is being integrated into the lives of women today • The first book to explore women's spiritual expression--women's ways--through a study of dance • Investigates how dance came to be excluded from worship, and reveals how dance is once again being brought into spiritual practices • Includes resources for further instruction in sacred dance Today we primarily think of dance as a form of entertainment or as a way to exercise or socialize. There was a time, however, when dance was considered the way to commune with the divine, a part of life's journey, celebrating the seasons and rhythms of the year and the rhythms of our lives. Dance is a language that reunites the body, mind, and soul. While the role of women's sacred dance was most valued in goddess-worshipping cultures where women served as priestesses and healers, dance was once an integral part of religious ritual and ceremonial expression in cultures all over the world, including Judaism and Christianity. In this book the author investigates how dance came to be excluded from worship and reveals how dance is once again being integrated into spiritual practices. Sacred Woman, Sacred Dance is the first book to explore women's spiritual expression--women's ways--through a study of dance. It describes sacred circles, birth rituals, ecstatic dances, and dances of loss and grief (in groups and individually) that allow women to integrate the movements of faith, healing, and power into their daily life.

  • af Rick Strassman
    212,95 kr.

    Un psiquiatra clínico explora los efectos de la DMT, una de las drogas psicodélicas más potentes que se conocen.

  • af Chris H Hardy
    267,95 kr.

    ANCIENT MYSTERIES / NEW AGE "Chris Hardy is one of the most intrepid explorers of the frontiers of consciousness. The Sacred Network provides its readers with a blueprint for their development both as individuals and as members of the human species." --Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., professor of psychology, Saybrook University, and coauthor of Personal Mythology "A scientist mind meets a visionary sage in author Chris Hardy. She foresees our individual souls weaving networks that will connect all over the world. One of the most creative and original books of our times." --Allan Combs, professor of transformative studies, California Institute of Integral Studies, and coeditor of Thomas Berry, Dreamer of the Earth First marked by the standing stones of our megalithic ancestors, the world's sacred sites are not only places of spiritual energy but also hubs of cosmic energy and earthly energy. Generation upon generation has recognized the power of these sites, with the result that each dominant culture builds their religious structures on the same spots--the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris, for example, was constructed over a temple to Diana that in turn had been built over a stone pillar worshipped by the Gauls. In The Sacred Network, Chris Hardy shows how the world's sacred sites coincide with the intersections of energetic waves from the earth's geomagnetic field and how--via their megaliths, temples, and steeples--these sites act as antennae for the energies of the cosmos. Delving deeply into Paris's sacred network, she also explores the intricate geometrical patterns created by the alignments of churches and monuments, such as pentagrams and Stars of David. Revealing that consciousness is a tangible energy, she explains how the sacred network is fueling an 8,000-year evolutionary cycle initiated by our megalithic ancestors that will soon culminate in a new state of shared consciousness for humanity. CHRIS H. HARDY, Ph.D., a former researcher at Psychophysical Research Laboratories in Princeton, has spent many years investigating psi capacities, altered states of consciousness, and the mind at large. She has authored 17 published books, including Networks of Meaning. She lives in France.

  • af Eve Baumohl Neuhaus
    182,95 kr.

    SPIRITUALITY / NEW AGE "True to the wishes of her teacher, Eve Baumohl Neuhaus skillfully offers a glimpse into the life and profound teachings of Ganesh Baba. In so doing, she enriches the spiritual literature of today with the tantric wisdom and wit that transcends culture and healthily disregards political correctness. An entertaining and thought-provoking read." --Robert Sachs, author of The Passionate Buddha: Wisdom on Intimacy and Enduring Love Shri Mahant Swami Ganeshanand Saraswati Giri (ca. 1895-1987) was known to all who loved and studied with him simply as Ganesh Baba. At the age of four, he was brought back from death through an initiation by Lahiri Mahasaya and through this initiation descends from the same Kriya Yoga lineage as Paramahansa Yogananda. He became a swami under his guru Sivananda and later went on to run the Anandamayi Ma ashram. Drawn to the life of the Naga Babas, he became the head of the Ananda Akhara, Naga followers of Lord Shiva who consider cannabis and other entheogens to be the gift of the gods. The unique set of principles and exercises Ganesh Baba developed from the tantric practices of traditional Kriya Yoga and Shivaism became the core of his personal teachings of Crea (for creative) Yoga. Ganesh Baba's message of systematic synthesis of the spiritual and secular was carefully developed for and embraced by contemporary students in the 1960s, especially those whose path included the use of entheogens. This book contains the core of Ganesh Baba's Crea Yoga teachings, from the beginning stages of conscious control of one's posture, breath, and attention to finally extending one's awareness to the farthest reaches of the cosmos. Eve Baumohl Neuhaus shows that the life of this scholar and crazy saint was as instructive as his teachings. She includes many personal reminiscences of this inspirational and challenging teacher from her own life and those of fellow students, which demonstrate that Ganesh Baba's extraordinary life was in keeping with his own role as the embodiment of Lord Ganesh, the remover of obstacles. EVE BAUMOHL NEUHAUS was one of many students who worked with Ganesh Baba when he was in the United States from 1979 until 1985, typing and retyping his manuscripts. A schoolteacher from 1979 to 2001, she has a master's degree in mythological studies and gives workshops in art, mythology, and Crea Yoga. The author of Journey to Mythaca, she lives in central California.

  • af Barbara Hand Clow
    212,95 kr.

    ESTUDIOS MAYAS / NUEVA ERA "El codigo maya es verdaderamente interesante y extraordinario porque sus afirmaciones se basan en hechos. Por ejemplo, menciona los VEDAS. Los mayas llamamos a ese pueblo 'los BEDZA'. Seguian el antiguo calendario de 360 dias, como mismo hacian los mayas con el calendario Haab, que tambien tiene 360 dias. Le recomiendo que lea este libro." --Hunbatz Men, sacerdote de la tradicion itza maya "Barbara Hand Clow ha escrito el libro definitivo acerca del ano 2012. Este libro es, sin mas, el mejor recurso que existe actualmente. Un ser humano muy sabio ha vertido su corazon, su alma y su mente en las palabras aqui escritas. El codigo maya es un magnifico regalo para todo lector." --Whitley Strieber, autor de Comunion y La clave El codigo maya constituye una profunda exploracion de la manera en que, a medida que nos aproximamos al final del calendario maya, el tiempo y la conciencia se aceleran y nos proporcionan una nueva comprension del universo. Valiendose de las investigaciones de Carl Johan Calleman, y de las ideas de otros expertos en el calendario maya, Barbara Hand Clow examina 16 400 millones de anos de evolucion y descodifica las pautas creativas de la Tierra, o sea, la conciencia mundial. Estas grandes pautas culminan en 2011 y luego, durante 2012, importantes influencias astrologicas nos inspiraran a alcanzar la unidad y la iluminacion. El codigo maya muestra como los ciclos temporales del calendario coinciden con periodos importantes en los bancos de datos evolutivos de la Tierra y la Galaxia de la Via Lactea. Estas fases de la evolucion convergen durante la etapa final del Calendario, el periodo comprendido entre 1999 y 2011. Tanto la guerra y la territorialidad como la gestion de los recursos y la separacion de la naturaleza son parte de los acontecimientos cotidianos que debemos procesar durante estos escasos anos: son prueba de la espiral del tiempo cada vez mas compacta que estamos experimentando debido a la aceleracion del tiempo. Barbara Hand Clow nos asegura que nuestra propia sanacion personal es el factor mas importante al prepararnos para dar este salto critico en la evolucion humana. Esto se ha dado en llamar "el despertar de la conciencia mundial." BARBARA HAND CLOW pertenece al consejo internacional de ancianos mayas (Comunidad Indigena Maya), es portadora de las cronicas de los cheroqui y es una maestra de ceremonias y autora de prestigio internacional. Ha escrito otros diez libros, entre los que figuran The Pleiadian Agenda [El plan de las Pleyades], The Mind Chronicles [Cronicas de la mente], Quiron, Alquimia de las nueve dimensiones y Catastrofobia, y mantiene un sitio web de astrologia, en

  • af Marc Seifer
    242,95 kr.

    SCIENCE / NEW THOUGHT "Marc Seifer has made the difficult easy to understand as he covers such broad topics as cosmological coincidences, new theories on gravity, and higher states of consciousness. This book generates fresh ideas on the link between thoughts, the physical universe, and the speed of light. Transcending the Speed of Light is a bold new adventure into the exciting world of consciousness exploration." --Uri Geller, paranormalist "I highly recommend this book to any and all readers who are seriously interested in the puzzling problem of the nature of mind and consciousness. I most enthusiastically endorse Marc's work." --Col. Tom Bearden (retired), author of Excalibur Briefing Since the introduction of Descartes' dualism in the seventeenth century, the mind and the physical world have been viewed as disconnected entities. Yet qualities of mind such as awareness, purposeful action, organization, design, and even decision making are present within the structure of matter and within the dimensions of space and time. The spacetime continuum of scientists generally ignores the realm of the mind, though phenomena such as imaginary numbers, used by Einstein to combine space with time, are concepts that exist only in the mind. Marc Seifer contends that the inadequacy of four-dimensional models to account for our experience of mental phenomena points to the consciousness of the mind as a higher organizing principle, a fifth dimension where thoughts are as real and quantifiable as our familiar physical world. He shows that because thought enables us to move backward and forward through time--reflecting on the past and making plans for the future--this fifth dimension of mind breaks the laws of relativity, thereby transcending the speed of light. His extensive study of this fifth dimension ranges from relativity and ether theory to precognition, telepathy, and synchronicity, all from the perspective of the conscious universe. MARC J. SEIFER, Ph.D., teaches psychology at Roger Williams University. He has studied under Bruno Bettelheim, Herbert Meltzer, and Stanley Krippner and is the author of several books, including Inward Journey: From Freud to Gurdjieff and the acclaimed Wizard: The Life & Times of Nikola Tesla. He lives in Rhode Island.

  • af Jeffrey J Bütz
    167,95 kr.

    RELIGION / CHRISTIAN STUDIES James, the younger brother of Jesus, has been the subject of controversy since the founding of Christianity. This book reveals his true role as Jesus' chosen successor and demonstrates that the core message in the teachings of Jesus is an expansion, not a repudiation, of the Jewish religion. James recently made international headlines due to the discovery of an ancient Jewish ossuary that bore the inscription: "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Evidence that Jesus had siblings contradicts Roman Catholic dogma on the virgin birth, and James is also a symbol of suppressed Christian teachings. While Peter is traditionally thought of as the leader of the apostles and the "rock" on which Jesus built his church, Jeffrey Butz shows that it was James who led the disciples after the crucifixion. It was James, not Peter, who guided them through the Church's first major theological crisis--Paul's interpretation of the teachings of Jesus. Using the canonical Gospels, writings of the Church Fathers, and apocryphal texts, Butz argues that James is the most overlooked figure in the history of the Church. He shows how the core teachings of Jesus are firmly rooted in Hebrew tradition and reveals the bitter battles between James and Paul for ideological supremacy in the early Church, explaining that Paul's interpretations, which became the foundation of the Church, are in many ways a betrayal of Jesus' teachings. Butz reveals a picture of Christianity and the true meaning of Christ's message that are sometimes quite at odds with established Christian doctrine and concludes that James can serve as a desperately needed link between Christianity, Judaism, and Islam that could heal the wounds of centuries of enmity. JEFFREY J. BuTZ is an ordained Lutheran minister and an adjunct professor of world religions at Penn State University's Berks-Lehigh Valley campus. He lives in Catasauqua, Pennsylvania.

  • af Sheila Paine
    317,95 kr.

    The first comprehensive illustrated study of the use of amulets around the world and throughout history explores not only the substances and symbolism from which amulets derive, but also the people and objects they protect.

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