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Bøger udgivet af Inner Traditions/Bear & Company

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  • af Mary Reynolds Thompson
    247,95 kr.

    An initiatory and Nature-based guide to rewilding your soul

  • af Mary Mueller Shutan
    192,95 kr.

    A comprehensive guide to identifying and reclaiming your shadow

  • af Tobias Churton
    245,95 kr.

    Explores the origins and practices of early alchemy

  • af Alexandra Wenman
    222,95 kr.

  • af Maria Mercati
    212,95 kr.

    "A full-color, illustrated guide to Chinese tui-na massage techniques for whole-body health Demonstrates each of the 15 unique Tui-Na techniques with rich full-color photos and step-by-step instructions Explains how to use Qi points to treat conditions in close proximity to the points as well as enact healing in tender or injured regions through the use of distant points Details how to use Tui-Na in all ages to release stress, re-energize the body, invigorate the mind, and relieve pain, sciatica, headache, sports injuries, and other common ailments Tui-Na, which means "grasp and push," is a Chinese system of therapy that uses massage and bodywork manipulation to relieve pain, release tension, and treat common ailments. Often practiced in conjunction with acupuncture and Chinese herbalism, Tui-Na is also used as a treatment to address specific patterns of disharmony and stimulate the overall flow of Qi, or vital energy, throughout the body. The leading authority on Tui-Na in the West, with years of study in China, Indonesia, and Thailand, Maria Mercati combines the individual techniques of Tui-Na into an easy-to-use method for whole-body health. Providing rich full-color photos with step-by-step instructions, she demonstrates each of the 15 unique Tui-Na techniques, showing clearly where to place your hands as well as offering clear diagrams of the meridian energy channels and more than 100 powerful Qi points, where Qi energy can be directly affected to restore balance and harmony. She explains how to use the Qi points to treat conditions in close proximity as well as enact healing in tender or injured regions through the use of distant yet connected Qi points. The author details how to use Tui-Na treatments to relieve neck, shoulder, and back pain, sciatica, headache, and many other common ailments, treat sports injuries, and improve athletic performance. She also shows how it can release stress, re-energize the body, and invigorate the mind, as well as provide healing massage for adolescents, the elderly, and babies. Offering a healing method that requires no special equipment and is simple enough to do at home or in a chair at work, this fully illustrated guide provides a hands-on program to help yourself and others find whole-body health"--

  • af Kediesha R. Watkis
    122,95 kr.

    "What is the mark of true success?" "How does one get there?" "How can I go after my passion and find purpose at the same time?" These are some of the important questions which young women of all ages are seeking answers to. Dream GIRL has answers! Dream GIRL will help girls, in their teen to young adult years, become inspired and excited about their dreams. Its aim is to put them on the path to making those dreams realities! There's no dream without an inspiration. Success occurs once you defy your own limitations. With this insight delicately crafted in a candid account, Kediesha Watkis shares her deeply personal story of moving beyond failure and internal struggles to situate herself into the media career she'd always dreamed of. As she recounts the journey of identifying strengths, overcoming insecurities and taking risks toward self-discovery, Kediesha shares the lessons which have shaped her success and invites young women to pursue their passion in order to unlock true purpose.

  • af Dolf Hartsuiker
    212,95 kr.

  • af Rupert Sheldrake
    242,95 kr.

    Explores Rupert Sheldrake's more than 25 years of research into telepathy, staring and intention, precognition, and animal premonitions • Shows that unexplained human abilities--such as the sense of being stared at and phone telepathy--are not paranormal but normal, part of our biological nature • Draws on more than 5,000 case histories, 4,000 questionnaire responses, and the results of experiments carried out with more than 20,000 people • Reveals that our minds and intentions extend beyond our brains into the world around us and even into the future Nearly everyone has experienced the feeling of being watched or had their stare result in a glance in their direction. The phenomenon has been cited throughout history in nearly every culture, along with other commonplace "paranormal" occurrences such as premonitions and telepathy. In this newly updated edition, Sheldrake shares his more than 25 years of research into telepathy, the power of staring, remote viewing, precognition, and animal premonitions. Drawing on more than 5,000 case histories, 4,000 questionnaire responses, and the results of experiments on staring, thought transference, phone telepathy, and other phenomena carried out with more than 20,000 people as well as reports and data from dozens of independent research teams, Sheldrake shows that these unexplained human abilities--such as the sense of being stared at--are not paranormal but normal, part of our biological nature. He reveals that telepathy depends on social bonds and traces its evolution from the connections between members of animal groups such as flocks, schools, and packs. Sheldrake shows that our minds and intentions extend beyond our brains into our surroundings with invisible connections that link us to each other, to the world around us, and even to the future.

  • af Anne Parker
    192,95 kr.

    Exploring a European tradition formerly considered a lost art, this accessible guide offers day-to-day applications of earth-energy work. From the simple act of bed placement to choosing the location of a home, practical tools are offered for making living and working spaces healthier. Encouraging realignment with the natural earth patterns and influences on both personal and planetary levels, this exploration delves into work with trees, alignment of stones, and the value of sacred sites. Geomancers, feng shui enthusiasts, and those simply looking for more health and harmony in their lives will benefit from the hands-on, practical tools for building stable, flourishing relationships within daily environments and the world.

  • af J. Douglas Kenyon
    237,95 kr.

    Translation of: Forbidden history: prehistoric technologies, extraterrestrial intervention, and the suppressed origins of civilization.

  • af Louisa L Williams
    757,95 kr.

    HEALTH / WELLNESS Radical Medicine radical: 'ra-di-k l (Latin: radix), going to the root or origin; pertaining to what is fundamental, far-reaching, and thorough With the historic use of toxic mercury amalgam fillings, excessive courses of antibiotics, damaging childhood vaccines, and the many industrial pollutants and chemicals that have been spread into our air, water, and food over the past century, general holistic health guidelines are simply no longer adequate for most people. Only through radical measures--that is, getting to the true root or underlying cause of disease--can effective healing occur. In Radical Medicine, naturopathic physician Louisa Williams describes how to treat these and other modern-day "obstacles to cure" in order to ensure against future degenerative disease and achieve the optimal health that is our birthright. Examining the many health problems triggered by dental amalgams and poor dentistry, Dr. Williams explains that our teeth are focal points for health issues that arise elsewhere in the body. She explores the impact of vaccinations, the excessive use of antibiotics, and the chemical-laden products used as health and beauty aids--which are linked to Alzheimer's disease, heart attacks, and breast and other cancers. She then provides information on cuttingedge treatments as well as drainage and nutritional therapies. Radical Medicine is a practical guide for practitioners as well as those who have suffered with chronic illnesses that allopathic medicine has been unable to identify or help treat. It is also extremely valuable for those who must make responsible and informed decisions about health options for their children and other family members. Radical Medicine offers a wealth of holistic, natural therapies for treating what is poisoning us as well as our world. LOUISA L WILLIAMS, M.S., D.C., N.D., received her doctoral training in naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University. She also holds a master's degree in psychology and a doctorate degree in chiropractic. In 1984 she founded the Seattle Health Clinic, which specializes in environmental medicine and detoxification. Dr. Williams currently practices at the Marin Naturopathic Medicine clinic in San Rafael, California, and teaches the principles of radical medicine as well as her energetic testing method (MRT) in the United States and abroad.

  • af Stephen Harrod Buhner
    212,95 kr.

    NUEVA CIENCIA / ECOLOGIA "De los libros verdaderamente magnificos que se publican en la actualidad, Las ensenanzas secretas de las plantas es por un amplio margen el mas gratificante que he tenido el privilegio de leer." --Joseph Chilton Pearce, autor de The Biology of Transcendence [La biologia de la trascendencia] "Una lectura obligatoria para herbolarios, sanadores, jardineros y horticultores, amantes de la naturaleza y cualquiera que alguna vez se haya sentido conmovido por los milagros cotidianos de la vida." --Susun S. Weed, autora de Healing Wise [Sabiduria de la sanacion] La humanidad no puede sobrevivir sin las propiedades nutricionales y medicinales de las plantas. Se ha calculado que el numero de especies vegetales que hay en nuestro planeta oscila alrededor de 400.000, y muchas de estas especies son aun desconocidas para la humanidad. Si bien los botanistas occidentales solo han identificado y clasificado una pequena fraccion de ese total, se puede afirmar con seguridad que muchas de las plantas desconocidas en Occidente son conocidas para los pueblos aborigenes que viven en los entornos naturales de esas plantas. Todos los pueblos antiguos y aborigenes afirman que sus conocimientos sobre remedios botanicos provienen de las propias plantas y no de la experimentacion a traves de pruebas y errores. Un dato menos conocido es que estas ensenanzas sobre las plantas constituyen la base de muchos de los descubrimientos modernos tanto en la medicina como en la alimentacion de origen vegetal. En todas partes del mundo existe la tradicion de la percepcion directa de la naturaleza a traves de la "inteligencia del corazon." Los descubrimientos recientes de la neurociencia han demostrado que mas del 50 por ciento del corazon esta compuesto por celulas neurales. En realidad, el corazon es un cerebro por derecho propio. La percepcion centrada en el corazon puede ser excepcionalmente precisa y detallada en lo que respecta a su potencial de recopilacion de informacion, como afirman los pueblos antiguos y aborigenes. Stephen Harrod Buhner explora minuciosamente esta modalidad de percepcion centrada en el corazon. Incluye informacion de vanguardia sobre los mecanismos fisicos de la cognicion basada en el corazon y explora las obras de muchos autores extraordinarios que percibieron el mundo con el corazon, como Henry David Thoreau; Luther Burbank, quien cultivo la mayoria de las plantas alimenticias que ahora consumimos sin pensar en su procedencia; George Washington Carver; Masanobu Fukuoka, autor de The One Straw Revolution [La revolucion de una brizna de paja], y el gran poeta y cientifico aleman Goethe, que estudio la metamorfosis de las plantas. Buhner nos muestra como estos grandes pensadores adquirieron una percepcion directa de la naturaleza mediante el uso de las capacidades cognitivas del corazon. El autor proporciona el conocimiento y las tecnicas necesarios para desarrollar la percepcion basada en el corazon, que es nuestro derecho de nacimiento. Nos ensena a ir descubriendo directamente de las propias plantas los usos medicinales de cada una de ellas y a comprender el proceso de creacion de alma que se engendra mediante esa profunda conexion con el mundo. STEPHEN HARROD BUHNER es Poeta de la Tierra e investigador titular de la Fundacion de Estudios de Gaia. Imparte charlas por todos los Estados Unidos sobre medicina botanica, el caracter sagrado de las plantas y la inteligencia de la naturaleza. Ha escrito nueve obras de no ficcion y un libro de poesia, entre las que se incluyen la galardonada obra The Lost Language of Plants [El lenguaje perdido de las plantas] y Medicina con plantas sagradas. Vive en Braintree, Vermont.

  • af Alex Grey
    317,95 kr.

    Cómo el arte visionario de Alex Grey contribuye a la evolución del acervo cultural mediante el uso de símbolos de interconexión.

  • af Stephen E Flowers
    157,95 kr.

  • af Ian A. Baker
    417,95 kr.

    "A visual presentation of Tibetan yoga, the hidden treasure at the heart of the Tibetan Tantric Buddhist tradition"--

  • af Mike Jay
    212,95 kr.

    ENTHEOGENS / POPULAR CULTURE "Mike Jay's book offers an excellently researched account of the changing interface of drug use, social values, international trade and commerce, and cultural conditioning. It makes for a fascinating read for those interested in our long and varied relationship with psychoactive materials and our quest for novelty." --Tom Soloway Pinkson, Ph.D., author of The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol: Medicine Teachings for Modern Times "The fascinating history of mind-altering substances is given an articulate and intelligent treatment in Mike Jay's intriguing narrative. This is anything but a dry recounting. The intertwined influences of culture, politics, and finance on the history and perception of drug use are chronicled in this well-written and engrossing study." --J. D. Arthur, author of Salvia Divinorum: Doorway to Thought-Free Awareness Every society is a high society. Every day people drink coffee on European terraces and kava in Pacific villages; chew betel nut in Indonesian markets and coca leaf on Andean mountainsides; swallow ecstasy tablets in the clubs of Amsterdam and opium pills in the deserts of Rajastan; smoke hashish in Himalayan temples and tobacco and marijuana in every nation on Earth. Exploring the spectrum of drug use throughout history--from its roots in animal intoxication to its future in designer neurochemicals--High Society paints vivid portraits of the roles drugs play in different cultures as medicines, religious sacraments, status symbols, and coveted trade goods. From the botanicals of the classical world through the mind-bending self-experiments of 18th- and 19th-century scientists to the synthetic molecules that have transformed our understanding of the brain, Mike Jay reveals how drugs such as tobacco, tea, and opium drove the global trade and cultural exchange that created the modern world and examines the forces that led to the prohibition of opium and cocaine a century ago and the "war on drugs" that rages today. MIKE JAY is a leading specialist in the study of drugs across history and cultures. The author of Artificial Paradises, Emperors of Dreams, and The Atmosphere of Heaven, his critical writing on drugs has appeared in many publications, including The Guardian, The Telegraph, and The International Journal of Drug Policy. He sits on the editorial board of the addiction journal Drugs and Alcohol Today and on the board of the Transform Drug Policy Foundation. He lives in England.

  • af Tom Soloway Pinkson
    212,95 kr.

    SHAMANISM / INDIGENOUS CULTURES "Pinkson is one of those rare individuals who walks his talk, whose life is built on helping others, loving and forgiving, and a determination to trust and listen to the inner voice within him." --Gerald G. Jampolsky, M.D., author of Love Is Letting Go of Fear "The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol is a good read and a powerful memoir. Pinkson's many adventures serve as a catalyst to get on with one's own spiritual awakenings." --Stephen Kiesling, editor in chief, Spirituality & Health Never conquered by Europeans, the Huichol--known for their use of peyote in spiritual ceremonies--have thoroughly retained their ancient way of life. Growing from a deeply rooted respect and reverence for the natural world, the Huichol's shamanic spiritual practices focus on living life in harmony with all living things and offer a path to a truly sustainable future. The Shamanic Wisdom of the Huichol is the autobiographical account of Pinkson's decade-long immersion in the shamanic traditions of the Huichol tribes of the Sierra Madre in Mexico. From his first Huichol pilgrimage to Wiricuta (their sacred homeland) in 1981 to searching the desert for the heart medicine of peyote, Pinkson's account of his initiation into the medicine teachings of the Huichol brings new life to this ancient eco-centric tradition. Providing a guiding light for those who seek to become part of the solution to our planet's ecological challenges, Pinkson empowers readers to choose their own path toward healing both on a personal and a planetary level. TOM SOLOWAY PINKSON, Ph.D., is a psychologist, ceremonial retreat and vision-fast leader, sacred storyteller, and shaman. For 32 years he worked with terminally ill children at the Center for Attitudinal Healing in California, successfully integrating the wisdom teachings of the Huichol and other medicine teachers into the world of the practicing psychologist. His most recent work includes training in the Hardiness Factor (training for emotional resilience) and A New Vision of Aging (working consciously with the challenges and opportunities of the elder years). The founder of Wakan, a nonprofit organization committed to restoring the sacred in daily life, he lives in northern California.

  • af Joscelyn Godwin
    587,95 kr.

    HERMETIC STUDIES / ALCHEMY Linguist, archaeologist, and exceptional scholar, Athanasius Kircher (1602-1680) was the last true Renaissance man. By profession a Jesuit priest, he made himself an authority on almost every subject under the sun. To Kircher the entire world was a glorious manifestation of God, and his exploration was both a scientific quest and a religious experience. His works on Egyptology (he is credited with being the first Egyptologist), music, optics, magnetism, geology, and comparative religion were the definitive tests of their time--and yet they represent only a part of his vast range of knowledge. A Christian Hermeticist in the mold of Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola, his work also examined alchemy, the Kabbalah, and the Egyptian Mystery tradition exemplified by Hermes Trismegistus. Kircher was the first to map ocean currents; the first to offer a comprehensive theory of vulcanism; the first to compile an encyclopedia on China, a dictionary of Coptic, a book dedicated solely to acoustics; the first to construct a machine for coding messages and another for composing music. His museum in Rome was among the most famous "cabinets of curiosities," visited by everybody in the intellectual world. The Hermetic cast of Kircher's thought, which was foreign to the concerns of those propelling the Age of Reason, coupled with the breadth of his interests, caused many of his contributions to be widely overlooked--an oversight now masterfully rectified by Joscelyn Godwin. It has been said that Kircher could think only in images. While this is an exaggeration, 400 of the stunning engravings that are a distinguishing feature of his work are included here so we may fully appreciate, learn from, and see for ourselves the life work, philosophy, and achievements of "the last man who knew everything." JOSCELYN GODWIN, musicologist and translator, is a professor of music at Colgate University. He first explored the life and work of Athanasius Kircher in 1979 in his book A Renaissance Man and the Quest for Lost Knowledge. Godwin was educated at Cambridge and Cornell Universities and has authored and edited many books on Hermeticism and music, including Cosmic Music, The Golden Thread, The Harmony of the Spheres, and Arktos: The Polar Myth. He is also known for his translations of the works of such figures as Fabre d'Olivet and Julius Evola and the first complete English translation of Francesco Colonna's Hypnerotomachia Poliphili. He lives in New York state.

  • af Adrian Murdoch
    212,95 kr.

    History / Biography"A thoroughly engaging book about one of the fourth century's most interesting emperors."--The Journal of Classics Teaching"Keenly paced and beautifully written . . . quite simply one of the best historical biographies of the year."--Catholic Herald"Friendly to its controversial subject and an easy read."--Church TimesThe violent death of the emperor Julian (Flavius Claudius Julianus, AD 332-363) on a Persian battlefield has become synonymous with the death of paganism. Vilified throughout history as the "Apostate," the young philosopher-warrior was the last and arguably the most potent threat to Christianity.The Last Pagan examines Julian's journey from an aristocratic Christian childhood to his initiation into pagan cults and his mission to establish paganism as the dominant faith of the Roman world. Julian's death, only two years into his reign, initiated a culture-wide suppression by the Church of all things it chose to identify as pagan. Only in recent decades, with the weakening of the Church's influence and the resurgence of paganism, have the effects of that suppression begun to wane. Drawing upon more than 700 pages of Julian's original writings, Adrian Murdoch shows that had Julian lived longer our history and our present-day culture would likely be very different.ADRIAN MURDOCH is a historian and journalist. He is the author of Rome's Greatest Defeat: Massacre in the Teutoburg Forest and The Last Roman, a biography of Romulus Augustulus, the Western Roman Empire's final emperor. He is a fellow of the Royal Historical Society.

  • af Diana Cooper
    162,95 kr.

  • af Diana Cooper
    207,95 kr.

  • af Florence Mégemont
    262,95 kr.

  • af Peter Marchand
    182,95 kr.

    RELIGION / HINDUISM "Peter Marchand has accomplished something unique in his new book. He has turned Jnana Yoga, the highest non-dual philosophy, into a real page-turner. I especially enjoy reading the book just before going to sleep; when I do, I find myself resting deeply and waking up each morning more connected to my unchanging Being." --Swami Asokananda, president of Satchidananda Ashram-Yogaville In The Yoga of Truth, Peter Marchand, through a series of deceptively simple introspective questions, leads the seeker into discarding everything--body, personality, thoughts, memories, experiences--that disguises the ego's relentless masquerade as the Self. This is a contemplative yoga, requiring constant commitment to witnessing without attachment. This inner examination disempowers the ego's fixation on its products and leads instead to the realization that the witnessing consciousness is, in fact, the one immutable Being within or without--the real Self, the true You. The universal illusion rests upon space and time, body and elements, the life force, mind, intellect, ego, and self. Jnana Yoga reveals not only the insubstantial and illusory nature of our presumptions but also our habitual commitment to the false sense of self that they create. This illusion of individuality collapses before direct inspection. When something has form, when it can change, it cannot be the eternal with which we seek union. Witnessing consciousness stands alone as that which is without form. In The Yoga of Truth, Marchand leads us simply, and compellingly, to the truth of our nature and the peaceful bliss of true Being. PETER MARCHAND is one of the founders of Sanatan Society, a networking organization of the family and students of Harish Johari (1934-1999), a tantric scholar, poet, and artist who authored twelve books, including Chakras and Tools for Tantra. Marchand became a student of Johari in 1983 and teaches Rasa Sadhana and Jnana Yoga in Europe, India, the United States, and Canada. The author of The Yoga of the Nine Emotions, he lives in Belgium

  • af Lewis Mehl-Madrona
    232,95 kr.

    INDIGENOUS CULTURES / HEALING "Some people say that we are made of molecules and cells, but Lewis Mehl-Madrona insists that we are made of stories. Stories involve a whole person in a historical context and in a whole environment. This more expansive view of ourselves is more true-to-life and real. Dr. Mehl-Madrona teaches us to learn our own story and to use it to heal ourselves and to appreciate our own soul's path." Dana Ullman, MPH, author of The Homeopathic Revolution and coauthor of Everybody's Guide to Homeopathic Medicines Modern medicine, with its high-tech and managed-care approach, has eliminated much of what constitutes the art of healing: those elements of doctoring that go beyond the medications prescribed. The typically brief office visit leaves little time for doctors to listen to their patients, though it is in these narratives that disease is both revealed and perpetuated--and can be released and treated. Lewis Mehl-Madrona's Narrative Medicine examines the foundations of the indigenous use of story as a healing modality. Citing numerous case histories that demonstrate the profound power of narrative in healing, the author shows that when we learn to dialogue with disease, we come to understand the power of the story we tell about our illness and our possibilities for better health. This approach also includes examining our relationships to our family and extended community to find underlying disharmony that may need healing. Mehl-Madrona points the way to a new model of medicine--a health care system that draws its effectiveness from listening to the healing wisdom of the past and also to the present-day voices of its patients. LEWIS MEHL-MADRONA, M.D., Ph.D., is certified in family practice, geriatrics, and psychiatry and worked for years in rural emergency medicine. He is an associate professor of family medicine and psychiatry at the University of Saskatchewan and is the author of Coyote Healing, Coyote Wisdom, and the bestselling Coyote Medicine. He lives in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.

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