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  • af Maxim Osipov
    360,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation of Russians - those whose native language is Russian - has experienced its own catastrophe. The current generation has not broken that pattern: totalitarianism has again come to Russia; freedom of speech is severely oppressed; the number of the regime's victims and political prisoners continues to grow; and Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine. Each catastrophe triggers an outflow of productive people from the country. The current wave of emigration is the fifth in the last hundred years or so, and just as before, both writers and readers feel an increasingly urgent need for uncensored publications. The purpose of this magazine, which we have titled The Fifth Wave, is to play a part in satisfying that need. The Fifth Wave project is literary, not socio-political: we plan to feature exciting, well-crafted work in various genres, including poetry, fiction, art history, memoir, etc., and not only on the burning topics of the day. The contributions will be solicited from authors living in Russia and abroad, all of whom are united by their rejection of war and totalitarianism, their love for Russian culture as part of European culture, their sense of personal involvement in and responsibility for what is happening, and their desire to see Russia as a free, peace-loving country, no matter how far-fetched this wish may seem.

  • - G. I. Kotovskij po materialam sledstvennyh del
    af Leonid Mosionzhnik
    340,95 kr.

    Kniga posvjashhena dejatel'nosti Kotovskogo v bessarabskij period, do sih por osveshhjonnyj bol'she legendami, chem dokumentami. Vnachale rassmatrivaetsja v osnovnyh chertah mif o Kotovskom: ego slozhenie, sootvetstvie mifologicheskomu shablonu geroja, ego mesto sredi "blagorodnyh razbojnikov" v istorii i literature. Vtoraja chast' posvjashhena licam, s kotorymi Kotovskij imel delo v tot period: ego soratnikam, protivnikam i zhertvam. Nakonec, v osnovnoj chasti knigi rekonstruiruetsja istorija dejstvij Kotovskogo v Bessarabii i Odesse do 1917 goda - v tom vide, kak ona otrazilas' v dokumentah policii i suda. Tekst osnovan na materialah iz kishinjovskih arhivov, mnogie iz kotoryh vpervye vvodjatsja v nauchnyj oborot i v nastojashhee vremja gotovjatsja k publikacii.

  • af Izdatelstvo Nestor-Istorija
    283,95 kr.

    Sobytija 20 ijulja 1944 g. stali kul'minaciej i final'noj tochkoj nemeckogo antigitlerovskogo Soprotivlenija. Zagovor nemcev protiv Gitlera byl javleniem mnogoletnim i krupnomasshtabnym; on byl vazhnoj chast'ju evropejskogo antifashistskogo dvizhenija. Uchastniki vnutrigermanskogo Soprotivlenija okazalis' pered dramaticheskoj dilemmoj: libo sposobstvovat' porazheniju sobstvennoj strany v vojne, chtoby dobit'sja sverzhenija gitlerizma, libo samim popytat'sja svergnut' fashistskoe pravitel'stvo, chtoby zakljuchit' mir i predotvratit' nacional'nuju katastrofu. Dejateli 20 ijulja 1944 g. poterpeli porazhenie, no svoej bor'boj protiv Gitlera spasli chest' nemeckogo naroda. Kak skazal odin iz rukovoditelej antigitlerovskogo zagovora general fon Treskov: "Pokushenie na Gitlera dolzhno byt' soversheno ljuboj cenoj. Esli zhe ono ne udastsja, to, nesmotrja na jeto, nado popytat'sja sovershit' gosudarstvennyj perevorot. Ved' delo zdes' uzhe ne stol'ko v prakticheskoj celi, skol'ko v tom, chtoby pokazat', chto germanskoe dvizhenie Soprotivlenija pered licom vsego mira i istorii otvazhilos', ne shhadja svoej zhizni, na jetot reshajushhij brosok. Vse ostal'noe v sravnenii s jetim bezrazlichno". V svoej novoj monografii Zagovor. Nemcy protiv Gitlera doktor istoricheskih nauk, professor Istoriko-arhivnogo instituta Rossijskogo gosudarstvennogo gumanitarnogo universiteta B. Havkin prodolzhaet rasskaz ob istorii Tret'ego rejha i antigitlerovskogo Soprotivlenija.

  • af The Historical Expertise
    705,95 kr.

    V knige sobrany i proanalizirovany rezul'taty oprosov vzroslogo naselenija Rossii, a takzhe glubinnyh interv'ju i fokus-grupp, provedennyh razlichnymi oprosnymi organizacijami, issledovatel'skimi gruppami i nezavisimymi issledovateljami v period s fevralja 2022 goda po nachalo oseni 2023 goda. Rassmotreny voprosy metodologii izuchenija obshhestvennogo mnenija v uslovijah voennogo mnenija, ispol'zovanija razlichnyh sposobov sbora pervichnyh sociologicheskih dannyh, izmeritel'nyh shkal i formulirovok voprosov. Avtory predlozhili razlichnye varianty segmentacii rossijskogo obshhestvennogo mnenija. Kniga javljaetsja putevoditelem po oprosam rossijan, zhitelej Ukrainy i drugih stran v ih otnoshenii k rossijsko-ukrainskomu vooruzhennomu konfliktu i prednaznachaetsja dlja sociologov, politologov, istorikov, professionalov drugih special'nostej, a takzhe vseh interesujushhihsja problemoj.

  • af Konstantin Lozinskij
    184,95 kr.

    Konstantin Lozinskij (1942¿1996) - pisatel', neizvestnyj chitatelju, pisatel', kotorogo ne bylo. Vypusknik zhurfaka MGU i Vysshih scenarnyh kursov, on avtor dvuh romanov, neskol'kih p'es, rasskazov i desjatkov kinoscenariev, bol'shinstvo kotoryh (prezhde vsego iz-za ego total'noj beskompromissnosti i perfekcionizma) ostalis' nesnjatymi. Shodnaja sud'ba postigla i prozu Lozinskogo: ni v 1960-h, ni v 1970-h ego rasskazy i romany ne sovpadali s predstavlenijami recenzentov literaturnyh zhurnalov o tom, chto dolzhno i moglo pojavit'sja na ih stranicah. No on prodolzhal pisat', ujdja na poltora desjatka let v literaturnyj zatvor; ego vnezapnaja smert' prervala mnogoletnjuju rabotu nad tret'im romanom, kotoryj pisatel' schital glavnym trudom svoej zhizni.«Jepizody mordovskoj vojny», svoju pervuju knigu, Konstantin Lozinskij pisal pjat' let, no korotkij roman «Anekdot pro gazon», vopreki izvestnomu literaturnomu mifu o «sindrome vtoroj knigi», byl napisan vsego za vosem' mesjacev. Dejstvie ego proishodit v dvuh vremennyh i geograficheskih slojah: Moskve vtoroj poloviny 1970-h i poslevoennoj Odesse, rodnom gorode pisatelja. Dlja Lozinskogo «Anekdot» stal «Geroem nashego vremeni» v tom smysle, kotoryj vkladyval v nazvanie svoego romana Lermontov, i odnovremenno ¿ reminiscenciej neprijutnogo detstva, kotoroe tak staraetsja izbyt', no postojanno vspominaet geroj romana.«Anekdot pro gazon» - pervaja izdannaja kniga Konstantina Lozinskogo.

  • af Dana Ormanbaeva
    284,95 kr.

    Pravil'no li my vospityvaem svoih detej? Chto takoe osoboe nuzhno znat', chtoby oni vyrosli dostojnymi ljud'mi? V processe vashego vospitanija chto v prioritete? Prikazy i ih chetkoe ispolnenie ili doverie i otkrytoe serdce? Chto vazhnee - nauchit' rebenka byt' horoshim, prilezhnym i poslushnym ili pomoch' emu stat' schastlivym?Zhiznennyj i roditel'skij opyt kazahstanskogo avtora Dany Ormanbaevoj, izvestnogo v strane zh urnalista, prodjusera i obshhestvennogo dejatelja, govorit o tom, chto jeti voprosy - ne ritoricheskie dlja millionov roditelej. Oni trebujut konkretnyh shem, algoritmov i dokazatel'stv, sootvetstvujushhih NOVOMU vremeni i nepremenno podhodjashhih dlja BUDUShhEGO.Vsjo, chto my znali prezhde o vospitanii detej, ustarelo, prishlo v negodnost', vyshlo iz mody i bol'she ne prinosit nuzhnyh rezul'tatov. Deti novogo pokolenija i ih roditeli nuzhdajutsja v vospitatel'nyh innovacijah, i jeto ochevidno.

  • af Nikita Krivoshein
    298,95 kr.

  • af Viktor Matveev
    433,95 kr.

  • af Maxim Osipov
    453,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation of Russians - those whose native language is Russian - has experienced its own catastrophe. The current generation has not broken that pattern: totalitarianism has again come to Russia; freedom of speech is severely oppressed; the number of the regime¿s victims and political prisoners continues to grow; and Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine. Each catastrophe triggers an outflow of productive people from the country. The current wave of emigration is the fifth in the last hundred years or so, and just as before, both writers and readers feel an increasingly urgent need for uncensored publications. The purpose of this magazine, which we have titled The Fifth Wave, is to play a part in satisfying that need.The Fifth Wave project is literary, not socio-political: we plan to feature exciting, well-crafted work in various genres, including poetry, fiction, art history, memoir, etc., and not only on the burning topics of the day. The contributions will be solicited from authors living in Russia and abroad, all of whom are united by their rejection of war and totalitarianism, their love for Russian culture as part of European culture, their sense of personal involvement in and responsibility for what is happening, and their desire to see Russia as a free, peace-loving country, no matter how far-fetched this wish may seem.

  • af Vladimir Pimonov
    251,95 kr.

    Kniga posvjashhena pojetike teatral'nosti v tvorchestve Shekspira.Razbirajutsja metody kompozicii p'es, postroenie dramaticheskogo dejstvija, chislovaja simvolika, metafory i predvestija. V shekspirovskom mire personazhi vse vremja sochinjajut, stavjat i razygryvajut drug pered drugom akterskie jetjudy i mini-spektakli. Konflikt mezhdu dejstvujushhimi licami oborachivaetsja stolknoveniem ih dramaturgicheskih zamyslov. V fokuse vnimanija - tragedija «Gamlet». Glavnyj geroj - princ datskij - neozhidanno predstaet pered nami ne tol'ko kak syn, mstjashhij za ubijstvo otca, no i kak Homo scribens - dramaturg, pishushhij teksty, prednaznachennye dlja scenicheskogo voploshhenija._____________________________Vladimir Pimonov is a Russian-born Danish journalist, author and literary scholar. As a journalist he is best known for his investigative reporting on the Soviet/Russian affairs. His literary research focuses on Shakespeare, classics, plot (narrative) theory and the concept of theatricality (metatheatre). His work is held in almost 100 major public and university library holdings around the world.

  • af Vita Malygina
    197,95 kr.

    9 istorij o tom, kak zhivut, chto chuvstvujut i s chem srazhajutsja te, kto nedovolen svoim telom.Jeta kniga o tom, kak izbavljat'sja ot nenavisti k sebe, kotoraja raz"edaet dushu, lishaet sil i otdaljaet ot ljudej, gotovyh vas poljubit'

  • af Vasiliy Antipov
    253,95 kr.

    We would like to commend our exceptional product to your attention: user-friendly, intuitively understandable sheet music for guitar, carefully crafted by our team and designed for performers at all levels, from novice to professional.We are Tempus Chordarum, a group of composers, educators, artists, and designers. Our mission is to remove unnecessary barriers between music enthusiasts or students and the essence of the music.Firstly, the original scores are accompanied by tabs. This is helpful for those who take up an instrument just for a while or as a hobby, and do not intend to become professional musicians; they simply wish to explore the masterpieces of guitar music without unnecessary memorization and stress ¿ and this edition will help them fulfil their dream. Secondly, we have arranged the musical scores in such a way that there is practically no need for page turning. When a child learns a somewhat complex piece, whenever they have to turn the page the rhythm falters because at that moment reflexes are stronger than conscious thought.Thirdly, the collection is illustrated by visual artist Lydia Gribkova, whose talent and prolific imagination have produced drawings with an immediate appeal to children that will inspire them to practice. This black-and-white collection invites children to ¿colour in¿ the music, interact with the collection, and invest it with their own creative energy.The repertoire starts with the simplest pieces and progresses to the most complex. In some cases we provide both the original, taken from recordings of the composer¿s performance, and the conventional classical version that everyone plays in competitions. We have also paid special attention to Bach's Suite in E Major, BWV 1006a, and based the arrangement on Bach¿s original lute manuscript. In the "La Catedral" by Barrios, we have brought the third part into full accordance with the composer¿s intention, mainly relying on Barrios's own recordings.This collection is a precious resource for those who dream of playing the masterpieces of guitar music without the rigours of professional training or a teacher¿s supervision.Contents: Matteo Carcassi (1792-1853) Andantino, Andantino mosso, Etude in A, Mauro Giuliani (1781-1829) Allegro, Etude in a, Etude in eFernando Sor (1778-1839) Andante, Etude in dAnonymus XVI century ¿Greensleeves¿Antônio Carlos Gomes (1836-1896) ¿Romance¿Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) Etude No.1Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849) Prelude in cIsaac Albéniz (1860-1909) AsturiasAgustín Barrios Mangoré (1885-1944) Waltz no. 3, Waltz no. 4, ¿El Ultimo Tremolö, ¿Chôro da Saudade¿, ¿La Catedral¿ Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750) Suite in E-dur BWV 1006a: Prelude, Loure, Gavotte en Rondeau, Menuet I, Menuet II, Bourée, Gigue

  • af Literarischer Europäer
    408,95 kr.

    BRÜCKENZeitschrift von Literatur, Kunst, Wissenschaft und sozialpolitische ProblematikBRIDGESA literary, scientific, political and sociological quarterlyLES PONTSRevue trimestrielle de litterature, d¿art, de sciences PolitiquesVyhodit s janvarja 2004 goda v Germanii 4 raza v god. Ob"edinjaet na svoih stranicah russkih pisatelej-jemigrantov. Pozicioniruet sebja, kak naslednik literaturnyh zadach, kotorye v svojo vremja vypolnjali russkie zarubezhnye zhurnaly «Sovremennye zapiski», «Grani» i «Kontinent». Redaktor ¿ Vladimir Batshev.

  • af Marat Gabidullin
    408,95 kr.

  • af Maxim Osipov
    453,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation of Russians - those whose native language is Russian - has experienced its own catastrophe. The current generation has not broken that pattern: totalitarianism has again come to Russia; freedom of speech is severely oppressed; the number of the regime¿s victims and political prisoners continues to grow; and Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine. Each catastrophe triggers an outflow of productive people from the country. The current wave of emigration is the fifth in the last hundred years or so, and just as before, both writers and readers feel an increasingly urgent need for uncensored publications. The purpose of this magazine, which we have titled The Fifth Wave, is to play a part in satisfying that need.The Fifth Wave project is literary, not socio-political: we plan to feature exciting, well-crafted work in various genres, including poetry, fiction, art history, memoir, etc., and not only on the burning topics of the day. The contributions will be solicited from authors living in Russia and abroad, all of whom are united by their rejection of war and totalitarianism, their love for Russian culture as part of European culture, their sense of personal involvement in and responsibility for what is happening, and their desire to see Russia as a free, peace-loving country, no matter how far-fetched this wish may seem.

  • af Anna Inozemceva
    318,95 kr.

    Anna Inozemceva's collection of guitar pieces represents a rare collaboration between two artists: a composer and an visual artist. The design of the collection was created by the visual artist Evgeny Ponomarenko, and the collection includes several of his works: "Shadows on the Snow," "Tango," "Above the Black Sea," "Warm October," "Pier," "Night Liturgy," and "Aurum." The sheet music in this collection is presented in two parallel lines, with one representing classical notation and the other representing tablature. This makes all the compositions in this collection easily accessible not only for professional musicians but also for enthusiasts. The layout of the collection is designed in such a way that there is no need to flip pages in the middle of a piece. This fundamentally new approach to music printing makes working with this collection exceptionally enjoyable. This collection can be a splendid gift for both beginner musicians and serious artists.Technically, these pieces are not overly complex - they are very comfortable and enjoyable to perform. Musically, these compositions reveal the less obvious capabilities of the guitar - the constant use of different strings creates a pedal-like effect, more characteristic of harps, zithers, and other apollonian-type instruments. The pieces in this collection are united into a cycle: the narrative thread of the cycle unfolds from piece to piece, thus by the end of the cycle, the listener intuitively becomes engaged in a hidden drama, which nevertheless remains somewhat offstage. This quality makes this cycle worthy of attention not only for enthusiasts but also for professional musicians capable of delicately voicing hidden meanings. The entire cycle could constitute a single section of a concert.

  • af Yuli Gugolev
    228,95 kr.

    Julij Gugolev rodilsja v 1964 g. Avtor knigi palindromov i shesti knig stihov. Laureat Bol'shoj premii Moskovskij schet (2007) i premii Pojezija (2020). Zhivet v Moskve. V sbornike predstavleny stihi o vojne i ee predchuvstvii. Kniga predvarjaetsja vstupitel'noj stat'ej Aleksandra Franceva.

  • af Literarischer Europäer
    408,95 kr.

    BRÜCKENZeitschrift von Literatur, Kunst, Wissenschaft und sozialpolitische ProblematikBRIDGESA literary, scientific, political and sociological quarterlyLES PONTSRevue trimestrielle de litterature, d¿art, de sciences PolitiquesVyhodit s janvarja 2004 goda v Germanii 4 raza v god. Ob"edinjaet na svoih stranicah russkih pisatelej-jemigrantov. Pozicioniruet sebja, kak naslednik literaturnyh zadach, kotorye v svojo vremja vypolnjali russkie zarubezhnye zhurnaly «Sovremennye zapiski», «Grani» i «Kontinent». Redaktor ¿ Vladimir Batshev.

  • af Literarischer Europäer
    342,95 kr.

    BRÜCKENZeitschrift von Literatur, Kunst, Wissenschaft und sozialpolitische ProblematikBRIDGESA literary, scientific, political and sociological quarterlyLES PONTSRevue trimestrielle de litterature, d¿art, de sciences PolitiquesVyhodit s janvarja 2004 goda v Germanii 4 raza v god. Ob"edinjaet na svoih stranicah russkih pisatelej-jemigrantov. Pozicioniruet sebja, kak naslednik literaturnyh zadach, kotorye v svojo vremja vypolnjali russkie zarubezhnye zhurnaly «Sovremennye zapiski», «Grani» i «Kontinent». Redaktor ¿ Vladimir Batshev.

  • af Maxim Osipov
    453,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation of Russians - those whose native language is Russian - has experienced its own catastrophe. The current generation has not broken that pattern: totalitarianism has again come to Russia; freedom of speech is severely oppressed; the number of the regime¿s victims and political prisoners continues to grow; and Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine. Each catastrophe triggers an outflow of productive people from the country. The current wave of emigration is the fifth in the last hundred years or so, and just as before, both writers and readers feel an increasingly urgent need for uncensored publications. The purpose of this magazine, which we have titled The Fifth Wave, is to play a part in satisfying that need.The Fifth Wave project is literary, not socio-political: we plan to feature exciting, well-crafted work in various genres, including poetry, fiction, art history, memoir, etc., and not only on the burning topics of the day. The contributions will be solicited from authors living in Russia and abroad, all of whom are united by their rejection of war and totalitarianism, their love for Russian culture as part of European culture, their sense of personal involvement in and responsibility for what is happening, and their desire to see Russia as a free, peace-loving country, no matter how far-fetched this wish may seem.

  • af Maxim Osipov
    361,95 kr.

    Since the beginning of the twentieth century, every generation of Russians - those whose native language is Russian - has experienced its own catastrophe. The current generation has not broken that pattern: totalitarianism has again come to Russia; freedom of speech is severely oppressed; the number of the regime¿s victims and political prisoners continues to grow; and Russia is waging a war of aggression against its neighbor, Ukraine. Each catastrophe triggers an outflow of productive people from the country. The current wave of emigration is the fifth in the last hundred years or so, and just as before, both writers and readers feel an increasingly urgent need for uncensored publications. The purpose of this magazine, which we have titled The Fifth Wave, is to play a part in satisfying that need.The Fifth Wave project is literary, not socio-political: we plan to feature exciting, well-crafted work in various genres, including poetry, fiction, art history, memoir, etc., and not only on the burning topics of the day. The contributions will be solicited from authors living in Russia and abroad, all of whom are united by their rejection of war and totalitarianism, their love for Russian culture as part of European culture, their sense of personal involvement in and responsibility for what is happening, and their desire to see Russia as a free, peace-loving country, no matter how far-fetched this wish may seem.

  • af ANO Redakciya zhurnala Inostrannaya literatura
    337,95 kr.

    «Inostrannaya literatura» («IL») - rossijskij literaturno-xudozhestvenny`j zhurnal, specializiruyushhijsya na publikacii perevodnoj literatury`. Zhurnal osnovan v iyule 1955 goda kak organ pravleniya Soyuza pisatelej SSSR, vy`xodit ezhemesyachno.Zarubezhnaya proza i poe'ziya, ocherki i e'sse, dokumental`naya proza, pis`ma i memuary`, stat`i i interv`yu, laureaty` Nobelevskoj, Bukerovskoj, Gonkurovskoj premij i vosxodyashhie zvezdy` - vse e'to na russkom yazy`ke izdaetsya v «IL» vpervy`e, v perevodax luchshix otechestvenny`x perevodchikov. Deviz zhurnala - «Uznaj zavtrashnix klassikov!».Na stranicax «Inostranki» po-prezhnemu publikuyutsya krupny`e figury` sovremennoj i klassicheskoj literatury`, laureaty` Bukerovskoj premii poslednix let. Pechatayutsya v zhurnale i neizvestny`e ranee rossijskomu chitatelyu prozaiki, poe'ty`, dramaturgi - oni podayut bol`shie nadezhdy` v svoix stranax, poluchayut nacional`ny`e premii, no na russkij yazy`k perevodyatsya vpervy`e.V zhurnale pochti v kazhdom nomere pechatayutsya recenzii, annotacii, otzy`vy` na proizvedeniya zarubezhny`x avtorov, vy`pushhenny`e na russkom yazy`ke, a takzhe na yazy`ke originala, stat`i, posvyashhenny`e aktual`ny`m problemam xudozhestvennogo perevoda.

  • af ANO Redakciya zhurnala Inostrannaya literatura
    337,95 kr.

    «Inostrannaya literatura» («IL») - rossijskij literaturno-xudozhestvenny`j zhurnal, specializiruyushhijsya na publikacii perevodnoj literatury`. Zhurnal osnovan v iyule 1955 goda kak organ pravleniya Soyuza pisatelej SSSR, vy`xodit ezhemesyachno.Zarubezhnaya proza i poe'ziya, ocherki i e'sse, dokumental`naya proza, pis`ma i memuary`, stat`i i interv`yu, laureaty` Nobelevskoj, Bukerovskoj, Gonkurovskoj premij i vosxodyashhie zvezdy` - vse e'to na russkom yazy`ke izdaetsya v «IL» vpervy`e, v perevodax luchshix otechestvenny`x perevodchikov. Deviz zhurnala - «Uznaj zavtrashnix klassikov!».Na stranicax «Inostranki» po-prezhnemu publikuyutsya krupny`e figury` sovremennoj i klassicheskoj literatury`, laureaty` Bukerovskoj premii poslednix let. Pechatayutsya v zhurnale i neizvestny`e ranee rossijskomu chitatelyu prozaiki, poe'ty`, dramaturgi - oni podayut bol`shie nadezhdy` v svoix stranax, poluchayut nacional`ny`e premii, no na russkij yazy`k perevodyatsya vpervy`e.V zhurnale pochti v kazhdom nomere pechatayutsya recenzii, annotacii, otzy`vy` na proizvedeniya zarubezhny`x avtorov, vy`pushhenny`e na russkom yazy`ke, a takzhe na yazy`ke originala, stat`i, posvyashhenny`e aktual`ny`m problemam xudozhestvennogo perevoda.

  • af Riasenzev Profit Medien GmbH
    478,95 kr.

    V knige sobrany` prakticheskie sovety` mnozhestva razny`x specialistov po pitaniyu. Sotni receptov «pravil`ny`x» blyud, kotory`e ne tol`ko ochistyat vash organizm, no i vosstanovyat sily` i molodost`. Vse recepty` by`li mnogokratno oprobovany` chitatelyami, a specialisty` po medicine i pitaniyu dayut v knige svoi kommentarii - dejstvitel`no li tak celeben tot ili inoj produkt?V knige sobrany` special`no razrabotanny`e diety` dlya vosstanovleniya mikroe'lementov i vitaminov v organizme, naprimer, kalievaya dieta, dieta dlya uvelicheniya urovnya kal`ciya i magniya, i massa prakticheskix sovetov o tom, kak derzhat` xolesterin pod prismotrom i kakie uglevody` yavlyayutsya polezny`mi.Dlya lyubitelej radikal`nogo ochishheniya my` rasskazhem podrobno, kak nado gotovit`sya k golodaniyu, kak v nego vxodit` i kak iz nego vy`xodit`, razberem, chem otlichaetsya golodanie po Bre'ggu ot golodaniya po Porfiriyu Ivanovu.A tem, kto priderzhivaetsya tradicij pravoslaviya i schitaet, chto post - luchshaya dieta, pomozhet special`ny`j razdel knigi, rasskazy`vayushhij o pravilax posta, s luchshimi receptami pravoslavnoj kuxni.

  • af Riasenzev Profit Medien GmbH
    473,95 kr.

    V knige «Ochishhenie organizma» vy` najdyote materialy`, posvyashhyonny`e naibolee vazhny`m, tradicionny`m voprosam ochishheniya.Ochishhenie organizma, soznaniya, e'mocij mozhet znachitel`no zatormozit` starenie i predotvratit`, a poroj i izbavit` vovse ot ryada ser`yozny`x zabolevanij.V poslednie gody` ne tol`ko al`ternativnaya medicina, no i oficial`naya nauka vsyo bol`she sklonyaetsya k tochke zreniya, chto starenie organizma i bol`shinstvo xronicheskix zabolevanij yavlyayutsya sledstviem zagryazneniya organov, kletok i mezhkletochnogo prostranstva. Chem glubzhe i neobratimee nakoplenie toksicheskix veshhestv, tem ser`yoznee bolezni.- Pervy`j razdel knigi posvyashhyon narodny`m tradicionny`m metodam ochishheniya - vodoj, travami, gribami, dy`xanie i dvizheniem, saunoj i banej.- Vtoroj razdel posvyashhyon ochishheniyu kishechnika i vosstanovleniyu poleznoj mikroflory`.- Tretij razdel posvyashhyon ochishheniyu organizma ot gribka.- Chetvyorty`j razdel knigi - o xolesterine.- Pyaty`j razdel - ochishhaem kozhny`e pokrovy`.

  • af Leonid Kostyukov
    323,95 kr.

    "Velikaja strana" - roman-parodija, roman-pritcha. Fantasticheskij sjuzhetnyj miks iz trillera i melodramy, detektiva i komiksov. Bagamy, Amerika, Rossija... Komicheskie metamorfozy i neverojatnye prikljuchenija glavnogo geroja - vse jeto "metafizicheskie hroniki" Nevedomoj Strany, kotoruju chitatel' dolzhen najti sam.

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