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  • - The Go-To Guide for the Collegiate Athlete and their families for NIL Money
    af Jonathan Miller
    141,95 kr.

    Discover the exciting possibilities that await as collegiate athletics enter a groundbreaking new phase! In this revolutionary book, we delve into the incredible opportunities that lie ahead for student-athletes who now have the freedom to utilize and manage their own name, image, and likeness (NIL). Traditionally, the NCAA has prohibited athletes from profiting off their NIL, but times are changing rapidly. In a momentous ruling, the NCAA Board of Governors unanimously voted in June 2021 to permit student-athletes to benefit from their NIL, thanks to the landmark Supreme Court case, NCAA v Alston. As a student-athlete, you now hold the power to establish and oversee your personal brand, secure lucrative partnerships and sponsorships. This comprehensive guide is your invaluable companion for navigating the uncharted and ever-evolving landscape of the finances of college athletics.

  • - Harnessing My Sled Dog Team's Instinct to Win
    af Lucille Maddalena
    168,95 kr.

    You already have what you need to lead: now learn to tap into your experience, your history, your future, your story. There is an element of dog sledding that mimics life's antics. You get on the trail with an idea of where you are going, you experience the joys of connecting with your team, you run into some obstacles, take risks, possibly a wrong turn, and exert incredible effort to reach your goal.This book explores career and life transitions by uncovering the often-elusive trail markers that point the way toward your desired destination. A trail marker is a confluence of your experiences, ideas, motivations, values, and desires flowing together to form your personal trail. If you're someone who inquires and refuses to settle for the status quo, actively seeking improvement in your life, then this book is for you.Today's leaders will find this book a valuable book to guide the development of high-potential employees. Use it as a subject to open critical discussions to lay a path for their success. It will guide you to engage them as a mentor, enabling them to reach their full potential, to find their trail markers as a contributing member of your organization. In the same way, coaches, trainers, and HR professionals will find the Insight and Tasks sections exploring the topics presented in the Tales and Case Studies make this book a valuable tool to conduct workshops, interventions, and team building sessions. Support your leaders to find their trails to success.

  • - Recovering Your Mental Wellness Through Uncovering Your Creative Brilliance
    af Lane Gardner
    155,95 kr.

    Who Knew You Were So Brilliant?! What if you already had everything you need inside you to feel better? What if you could discover a safe passage through your pain and transform it into your greatest source of power?What if you could uncover your unique, one-of-a-kind toolkit, recover your innate gifts and discover precious inner resources for deep healing and for everyday mental health?You can. You have a superpower. And you can learn how to use it. Part memoir, part toolkit, Award-winning Arts Educator and Motivational Speaker, Lane Gardner, weaves together heart-breaking tales of abuse, gripping short-stories of self-discovery and breathtaking moments of clarity as she recounts her soul-crushing early life in a fundamentalist religious cult. Creative expression became her lifeline, initially to escape the horrors of her childhood, and later to carry her safely through the healing process and back to her true self. Taking the reader on a collaborative and creative journey alongside her as she writes, this book is an invitation into her irreverent, soulful and often deeply intimate world of learning how to reclaim her brilliance, while she masterfully teaches the reader how to do the same for themselves.

  • - A Short Guide to Negotiating and Communicating Better
    af Tatiana Botta
    172,95 kr.

    Do you want to be better at your negotiations? To understand how people work, how you work, and how you can make it all work together? This is not a book of sales techniques, it is a book written by someone who has been, and will always be, a salesperson and who, above all, likes people and wants to share with you how this can help you be better and reach your goals.People negotiate with people and we don't always realize that. Usually we look at the client or one we're going to negotiate with as a LLC-as a company-and we don't realize that, just like us, he or she is seeking to achieve their personal and professional goals in life. How then can you get better at understanding what's going on in their minds? What do you need to know to understand their wants and needs and at the same time satisfy your own desires and needs?Negotiating is a dance. I always say that in my training. If we're not able to get into the rhythm of the other, to understand the balance of their body and then combine it with ours, we'll never dance together. And what we have left will be just to step on the foot of our partner and dance without rhythm-with an enormous desire never to repeat the experience. Just as anyone can learn to dance, anyone can learn to negotiate. Just have genuine interest in starting from somewhere. Start reading this book right away. I'm sure if you don't, then a year from now you'll be sorry you didn't start today.

  • - Um Guia Rápido Para Negociar, Comunicando-Se Melhor
    af Tatiana Botta
    172,95 kr.

    Você quer ser melhor em suas negociações? Quer entender como as pessoas funcionam, como você funciona e como pode fazer tudo isso funcionar junto? Esse não é um livro de técnicas de vendas, não é aquele livro complexo, cheio de termos complicados. Esse é um livro escrito por alguém que foi, e continua sendo vendedora, e acima de tudo, gosta de gente e quer compartilhar com você como isso pode te ajudar a ser melhor e alcançar seus objetivos de forma mais tranquila. Pessoas negociam com pessoas e nem sempre nos damos conta disso. Normalmente olhamos para o cliente ou aquele que vamos negociar, como um CNPJ, como uma empresa e não nos damos conta de que, assim como nós, ele ou ela estão em busca de realizar seus objetivos pessoais e profissionais através daquela negociação.Como então você pode ficar melhor em entender o que se passa na cabeça deles? O que você precisa saber para entender seus desejos e necessidades e, ao mesmo tempo, satisfazê-los?Negociar é uma dança. Sempre falo isso em meus treinamentos. Se não formos capazes de entrarmos no ritmo do outro, entender o balanço do seu corpo e, então, combinarmos com o nosso, jamais dançaremos juntos. E o que nos sobrará será apenas pisar no pé do nosso par e dançar sem ritmo, com aquela vontade enorme de sair correndo e jamais repetir a experiência.Assim como qualquer pessoa pode aprender a dançar, qualquer um pode aprender a negociar. Basta ter o interesse genuíno em começar de algum lugar.Comece a ler esse livro imediatamente. Tenho certeza de que se não o fizer, daqui há um ano, você vai se arrepender de não ter começado hoje.

  • af Russ Berg
    227,95 kr.

    Enif is a story about Jerry, who worries about the tremendous debt he has taken on after buying an existing geology business. He is madly in love with his college-sweetheart-turned-fiancée Mandy Miller but is concerned about his ability to provide for her. Jerry hopes to find a rare and exotic discovery that would place his name among the greats when he discovers a hidden cave in the Chiricahua Mountains of Southern Arizona. Once inside, he becomes trapped and embarks on a dangerous journey through seven subterranean passages. When he finds life-changing fruit and water underground, he quickly realizes these are not normal caverns. He discovers the fruit imparts the knowledge of the universe and confers the ability to defy gravity, create reality from illusions, and most of all, extends life for hundreds of years, free of pain and suffering. He meets Andramada, Overseer of Illusions of the mysterious caverns. She gives him an enchanted staff harnessing him with a magical power to defend and attack the cavern's legendary creatures. She taints his water with a potent amnesiac, which erases his memory of Mandy and induces him to fall in love with her. He alone must forge a path to a portal in the seventh chamber that will transport him to the star Enif where he will begin a life of adventure. At the portal, the most vicious creature of all, Totenkop, captures him. An epic battle ensues that will determine his destiny, one that may include his forgotten love, Mandy.

  • - Chronicles of a Grateful Life
    af Vashti Ataya
    197,95 kr.

    Of her own memories, novelist Ellen Hopkins states, "Now that I have opened that bottle of memories they're pouring out like wine, crimson and bittersweet." So it is with Vashti Ataya's "MEMORIES: Chronicles of a Grateful Life." As a military dependent, Vashti's formative years were shaped in rural Oklahoma, Germany, and Panama, places and spaces of extraordinary memories. Her "bottle of memories" from early childhood to young adulthood slakes one's nostalgia for a more innocent time as vintage wine satiates one's palate for a choice, carefully selected beverage. Memories bittersweet, poignant, inspiring, and hilarious fill Vashti's decanter. Pop the cork, twist the lid, remove the cap, open the book, savor the stories, and enjoy memoirs of a life well lived, these Chronicles of a Grateful Life.

  • af Geri' Myers Goodwin
    172,95 kr.

    Impossible To Resist...Rock Icon, Brody Mason, steers clear from commitment at all costs. When an unforeseen accident draws him to the new neighbor, Morgan Gray, he finds her impossible to resist. His stubborn attitude and playboy ways will not be enough to keep the barriers from faltering.Two strangers, two completely different lives meld together. Fate or coincidence? Either way, love found them when they weren't looking for it.

  • - 51 Years of Weather, Water Safety and Celebrity Interviews
    af Dave Munsey
    317,95 kr.

    Television personalities, you invite them into your home, you eat dinner with them nightly, you crawl into bed as they watch from their perch on the TV stand, you make them a member of your family, but who are they, really? In order to help answer that question, I travel back to my childhood, explaining how I grew up in a small rural community in North Dakota, was raised in a family with 9 children, 6 boys and 3 girls in a three-bedroom house. I worked for my dad, who was in the restaurant and bar business, employing my brother Mike and I, feeding construction road crews, picking up new language skills when we were eight and nine. Cleaning the ashtrays in the gambling room of the men's back bar in a private club, running errands and picking up bar talk at the age of 15. Bartending special events, trading jokes with the patrons at the age of 16. As the original designated driver, driving the drunks home, listening to them babble and collecting big tips at age 17, all helping to explain how many of my life experiences that developed my personality were the reasons for my success in my 51- year broadcasting career. I wrote this book to tell the story of my life in broadcasting and all of the fun that my career had brought me. As you read it, you may want a career in broadcasting, mine was very exciting and full of different twists and turns, from AFVN in Vietnam to interviewing celebrities and local folks about their lives, their careers and their needs in the community. Because of the high child drowning rate in Phoenix, I started a water safety program in 1980, teaching people the danger that water poses to their children and how to protect against losing them, I called it, "Watch Your Kids Around Water." The safety program was on the air for 38 years. As the weatherman, people had always greeted me with, "How's the Weather," shortly after starting the water safety program people would always greet me with, "Watch Your Kids Around Water," it never changed.

  • af Rich Grimm
    207,95 kr.

    Rich Grimm spent over three decades in the fire service as both a volunteer and career firefighter. He has also traveled the world skydiving and Base jumping, making countless friends along the way. An avid storyteller, he was asked many times to write a book about his fun and exciting experiences. Just over a decade in the making, travel into the firehouse for these all true and hilarious, heartwarming stories and daring rescues and adventures in each chapter. "Reaper", as he is known by many, spent months reviewing his tattered notes and calling his many friends and colleagues to fill in the details of forty-five years of fun history.

  • - A Personal Story
    af Bill (Bela) Suhayda
    159,95 kr.

    Tyranny to Liberty tells a compelling family history..."Béla Suhayda and his family have enjoyed a prosperous life in the United States. But that prosperity and freedom only came about because of his parents' strong commitment, and a willingness to risk their lives to make it happen.From Tyranny to Liberty is the story of a family's escape from a post-World War II Hungary controlled by communist Russia. They fled a tyrannical government in order to experience what the free world had to offer. Those caught attempting to flee the Hungarian borders during this time period were often shot for their betrayal to country.The story follows the family's suspenseful exit, and chronicles their journey, eventually planting roots in Aurora, Ill. The attached biographies show glimpses into the lives of the family and their closest friends in a war torn region.From Tyranny to Liberty tells a compelling family history, but also serves as an excellent reference for anyone looking to discern the differences between living in a free society, and living under strict communist control. It provides a glimpse into what really happened in Russian controlled territories following the end of World War II. This is a book those interested in both the past and the future of our great country will want to read."-Matthew Brennan, Owner/Writer at Matthew L. Brennan Freelance WritingFrom Tyranny to Liberty tells a compelling family history, but also serves as an excellent reference for anyone looking to discern the differences between living in a free society, and living under strict communist control. It provides a glimpse into what really happened in Russian controlled territories following the end of World War II. This is a book those interested in both the past and the future of our great country will want to read.

  • - Why Your Real Estate Career Is Slowly Dying and What You Can Do about It
    af Mark Macinerney
    172,95 kr.

    In a world where technology seems to be taking over all aspects of our lives, the question becomes, how does a human being stay relevant in such a technologically advanced environment? This is especially true inside the real estate industry. The real estate industry is one of the last remaining industries that will be radically transformed out of its ancient an archaic way of doing business. All by the ease and power of technology. But what does technology offer that the modern day REALTOR does not? Efficient technology operates by an efficient code -Therefore for a real estate professional to stay relevant as well as to grow and dominate in their market, they too need to operate by a code. Behind anything and everything that operates efficiently is a Code. This is the code for every realtor to survive the transition into tomorrow's real estate landscape.

  • - A Step-by-Step Guide To Buying The Right Car For You
    af Shaun R
    127,95 kr.

    Buying a car? What if there's a better option out there within your budget? When shopping for a car, it's easy to set your heart on a certain one before you've explored and experienced the other models that meet your criteria. What if there's a better option out there? It's more likely than not that there isn't just one feasible option within your budget or price range, and the step-by-step guide in this book will lead you through the process of finding and assessing the other options. With the tips and tricks included-and one surefire secret to giving yourself the best possible chance of success-you'll be on your way to the most informed car-buying decision you'll make.

  • - Frequently Asked Questions
    af Brian Bronsther
    172,95 kr.

    Careful planning now will reduce the likelihood of problems in the future. For instance, a carefully structured estate plan will benefit your loved ones in many ways. Properly drafted wills and trusts can preserve assets for future generations, especially against the devestating cost of long term care. If you own a business, a succession plan will be invaluable to your family and any business partners. If you need to buy or sell a piece of property, a careful plan will protect your investment. Brian has practiced in Albany and Saratoga Counties, for these matters, a lawyer will be critical to your success. Consider The Bronsther Law Firm, P.C. We are led by attorney Brian H. Bronsther, who puts more than 25 years of experience behind every case. With locations in Albany and Saratoga Counties, we represent clients across New York's Capital Region and beyond.

  • - How To Go From Mediocre To Great!
    af Mark Stanley Pmp
    172,95 kr.

    Senior executives from a well-known company have gathered at an off-site meeting. They are there to review the latest company results before they will be released to the public. Revenue is flat, profits are not growing, and customers are not saying nice things on social media. No one at the meeting has a clear idea of why, and there aren't any new ideas on the table. The only thing everyone seems to be good at is offering excuses about why things are the way they are. After all, the search for someone to blame is always successful. Are you at that point with your company? Do you struggle with aligning the service you deliver to the promise made by your brand? Which stage of grief are you in: denial, anger, bargaining, or depression? Or have you reached the point of acceptance that it's time to change? Experience Design for Customer Service: How to go from mediocre to great! introduces The Service Trifecta, the three fundamental pillars of iconic service: What job were you hired to do?How will you do the job efficiently?How can you create an effective, memorable experience? Are you are looking for logical, intuitive, concrete steps you can take right now? Steps that will deliver a differentiated experience for your customers? Then this book is for you. The concepts outlined inside are used by leading companies around the world. It works for them, and it will work for you. Open it up and see for yourself!Praise For Experience Design For Customer Service: "Experience Design for Customer Service is for everyone who wants to turn their mundane service interactions into engaging encounters, experiences that create a memory within each individual customer. Mark Stanley (one of our Certified Experience Economy Experts) masterfully shows you step by step how to make it happen - while properly noting that it won't be easy, but it will be worth it." - B. Joseph Pine II, co-author, The Experience Economy"Useful without being overused. Stanley excels at giving real life advice for real life situations, neatly grounded in solid, down-to-earth theory. If you're in the business of improving your business, this book is for you." - Claus Raasted, Co-Founder, the College of Extraordinary Experiences"Mark Stanley has boiled down the often nebulous and frustrating world of customer service with his neat, clear, and actionable Service Trifecta. By taking his 30-question survey on each of the three areas (Jobs to be done, Process efficiency, and Memorable experiences), and then his final survey on change readiness, you will be well on the way to upgrade, significantly, your customers' experience with your brand, and your service operations. Mark's emphasis on story telling is also spot on, an excellent reminder to make sure that your employees and your customers, and indeed the entire enterprise, needs to collect, assess, and circulate good stories and bad stories. I highly recommend Experience Design for Customer Service: How to go from mediocre to great!" - Bill Price, author, The Best Service Is No Service "A frictionless service experience generates instant joys to customers and is soon to be forgot; a branded service experience creates memorable pleasures and builds your brand. Mark Stanley will help you to make the right choice and achieve your goals!" - Sampson Lee, author, PIG Strategy: Make Customer Centricity Obsolete and Start a Resource Revolution "Customer Experience is more than saying we care about our loyal subscribers. It's providing value that drives loyalty and retention." - Jerry Hill, Vice President Consumer Sales & Marketing Operations at Gannett USA TODAY

  • - Seven Sales Conversations that Drive High Performance
    af Ken Valla
    182,95 kr.

    What is the recipe for becoming a high performing b2b salesperson? Conversational Selling provides a detailed look into the preparation and execution of 7 key sales conversations that drive success. The sales capabilities required in today's business environment are outlined in an easy to apply format. By providing a framework and set of strategies this book will help any b2b salesperson, regardless of experience, to increase their productivity. Salespeople will immediately see relevance through the real-life stories and examples threaded throughout. The take away from this book is fresh look into what it takes to be a true b2b sales high performer and the know-how to go do it.

  • - Reflections on War, Healing, Love, and the Art of Living
    af M D Pogorel & Bernard S
    162,95 kr.

  • - The 5 Keys to Raising Kids for a Lifetime of Physical and Mental Health
    af Brian A Stenzler
    297,95 kr.

  • - How Two Backpackers Built a Vacation-Rental Empire and Then Became the Largest Sustainability Real Estate Developer in Tulum, Mexico
    af Marc Levy & Nico Wilmes
    112,95 kr.

    Here is an inspiring story of the success of true entrepreneurs. It's a story about taking risks, fighting traditional business methods, thinking outside the box, and making your dreams come true.Marc and Nico never meant to become the largest sustainability land developers in Tulum, Mexico. Coming from humble beginnings, and knowing the difficulty that comes with financial struggles, they simply saw a need and filled it. The two met while learning Spanish in Central America while backpacking and started traveling together and both ended up in Tulum, Mexico. Then, within one year they built a $1 million dollar per year Airbnb vacation rental empire as business partners. From having wild adventures to making money in order to invest it, Marc and Nico dreamed of a world where they would have more independence and freedom to live their lives the way they wanted to. And they made it happen.Order Now and follow along with their entrepreneurial journey.

  • af Jaramillo Talesa Jaramillo
    108,94 kr.

  • - How To Multiply Your Dental Practice Revenue Without Multiplying The Number Of New Patients
    af Sean Crabtree
    167,95 kr.

  • - The Power of The Gemini Way
    af Victoria Bondoc
    157,95 kr.

  • af Matt Boatman
    192,95 kr.

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