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Bøger udgivet af Key Publishing

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  • af Stuart Fone
    125,95 kr.

    This how-to guide takes you step by step through the art and skill of creating models. Showing everything from best varnishes to use, how to apply light, and what tools you need, this is an essential guide for any novice or returning modeler.

  • af Chris Gibson
    151,95 kr.

    Airborne early warning (AEW) has been used since 1941 but, until the computer revolution of the late 1970s, was restricted in its operation to maritime use. Since the 1980s, AEW aircraft have become the must-have force multiplier of any first-rate armed force and as such are worthy of analysis.From the RAF's Wellington ACI of 1941 and the Elgar operations of 1944 to the Boeing E-7 Wedgetails that will enter service next year, the UK has paved the way in AEW technology, albeit not with the greatest success. The Americans, following Britain's lead and taking a hammering from the kamikaze, modified a snorkel-detection radar to detect aircraft and developed the first operational bespoke AEW aircraft with Project Cadillac. That radar would remain in service on the RAF's Shackleton AEW2 until 1991 when it was replaced by the Boeing E-3D Sentry AEW1 in RAF Service.In the intervening period, many attempts to produce an AEW system for use over land failed, until the E-3 Sentry came on the scene in the late 1970s. This became the benchmark for AEW aircraft and is only now being replaced by Boeings E-7 Wedgetail.On the maritime front, Grumman's E-2 Hawkeye became a popular choice, especially once an overland capability was achieved in the 1980s. The Royal Navy's loss of ships in the South Atlantic prompted the resurrection of earlier work on a helicopter AEW system that became the Sea King ASaC7 and today's Merlin Crowsnest operated from the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers.Elsewhere, the Soviets produced the Moss, based on the Tupolev Bear via the Cleat airliner but the subsequent Beriev A-50 Mainstay has become the AEW platform of choice in non-aligned countries such as India. China has taken the bit between its teeth and having bought a few Mainstays, has developed a plethora of AEW aircraft in the last 20 years.Due to the massive power requirements of radars and their associated computers, AEW aircraft were large, generally converted airliners. Since the mid-1990s a new generation of smaller types based on feeder liners and bizjets have appeared and make the role accessible to smaller air forces. In the vanguard of this is SAAB, whose Erieye systems have been applied to a variety of aircraft.

  • af Graham Hoyland
    99,95 kr.

    The invention of the jet engine had a profound effect on the world. Commercial jet aircraft revolutionized travel, opening up every corner of the planet. Few know that the jet engine was invented by an Englishman in 1929. The invention was a masterstroke of genius by 21-year-old Frank Whittle, replacing the piston engine's thousands of reciprocating parts with one part: a single smoothly revolving turbine. Although the world's first jet airliner was the British de Havilland Comet, Britain then gave away the technology - not only to the United States but to the Soviet Union as well. The Jet Set, the air hostess and the package holiday all followed. The dream of cheap, exotic travel had been realized. Yet, just like the impact of the internet, there were downsides to the world-reaching power of this phenomenon. Jet tells the story of this brilliant new technology, how it shrank the world and how it changed life forever.

  • af Santiago Rivas
    151,95 kr.

    Focusing on Venezuela, this book studies the aircraft and structure of the air force, naval aviation, army aviation and police force.

  • af David Baker
    99,95 kr.

    It is more than 50 years since a spacecraft first landed on the Moon and millions of people worldwide tuned in to their television screens to see astronauts take their first steps on the lunar surface. Since then, many missions have taken humans into space, each time accumulating knowledge and pushing the limits of what science will help us achieve. The permanently manned International Space Station is due to return to Earth within the next decade and the next mission to establish a permanent research station near the Moon's South Pole is underway. From here, there is a plan to map and travel into deep space. The vast costs associated with such a mission now require multiple partnerships between international space agencies, private companies and governments, bolstered by public support. Within the next decade, it is intended that humans will return to the Moon.This illustrated book defines the progress of the mission, the political landscape that has determined and delayed it in equal measure, and looks at the development of the spacecraft and the science behind the endeavor.

  • af Bob Kennedy
    337,95 kr.

    The book is a complete history of T-6/SNJ/HARVARD (Texans) Closed Course Pylon racing from Cleveland 1946 to Reno 2019 with details of all races, a who's who of who raced, when, what aircraft they flew, who finished, who crashed and photos of every aircraft that carried a race number from #0 to #736.A narrative of each venue that held Texan racing is provide by location and dates races were held with race results and participants.

  • af Barry Lloyd
    151,95 kr.

    First flown in 1948 and in service from 1953, the Viscount was manufactured to help transform the commercial travel market. In total, more than 400 were built and sold across every continent. Beloved by pilots, the groundcrew who maintained the aircraft, and by passengers, the Vickers Viscount proved to be transformative, providing air travel with pressurised cabin space, meaning a quiet journey for travellers with less noise vibration and windows that offered sweeping views. Many were sold to commercial airlines, while others were owned by private companies and individuals. Some changed hands quickly, while others stayed with their owners for years. Many Viscounts still exist, often now in museums and occasionally remodelled into quirky venues for lunch or weddings. With such a number of aircraft constructed and a long service life, inevitably there were accidents and incidents and the details of many are recounted here. This book also covers the service lives of the Viscounts, including construction and serial numbers and the routes served. With more than 140 historic black and white and color photographs, this volume offers a comprehensive guide to one of the most popular passenger aircraft.

  • af Dave Spoonley
    151,95 kr.

    This book showcases the railways in South Korea and Taiwan. Traveling around the respective countries, this book takes the reader on an illustrated journey through Asia.

  • af Craig Vaughton
    151,95 kr.

    The book catalogs the development and prototype aircraft, fixed wing and rotary, produced in the UK between 1945 and 1965.

  • af Craig Allen
    197,95 kr.

    With the current war between Ukraine and Russia at the forefront of news coverage, this book aims to cover the various designs of tanks and armored fighting vehicles currently in use in Ukraine. These include original Soviet equipment, home-produced vehicles, and many new AFVs supplied by Western nations. Ukraine is distinctive in having its own tank factories and producing its own designs, such as the T-64 and T-84 Oplot. It also has the facilities to repair and upgrade Russian tanks, such as the T-72. The conflict has seen many NATO nations, including the UK, donating equipment, which makes for an interesting and diverse inventory.

  • af Gerry Manning
    143,95 kr.

    The appeal of vintage aircraft lies in its social and military history, the engineering and evolutionary innovations demanded by sophisticated conflicts, as well as the landmark achievements of the aircraft and their pilots.Included in this, the second of three volumes, are a mix of new and old, fast jets, warbirds, bombers, helicopters and vintage light aircraft from around Europe. Some are rare, including prototypes that never made it into production, while others are mass-produced, with pivotal roles in armed conflict, or led the way in commercial flights.Included in their number are record-breakers and workhorses of the aviation world. Each entry features a photograph and description of the aircraft type and its background history as well as the locations where it can be found today.This book features over 180 color pictures of preserved military and commercial aircraft found in Europe.

  • af Bob Archer
    207,95 kr.

    The Douglas C-124 Globemaster II is an American heavy-lift cargo aircraft that served with various air commands within the USAF in the 1950s and '60s until it was retired in 1974. With over 170 images, this book traces the history of the C-124 from its creation through to its introduction to Strategic Air Command and usage with other air commands.

  • af Babak Taghvaee
    151,95 kr.

    Completely designed, developed and manufactured in France, the Rafale multirole fighter jet has turned into one of the most successful Dassault products in the market of 4th Generation multirole fighter jets. In addition to the 128 examples currently in service with the French Air and Space Force and Navy Aviation, 225 other Rafales were sold to Croatia, Egypt, Greece, India, UAE and Qatar.For years, French Navy Aviation and the Air and Space Force have been the two main operators of the multirole combat aircraft. The first had its first Navy variant, the Rafale M, put into operation in 2002 while the latter began operating its first Rafale Bs in 2006. Since that, they both have used these aircraft in combat during various anti-terrorist operations in Afghanistan, Libya, Mali, Chad, Syria and Iraq. In addition to that, their aircraft were used to bolster defense of NATO's eastern borders during the recent war in Ukraine.

  • af Babak Taghvaee
    151,95 kr.

    The Hellenic Air Force is one of the most powerful in Europe. With 37 helicopters, 343 fixed-wing aircraft including 206 fighter jets, as well as surveillance drones and surface-to-air missile systems in its service, it plays a key role in protecting Greece and its allies in the Mediterranean. In recent years, Greece's fleet of combat aircraft, particularly fighter jets, has been upgraded to ensure the force retains its position within NATO's structure. Alongside combat aircraft, the Hellenic Air Force has a significant domestic role that requires a fleet of water bombers to protect the country and its infrastructure from forest fires. Alongside are helicopters fulfilling search and rescue missions and training aircraft to ensure continuity of service throughout all the Air Force's specialist branches.

  • af Piotr Butowski
    173,95 kr.

    Russia has an extensive history of domestic military aircraft manufacture and a vast array of air power at its disposal. Despite comprehensive plans to upgrade, renew and replace ageing aircraft and weaponry, heavy sanctions have exposed the country's reliance on Western technology, and challenged Russia's ability to acquire materials and equipment. Russia's air capability has been tested in its war in Ukraine and the weaknesses of its power exposed.This comprehensive guide details the different types of aircraft that the Russian military has at its disposal including fighters, bombers, surveillance, intelligence and reconnaissance aircraft, helicopters, support vehicles, uncrewed weaponry, and maritime aircraft. Within these categories, each aircraft type is detailed, including its production history, life upgrades, weaponry capability and current use in warfare. A detailed specification provides aircraft dimensions, weight, performance, powerplant and armament where appropriate. Packed with more than 275 photographs, this book also provides an overview of Russia's aerospace forces, with command centres, units and squadrons for the army, navy and air powers all detailed.

  • af Bob Archer
    151,95 kr.

    This book focuses on the non-tanker variants built by Boeing. It will look at a host of variants, including the C-135, EC-135, NC-135, OC-135, RC-135, TC-135, VC-135 and WC-135. The role, operating command and detailed history will be provided. With over 170 images, this book is the second of two volumes dealing with Seattle's veteran Stratotankers.

  • af Ron Mak
    151,95 kr.

    This book details the lifecycles of prop aircraft in South America, including construction, sales, service, repossession, and, on occasion, impoundment. Those examined include small and large airliners, helicopters, and cargo and passenger aircraft, either in civil or military employment. Alongside a detailed history of each aircraft presented, this book offers first-hand accounts from travels to South America between 1971 and 1993, providing a unique insight into not only the lives of these aircraft but also those who flew and utilized them. Highly illustrated with over 200 color images, this book features photos from airports in Venezuela, Suriname, Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Colombia.

  • af Mark V. Pike
    99,95 kr.

    Beautifully illustrated with over 150 images from around the country, this book charts the routes and services undertaken by the Class 73 locomotives over the last 60 years.

  • af Chris Goss
    166,95 kr.

    Years after World War Two and the Luftwaffe is still of interest to many. There were many German manufacturers that designed, developed and built fighter aircraft. This book will give the reader a better insight into Luftwaffe fighters of World War Two.

  • af Tony Holmes
    173,95 kr.

    In this book, the exploits of the pilots who achieved the title of 'ace' by shooting down five or more enemy aircraft whilst at the controls of a Spitfire. All the key marks of Spitfire will be included, from the 1940-era Mk I, through the ubiquitous Mk V, to the Griffon-engined Mk XIV.

  • af Jenelle Brewer
    207,95 kr.

    In her memoir, Releasing Jezebel: Embracing the Lioness Within, Jenelle lived what other children dreamed of on her family's ranch on a reserve with her faithful dog, beautiful horses, turtle-filled pond, and abundant acreage to freely discover. However, her fairy-tale life could not be told without the presence of the villain of child abuse. Jenelle struggled as a victim but also as a witness to the repeated abuse her close friend endured. Trauma shaped her personality from a very young age as she repeatedly faced and escaped her demons of shame and fear.As a teenager, Jenelle used alcohol to numb emotional pain and eventually turned to drugs to forget what no child should have experienced or seen. Addiction rapidly led her on a roller coaster of highs and lows as she desperately attempted to bury her past. With every turn, Jenelle takes you through countless near-death encounters while dangerous men simultaneously implant the seed of unworthiness and its self-destructive consequence.After becoming a mother, this courageous woman created a better life for herself and her children by tapping into her sheer will and determination to heal. She continues to fight the adversities of Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome as she walks the road of recovery with integrity, leadership, and compassion. This is the story of the girl and woman who was and always will embrace the lioness within.

  • af Gavin Booth
    117,95 kr.

    In just under 25 years, single-deck buses in the UK have undergone a transformation. Every single-decker in normal service in the UK today is a low-floor bus offering easy access to everyone. This book traces the story of the UK's low-floor single-deckers, from the first tentative steps to the widespread adoption of this layout.

  • af Key Publishing
    99,95 kr.

    First flown in 1957, the Lockheed L-188 Electra was the first large turboprop airliner built in the United States. Wonderfully illustrated, this new book edition tells the story of this aircraft and those who worked on it.

  • af Barry Lloyd
    99,95 kr.

    Following the heady years between the 1940s and 1960s, Cuba in effect, became closed off from the rest of the world. In the 1980s, the country once again began to open to tourism. Throughout all of this, Cubana has sought to keep the island connected to the rest of the world. This book will tell the story from the beginning until the present day.

  • af Craig Allen
    117,95 kr.

    With over 140 images, this book covers the various designs of armored fighting vehicles and protected patrol vehicles employed in the war in Afghanistan, including designs such as the Jackal, Mastiff and Foxhound.

  • af Key Publishing
    117,95 kr.

    The Boeing 707, brought America into the 'Jet Age' of the late 1950s and created the template for worldwide air travel today. This book provides a portfolio of images depicting a wide range of Boeing 707 variants in service around the world, in passenger, cargo and military use, showcasing many of the aircraft's diverse and colorful liveries.

  • af Dave Spoonley
    99,95 kr.

    Beautifully illustrated, this book is a product of several visits made by the author to Japan over a 14-year period. During this time, new trains had been introduced, old trains retired; new lines had opened, some lines sadly have closed, and several fine new museums had opened. This book looks at the changing scene of Japan's railways.

  • af Eduardo Manuel Gil Martinez
    99,95 kr.

    In 1954, with help from the US and the signing of the Pact of Madrid, Spain received its first military jets. With over 140 images, this book looks at the earliest jets received, their roles and the liveries they displayed. These jets have continued to prove their worth and have helped bring the Spanish military into the modern era.

  • af Michael H. C. Baker
    197,95 kr.

    With over 200 images, this is a visual journey around the Emerald Isle over 100 years, moving through to modern times, showing the various traction, locomotives and stations that have made Ireland's railways what they are today.

  • af Gerry Manning
    99,95 kr.

    Illustrated with 180 color photographs, with extended and informative captions, this book looks at the airliners of East and Central Asia.

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