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  • - A Memoir
    af Mary N Garrard
    152,95 kr.

    This is the original, unabridged biography of Jessie Penn-Lewis, written by Mary N. Garrard, her successor as editor of the Overcomer magazine. Originally published in 1930, it has been completely re-typeset; spelling and punctuation has been updated, but otherwise the content has been left untouched."There is a course prepared for each believer from the moment of his new birth, providing for the fullest maturity of the new life within him and the highest which God can make of his life in the use of every faculty for his service. To discover that course and fulfill it is the one duty of every soul." These words from Mrs. Penn-Lewis aptly describe her own spiritual journey. From the moment of conversion, she experienced deep longings for more of the power and presence of God in her life. At age 31 she experienced a remarkable baptism of power for service. This, together with her God-given insight into the Scriptures-especially her understanding of the believer's identification with the cross of Christ as the secret of victory-prepared her for a unique ministry that lasted a lifetime and continues to the present time through her many books, which are in constant demand.Though frail in health her entire lifetime, and despite having been given only a few months to live at the age of 28 (and several times afterwards), Mrs. Penn-Lewis nevertheless accomplished a great deal. Her ministry took her to Russia, Scandinavia, India, Canada, and the USA. She was a frequent speaker at the famous Keswick Convention in England and was the founder of the Llandrindod Wells Convention in Wales (the "Welsh Keswick"), and later the Matlock Conferences. She also founded the Overcomer magazine in 1908, a serious journal on the pursuit of the deeper Christian life. Her life became linked with some of the spiritual giants of her day, including D. L. Moody and Andrew Murray, as well as F. B. Meyer, whom she considered "an old friend."May the careful perusal of these pages kindle within each reader a desire to follow Mrs. Penn-Lewis as she followed Christ.

  • af A T Pierson
    187,95 kr.

    The chapters of this book were originally delivered as part of the "Exeter Hall Lectures." Dr. Pierson's purpose was to show and illustrate that the Bible is God's exact provision, satisfaction and guide for all the cravings and crises of man's moral and spiritual life. Only the creator, who knows perfectly what is in man, could have made a book which so completely anticipates and answers all the needs of his higher nature. Anyone perusing these pages, whether preacher or lay person, will profit greatly from the amazing insights unfolded in these pages. How does the Bible deal with the problems of faith, prayer, suffering, providence, and many others? What does God's book say about the family, the unseen world of spirits, the church of God, Christian service, or fellowship with God? These issues and others are skillfully and thoroughly addressed by this master of the spiritual life. If you have never read any of Dr. Pierson's works before, a rare treat awaits you in these pages which will leave you with an appetite for more of the same.

  • af Marie Monsen
    107,95 kr.

    Does your faith in the God of the impossible need reviving? Do you think that stories of walls of fire and hosts of guardian angels protecting God's children are only for Bible times? Then you should read the amazing accounts in this book of how God and His unseen armies protected and guided Marie Monsen, a Norwegian missionary to China, as she traveled through bandit-ridden territory spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ and standing on the promises of God. You will be amazed as she tells of an invading army of looters who ravaged a whole city, yet were not allowed to come near her mission compound because of angels standing sentry over it. Your heart will thrill as she tells of being held captive on a ship for twenty-three days by pirates whom God did not allow to harm her, but instead were compelled to listen to her message of a loving Savior who died for their sin. As you read the many stories in this small volume your faith will be strengthened by the realization that our God is a living God who can still bring protection and peace in the midst of the storms of distress, confusion and terror-a very present help in trouble.

  • af Sophie De La Haye
    122,95 kr.

    Tommie Titcombe was small in stature physically, but spiritually he was a giant. Saved in his early twenties, he soon felt called of God to take the gospel of Jesus Christ to those who had never heard the good news of salvation. Twice he applied to the Sudan Interior Mission, and twice he was refused. He told the director, Rowland Bingham, that he was going to Africa anyway. Upon being asked what board he was going under, Tommie replied, "I don't know, Mr. Bingham. It may be some old woman's wash board, but I'm going to Africa!" Seeing Tommie's determination, Mr. Bingham soon afterwards relented and accepted him into SIM and he became the first missionary to live among the Yagba people of Nigeria, West Africa. His story is a blood-stirring pioneer thriller. More than that, it is the record of how God used a very ordinary man to break into an animistic society and start a movement that produced a large and healthy church. Tommie Titcombe's spiritual insights and personal courage have made his name a legend among the many Christians of Yagbaland. His story also provides us with an extremely relevant case history of sound missionary principles at work.

  • af F F Bruce
    152,95 kr.

    G. H. Lang was a remarkable Bible teacher, preacher and writer of a past generation who should not be forgotten by today's Christians. He inherited the spiritual "mantle" of such giants in the faith as George Müller, Anthony Norris Groves and other notable saints among the early Brethren movement. He traveled all over the world with no fixed means of support other than prayer and faith and no church or other organization to depend on. Like Mr. Müller before him, he told his needs to no one but God. Many times his faith was tried to the limit, as funds for the next part of his journey arrived only at the last minute and from unexpected sources. This autobiography traces in precise detail the dealings of God with his soul, from the day of his conversion at the tender age of seven, through the twilight years when bodily infirmity restricted most of his former activities. You will be amazed, as you read these pages, to see how quickly and continually a soul can grow in grace and in the knowledge of spiritual things if they will wholly follow the Lord. Horace Bushnell once wrote that every man's life is a plan of God, and that it's our duty as human beings to find and follow that plan. As Mr. Lang looks back over his long and varied life in the pages of this book, he frequently points out the many times God prepared him in the present for some future work or role. Spiritual life applications abound throughout the book, making it not just a life story but a spiritual training manual of sorts. Preachers will find sermon starters and illustrations in every chapter. Readers of all kinds will benefit from this close-up view of the dealings of God with the soul of one who made it his life's business to follow the Lamb wherever He should lead.

  • - Total Spiritual Warfare
    af L E Maxwell
    122,95 kr.

    Formerly Titled World Missions: Total WarNewly Republished by Kingsley PressSomeone has said that the task of the preacher is to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable. The messages found in this book most definitely fall into the latter category. In these pages the author sounds a bugle call to Christian soldiers-a call "not to a holiday, but to a campaign. Our tent is pitched not in paradise, but on the field of battle.... The primary and only adequate figure of Christian service is that of the military conflict.... World missions under Christ's captaincy means war, total war, total mobilization for total conflict."This book was written and published toward the end of L. E. Maxwell's long and fruitful ministry, thus preserving for us his seasoned convictions on two of the primary emphases of his life work: his view of the Christian life as a warfare and the supreme importance of world missions. As co-founder and principal of Prairie Bible Institute in Three Hills, Alberta, Canada, Maxwell's lifelong calling was to train disciplined soldiers for the mission fields of the world-a calling he fulfilled with steadfast faithfulness and astonishing success, thus qualifying him to speak with authority and passion."The content of this book is meant to furnish pastors and Christian workers with biblical material to stir God's people out of their evangelical smugness," Maxwell wrote. "Do we not all need to be stabbed wide awake?"

  • af Patricia St John
    137,95 kr.

    Anyone who has read Patricia St. John's books already knows how her stories come alive, and this account of her own life is no exception. Her powers of description make the story leap from the page and the reader is transported to far off places and times; and the people and the things she describes can almost be touched, smelled and seen.Patricia was not just a gifted story-teller, though; she was also a deeply committed follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose spiritual journey began when she was only six years old. 'My name is Patricia, ' she prayed, 'and if You are really calling me I want to come and be Yours. ' Out of that small beginning there issued a river of life and light and blessing that went on increasing right up to the end of her life. Although she always thought of herself as 'an ordinary sort of girl', her life was extraordinary because of her supreme love for Jesus Christ.The life portrayed here is not that of the self-conscious saint, concerned only with her own saintliness. On the contrary these pages offer us an inside view of someone utterly human, prone to mistakes and failures like the rest of us, yet suffused with the love of God and a contagious joy and peace that was like the bubbling up of a perpetual fountain.

  • af Alexander Whyte
    97,95 kr.

    Harold St. John, a great Bible teacher and preacher of a previous generation, was once asked which commentaries and helps to Bible study he would recommend. His reply went something like this: "A man who deals with Scripture," he said, "has a conscience which needs to be trained, a heart which must be warmed, and a will that should be yielded, and finally, a mind which must be fed. For the conscience, none is better than Alexander Whyte-his Lord, Teach Us to Pray and With Mercy and With Judgment will make his readers hot and ashamed." And sometimes, being hot and ashamed is just what we need, spiritually speaking. "Do no put off reading Whyte's sermons," urges Warren Wiersbe in his 50 People Every Christian Should Know. The sermons found in this collection were deemed by the compilers to be representative of Dr. Whyte's pulpit ministry. The title was taken from the hymn which was mostly closely associated with his ministry, being the one he chose perhaps oftener than any other for the close of a service.

  • af J Gregory Mantle
    112,95 kr.

    The Way of the Cross by J. Gregory Mantle is a classic work dealing with the experimental application of Christ's work on Calvary to the believer's heart by the ministry of the Holy Spirit. This Kingsley Press edition is complete and unabridged. The text is based on the First Edition of 1896, and is a complete copy of the original. Every edition of this book since the first has been abridged by at least two chapters. The book was popularized some years ago under a different title: "Beyond Humiliation." This is your chance to own a masterly work by a great spiritual teacher.

  • af G C Bevington
    122,95 kr.

    Born with physical weaknesses, poorly educated, the son of a backslidden preacher, G. C. Bevington didn't have too much going for him in his beginning years. But he did have a godly mother, whose prayers were effectual for his salvation. Bevington became a man of great faith and prevailing prayer, who in his lifetime saw many extraordinary things accomplished through the power of God. This book is the account of his amazing life, told in his own simple way. Follow his exciting story as he recounts remarkable incidents and modern miracles. Some have likened his faith to that of George Müller and his prayer life to that of the great intercessor, Rees Howells; his uniqueness and simplicity are reminiscent of Billy Bray. Be challenged and inspired as you discover what God can do with a life wholly dedicated to Him.

  • af Patricia St John
    112,95 kr.

    If you enjoy reading about the lives of great Christians, you'll love this biography of Harold St. John. Harold's daughter, Patricia St. John, did the Christian world an enormous favor when she put together this fascinating portrait of her father. Somehow her portrayal manages to be exciting, inspiring, challenging, amusing and edifying all at the same time. It makes compelling reading from start to finish--hard to put down once you've picked it up. Harold was one of the most gifted Bible teachers of his day, and the story of his life and influence is as relevant now as ever. His life was hid with Christ in God, and out of his inward parts there flowed a river of joy and peace and blessedness that enriched everyone it touched.

  • - Containing Copious Extracts from His Diary and Epistolary Correspondence
    af John Hannah
    122,95 kr.

    The name of David Stoner (1794-1826) deserves to be ranked alongside those of Robert Murray McCheyne, David Brainerd and Henry Martyn. Like them, he died at a relatively young age; and like them, his life was marked by a profound hunger and thirst for God and intense passion for souls. Stoner was saved at twelve years of age and from that point until his untimely death twenty years later his soul was continually on full stretch for God.This book tells the story of his short but amazing life: his godly upgringing, his radical conversion, his call to preach, his amazing success as a Wesleyan Methodist preacher, his patience in tribulation and sickness, and his glorious departure to be with Christ forever. Many pages are devoted to extracts from his personal diary which give an amazing glimpse into the heart of one whose desires were all aflame for more of God.Oswald J. Smith, in his soul-stirring book, The Revival We Need, wrote the following: "Have been reading the diary of David Stoner. How I thank God for it! He is another Brainerd. Have been much helped, but how ashamed and humble I feel as I read it! Oh, how he thirsted and searched after God! How he agonized and travailed! And he died at 32."You, too can be much helped in your spiritual life as you study the life of this youthful saint of a past generation."Be instant and constant in prayer. Study, books, eloquence, fine sermons are all nothing without prayer. Prayer brings the Spirit, the life, the power." -David Stoner

  • - Saint and Pioneer: A Combined Study of a Man of God and of the Principles and Practices of the Brethren
    af G H Lang
    197,95 kr.

    Although his name is little known in Christian cirlces today, Anthony Norris Groves (1795-1853) was, according to the writer of this book, one of the most influential men of the nineteenth century. He was what might be termed a spiritual pioneer, forging a path through unfamiliar territory in order that others might follow. One of those who followed him was George Müller, known to the world as one who in his lifetime cared for over ten thousand orphans without any appeal for human aid, instead trusting God alone to provide for the daily needs of this large enterprise.In 1825 Groves wrote a booklet called Christian Devotedness in which he encouraged fellow believers and especially Christian workers to take literally Jesus' command not to lay up treasures on earth, but rather to give away their savings and possessions toward the spread of the gospel and to embark on a life of faith in God alone for the necessaries of life. Groves himself took this step of faith: he gave away his fortune, left his lucrative dental practice in England, and went to Baghdad to establish the first Protestant mission to Arabic-speaking Muslims. His going was not in connection with any church denomination or missionary society, as he sought to rely on God alone for needed finances. He later went to India also.His approach to missions was to simplify the task of churches and missions by returning to the methods of Christ and His apostles, and to help indigenous converts form their own churches without dependence on foreign support. His ideas were considered radical at the time but later became widely accepted in evangelical circles.Groves was a leading figure in the early days of what Robert Govett would later call the mightiest movement of the Spirit of God since Pentecost-a movement that became known simply as the Brethren. In this book G. H. Lang combines a study of the life and influence of Anthony Norris Groves with a survey of the original principles and practices of the Brethren movement.

  • af G H Lang
    142,95 kr.

    If you've ever wondered what the churches of the New Testament looked like - how they functioned, how they were governed, how they conducted their evangelistic and missionary enterprises, what ordinances they observed, what their liturgy consisted of, how decisions were made, how discipline was administered; if you've ever wondered how far modern churches have drifted from the New Testament pattern; if you've ever wondered what it would take for your church, and others like it, to return to the New Testament model, or if such a thing is even possible or desirable - then this book is for you!G. H. Lang's ability to elucidate Biblical truth was never more evident than in this small treatise on the constitution, government, discipline and ministry of the church of God. His gifts as a diligent Bible student, expositor, and precise thinker, together with his many years of experience as an itinerant Bible teacher in many different countries and cultural settings, all combine to make this a go-to reference on many issues relating to the local church.About the AuthorG. H. Lang (1874-1958) was a gifted Bible teacher and prolific author who in his early life was associated with the "exclusive" branch of the Plymouth Brethren but later affiliated himself with the Open Brethren. He traveled widely as an itinerant Bible teacher, depending solely on God for his support. Although Mr. Lang himself was a prolific author, it was his belief that "no man should write a book until he is 40. He needs to prove his theories in practice before publishing." In his own case, all but nine of his many books were written after he was 50. Kingsley Press has recently re-published Lang's amazing autobiography, An Ordered Life. More information can be found on our web site:

  • af Oswald J Smith
    112,95 kr.

    When Oswald J. Smith wrote this book almost a hundred years ago he felt the most pressing need of the worldwide church was true revival-the kind birthed in desperate prayer and accompanied by deep conviction for sin, godly sorrow, and deep repentance, resulting in a living, victorious faith. If he were alive today he would surely conclude that the need has only become more acute with the passing years.The author relates how there came a time in his own ministry when he became painfully aware that his efforts were not producing spiritual results. His intense study of the New Testament and past revivals only deepened this conviction. The Word of God, which had proved to be a hammer, a fire and a sword in the hands of apostles and revivalists of bygone days, was powerless in his hands. But as he prayed and sought God in dead earnest for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, things began to change. Souls came under conviction, repented of their sins, and were lastingly changed. The earlier chapters of the book contain Smith's heart-stirring messages on the need for authentic revival: how to prepare the way for the Spirit's moving, the tell-tale signs that the work is genuine, and the obstacles that can block up the channels of blessing. These chapters are laced with powerful quotations from revivalists and soul-winners of former times, such as David Brainerd, William Bramwell, John Wesley, Charles Finney, Evan Roberts and many others. The latter chapters detail Smith's own quest for the enduement of power, his soul-travail, and the spiritual fruit that followed.In his foreword to this book, Jonathan Goforth writes, "Mr. Smith's book, The Revival We Need, for its size is the most powerful plea for revival I have ever read. He has truly been led by the Spirit of God in preparing it. To his emphasis for the need of a Holy Spirit revival I can give the heartiest amen. What I saw of revival in Korea and in China is in fullest accord with the revival called for in this book."

  • af China Inland Mission
    102,95 kr.

    True stories are often more exciting than fiction, especially when they involve the heavenly Father, who delights to hear and answer prayer. These twenty-four short but factual stories highlight the power of God to protect in dangerous situations, to provide food when it seems impossible, even to use a rat to show a man the way of salvation! God still changes lives today! All of these stories remind us that He still answers prayer when people are in danger, or hungry, or lost, or in need of God's love.The China Inland Mission was founded in 1865 by J. Hudson Taylor, whose passion was to take the message of salvation in Christ to every part of China. Taylor was inspired by George Müller and other spiritual giants of his day to trust God completely for everyday needs. The men and women who gathered around Hudson Taylor in this great work of evangelizing China for Christ also believed God could do amazing things in answer to prayer. This book tells some of those stories.Each story concludes with a short devotional titled "What About Me?" which includes a Bible verse, some personal questions and a prayer. Read and be inspired!

  • af G H Lang
    107,95 kr.

    A Study in Resurrection and Rapture. Few writers have approached the subject of Biblical prophecy with more diligence and precise thinking than G. H. Lang. His purpose in studying and writing on the end-times and related themes was not to be controversial or sensational, but rather to encourage watchfulness and readiness. The serious reader will find much to challenge both mind and heart in these pages as the writer uses the prophetic Scriptures to give a strong call to holy and careful living. The secret of G. H. Lang's power and persuasiveness as a writer must surely be attributed to his lifelong dedication to searching the Scriptures, not for the sake of aquiring more knowledge, but in order that he might know God more intimately and follow Him more closely. His great passion was that God's children everywhere would press beyond the shallow and superficial and into a deep understanding of the ways and workings of God. In this respect he was the true successor to such spiritual giants as George Müller, Hudson Taylor, Robert Cleaver Chapman and Anthony Norris Groves. One of Mr. Lang's contemporaries, Douglas W. Brealey, wrote of him: "I think I may truthfully say that he was the most apostolic man I have ever met; perhaps for that very reason he was a very controversial figure; a correspondent suggested to me that he was the most controversial figure in Brethren circles since J. N. Darby; yet it would be true to say that he himself was not a controversialist. A very close student of the Word, and an independent thinker, he was not prepared to take traditional interpretations unless he were personally convinced that they were right. . . . To be in his presence was to realize that one was in the presence of a true saint of God whose holy life gave weight and authority to all he taught."

  • af G D Watson
    112,95 kr.

    This overview of the first book of the Bible shows that the first words contained in Genesis are enlarged and unfolded in a great many different directions and applications throughout the rest of the Bible, but the words themselves are never changed and they are never any more perfect in the last book in the Bible than they are in the first."In the beginning God" (Genesis 1:1). No other book in the universe could ever begin like this except it were the book of God. These first words in the Bible prove that the book has a divine author; that it is not an invention of the human mind, for the very first expression is of such a character as to put it beyond all the thinking of the natural mind. There is no attempt to prove the existence of God, there is no prelude, but out from the vast eternity comes the simple, sublime expression that God was at the beginning.

  • af Alexander Whyte
    122,95 kr.

    Dr. Alexander Whyte (1836-1921) was widely acknowledged to be the greatest Scottish preacher of his day. He was a mighty pulpit orator who thundered against sin, awakening the consciences of his hearers, and then gently leading them to the Savior. He was also a great teacher, who would teach a class of around 500 young men after Sunday night service, instructing them in the way of the Lord more perfectly. In the later part of Dr. Whyte's ministry, one of his pet topics was prayer. Luke 11:1 was a favorite text and was often used in conjunction with another text as the basis for his sermons on this subject. The sermons printed here represent only a few of the many delivered. But each one is deeply instructive, powerful and convicting. From the Preface: Nobody else could have preached these sermons; after much reading and re-reading of them that remains the most vivid impression. There can be few more strongly personal documents in the whole literature of the pulpit. . . . When all is said, there is something here that defies analysis-something titanic, something colossal, which makes ordinary preaching seem to lie a long way below such heights as gave the vision in these words, such forces as shaped their appeal. We are driven back on the mystery of a great soul, dealt with in God's secret ways and given more than the ordinary measure of endowment and grace. His hearers have often wondered at his sustained intensity; as Dr. Joseph Parker once wrote of him: "many would have announced the chaining of Satan for a thousand years with less expenditure of vital force" than Dr. Whyte gave to the mere announcing of a hymn.

  • af Patricia St John
    107,95 kr.

    A powerful and moving story based on real events in the Lebanese civil war in the 1980's. Lamia and her family are caught up in the fighting, with tragic consequences. Lamia struggles with the hatred that threatens to destroy her, until she grasps that forgiveness and love are the most important things. Nothing else matters.

  • af Patricia St John
    107,95 kr.

    The refugee camp is crowded with sick and starving people. Two new arrivals, a teenage girl, Mehrit, carrying her little brother on her back, wait their turn patiently. What will happen to them? Will they ever find their parents again? A strong story of a family in a famine-stricken African country.

  • af Patricia St John
    107,95 kr.

    Philo, a first-century Phoenician boy, is worried about his family. Evil hangs over their house like a cloud. And it all seems to come from his sister, Illyrica, who is possessed by a demon. Hearing about a prophet from Nazareth who has healed the sick and even raised the dead, Philo wonders if He can save his sister. But the mere mention of the prophet's name sends Illyrica into fits of rage and despair. Even if the prophet really is as powerful as people say He is, how can Philo and his little sister, Ione, take Illyrica to Him to be healed? Hopeless, Philo runs away and goes to live with his uncle in Capernaum, where he hears even more about the Jewish prophet and His miracles. Who is He? How strong is His power? Most of all, would the Jewish prophet help Philo, a Gentile? This gripping story of revenge and forgiveness, sickness and healing, and evil and grace traces the footsteps of Jesus of Nazareth-to the places He walked and the people He touched.

  • - A Method of Attaining to Inward and Spiritual Prayer
    af Jeanne Guyon
    97,95 kr.

    The writers were considered dangerous-heretics even. They were imprisoned-banished-exiled. Their crime? They were teaching that Christians could experience inner communion with God through something they called "inward prayer." Later their writings would be read and recommended by such spiritual giants as John Wesley, Hudson Taylor and Watchman Nee. A Guide to True Peace captures the essence of their teachings and makes them accessible in a small, readable volume. It was first published almost two hundred years ago, at the dawn of the Industrial Age, as a guide for believers seeking to know what it means to abide in Christ and live with an active knowledge of the presence of God. Many have considered it a devotional classic, including A. W. Tozer, who added it to his recommended reading list. The book begins by emphasizing the truth that God dwells within all believers, and then goes on to talk about what it means to allow that divine Spirit to have His full sway in our lives through denial of self, submission, and obedience. It also considers the blessings of faith and inward prayer, and how the practical results of such a life will lead us into divine union with Almighty God. This union is the place of true peace.In these days of uncertainty and turmoil, it is of great importance that the followers of Jesus Christ know what it means to have personal communion with Him. The principles in this little book, if meditated upon and applied, will be of great help to all who are wholeheartedly seeking more of God.This first Kingsley Press edition is based on the W. Alexander edition (York, England) of 1815 and has been sensitively edited for the modern reader by Bruce Garrison.

  • - Revival in China: 1927-1937
    af Marie Monsen
    107,95 kr.

    REVIVAL! It was a long time coming. For twenty long years Marie Monsen prayed for revival in China. She had heard reports of how God's Spirit was being poured out in abundance in other countries, particularly in nearby Korea; so she began praying for funds to be able to travel there in order to bring back some of the glowing coals to her own mission field. But that was not God's way. The still, small voice of God seemed to whisper, "What is happening in Korea can happen in China if you will pay the price in prayer." Marie Monsen took up the challenge and gave her solemn promise: "Then I will pray until I receive." The Awakening is Miss Monsen's own vivid account of the revival that came in answer to prayer. Leslie Lyall calls her the "pioneer" of the revival movement-the handmaiden upon whom the Spirit was first poured out. He writes: "Her surgical skill in exposing the sins hidden within the Church and lurking behind the smiling exterior of many a trusted Christian-even many a trusted Christian leader-and her quiet insistence on a clear-cut experience of the new birth set the pattern for others to follow." The emphasis in these pages is on the place given to prayer both before and during the revival, as well as on the necessity of self-emptying, confession, and repentance in order to make way for the infilling of the Spirit. One of the best ways to stir ourselves up to pray for revival in our own generation is to read the accounts of past awakenings, such as those found in the pages of this book. Surely God is looking for those in every generation who will solemnly take up the challenge and say, with Marie Monsen, "I will pray until I receive."

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