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  • af Marco Spencer
    1.558,95 kr.

    Atmospheric chemistry refers to the branch of atmospheric science that studies the chemical processes, which take place in the Earth's atmosphere as well as the composition of planetary atmospheres. It also studies the factors that influence the components of the atmosphere and its related environmental effects such as biogeochemical cycling, climate and air quality. It plays an integral role in the study of chemical processes that occur in the gas and particle phases for predicting their impact on environmental pollution and global climate change. Atmospheric chemistry helps to address multiple issues including ozone depletion, greenhouse gases, acid rain, global warming and photochemical smog. This area of study is also crucial in regulating climate change. For instance, aerosol particles directly impact the climate by radiative forcing, modifying carbon uptake, and (indirectly) modifying clouds. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of atmospheric chemistry and environmental pollution. Scientists and students actively engaged in this field will find it full of crucial and unexplored concepts.

  • af Nicolas Chapman
    1.493,95 kr.

    Big data refers to a collection of data that is enormous in volume and is expanding at exponential rates with the passage of time. It is a dataset that is too large and complex for traditional data management tools to process or store it effectively. There are various types of big data including semi-structured, structured and unstructured. Big data technologies are used in a number of industries and fields including banking, communication, healthcare, geosciences, astrophysics, and trade. The geographic information systems (GISs) are an important application of big data in geosciences, which aid in creating, managing, analyzing and mapping all types of geospatial data. GISs generate huge amounts of data, which are analyzed using big data technologies. Big data computing for GIS data enables analysis and decision making from massive datasets by using spatiotemporal data mining, algorithms and query processing. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to big data techniques and technologies used in geoscience. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Drake Shaw
    1.498,95 kr.

    High voltage engineering is the study of power transmission at high voltages, in addition to the machinery utilized in high voltage transmission systems. High voltage electricity has sufficient potential to cause damage or harm. The main aim of transmitting power at high voltages is to improve efficiency. Furthermore, transmission of power at a high voltage decreases the loss and enhances the capability of the line, while extending the value of power transmitted across long distances. An understanding of the behavior of electrical insulating materials and dielectrics when exposed to high voltages of any kind including impulse, alternate current (AC) and direct current (DC) is fundamental to the study of high voltage engineering. The generation of test voltages necessitates the use of specialized current and voltage generators for impulse voltages, AC and DC. This book provides comprehensive insights on high voltage engineering. It is a vital tool for all researching and studying this field.

  • af Glynn Clermont
    1.528,95 kr.

    A wireless network refers to a computer network that utilizes wireless data connections among network nodes. They are unique as they can connect devices, services, people and applications to a network, without being bound to any wired hardware. Wireless networking enables businesses to create local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), and metropolitan area networks (MANs) without using cables. A wireless LAN reduces the cost of installing LAN cabling and makes changes to network structure and its relocation easier. Wireless local area networks (WLANs), terrestrial microwave networks, wireless sensor networks, cell phone networks, and satellite communication networks are a few examples of wireless networks. They are a widespread choice for telecommunications, and residential and commercial networks. Various applications of wireless networking include television remote controls, cell phones, computer interface devices, security systems, Wi-Fi, wireless power transmission, and a variety of wireless communication based projects. This book aims to shed light on the theory and applications of wireless networks. It will serve as a reference to a broad spectrum of readers.

  • af Terry Webb
    1.513,95 kr.

    Sports financial management is a management function that deals with planning, raising, controlling and administering the funds of a sports organization. This function allows the organization to measure and monitor its expenditure and the impact it has on the sports organization. It gives the management the much-needed flexibility to make adjustments in their budgets. In sports industry, efficient financial management is significant for the success of any sports program. The most crucial aspects of financial administration are funds management, resolution of budget issues, and knowing the most important area within a particular program. The first step in sports financial management is to decide what resources are available and how to distribute them. Furthermore, it involves reviewing prior financial records for existing programs and developing a new budget and strategy for new programs, which necessitates collaboration with important stakeholders to determine the optimum allocation of financial resources. This book contains some path-breaking studies on sports financial management. Those in search of information to further their knowledge will be greatly assisted by it.

  • af Reid Watts
    1.478,95 kr.

    Mathematics for economics, or mathematical economics, refers to an economic model that uses mathematical principles and methods for creating economic theories and analyzing economic dilemmas. It facilitates undertaking quantifiable experiments and developing models for predicting economic growth in the future. Mathematics enables the formation of testable propositions associated with a wide range of subjects. Mathematical economics makes use of statistical observations, which enable the description of observable phenomena, thereby providing a base for theoretical interpretation. Some commonly used mathematical methods are mathematical programming, differential calculus, integral calculus, and matrix algebra. There are various applications of mathematical economics including dynamic analysis, comparative statistics, optimization, and equilibrium statistics. This book discusses the fundamentals as well as modern approaches of mathematical economics in detail. It strives to provide a fair idea about this discipline and to help develop a better understanding of the latest advances within it. This book will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Natalia Wood
    1.498,95 kr.

    Chemical analysis refers to the study of the chemical composition and structure of substances. It is divided into two categories, which include qualitative and quantitative analysis. Qualitative analysis is used for determining whether or not a substance is present in a sample. Quantitative analysis is utilized to determine the amount of a substance present in a sample. Chemical analysis studies the chemical components of a material which aids in the identification of unknown materials or the verification that the material satisfies the necessary conditions. The key steps performed during chemical analysis include sampling, field sample pretreatment, laboratory treatment, laboratory assay, calculations and results presentation. Chemical analysis is critical for ensuring the chemical's productivity, safety, consistency, quality and control. This book explores all the important aspects of chemical analysis in the present day scenario. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of chemistry as well as for experts.

  • af Kasen Parker
    1.548,95 kr.

    Operational research is a field of study that involves mathematical analysis of problems in order to provide a quantitative basis for managerial decision-making in an organization. It encompasses the application of various mathematical models comprising mathematical relationships corresponding to real world relationships. Some of the commonly utilized methods in operational research include linear programming problems (LPP), sequencing, dynamic programming and integer programming. Linear programming is one of the major mathematical techniques used in management science to determine the most efficient use of available resources, such as time, money, equipment and labor. Dynamic programming is a mathematical technique utilized for solving different types of sequential decision problems. These techniques are applied in different areas of management, including allocation and distribution in projects, marketing, organizational behavior, finance, and research and development. This book provides a detailed explanation of operational research and mathematical models used in management. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. This book, with its detailed analyses and data, will prove immensely beneficial to professionals and students involved in the area of management science at various levels.

  • af Helena Price
    1.493,95 kr.

    A colloid refers to a type of mixture in which one substance is suspended in another substance, consisting of microscopically scattered insoluble particles, such as aerosol, emulsion and foam. These mixtures can be translucent due to the Tyndall effect, in which light is scattered by the particles in the colloid. They can also have a slight color or can be opaque. A few major examples of colloids are mayonnaise, gelatin, muddy water, paper, plaster, whipped cream, milk, jelly, butter and tinted glass. Colloids are extensively used for domestic, commercial and medical purposes. They serve as thickening agents in industrial products including lotions, coatings, lubricants and toothpaste. This book elucidates the concepts and innovative models around prospective developments with respect to colloid chemistry. It consists of contributions made by international experts. This book aims to equip students and experts with the advanced topics and applications of this area of chemistry.

  • af Lane Powell
    1.528,95 kr.

    Silicon (Si) is a metalloid belonging to the carbon family (Group 14). It is a hard tetravalent metalloid and has a blue-grey metallic sheen. Silicon is a brittle crystalline solid having properties of a semiconductor. Organometallic compounds that contain carbon-silicon bonds are called organosilicon compounds. The area of chemistry under which the preparation and properties of organometallic compounds are studied is called organosilicon chemistry. Some of the prominent properties of organosilicon compounds include being colourless, flammable and hydrophobic. They have various applications in agriculture and commercial production. Within agriculture, they are used to increase the effectiveness of various herbicides and fungicides. They are also used to make antifoamers, caulks, adhesives and coatings. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world, on various topics related to organosilicon chemistry. It will also provide interesting topics for research, which interested readers can take up. This book is a resource guide for experts as well as students.

  • af Lyla Smith
    1.618,95 kr.

    The food system refers to the interconnected systems and processes that influence nutrition, food, health, community development and agriculture. It involves a series of activities including the production, processing, transport, distribution and consumption of food and related products. The recent innovations in agriculture have led to the development of sustainable agricultural practices. Sustainable food systems aim to provide healthy food to people along with creating food systems that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Conservation and yield-enhancing technological innovations including remote sensing, precision agriculture and no-tillage can lead to enhancement in productivity and efficient use of natural resources. The topics included in this book on innovations in the food system are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Paloma Young
    1.513,95 kr.

    A genome includes all of the genetic information of an organism. It is made up of the nucleotide sequences of DNA. The complete set of non-random arrangements of functional elements within the genome is known as the genomic architecture. The architecture of the genome is crucial in gene regulation. Utilizing high-throughput techniques for 3D interaction mapping and chromatin profiling produces extensive experimental data sets that describe the structure and dynamics of the genome. The study of genomic architecture is currently a very prominent area of research that has significant applications in the study of processes such as cell development, differentiation and carcinogenesis. This book explores all the diverse aspects of genomic architecture. It presents researches and studies performed by experts across the globe. The extensive content of this book provides the readers with a thorough understanding of the subject.

  • af Lyla Smith
    1.643,95 kr.

    The food system refers to the interconnected systems and processes that influence nutrition, food, health, community development and agriculture. It involves a series of activities including the production, processing, transport, distribution and consumption of food and related products. The recent innovations in agriculture have led to the development of sustainable agricultural practices. Sustainable food systems aim to provide healthy food to people along with creating food systems that are environmentally and economically sustainable. Conservation and yield-enhancing technological innovations including remote sensing, precision agriculture and no-tillage can lead to enhancement in productivity and efficient use of natural resources. The topics included in this book on innovations in the food system are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Samantha Bennett
    1.623,95 kr.

    The host rocks are sedimentary rocks that include quartzites, slates, older cherty carbonate and iron formations. There are three types of host rocks, namely, crystalline rocks, clay rocks and salt rocks. In the context of radioactive ore deposits, safe enclosure of the host rocks is affected by technical, geo-technical and geological barriers. In the context of mining, majority of mining wastes are connected to the acquisition of host rock along with other processes that result in the production of metals including copper, aluminum, gold and iron, or nonmetals like gravel, asbestos, coal, gypsum, etc. Host rocks in the vicinity of hydrothermal mineral deposits frequently exchange elements with hydrothermal fluids and thus lead to the formation of alteration minerals. The density and volume of the host rock is affected by mineralogical alterations. This book is a compilation of chapters that discuss the most vital concepts on the geology and geochemistry of host rocks. It will provide comprehensive knowledge to the readers.

  • af Rowan Sutherland
    1.643,95 kr.

    Entrepreneurship refers to the capacity and readiness to plan, set up and manage a business venture, including all of its potential risks, for making a profit. It is broadly categorized into four types, namely, scalable startups, social entrepreneurship, small businesses, and large companies or intrapreneurship. Some of the important entrepreneurial qualities are innovativeness, passion, ethics, risk taking, ability to lead and perseverance. Entrepreneurship involves identifying patterns, especially when those patterns point to a business opportunity. Setting precise goals for the new business venture is a part of entrepreneurial management. It involves applying entrepreneurial knowledge to improve the efficiency of small and medium-sized firms as well as new company ventures, which are part of the entrepreneurship ecosystem. This book covers in detail some existent theories and innovative concepts revolving around entrepreneurship. For all those who are interested in entrepreneurship, it can prove to be an essential guide.

  • af Quentin Webster
    1.468,95 kr.

    Synthetic biology is a branch of science that seeks to create new biological parts, devices and systems, or to redesign systems that already exist in nature. It is a multidisciplinary area of research that encompasses a wide range of methodologies from several disciplines including biotechnology, molecular biology, chemical and biological engineering, etc. There are two different approaches in synthetic biology, namely, top-down approach and bottom-up approach. Synthetic biology researches are being used extensively for developing sustainable solutions for problems related to the fields of medicine, manufacturing and agriculture. In bioprocess technology, synthetic biology is used to achieve the production of high-value compounds important for vital biological activities. This book outlines the concepts and applications of synthetic biology and biotechnology in detail. Some of the diverse topics covered herein address the varied aspects of safety, security and risk assessment with respect to this field. The book is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area as well as for experts.

  • af Xander Cooper
    1.643,95 kr.

    A differential equation is an equation, which contains at least one (ordinary or partial) derivative of an unknown function. There are different types of differential equations including ordinary differential equations, linear differential equations, partial differential equations, homogeneous differential equations, non-linear differential equations, and non-homogeneous differential equations. Differential equations can also be classified based on the order or coefficients of the derivatives, which may be either constants, or functions of the independent variable. These equations have several applications in fields such as physics, engineering, biology and applied mathematics. An evolution equation refers to a partial differential equation that describes the evolution of a physical system starting from a given initial data with respect to time. Researchers come across a variety of mathematical models that involve the use of evolutionary differential equations, both partial and ordinary, in multiple applications such as mathematical finance, fluid flow, image processing and computer vision, mechanical systems, relativity, physics-based animation, and Earth sciences. This book presents the complex subject of evolutionary differential equations in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. It attempts to assist those with a goal of delving into the field of mathematics.

  • af Casper Harvey
    1.508,95 kr.

    Gene prediction refers to the process of identifying the regions of genomic DNA that encodes genes using computational methods. It is an important part of bioinformatics. Gene prediction is the first step for annotating large and contiguous sequences. It aids in identifying the essential elements of the genome including functional genes, intron, splicing sites, exon, and regulatory sites. It is also used in describing the individual genes based on their functions. Protein function prediction is an important part of genome annotation. Lately, high-throughput sequencing technologies have led to development of prediction methods. Gene ontology (GO) is one of the databases that are available for identifying the functional properties of proteins. Research in this domain is now focused on efficiently predicting the GO terms. Researches are ongoing on the use of machine learning algorithms for functional prediction as these algorithms use rule-based approaches to integrate large amounts of heterogeneous data and detect patterns. mSplicer, mGene, and CONTRAST are methods that use machine learning techniques for gene prediction. Gene prediction methods are widely used in fields like structural genomics, functional genomics, and genome studies. This book traces the progress of gene prediction and the application of ontology and machine learning. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of study as well as for experts.

  • af Casper Harvey
    1.588,95 kr.

    Gene prediction refers to the process of identifying the regions of genomic DNA that encodes genes using computational methods. It is an important part of bioinformatics. Gene prediction is the first step for annotating large and contiguous sequences. It aids in identifying the essential elements of the genome including functional genes, intron, splicing sites, exon, and regulatory sites. It is also used in describing the individual genes based on their functions. Protein function prediction is an important part of genome annotation. Lately, high-throughput sequencing technologies have led to development of prediction methods. Gene ontology (GO) is one of the databases that are available for identifying the functional properties of proteins. Research in this domain is now focused on efficiently predicting the GO terms. Researches are ongoing on the use of machine learning algorithms for functional prediction as these algorithms use rule-based approaches to integrate large amounts of heterogeneous data and detect patterns. mSplicer, mGene, and CONTRAST are methods that use machine learning techniques for gene prediction. Gene prediction methods are widely used in fields like structural genomics, functional genomics, and genome studies. This book traces the progress of gene prediction and the application of ontology and machine learning. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of study as well as for experts.

  • af Flora Lloyd
    1.363,95 kr.

    Concepts are the fundamental building blocks of human thought. They represent a constant set of essential characteristics of an object class, which might develop and change with time. They are integral to all aspects of cognition. Concept learning helps a learner in contrasting and comparing categories or groups that have concept-relevant features with those categories or groups that do not contain these features. There are two components of a concept, which includes attributes and a rule. Concepts in psychology aim to understand people and the reasons behind their behavior. Ecological, biological, environmental and psychodynamic factors all play a role in the development of psychological concepts. This book presents a psychological overview of concepts in the most comprehensible and easy to understand language. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this field of study as well as for experts.

  • af Casper Harvey
    1.413,95 kr.

    Gene prediction refers to the process of identifying the regions of genomic DNA that encodes genes using computational methods. It is an important part of bioinformatics. Gene prediction is the first step for annotating large and contiguous sequences. It aids in identifying the essential elements of the genome including functional genes, intron, splicing sites, exon, and regulatory sites. It is also used in describing the individual genes based on their functions. Protein function prediction is an important part of genome annotation. Lately, high-throughput sequencing technologies have led to development of prediction methods. Gene ontology (GO) is one of the databases that are available for identifying the functional properties of proteins. Research in this domain is now focused on efficiently predicting the GO terms. Researches are ongoing on the use of machine learning algorithms for functional prediction as these algorithms use rule-based approaches to integrate large amounts of heterogeneous data and detect patterns. mSplicer, mGene, and CONTRAST are methods that use machine learning techniques for gene prediction. Gene prediction methods are widely used in fields like structural genomics, functional genomics, and genome studies. This book traces the progress of gene prediction and the application of ontology and machine learning. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of study as well as for experts.

  • af Aaron Dixon
    1.363,95 kr.

    Animal science studies the biology, health, production and management of animals, which are of economic interest to humans. It integrates the studies of genetics, animal physiology, reproduction and microbiology. Animal production involves raising animals for the purpose of obtaining meat, fiber, milk or any other product. Animal health is studied within the discipline of veterinary medicine. It involves the management, treatment and prevention of animal diseases and injuries. Animal health is also a significant aspect of public health, since a number of diseases, known as zoonoses, can be transferred from animals to humans. Research in animal production and veterinary medicine transcends species boundaries and also works at human-animal interfaces such as food safety and ecosystem health. This book is compiled in such a manner, that it will provide in-depth knowledge about safety and risk management with respect to animal production and health. For all readers who are interested in these topics, the studies included herein will serve as an excellent guide to develop a comprehensive understanding.

  • af Bradley Hunt
    1.608,95 kr.

    Biodiversity conservation refers to the preservation, enhancement and management of biodiversity. It aims to provide sustainable benefits to current and future generations. Ecological modeling refers to the creation and study of mathematical models of ecological processes, including integrated biophysical and purely biological models. These models are used for assisting in the creation of strategies to manage biodiversity. Ecological modeling allows the simulation of those ecological processes, which in reality might take centuries but can be done within minutes on a computer model. This book provides comprehensive insights on biodiversity conservation. The topics included herein are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

  • af Bradley Hunt
    1.588,95 kr.

    Biodiversity conservation refers to the preservation, enhancement and management of biodiversity. It aims to provide sustainable benefits to current and future generations. Ecological modeling refers to the creation and study of mathematical models of ecological processes, including integrated biophysical and purely biological models. These models are used for assisting in the creation of strategies to manage biodiversity. Ecological modeling allows the simulation of those ecological processes, which in reality might take centuries but can be done within minutes on a computer model. This book provides comprehensive insights on biodiversity conservation. The topics included herein are of utmost significance and bound to provide incredible insights to readers. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

  • af Canaan Knight
    1.518,95 kr.

    Statistics is a branch of applied mathematics that deals with collecting, describing, presenting and analyzing data. It also involves making inferences or conclusions from the given quantitative data. There are two major areas of statistics, namely, descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Descriptive statistics is focused on describing the properties associated with the sample and population data. In inferential statistics, sample data is analyzed to test hypotheses and draw conclusions. Some of the common and widely used statistical tools and procedures are variance, skewness, linear regression analysis, null hypothesis testing, probit models, ANOVA, and mean. Statistics and statistical techniques draw heavily on various mathematical theories such as differential and integral calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory. Statistics finds applications in a variety of disciplines and professions including economics and finance, accounting, academic research, and investment analysis. The book studies, and analyzes mathematical statistics and its applications in modern times. It is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to pursue this discipline further.

  • af Matt Ferrier
    1.658,95 kr.

    Mathematical analysis is a branch of mathematics that involves the study of continuous functions, limits, and related theories, such as differentiation, integration, infinite sequences, series and analytic functions in the context of real and complex numbers, and functions. The field of mathematical analysis developed from calculus, which involves the basic concepts and techniques of analysis. The study of mathematical analysis encompasses the study of various topics such as differential equations, measure theory, numerical analysis and vector analysis. These branches of mathematical analysis are applied in various fields of study. Differential equations are used in a wide range of disciplines such as engineering, physics, economics and biology. Newton's second law, the Schrodinger equation, and the Einstein field equations are also based on differential equations. This book is a detailed explanation of the various concepts, theories, and applications of mathematical analysis. It will prove to be immensely beneficial to the students and researchers associated with this area of mathematics.

  • af Ada Hastings
    1.518,95 kr.

    Mathematics encompasses topics such as numbers, quantities and their changes, formulas and related structures, and spaces and shapes in which they exist. The application of mathematical principles, methods and concepts in different fields is known as applied mathematics. Some of the various fields in which applied mathematics is prominently used are computer science, biology, physics, finance, engineering, and medicine. Wider applications have been enabled with the advent of computers, such as studying new computer technology, and studying problems occurring in areas of science along with mathematical computation. A few of the major branches of mathematics, which are used within applied mathematics are differential equations and stochastics. Analytical and numerical methods are also used for providing real world solutions to different problems. This book includes some of the vital pieces of works being conducted across the world on applied mathematics. Those with an interest in this field would find it helpful.

  • af Gwen Johnston
    1.453,95 kr.

    Tight junctions (TJ) are cell adhesion structures or junction structures that are located at the uppermost portion of the adjacent epithelial or endothelial cells in organs and tissues. TJs comprise a branched network of sealing strands, where every strand acts independently. The main function of TJs is maintaining the relative stability of intracellular substances. It functions by closing or opening the intercellular pathways and by coordinating the entry and exit of molecules of different sizes and charges. TJs are also responsible for regulating the permeability of the paracellular barrier, preventing microbial invasion, regulating cell proliferation, and maintaining cell polarity. TJ proteins connect endothelial and epithelial cells, and are also responsible for creating specific barriers and channels for paracellular transport. This book contains some path-breaking studies related to barriers and channels formed by tight junction proteins. It will serve as a valuable source of reference for graduate and postgraduate students.

  • af Harold Salazar
    1.538,95 kr.

    Crop breeding refers to the science of altering the traits of plants for human benefit. It can be classified into several types, including hybrid breeding, inbreeding, mutation breeding, backcrossing and gene editing. It can be used to grow superior crop varieties by utilizing biotechnological and genetic advancements. Crop genetics is a branch of genomics that investigates the complete DNA sequence of a crop including all of its chromosomes. The knowledge of DNA sequence helps to make decisions regarding various problems, such as determining which plant genes should be selected for enhanced variety of crops. Crop genetics facilitates breeding crops with particular traits, like biotic and abiotic tolerance, and superior quality. The ultimate goal is to forecast which plants will thrive and under what situations. This book aims to shed light on some of the unexplored aspects of crop genetics and breeding. It is appropriate for students seeking detailed information in this area of agricultural science as well as for experts.

  • af Bob Garner
    1.558,95 kr.

    The field of applied chemistry deals with the application of theories and principles of chemistry to practical problems. It also seeks to understand the basic chemical properties of materials and developing new materials with well-controlled functions. Some of the major specializations in the field of applied chemistry include analytical chemistry, materials design, environmental technology and bioscience. Analytical chemistry makes use of methods and instruments for the purpose of identifying, separating and quantifying matter. It comprises modern instrumental methods and classical wet chemical methods. Environmental technology involves the application of scientific knowledge and engineering to solve environmental problems and address sustainability. This book contains comprehensive coverage of different concepts related to the field of applied chemistry. It is an essential guide for both academicians and those who wish to pursue this discipline further. Coherent flow of topics, student-friendly language and extensive use of examples make this book an invaluable source of knowledge.

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