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Bøger udgivet af Launch Point Press

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  • af Reba Birmingham
    217,95 kr.

    Be careful what you wish for. Panda Fowler thinks her magic isn't as exciting as the talents of those around her. For example, her wife Mitzi can fly. Ekk and Elsa, her magical guardians, have the ability to make "elf holes" and use aromas to control emotions. Panda has "sensing magic," which seems very tame in comparison. Before being considered for a dangerous mission, it didn't matter. Once she and her cat were almost killed in her own kitchen, things changed. Somehow, ravens came in great numbers to chase her attackers away. Did Panda call the ravens? If she did, can she do it again? Her father-in-law, leader of all free magical creatures, pretty much orders Panda to "figure it out" and use her "raven magic" on behalf of the Hercynian Forest. Panda's not so sure she can do that, and the stakes are literally the balance of good and evil in both Merryville and the Hercynian Forest.In her own town of Merryville, the temperature is getting progressively colder and no one knows why. Forces from abroad have made this their problem to solve. It's not like she and her wife can just drop everything to solve existential threats either. Panda and Mitzi Fowler still have responsibilities in Merryville, the ordinary world. Very few know of their secret life. Panda does taxes, and Mitzi is getting more involved with the Horticultural Society to pay a debt. The local stories intertwine with their magical mission as the couple deals with a fire which threatens their friends, an active shooter situation at a memory care, and the strange frost and snow covering their town. Will Panda, Mitzi, and their eclectic band of friends find a way to successfully beat back the evil forces at play?

  • af Sandra De Helen
    112,95 kr.

    Being a migraineur, having a child who suffers even more severely, I felt every word, every phrase, EVERY poem deeply, and have a few new remedies to consider. ~Mercedes Lewis, Poet, author of Glimpses of a Fractured Soul¿¿¿This poem collection includes a range of emotions felt while experiencing migraine headaches. Pain? Yes, and sorrow, anger, hopelessness. But the poems were written to help the poet survive the pain-to have hope for a cure, an end to the suffering. Readers may relate to the pain, because haven't we all suffered? At its core, the collection shows us we are all in this together.Table of ContentsAuthor's Foreword Dedication 1. Migraine 2. Migraine Wake-Up Call 3. Surgery 4. Bad Company 5. Migraine senryu 6. Midnight Migraines 7. Migraine Againe 8. Migraine Haiku 9. Saturday Night Dance 10. Whatever it Takes 11. Monster 12. The Spiral Staircase 13. Hold Back the Dawn 14. Two-Day Headache Binge 15. Migraine Day Three 16. Another Headache Poem 17. The Lost Weekend 18. To M 19. Little Visits 20. Migraines Might Slow You Down 21. A True Story 22. The Worst Afterword About the Author Other books in Poetry for the New Millennium series

  • af Michele L. Coffman
    217,95 kr.

    Six months after Trish Webber wakes from her coma, the walled-in Rapid City has grown in both population and land. With Colonel Aralyn Williams and her militia protecting these citizens from the infected creatures who plague the planet, life appears to hold new meaning for the survivors. Nevertheless, appearances can be deceiving. Trish has fallen into her role, not only within Aralyn's militia, but with the life she and Christina Burgos have built together. Held strong with the love they have for each other, and their adopted daughter Jennifer, nothing can come between them. Or so they believe. For Christina, her family is everything, and she will do anything to keep them safe and away from danger. But for Trish, thanks to the recklessness of her parents, risking her life for the greater good isn't only her responsibility, it's her legacy.

  • af Jazzy Mitchell
    217,95 kr.

    Three women's lives interweave as they struggle to navigate life and love. And the effects of a meteorite. Patricia Steitz, a successful romance writer, is flabbergasted when Rudi Singlewood shows up at one of her book signings and initiates a summer romance. She worries that the fantasies she's harbored regarding the world-renown Broadway actress may prevent her from accepting who Rudi really is. She relates her fears to her best friend, Marcia Struthers, a successful Manhattan litigator. Knowing that Patricia has dreamed of Rudi for years, Marcia urges her to give the actress a chance by getting to know who she is behind her public persona. While working a high-profile case, Marcia must confront her resurging feelings for lead opposing counsel, Lexie Yamin, and the appearance of an unrequited love. All is not as it seems, however, as Marcia deals with unexpected physical changes and developing mental abilities after an encounter with a meteorite. Marcia's not the only one dealing with changes induced by an extraterrestrial rock, though.Kiernan Connelly, who has received intriguing letters over several months, begins to question her lifestyle. Her casual sexual relationship with Rudi and passable acting career no longer fulfill her. As Kiernan makes changes in her life, she finds herself dealing with the strange reality of being able to hear others' thoughts. Could it be related to her close encounter with a meteorite?

  • af Jazzy Mitchell
    217,95 kr.

    Six years after completing her internship, Clarke Parson, a video game graphic designer and animator, finds herself back in the orbit of Haboob Software's CEO, Fran Silvetti. Clarke contacts Fran to warn her that the game her company is developing was stolen from Clarke's computer by an ex-girlfriend after an acrimonious breakup. As Clarke is swept into a torrid affair with the fascinating woman, she covets their time together, hoping Fran may someday return the love Clarke harbors for her.

  • af Ca Farlow
    232,95 kr.

    Global terrorism, bioweapons, despots, and a deadly new virus all combine to make the world an unstable place, particularly for Samantha Michaels, an analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency, and for Cassandra Stanley, captain of a US Navy guided missile cruiser. Fears mount as weapons of mass destruction are tested by North Korea's Supreme Leader and a deadly pandemic sweeps through the world. When missiles capable of reaching the United States are tested, it's clear North Korea must be stopped. Ripped from today's news headlines, The Paris Contagion spans the globe. Can the Supreme Leader of the Democratic Republic of Korea be stopped before Armageddon is launched on the world?

  • af Jazzy Mitchell
    217,95 kr.

    Chrissy Kramer became pregnant during her senior year of high school and was abandoned by her parents, her boyfriend, and her friends. She became a loner, working hard to provide for her son. It was her and him against the world. She eventually earns a paralegal degree and works for a powerful female attorney, Reggie Esposito, a senior law partner at a leading Boston law firm. Chrissy's smitten from the beginning, but she refuses to jeopardize her job by acting on her feelings. When a disgruntled former client attempts to kill Reggie after she loses his lawsuit, Chrissy prevents him from shooting Reggie, but she's hurt in the process. While Chrissy and her son, Ben, stay in Reggie's home to recuperate, Chrissy's connection with Reggie deepens, and they embark on a romantic relationship.

  • af Jazzy Mitchell
    217,95 kr.

    Maggie Ambrose is a fifty-six-year-old career politician who plans to run for president. To kick off her presidential bid and introduce herself to the masses, she's writing a revealing memoir. Her publisher insists she divulge more than her political pedigree to gain the nation's attention, but Maggie's not eager to confess the details of her challenging childhood, complex familial relationships, or her failed first marriage. Will the nation embrace a female lesbian candidate after she opens the door to a painful past?

  • af Jazzy Mitchell
    217,95 kr.

    After working at a Manhattan clothing boutique for a little over a year, Torry Hansen requests permission to design the window displays. This is a big step for Torry since she associates fashion with her mother, who died in a tragic accident. The decorations cause quite a stir, even catching the attention of Evelyn Allbright, who decides to have her magazine, Trending, feature the shop, its designs, and the window display designer. Recognizing Torry's talents, Evelyn becomes fascinated and decides to convince Torry to leave the boutique for bigger and better things. As Evelyn's interest in Torry transforms from professional to personal, so do her actions during her quest to keep Torry in her life.

  • af Lori L. Lake
    152,95 kr.

  • af Sue Hardesty
    177,95 kr.

  • af Lori L. Lake
    197,95 kr.

  • af Lori L. Lake
    197,95 kr.

  • af Lori L. Lake
    192,95 kr.

  • af Michele L. Coffman
    212,95 kr.

    Mid-level TV news reporter Elaina Williams dreams of one day sitting behind the anchor desk as a respectable newscaster. Luck turns her way when her ex-girlfriend, Kim, a conspiracy-seeking journalist, tells Elaina the "story of a lifetime." Little does Elaina know how dangerous that story will be. Samantha "Sam" Kelly served eight years as a Special Forces Communications Sergeant with three deployments into bloody, chaotic combat zones and does her best to forget the horrors. The sudden death of her parents sends Sam home to care for her teenage sister, Rachel. Sam joins the local police force and settles into an ordinary life that doesn't last long. Events rock America's foundation, and its citizens are sent into a tumultuous downward spiral. Could this be the end of America as we know it? Will there be enough of America left to stand and fight? For Sam and Elaina nothing is certain--¿except they both find themselves in way over their heads.

  • af Lori L Lake
    192,95 kr.

  • af Judy M Kerr
    197,95 kr.

    Postal Inspector MC McCall is griefstruck after her partner's murder. She sneaks around investigating fruitlessly while drinking too much and shutting out all offers of help. Will a new case revitalize her? Or will she spiral into darkness?

  • - Life in Five Acts
    af Sandra De Helen
    127,95 kr.

    "[A] poetic tour-de-force. . . De Helen''s poems refuse to obey the rules or use their inside voices. By turns pointed, acerbic, poignant, angry, and pensive, the author''s poetic voice is always strong and palpable... Sandra de Helen and her poetry are a force to be reckoned with." ~Sandra Anfang, nationally acclaimed poet, teacher, and visual artist In The World''s a Stage: Life in Five Acts, fourth collection in the Poetry for the New Millennium Series, Sandra de Helen offers engaging and hard-hitting poems spanning the length of a life from babyhood to old age. The poems leave a profound impact and will take readers on an unexpected rollercoaster into the ups and downs of many decades of life.

  • - Book One in The Alpha Evolution Series
    af Michele L Coffman
    192,95 kr.

    New security recruit Trish Webber was born and raised in an underground bunker controlled by what was left of the U.S. government following a mysterious global disaster. After witnessing her mother''s murder at age four, she is isolated from others by her uncaring father. Trish''s main support comes from her mother''s best friend and head of bunker security, Lieutenant Colonel Aralyn Williams. Trish is a principled but reticent loner only recently coming out of her shell.Eighteen-year-old Christina Burgos was raised in a walled-in community full of suffering. Hot-headed and courageous, Christina is opinionated and has many friends. The worldwide devastation came and went, but what remained were murderous creatures roaming the planet intent on killing and infecting any survivors. Despite danger, Trish is ready to leave the bunker and Christina leaves her walled-in city only to have a chance encounter that changes both their lives.Where did the infected monsters come from and will they overpower the last remnants of humanity? Will they learn the truth of what really happened nearly two decades earlier? And will Christina and Trish have a chance to develop their undeniable attraction when their physical survival is at such high risk?Don''t miss this post-apocalyptic tale of loyalty and survival in the midst of world-wide disaster!

  • - Book 3 in The Hercynian Forest Series
    af Reba Birmingham
    192,95 kr.

  • - Book Three in the Nexus Series
    af Ca Farlow & C a Farlow
    197,95 kr.

    In the third book of The Nexus Series, Lauren and Alex's return from Earth is interrupted by the exiled traitor Gwenhywfach, Chief of Clan Cador. The traitor grabs Alex out of the quantum tubula that connects the two worlds. She spirits Alex away on her clan's interstellar ship into an unknown galaxy. All of Terra is devastated by Alex's kidnapping. Lauren and Alex's soulmate bond is stretched to the limit as the distance separating them grows. Lauren is frantic to get Alex back before the bond is broken. But first, Lauren must fight the Terran Council for her right to rule in Alex's stead. Will she be able to vanquish her foes? Will Lauren manage to find hidden Terran technologies and discover new ones? Alex's life and the bond between them depends upon it!

  • - Book Two in the Nexus Series
    af Ca Farlow & C a Farlow
    197,95 kr.

  • - Short Stories
    af Lori L Lake
    152,95 kr.

  • - Book One in the Nexus Series
    af Ca Farlow & C a Farlow
    177,95 kr.

  • af Sandra De Helen
    112,95 kr.

    "Can I change hearts and minds? I''m trying."~From "Day 82: Can I Change?"Sandra de Helen''s newest poetry collection is all about changing hearts and minds. This collection of poems, gleaned from many decades of keen observation, show the poet to be insightful and clear-headed yet displaying a sly wit at times. Her musings on justice, politics, women in society, war and peace, racism, the 2020 pandemic, and more will be enjoyed by anyone with a heart."This is the day I go for it. Full out, fullstop, no holding back. Plan A all theway. I''m straightening my shoulders,pulling in my chin, leading with myattitude . . ." ~From "Today''s The Day"The poems here go all out with attitude and with skillful creation by a poet at the top of her game. As the Rainbow Awards judges said:"The author wrote with lyrical, beautiful sentences that painted pictures in my mind. Her choices in style and presentation were fabulous."

  • - Light Verse
    af Sandra De Helen
    127,95 kr.

  • - A Romance
    af Jane Cuthbertson
    192,95 kr.

  • - Book 1 in the Loni Wagner Crime Fiction Series
    af Sue Hardesty
    192,95 kr.

  • - Open the Door to Let Your Muses In
    af Sue Hardesty
    142,95 kr.

    Every writer would like to have a Muse—or many Muses. All writers want inspiration, encouragement, and ideas because there are few experiences better than getting into the  writing flow. Sue Hardesty reveals the Muses that inspire her. In sharing her practical  and sincere advice, writers will be encouraged to persevere through both the difficult and the joyous days of the writing process. Nine Muses is a book you can return to over and over to soothe your writing soul.

  • - Book One in the Hercynian Forest Series
    af Reba Birmingham
    177,95 kr.

    Panda Fowler is a good-natured tax preparer who loves her wife Mitzi, their cat Brutus, their friends, and her routine. She's a born skeptic who's practical and down to earth. Mitzi Fowler is a free-spirited travel agent who keeps Panda from being a total stick in the mud. She believes in fun and fantasy and isn't shy about her love of adventure or her belief in the possibility of magic and supernatural beings. One of their best friends, curator of the Merryville Museum, brings internationally-acclaimed Fiona Castlebaum to unleash a performance piece called Floodlight. But when Fiona goes off script, Mitzi and Panda have their lives turned upside down. And then a creature from the Hercynian Forest arrives with a cryptic message for Panda. Worst of all, Mitzi goes missing. Will Panda have the courage to face a frightening world that she never believed in so she can find and retrieve her mate? Will Mitzi survive the ordeals she encounters? The suspense gradually increases, but so does the humor as Panda and friends challenge the magical world, battle powerful villains, and struggle to get Mitzi back. "I love me some wacky plots and characters, and between the thrills and chills in Floodlight, this book has a lot of humorous stuff in it. Besides, there are elves and griffins and dwarves-oh, my!-who could ask for anything more? If you like the funny urban fantasies of Charlaine Harris or Jim Butcher's Dresden Files, you'll likely enjoy Birmingham's new series."~Jessie Chandler, award-winning author of The Shay O'Hanlon Caper Series

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