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Bøger udgivet af Leuven University Press

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  • - Encountering Fetishism with Marx, Freud and Lacan
    af Christopher M Gemerchak
    622,95 kr.

    The concept of fetishism has long been a window through which philosophers, psychoanalysts and cultural anthropologists have looked in order to critically examine the nature of beliefs, sexual interests and material values, and it remains today a vital interpretive paradigm. The enduring interest in fetishism gives testimony to the fact that its status and significance have yet to be fully resolved. In the attempt to further clarify this ambiguous and often mystifying phenomenon, the contributors to Everyday Extraordinary: Encountering Fetishism with Marx, Freud and Lacan have taken a fresh look at the fundamental dynamic of fetishism through the lenses of its most influential interpreters?not only Marx, Freud and Lacan, but also Derrida, Mannoni and Pietz.In this collection of essays, the philosophical approach joins forces with the psychoanalytic, and the psychoanalytic with the aesthetic and mythological, often with striking results. Emerging from the essays contained in this volume is a notion of fetishism as a response to a crisis of meaning: personal, social or religious. The fetish mediates the crisis that arises when a system of meaning and identity is confronted with something that threatens it with dissolution, whether this threat arises from an excessive and traumatic figure of alterity, or from the loss of the ground on which ones certainty had been staked. And the stakes of this confrontation are indeed high, as the fetish is here seen as an object having a profound influence on the life of desire, now leading to a symbolic blossoming of the mundane, now into perverse repetition and the refusal of change.

  • - Papers Presented at the Fourth International Symposium the Mesolithic in Europe, Leuven 1990
    af Pierre M Vermeersch
    1.322,95 kr.

  • - 7th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Cris)
    af Geert Van Grootel
    472,95 kr.

  • af Lieven Verschaffel
    512,95 kr.

    Over the past years a substantial amount of research has been undertaken relating to the development of powerful learning environments for the acquisition in students of worthwhile educational objectives focussing on conceptual understanding, higher-order cognitive and metacognitive skills, and self-regulated learning. This research has been mainly undertaken from three distinct, but related perspectives in the study of learning and instruction, namely instructional psychology, instructional technology, and instructional design. Against this background a "research community" involving 14 European research teams has recently been initiated with the aim of interactively contributing to the advancement of theory and methodology relating to the design, implementation, and evaluation of powerful learning environments.This volume, based on the plenary lectures and working sessions during the community's third workshop, constitutes a collective output of this research community, focussing on the identification and analysis of major components and dimensions of powerful learning environments aimed at the promotion of deep conceptual and strategic learning in major domains of school curricula, like mathematics, physics, history, and social sciences.In Part I of the volume three chapters present general perspectives on the central theme of the third workshop. In Part II six studies are reported wherein novel learning environments for elementary and secondary mathematics education have been designed, implemented and evaluated. In Part III of the volume another set of five investigations is presented relating to the design, implementation and evaluation of powerful learning environments in other subject-matter domains (physics, history, social sciences) and in teacher training.

  • af Steven Van Hecke
    512,95 kr.

    The period since the end of the Cold War has been characterised by an acceleration in the European integration process, a changing pattern of political ideologies and the emergence of new political parties and issues. This book assesses the impact of these phenomena on Christian Democratic parties in the current and future member states of the European Union and highlights some of the particularities and universalities of European Christian Democracy from a comparative and transnational perspective. Political scientists and historians from various universities examine the way in which Christian Democratic parties have responded to these challenges (for instance by a rapprochement with non-Christian Democrats) and explain how those responses have resulted in failure in some cases and success in others.

  • - Introduction--Catalogue A-P
    af R Macken
    1.057,95 - 1.147,95 kr.

    Volume II of the Bibliotheca Manuscripta Henrici de Gandavo.

  • - Insights from an International Study on Experiential Education
    af Ferre Laevers
    352,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to explore in depth how the process-oriented approach can improve the quality of education and teaching in a wide variety of contexts, that is: (1) in several European countries with different traditions and cultures, (2) in settings going from early childhood education up to the field of the professional development of teachers and (3) in institutions with differing profiles, ranging from research centres to teacher training institutes.

  • - Collected Essays
    af Luc Anckaert
    727,95 kr.

    The volume falls into three sections, each of which shows a distinctive interest in the Rosenzweig research. The Biographical Legacy presents the outcome of the beginning study of the Gritli-Letters. Undoubtedly, the main event of the last years for the Rosenzweig research was the publication of this monumental volume. Inken Rühle and Reinhold Mayer supplied the text edition of over 1000 letters written by Rosenzweig to his intellectual friend Margrit Rosenstock-Huessy. The intensive reading of the letters is indispensable both for the study of Rosenzweig's biography and for the interpretation of the Star.The Philosophical Legacy is structured around three foci. First of all, there is an analysis of the way Rosenzweig broke up idealistic thought and of his relation with existentialism. The small circle of 'con-genial' thinkers around Rosenzweig - where Hans Ehrenberg played a prominent role - tried to develop a 'New Thinking' by letting implode idealism from within, without falling into some existentialist solipsism for that matter. The second focus puts Levinas's relation with Rosenzweig at the center. One can read a confrontation with the ethical thinking of Emmanuel Levinas and the political thought of Leo Strauss and an enquiry into the textual relation between Rosenzweig and Levinas. At the center of the third focus is the concept of "Er-innerung" (memory). The duty to remember is also the duty not to forget. This concept breaks open an intellectual room for any thinking of time, history, philosophy of religion, mythology and politics, interiority and exteriority.The Theological Legacy mainly focuses on the relation between Judaism and Christianity and on the meaning of the term of 'religion'. The language of love seems to be the common ground of both religions. Faith's experience of love can therefore constitute the common platform, which precedes the doctrinal points of difference and historical misunderstandings. In the discussion, two elements come to the fore time and again: the materiality of being which is textual and the fact that the secret of textuality is the imperative to translate the Name, a command constituting impossible fulfillment for the autonomous human mind. If one takes into account the materiality of the labor of translation, the seamless connection of the common ground between Judaism and Christianity appears to be at least problematic.The publication of the Collected Essays presents a two-fold interest. First of all, it is a representative survey of the contemporary Rosenzweig research. It gathers the state of affairs of the main spearheads of the research and it highlights the incentives for the programs to come. Secondly, the reflection within this enquiry shows the contours of thinking in evolution. Could a thorough reflection on the challenge of Rosenzweig's legacy not mark the onset for a new reflection in a new era?

  • - Confronting Economic Change in Japan
    af Ineke Maas
    842,95 kr.

    This book addresses a long-standing problem faced by researchers using occupational information from historical sources in different countries: how to make effective comparisons between nations and across regional boundaries. Occupational data are routinely employed by historians and other social scientists to investigate past patterns and processes of economic and social life. Occupations are in many senses the best, and in some cases the only, available indicators of human capital, industrial development and social structure among national historical populations. Yet some of the most interesting and important questions in fields informed by the history of work, such as mobility research, demography, or the study of labour markets, are comparative ones. Is there, for example, a shared underlying dynamic to modern societies, which makes them more open and wealthier than their predecessors? Up to now, such questions have been difficult to address on the basis of historical evidence because of the variations in meaning within occupational terminology across both time and space. HISCO offers a solution to this problem, providing a common, cross-national, language-sensitive, coding scheme that can accommodate historical occupational titles of the kind found in documents ranging from state censuses to parish records. The HISCO scheme is based on the International Labour Organisation's ISCO68 classification, thereby also facilitating comparison between historical and contemporary datasets. The ISCO68 scheme was adapted and transformed into HISCO by a team of native-speaking, national specialists in work history using large-scale databases from Belgium, Britain, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden, which together span the period 1690-1970. In addition to an occupational classification system that organises job titles according to tasks performed, HISCO includes three subsidiary classifications, allowing researchers to take account of any additional information recorded about an individual's status, relationship to the labour market, or the products he or she made and traded. The HISCO book includes a language-based, alphabetical coding index, which shows the - sometime multiple - options available to researchers seeking to place a particular title or description. One particular advantage of this book, designed to assist users who prefer not to begin the coding process with the index, is that all examples of titles from the datasets used to create the scheme are also included under the headings and definitions of the HISCO groups. The classification scheme itself is preceded by chapter which explains the principles underpinning HISCO and outlines the provenance, character and historical background of the international occupational data used to create it.

  • - Breaking the Myth Through Interdisciplinarity
    af Simon Jusseret
    1.307,95 kr.

    Does the "Minoan myth" still stand up to scientific scrutiny? Since the work of Sir Arthur Evans at Knossos (Crete, Greece), the romanticized vision of the Cretan Bronze Age as an era of peaceful prosperity only interrupted by the catastrophic effects of natural disasters has captured the popular and scientific imagination. Its impact on the development of archaeology, archaeoseismology, and earthquake geology in the eastern Mediterranean is considerable. Yet, in spite of more than a century of archaeological explorations on the island of Crete, researchers still do not have a clear understanding of the effects of earthquakes on Minoan society. This volume, gathering the contributions of Minoan archaeologists, geologists, seismologists, palaeoseismologists, geophysicists, architects, and engineers, provides an up-to-date interdisciplinary appraisal of the role of earthquakes in Minoan society and in Minoan archaeology-what we know, what are the remaining issues, and where we need to go.Contributors: Tim Cunningham (Universite catholique de Louvain), Jan Driessen (Universite catholique de Louvain), Charalampos Fassoulas (Natural History Museum of Crete, University of Crete), Christoph Grutzner (RWTH Aachen University, University of Cambridge), Susan E. Hough (U.S. Geological Survey), Simon Jusseret (The University of Texas at Austin, Universite catholique de Louvain), Colin F. Macdonald (The British School at Athens), Jack Mason (RWTH Aachen University), James P. McCalpin (GEO-HAZ Consulting Inc.), Floyd W. McCoy (University of Hawaii - Windward), Clairy Palyvou (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), Gerassimos A. Papadopoulos (National Observatory of Athens), Klaus Reicherter (RWTH Aachen University), Manuel Sintubin (KU Leuven), Jeffrey S. Soles (University of North Carolina - Greensboro), Rhonda Suka (Research Corporation of the University of Hawaii), Eleftheria Tsakanika (National Technical University of Athens), Thomas Wiatr (RWTH Aachen University, German Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy)

  • af Jos Berghman
    367,95 kr.

    This book contributes to the growing amount of literature that is concerned with the relationship between globalisation and social security. The aim of this work is, first, to clarify the impact of the globalisation process on social security systems and, second, to formulate substantive and technical proposals for the adaptation of existing social security schemes to an altered socio-economic context and for the elaboration of international legal instruments aimed at an effective substantive and procedural protection of social security as a fundamental right.The report is divided into three parts. The first part is concerned with the social impact of globalisation and its consequences for social security systems in the high-income economies. The first article of this section considers the nature of globalisation as well as its social impact. It spells out some fundamental challenges facing social security systems. The following article elaborates further on one specific challenge, that is: the need for social security to adapt to the increased territorial mobility of workers.The second part looks at the effects of globalisation on social security in relation to middle- and low-income countries and examines the extent to which existing arrangements in these countries are able to provide adequate income protection to me majority of the population. For the group of middle-income countries, the relevance of globalisation for the privatisation of pension systems is analysed as well as the consequences with respect to their main social functions, i.e. the provision of old-age income security and income redistribution. This is done so through a comparative analysis of Latin American countries that have implemented pension policy reform. The following two articles consider the experience of social security systems in low-income countries. In the first article the impact and challenges of globalisation for existing formal and informal social security arrangements in low-income countries are explored and options are suggested for alternative approaches to social security provision that are better suited to the circumstances of low-income countries. The arguments have been illustrated with evidence from Cote d'Ivoire, a country with a socio-economic situation and social security framework that is typical for the majority of low-income countries. The second article discusses in greater depth the link between informal economic and social security in Sub-Saharan Africa.Finally, the third part calls for a global approach to social security. To this end, the first article in this section outlines a possible strategy for a generalised social protection at the global level based on the human damage theory while the last chapter of this work is concerned with the international legal instruments most appropriate for a better substantive and procedural protection of social security as a basic human right.

  • - Quaestiones 1-30
    af J Decorte
    1.147,95 kr.

  • af R Macken
    600,95 kr.

  • - Categories to Constantinople--Proceedings of the International Symposium on Peirce, Leuven 1997
    af Jaap van Brakel
    322,95 kr.

    This book contains the contributions to an international symposium on Charles Sanders Peirce (1839-1914). Notwithstanding that much of Peirce's philosophical writings still are to be published, his contributions to contemporary philosophy can be felt in almost every field.The symposium was held at the Institute of Philosophy of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven in May 1997. Its express aim was to examine Peirce's thought in terms of both its historical integrity and in the application of his thought to current problems. The contributions to this book present a comprehensive portrayal of the metaphysical and epistemologiecal strands in the thought of this multi-faceted thinker.

  • - Beyond the Hanseatic League--8th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems, Bergen, May 11-13, 2006
    af A Gams Steine Asserson
    547,95 kr.

    The EuroCRIS Conference of May 2006 in Bergen, Norway, marked the 15th anniversary of the EuroCRIS organization. The contributions to this conference, collected in this proceedings book, illustrate the tremendous evolution, driven by the revolutionary ICT-developments of the 90's, which has taken place in these 15 years concerning research information in general and research information systems (CRIS) in particular.Whereas at the start of EuroCRIS in 1991 the few at the time existing current research information systems still were a matter of rather static terminal-mainframe configurations, aimed at and mainly used by local research administrators for administrative report purposes, today these systems, now in place in almost every European country, have evolved into interactive multifunctional and multi-user applications, internationally accessible and of an ever growing significance and importance for researchers and the research community as such.

  • af R Macken
    1.672,95 kr.

    Along with the Quodlibeta, the Summa is the most important work of Henry of Ghent, the famous philosopher and theologian of the University of Paris at the end of the 13th century. Fully justified is the praise expressed by Henry of Hereford (+1370) when he speaks of the "profunditas mirabilis" of this work. Just as the 15 Quodlibeta are a more extensive working out of Henry's quodlibetical disputations at the University of Paris, so too is the Summa a more detailed publication of his ordinary lessons in the faculty of theology, which the author himself preferred to call Quaestiones Ordinariae. This new critical edition of the Summa comprises articles 31-34. This new edition is preceded by a general introduction by professor L. Hödl, presenting the theological and philosophical ideas of Henry of Ghent, which are expressed in a systematic manner in his Summa.

  • af R De Keyser
    367,95 kr.

    The digital revolution of the last decades of the 20th century had a vast impact on scientific, and other libraries worldwide. Modern technology has made the access to information so much easier and faster, and the Internet sometimes gives its users the false impression that all information can be obtained without any human intervention. If this were true, libraries would be reduced from intellectual laboratories to museums, where visitors only come to look at those strange paper format precursors of the digital information carriers. Even if such an extreme futuristic view cannot be completely excluded, it is still very far away.In the meantime, libraries and librarians continue to play an important role, especially in the digital environment where the traditional skills of librarians have found a new importance and new applications. Their devotion to the preservation of historically significant documents may counterbalance the tendency of the Internet to become a dull collection of knowledge facts and to forget the logical processes through which this knowledge was obtained. The long-established experience of librarians as organizers of information and as facilitators of the access to this organised knowledge collection has already proven to be of immeasurable value for the use of all kinds of digital information sources.

  • - Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000
    af M Dunne
    1.132,95 kr.

    779,95 kr.

    Hungarian urban culture in the 20th and the 21st centuries.

    623,95 kr.

    The philosophy of Ubuntu in dialogue with Western normative ideas.

  • af Dirk Lauwaert
    494,95 kr.

    First introduction to English-reading audiences of the seminal writings of a key Belgian writer and critic.

  • af Fabio Bolzonar
    524,95 kr.

    Changing influence of Catholicism in secular France.

    439,95 kr.

    The first multidisciplinary analysis of one of the most impactful and popular contemporary artworks of recent years.

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