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  • - Glimpses of God's Global Work Through People Like You
    af Dr Erick Schenkel
    167,95 kr.

    This book will help you activate your God-given gifts in the greatest adventure this side of eternity.Dr. Bruce WilkinsonNew York Times best-selling author and speakerErick's influence has been a crucial foundation for everything I have done in my life and ministry. We may not all be called to a full-time foreign ministry, but we are ALL called to a full-time life of sharing the Good News wherever we are.Shaunti FeldhahnBest-selling author of For Women Only and For Men Only Quietly, unreported and uncelebrated, the kingdom of God is exploding around the world. Erick Schenkel's book Is bursting with reports of miraculous, life­changing encounters with God.Erick expertly weaves his own life journey from a small Kentucky town to the highest halls of learning at Harvard, after which he gained a vision to reach the entire world. He recounts the relevance and power of living a life fully committed to God in a way that challenges and inspires readers to join in the adventure of taking God's love and freedom to Everyone, Everywhere.About the AuthorDr. Erick Schenkel has served as Executive Director of Jesus Film Project since 2012. Prior to this he and his wife Elizabeth and four of their five children lived in Central Asia, working in economic development and education, while also leading a church planting movement. Erick holds two MAs and a PhD from Harvard in the Study of Religion.

  • - Lessons from Our Lord's Miracles and Parables
    af Charles H. Spurgeon
    187,95 kr.

  • - God's Plan for Missions According to Paul
    af Roland Allen
    187,95 kr.

  • - Be Somebody
    af Sheila M Luck
    167,95 kr.

    "Somebody should do something about that!" We hear it and say it frequently. Maybe we have felt that the "somebody" needed to be somebody else because we were not capable, we didn't have the financial or influential means, or that we just didn't have the time; but maybe God wanted us to be that "somebody." Maybe He wants you to be "somebody" today. With God, we can be "somebody." When we work with Him according to His plan, He will provide the abilities and the means. Discover the possibilities. Be somebody! I will do what I can, where I am, with "I AM." About the AuthorSheila Luck has worked as an engineer, attorney and mediator. Her goal is to help others pursue their God-given potential through her books, blogs, and speaking events. Always using a biblical and personal approach, Sheila has provided inspiration, motivation and direction to women, young adults and students for over 10 years. Her uplifting, motivational, yet heartfelt messages help others become the "somebody" that God intended them to be, giving them the courage to act.

  • - Daily Devotions For One Year
    af Rick Coram
    207,95 kr.

    How do you begin your morning? The way you begin your day has a significant impact on how the rest of your day goes. That is one reason why it is of utmost importance for a child of God to begin their day with God. In Psalm 5:3, David declared, My voice shall you hear in the morning, Oh Lord. David understood the importance of meeting the Lord in the morning. In Psalm 63:1, he said, Oh God, early will I seek you.We are living in a volatile and vicious generation. Our enemy is attacking on every front. No Christian should ever consider leaving home until they have spent ample time with the Lord and armed themselves for spiritual battle. This daily devotional has been written to be a help for believers who want to spend time with their Father. Wake up each day and say "Good Morning God!"

  • af Dan Wickwire
    167,95 kr.

    Muslims all over the world are ignoring the message of the New Testament because their teachers say its text has been corrupted. Yet very few of them have checked to see whether what their teachers say is true. - David Byle, chairman of the Bible Correspondence Course in Turkey ( What does it take to persuade an entire Islamic nation to recall and rewrite their religious education materials in order to no longer teach that the Bible has been changed? Only one thing: the Qur'an itself. The Qur'an clearly states that the Bible has not been changed and, even more shockingly, says that anyone who teaches that the Bible has been changed is in fact doomed to hell. This book, Has the Bible Been Changed?, was the reason that in 1996 the Department of Religious Affairs in Turkey recalled their existing teaching materials. As you explore these pages, you will see exactly what the Qur'an says that is so powerful that even Islamic leaders are caused to reverse course. But this book is not persuasive with many words. Rather, it shows the reader Scripture verses and other pertinent facts that will help lead one to the ultimate Truth, that there is indeed only one God, and the way to Him is through His Son, Jesus Christ. It behooves you to read this book to know that you can put your faith and confidence in the entire Bible, that it is indeed the unchangeable, inerrant Word of God.

  • - Freed from the Streets
    af Darla Calhoun & Donna Sundblad
    187,95 kr.

  • af Timothy H Anderson
    157,95 kr.

    Put on your seat belts! Get ready for adventures in faith that will thrill your heart and convince your mind that God is REAL. As you read these stories, you will be challenged to leave a life of apathy and pursue victory and boldness in the name of Jesus Christ. You will gain a heightened sense of His nearness and understand that He desires to be directly and intimately involved in your life. Within these pages, you will clearly see that when you need Him most, He WILL be there.Experience God's amazing rescue from the deadly rip tides of Costa Rica. Watch the authority of His Word repeatedly defeat Satan's power. And witness His divine intervention in circumstances that can only be explained by the working of His faithful hand. In these real-life accounts that took place in the mountains, prisons, and jungles of Ecuador, you will see God's provision for those who faithfully serve Him.Endorsement"Tim Anderson is the Indiana Jones of missions in Amazonia. He's an Ivy League decathlete in the jungle, on a mission from God; fearless in his intrepid endeavors, creative in finding solutions, as bold as a lion, as godly as a martyr. His stories are stranger than fiction and certifiably true. Read them, catch his passion and discover the faith that has driven him to such a passionate life."Joseph Castleberry Ed.D.President of Northwest UniversityFormer AGWM Missionary to Ecuador and El Salvador

  • - A Proven Strategy for Discovering and Recognizing Truth
    af Victor Costa
    132,95 kr.

  • - An Earnest Conversation with Those Who Long for Salvation and Eternal Life
    af Charles H Spurgeon
    167,95 kr.

  • af Andrew (The London School of Economics and Political Science University of London UK) Murray
    187,95 kr.

  • af Filomena Acuna Romero
    182,95 kr.

    Jose Feliz's mother lost her breast milk when he was still a small baby. With no money to take him to the doctor or buy powdered milk, she did the best she could to keep him alive by feeding him yuca water and other foods from the jungle. He survived, but just barely.Although timid and fearful, Filomena, his oldest sister, grabbed the opportunity to go far away into the more civilized area of Colombia to earn money to help her baby brother. Circumstances intervened, and she ended up the USA'. What will happen to her family left in the far-away jungle? Will Jose Feliz ever be able to walk?

  • af Andrew (The London School of Economics and Political Science University of London UK) Murray
    167,95 kr.

  • - Updated Edition
    af D L Moody
    157,95 kr.

    Are you an overcomer? Or, are you plagued by little sins that easily beset you? Even worse, are you failing in your Christian walk, but refuse to admit and address it? No Christian can afford to dismiss the call to be an overcomer. The earthly cost is minor; the eternal reward is beyond measure.Dwight L. Moody is a master at unearthing what ails us. He uses stories and humor to bring to light the essential principles of successful Christian living. Each aspect of overcoming is looked at from a practical and understandable angle. The solution Moody presents for our problems is not religion, rules, or other outward corrections. Instead, he takes us to the heart of the matter and prescribes biblical, God-given remedies for every Christian's life. Get ready to embrace genuine victory for today, and joy for eternity.Inward topics include: Temper Appetite Envy Pride The FleshExternal topics include: The World Business Persecution Our ChildrenAbout the AuthorDwight L. Moody, determined to make a fortune, arrived in Chicago and started selling shoes. But Christ found him and his energies were redirected into full-time ministry. And what a ministry it was. Today, Moody's name still graces a church, a mission, a college, and more. Moody loved God and men, and the power of a love like that impacts generations.

  • af Andrew (The London School of Economics and Political Science University of London UK) Murray
    157,95 kr.

  • af Foltz
    177,95 kr.

    You have a desire to share the gospel, but if you and your church don't have scriptural vision and practical application, little will happen. In Harvest Connection, Dr. Howard Foltz shares thought-provoking insights gleaned from more than fifty years in missions leadership. You will learn how to motivate and equip yourself and your church to take part in God's great final harvest.Harvest Connection dives into the following mission essentials:¿ Foundation. The Great Commission defined for today.¿ Motivation. The urgency that must be felt by genuine believers.¿ Leadership. How to spread the vision to your church.¿ Targeting. Why local and overseas ministries must be targeted to be effective.¿ Sending. The nuts and bolts of successful missionary sending.¿ Financing. Sufficient financing without letting it be a distraction.¿ Prayer. The only way to begin and support a ministry initiative.

  • af Albert Richardson
    167,95 kr.

    Why are many Christians often defeated? Because they pray so little. Why do most Christians see so few brought out of darkness to light by their ministry? Because they pray so little. Why are our churches simply not on fire for God? Because there is so little real prayer. We may be assured of this: The secret of all failure is our failure in secret prayer. This book explores, in depth: ¿ God's wonder at our lack of prayer ¿ God's incredible promises concerning those who do pray ¿ God's condition for providing signs ¿ God's desire for earnest prayer ¿ God's perspective on hindrances to prayer The Lord Jesus is as powerful today as ever before. The Lord Jesus is as anxious for men to be saved as ever before. His arm is not shortened that it cannot save, but He does not stretch forth His arm unless we pray more - and more genuinely. Prayer, real prayer, is the noblest, the sublimest, and the most stupendous act that any creature of God can perform. Lord, teach us how to pray.

  • - A Thorough Study on the Subject of Prayer
    af Moody Dwight L. Moody
    177,95 kr.

    This book is a comprehensive study on the subject of prayer, and Dwight Moody uses illustrations and stories to validate what he is saying and to help make the truths in this book stick.

  • - It's All About Jesus!
    af Sue M Barksdale
    137,95 kr.

    Since Christmas is such a captivating time of year, it's the perfect setting for telling children about the miracle of the Lord Jesus Christ's birth. Using selected passages from the first chapters of the gospels of Matthew and Luke, Christmas Time - It's All About Jesus tells the story of Jesus' birth in a delightfully poetic and child-like way. The sensational illustrations create an unforgettable image, so a child can always remember the true meaning of Christmas.As an added bonus, Pastor Russ and Sue have developed devotionals to be used by families to enrich their Christmas celebrations. These are complete with attributes and names of Jesus, questions for discussion, and activities to do as a family to share Christ with those around them. Coupled together, this story and devotionals will enhance your celebration of Christmas during the season and all year long!About the AuthorSue Murray Barksdale has been a pastor's wife, mom, and educator for over 30 years. She and her husband Russ live in Arlington, Texas, where Russ pastors the multi-site The Church on Rush Creek, a multi-site church. Sue has a BS in Elementary Education from The University of Houston and enjoys teaching at a public charter school in their neighborhood.Russ and Sue consider their relationship with their grown children and spouses and their six beautiful grandchildren as one of the greatest blessings in life! Their desire to leave a legacy of Christ-centered lives motivated them to write this book for their own family and all the children in their sphere of influence. This is Sue's second book, her first being G.I.F.T.S.: A Prayer Book for Kids and Those Who Love Them.

  • af Marti Pieper & Avis Goodhart
    147,95 kr.

    "No desperdicies tu dolor", dice Avis Goodhart, autora del libro: 'Sacada del Polvo: Alguien poco probable para ser misionera'. Ella no lo desperdició - y tú tampoco deberías hacerlo. A pesar de un trasfondo de abuso infantil, dislexia e infidelidad matrimonial, Avis realizó su primer viaje internacional de misiones a la edad de cincuenta años. La Iglesia, la Escuela y el Orfanato que ella fundó en el norte del Perú, fue el resultado tanto de su dolor como de su obediencia radical al Señor, sacando del polvo a miles de personas. Esta convincente historia es de una mujer común y corriente, quien sirve a Dios de una manera extraordinaria. Ella te desafiará, te inspirará y te empoderará para que: ¿ Elimines las excusas en tu vida. ¿ Reconozcas que en el Reino de Dios, la disponibilidad importa más que la habilidad. ¿ Permitas que tu dolor te conduzca a la obediencia. ¿ Sirvas al Señor con la misma pasión mostrada por una misionera poco probable. Nota: Los ingresos que se obtengan por la venta de este libro serán enviados al Orfanato de la autora en el Perú. Avis Goodhart, es la fundadora de 'Go Ye Ministries', misionera, maestra de la Biblia y conferencista quien ha bendecido a muchas personas en las audiencias a través de Norte, Sur y Centro América. Tiene un BS.Ed y una Maestría en Educación de la Universidad de Arkansas. Dentro de sus principales capacidades se incluye el dolor y los obstáculos que se ha encontrado en el camino. Esto le ha proporcionado tanto la visión como la pasión para hacer su trabajo llevando vida a innumerables huérfanos, voluntarios y otras personas sacándolas del polvo. Avis es viuda y tiene cinco hijos y veintidós nietos. Marti Pieper, por medio de sus oraciones fue motivada para ayudar a Brent y a Deanna Higgins para contar la historia de su hijo en un libro titulado: "Yo Moriría por Ti", que se convirtió en Bestseller entre los jóvenes adultos. Marti, quien tiene un BS.Ed., de la Universidad Estatal de Ohio y una Maestría en Divinidades del Seminario Teológico Bautista del Suroeste, ha escrito múltiples libros y frecuentemente enseña en conferencias para escritores.

  • af Sheila M Luck
    157,95 kr.

    "A ministry must - [My Secret Loss is] personal, biblical, insightful, purposeful, helpful, truthful, useful and full of grace and truth for those struggling with such a loss." - Laurie McIntyre, Pastor of Creative Arts, Elmbrook Church, Brookfield, WI "Sheila has opened the pages of her heart to all women who need to know their story is able to be shared. In writing this workbook, she has provided an opportunity for hurting women to find the source of all comfort, our Lord, Jesus Christ. May the participants experience the freedom of knowing reconciliation is possible and be aware of God's healing blessings." - Jeannie Hannemann, M.A. Founder and Executive Director of Elizabeth Ministry International. We were told it would be easy. We thought it was the best choice; but now we suffer with the consequences, the regular reminders, a sense of guilt, and a sense of shame. Through abortion, we now face the death of our babies, death by choice. We try to hide our choice and we try to escape the emotional pain. We seek forgiveness, acceptance, and consolation; yet, we find no solace. Our fears drive us into a life of secrecy, hiding our loss. We suffer a secret loss. My Secret Loss will: ¿ Enable the reader to accept the truth about abortion ¿ Provide permission and encouragement to grieve the loss of your baby ¿ Validate your emotional and psychological harm that has been caused by abortion ¿ Discover the path to peace, healing that is only possible through the saving grace of Jesus About the Author Also post-abortive, Sheila M. Luck is the author of five books. She is a Christian event speaker who is often invited to share her story of choosing abortion at age 17, struggling through the aftermath of her choice, and accepting forgiveness and finding peace as only such can be found through Jesus Christ. Sheila has been married to her husband Wayne for over 30 years and together they have two adult daughters. She also works as an attorney, promoting positive change by helping others resolve their differences through facilitated conversations. Please see for more information and like her on Facebook:

  • af Morris
    157,95 kr.

    The Christian desire to honor God and be faithful to him is the most important reason for learning and practicing what is ethical. We should understand that nothing could be wiser, more appropriate, and more secure than God's way of thinking. For this reason, living an ethical lifestyle will not be done out of an attitude of sacrifice, but out of a feeling of appreciation and desire for God's will. Ethical addresses topics such as: ¿ Knowing When to Obey or Counter Authority ¿ Ethical Care of Things Owned by Others ¿ Ethical Handling of Finances ¿ Making and Adhering to Ethical Promises ¿ Proper Behavior With the Opposite Sex About the Author Dr. Morris graduated from Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College and Anchor Theological Seminary. He received his Ph.D. in Biblical Studies from Louisiana Baptist University. Since 1978, he and his wife, Debbie, have served as missionaries in Chiapas, Mexico. He presently pastors the Baptist church he founded in Tuxtla Gutiérrez and oversees several other churches, missions, and a Christian school. Much of his time is dedicated to training Hispanic pastors and counseling.

  • af Sue M Barksdale
    127,95 kr.

  • af Marla Day Fitzwater
    157,95 kr.

    For 25 years, American Caribbean Experience has been serving the people of Jamaica through education, health care, enterprise and discipleship. From teaching children to read, to pulling teeth, to financing small businesses, to training the island's future chefs and teachers, ACE has taken every measure necessary to "love their neighbors." While this is a story about a particular place and its people, it's also a story about all of us: How God works through broken people and in broken places to do beautiful things.About the AuthorMarla arrived on the island in 1988 working with another non-profit organization receiving short-term mission teams to work in Jamaica. After serving 2 years, with the help of her friends and churches she had met, Marla made the decision to form what is now American-Caribbean Experience (referred to herein after as "ACE"). Marla met her husband Allen in 2001 and ever since, they have been working together to change lives and transform communities, one person at a time. Marla is a naturalized citizen of Jamaica and currently lives in St. Mary Jamaica.

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