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  • af Sal Rachele
    207,95 kr.

  • af Tina Louise Spalding
    142,95 kr.

  • af Rae Chandran & Robert Mason Pollock
    207,95 kr.

  • af Tina L. Spalding
    207,95 kr.

  • af Linda Bradshaw & Tom Dongo
    177,95 kr.

  • af Cathy Chapman
    207,95 kr.

  • af David K. Miller
    177,95 kr.

  • af Lyssa Royal-Holt
    207,95 kr.

    Available Now! Beginning with the classic book The Prism of Lyra in 1989, Lyssa Royal-Holt's channeling has focused on presenting profound galactic wisdom in a grounded way to assist our lives on Earth. In this book, the most detailed and powerful channeled teachings that have come through in recent years are presented in depth. These new teachings are sourced from ancient Vega mysticism - the awakening teachings brought to Earth in ancient days from both Sirius and the Pleiades called the School of the Nine Serpents. After millennia of absence, our Sirius and Pleiadian ancestors have now resumed their teachings to match the next phase of human evolution. This book contains two threads: The first thread is the awakening teachings of the Pleiades that were part of the ancient school called the Golden Lake Teachings. These work with the heart and have the gentle and distinct flavor of our Pleiadian ancestors. The second thread is the Sirian teachings that make up the structural foundation of the School of the Nine Serpents. You don't need to believe in the reality of extraterrestrials to gain immense benefit from the wisdom in this book. These teachings are consciousness--centered and based on the necessary integration of body, mind, spirit, and emotion, as well as light and shadow. Together, the Pleiadian and Sirian teachings provide an invaluable road map for the next phase of human evolution - the integration of polarity and the awakening of human consciousness beyond duality. "Lyssa's unique ability to access detailed galactic history brings a deep sense of cosmic family, bridging the vastness of space and into the human experience."- Jamye Price, author of Opening to Light Language "This profound material encourages humanity to choose to go through the process of awakening instead of allowing self-destruction. This insightful perspective helps us deal with the serious challenges that face us individually and collectively."-Barbara Lamb, MS, MFT, CHT, author of Meet the Hybrids Chapters IncludeThe Lyran Path to AwakeningThe Vegan LineageOur Diverse Galactic FamilyThe Bigger PictureThe School of the Nine SerpentsAncient Pleiadians and The Golden Lake TeachingsThe Spaces between: Introducing the Quantum MapEmotions and the Quantum Map

  • af Jaap Van Etten
    207,95 kr.

    Do you feel that you often do not get what you desire? The key to changing what no longer satisfies you is to change what no longer works for you. Every thought is an intention that sets a process of energies into motion. That's when the creative process starts. Understanding that we create continuously on small and large levels is the first step in realizing that when something no longer works for us, it is the consequence of a disruption in the creative process and the way we think. This book describes the different types of creative processes. The elemental (fire, water, air, and earth) powers are the basis of all creation. Understanding the different aspects of these creative powers will help you to become a conscious creator. Guardians are connected with every aspect of the elemental powers. They are known as dragons; however, different traditions use different names for them, such as angels or nature spirits. These dragons are not the scary type often depicted in stories. They are among the strongest allies we can ask for. They belong to the subtle realms and therefore are invisible to most people. This book offers information to help you reconnect with these creative powers and their guardian dragons. Through this connection, you will become a conscious creator and change your life in ways that lead to success, joy, happiness, and abundance. Thereby, you will contribute optimally to the creation of a new world. Are you ready for this exhilarating journey?

  • af Cathy Chapman
    167,95 kr.

    "Amiya's Encyclopedia of Healing is a must for healers and those interested in healing themselves. Cathy Chapman is an exceptionally clear channel, and I am most grateful to her for bringing this information forward at this time." -- Marianne Crouse "Transform your thinking with the power of the material in this book. This is a powerful tool to manifest healing for yourself or others." -- Michele Wolf We are Amma's Healing Friends, Amiya, and we are here for healing. Your self-healing is the goal. We will give you information that you can use to heal yourself. Every time you go to someone for healing and say, "Okay, you do it to me," that is not participating in self-healing. However, when you go to another and actively participate in that healing, you are self-healing because you open your heart, mind, and spirit to receive the energy and then bring balance within you. As you go through this book, your job is to open your mind, heart, and spirit -- your self -- and lay yourself open. Then the healing energy sent to you balances to your highest good. The purpose of this message is to let you know that it is crucial for you to participate in your self-healing when you go to someone else, and it is critical for you to do self-healing with yourself as the healing facilitator. It is also important for you to know that encodements are the tiniest essence of All That Is, or the I Am presence -- whatever name you wish to use. Encodements are the building blocks of everything you see. Finally, know that you are love. CHAPTERS INCLUDEChoose a Journey of LoveYou Are the Power and Presence of GodYour Healing ToolsCurse Energy and Its RemovalThe Structure of the AuraStrengthen and Repair Your AuraWork with the Auric LayersYour Energy VortexesBring in High Vibration EnergyKnow Your Power

  • af Billie Jane McIntosh
    207,95 kr.

    This biography of one of history's most villainized figures is lovingly written and researched by Chief William's descendant, Billie Jane McIntosh. "Billie Jane McIntosh combines accuracy of history and immediacy of fiction to relate the life of her ancestor, a warrior, diplomat, and selfless leader of his Native nation. In that bitter time of dispossession known as Indian Removal when others lost hope, Chief McIntosh believed in a future where his people would both survive and thrive." -- Joseph Bruchac, author of Our Stories Remember "One of the most misunderstood and maligned figures of early United States history is Chief William McIntosh. Historian descendent Billie Jane McIntosh recounts Chief McIntosh's story in balanced detail with solid research and vivid creativity." -- Gary L. McIntosh, PhD, professor of leadership, Biola University, La Mirada, CA "McIntosh brings to life historical facts, harnessing the clash of civilizations to move the personal story of William McIntosh forward with anticipation and drama and to show inner tensions within characters caught up in this historic time of transition." -- Margery Bouris, officer with the Friends of McIntosh Reserve, Inc. "Billie Jane McIntosh offers a unique historical perspective on an important family and a period of time. The appendices are a plus in understanding the family tree, treaties, and laws of the Muscogee (Creek) Nation." -- Tamara M. Elder, author and Curator Research Division, Oklahoma History Center "Imagine Creek life during the tumultuous period of treaty making and removal, written as if you were a participant in the unfolding history. McIntosh quickly draws you in with a masterfully crafted story." -- James R. Floyd, Muscogee (Creek) Nation

  • af David K. Miller
    177,95 kr.

    Planetary Transformation from a Galactic Perspective This follow-up to Connecting with the Arcturians contains the latest channeled teachings from Juliano, the Arcturians, and two Andromedan spirit guides, Heylang and Gurhan. It covers topics such as embracing galactic spirituality and planetary evolution, Arcturian thoughts from a fifth-dimensional perspective, the aura-enhancing technique known as shimmering, unity consciousness, and much more. Juliano's teachings focus on personal and planetary healing and ascension, and this volume presents the most up-to-date information on ascension that is available, including new spiritual technologies to aid the process. Gain full understanding of the planetary healing spiritual technology known as Biorelativity, and begin working with new quantum and global healing techniques and cosmic consciousness.

  • af Robert Shapiro
    257,95 kr.

  • af Tom T. Moore
    177,95 kr.

    Sixty thousand years ago, two continents existed, each about 10 to 12 percent larger than Australia. One (Atlantis) was in the Atlantic Ocean, and the other (Lemuria) was in the Pacific. Why are they no longer there?

  • af Drunvalo Melchizedek
    257,95 kr.

    Descubre y fortalece tu conexi n con tus ngeles guardianes. Crea resultados benevolentes en cada rea de tu vida. Este libro de auto-ayuda te volver a poner en contacto con tus ngeles guardianes o te ayudar a fortalecer tus creencias espirituales. Tendr s m s diversi n y menos estr s en tu vida. Te asistir para lograr cualquier meta que hayas establecido para ti en tu vida. Te ayudar a manejar esos desaf os importantes que todos experimentamos en la vida. Este libro incluso te inspirar para aprender m s sobre el mundo y el universo. C mo puedo prometer todos estos beneficios? Porque yo he estado usando estos conceptos por m s de diez a os, y puedo reportar el xito desde el conocimiento directo y la experiencia. Pero esta es una gu a de auto-ayuda, eso significa que requiere de una participaci n activa de tu parte. Lo que vas a leer en este libro es informaci n nica que nunca has visto antes! Este libro es para personas de todas las religiones y creencias el nico requisito

  • af David K. Miller
    177,95 kr.

    Three forces must come together for a planetary healing to occur ...The concept of the Sacred Triangle was introduced in David Miller's first book, Connecting with the Arcturians, which explored the fifth dimension and our relationship to extraterrestrial groups. This book explains how the Arcturian energy melds with that of the White Brother-/Sisterhood and the ascended Native American masters to bring about planetary healing. Topics include: The Sacred Triangle energy and the Sacred Codes of Ascension. How to create a bridge to the fifth dimension. What role you can play in the Sacred Triangle. How group consciousness affects planetary healing and how a powerful meditation group called the Group of Forty is helping heal Mother Earth. How sacred words from the Kaballah can assist you in your ascension work. Fifth-dimensional spirituality. The role of Chief White Eagle and the ascended Native American masters in the Sacred Triangle.David offers the reader an understanding of the soul, the nature of soul evolution, and how the human species is advancing toward the next evolutionary step. "There will be many of you in this time who will be able to complete fantastic tasks. If I would declare to you what I see, you would be astonished that you could possibly carry out such tasks. You must think that you have the ability to do this. You have the personal power."I ask you to look at the Sacred Triangle and see what role you can play in this. Others will be very interested when you explain this mission. I guarantee you there will be a very strong contingent that will ascend together as we are invited to join you in the crystal temple. We are very eager to meet you there as well. This is Chief White Eagle."

  • af Lynn Buess
    257,95 kr.

    I, Vywamus, a being rather new to Earth, would like to tell you a story of the way in which Earth is able to walk in great beauty through the wisdom and efforts of a great being whose name is Sanat Kumara, the planetary logos of Earth. This book is his story. Let us view together how one becomes a planetary logos -- an administrator for Earth.

  • af Tina L. Spalding
    207,95 kr.

    Many in spirit look on these times of difficulty, abundance, trouble, and innovation and wish to share with you their experiences and ideas. Some famous names and faces will come to mind as you read this book, and you will glean some fine information about their own learning, their own suffering, and indeed their own experience in the life after this life, for they all wish to tell you that there is no death as you perceive it to be. They are all there in their astral forms, enjoying their continued growth, their continued expansion, and their continued joy in living. Their messages are as varied as their lives were, and our purpose is this: For you to understand your true nature, your true potential, you must let go of your fear of death, for it makes you afraid to live. It causes you to rush and panic, to become scared, and to become paralyzed.

  • af Tom T. Moore
    167,95 kr.

    I was chosen to be one of twelve grassroots contactees in 2017. Why was I chosen as one of the twelve? You'll read how Antura, my extraterrestrial contact, and I are members of the same soul group, or "cluster" as my angel calls it. Each soul cluster has on average between six and twelve soul fragments. Our soul cluster consists of eight fragments having Earth lives. Naturally, communication would be easier between us. You could compare it to twins who know what each other is thinking. Antura and I are from that same water planet in the Sirius B star system. I learned that I've had thousands of lives on that planet. My guardian angel has also been the angel for Antura during his many lives on Earth, so it's easy for the two of them to communicate. My angel provides the questions he knows I will ask before my active meditation so that Antura can prepare. I have experience in receiving these "thought packets," which in a way is a form of telepathic communication instantaneous across the universe with no time delays. Inside is the story of how I was introduced to my "brother on another planet."

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