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  • - Entendre
    af John Rachel
    182,95 kr.

    The Billy Green saga continues! Billy's challenging, sometimes humorous, sometimes tragic, always unpredictable journey. He was more determined than ever to find meaning in life and comfort in love.Billy came to know one thing for sure.Love is real.He could now with the absolute cocksure confidence of pure enlightenment, scoff at the naysayers and spit in the face of the purveyors of romantic nihilism, the cynics who say that love is an illusion.Billy knew the real score.Love is the light that never dims.Love is a wine that flows in our hearts.Love is a wonder that has no beginning or end.Love is a master key that opens the gates of perfection.Love is the language our souls use to speak to one another.Love is the trafficking of fantasies and transcending of mortality.Love is an energy that can neither be created or destroyed.Love is God Allah Yahweh Shiva Qat Aphrodite.Love is touch smell feel taste listen pray.Love is the poetry of the senses.Love is metaphysical gravity.Love is the gift of oneself.Love is sweet tyranny.All you need is love.Descartes. You almost got it right.Je aime, donc je suis. Yes. That's how it should go.I love, therefore I am.Valentines Day solipcism.But does it ever turn out the way we planned? The way we hoped and dreamed?

  • - Oxymoron
    af John Rachel
    182,95 kr.

    How do we function in a world which is both as randomly and intentionally cruel, as it is randomly and intentionally kind? Can we make sense of our lives when so much around us makes no sense? In this, the final book of the trilogy, we find out what it means to be a "man who loves too much." More importantly, we discover if Billy Green is such a man.

  • af John Rachel
    157,95 kr.

    Democracy at both the local and national levels recently had been under savage assault. Martin Truth's fight was but one of many such struggles to restore the meaning of representative government to a system that had been corrupted by big money and corporate power."An Unlikely Truth" is an engaging story offering a strategy for throwing the liars and crooks out of public office and restoring representative democracy to our country.More important, it embodies hope that not all is lost, that there is a "narrative" which can begin to put America back on track, render government again of the people, by the people, and for the people.

  • af John Rachel
    182,95 kr.

    In this dark dystopian satire, a young man who escapes his hayseed hometown in Bible-Belt Missouri is mistakenly identified as a terrorist and hunted down by the national security agencies, while the President confronting an America in chaos and collapse perpetrates an end-of-the-world hoax, in a desperate attempt to get himself re-elected.Blinders Keepers is social-political satire in the tradition of Jonathan Swift, Kurt Vonnegut and Joseph Heller, but revved up and spit-shined to take on the new levels of absurdity and dysfunction of the 21st Century.

  • - Archipelago
    af John Rachel
    122,95 kr.

    Poor Billy Green! When he was just turning four, his father tried to throw him in the trash. He was a smart kid but that just seemed to create enemies. His mom did everything to protect him. But this was Detroit, armpit of the wasteland! Catholic school didn't help much, except the time he got his first kiss from an atheist nun. Home life was dismal. Was his father capable of anything but drinking beer and farting? And what was with that neighbor who made puppets and tried to molest Billy? Golly! Detroit was sucking the life out of him. At such a young age. Then adolescence swirled around him. Like water in a toilet bowl. High school was a B movie. Only without a plot. So finally he did something about it. Billy ran away ... to college. Cornell University. That was a good move for sure! He studied hard, lost his virginity, met the love of his life. Things were definitely looking up! What could possibly go wrong?

  • - Taking Back Our Democracy: A Step-By-Step Plan for Radical Electoral Reform and 3rd Party Empowerment
    af John Rachel
    192,95 kr.

    Prepare to understand contemporary politics as never before! Prepare to see the future of American democracy!A recent study at Princeton University came to a shocking conclusion. Our system has been so corrupted by money and influence peddling, America is no longer a democracy.This manifesto offers a detailed, step-by-step plan for cleaning up the corruption in Washington DC, replacing the current crop of pay-for-play politicians with progressive, independent, minor-party candidates, who will be bound by legal contract when elected, to faithfully serve the interests of the voting public.This is electoral reform so radical that in one master stroke, it puts America on the path to a healthy economy and directly addresses its #1 and #2 challenges: the suicidal march to war and the destructive impact of a historically high level of wealth inequality.Brace yourself for a real game-changer which will redefine politics for the foreseeable future. Get ready as the nation begins its journey toward a peaceful and abundant future for all of its citizens, not just a privileged few.

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