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Bøger udgivet af Liturgical Press

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  • af Trudy D Conway, David Matzko McCarthy & Vicki Schieber
    223,95 kr.

  • af Irene Nowell
    233,95 kr.

    Irene Nowell's lively and thoughtful exploration of these poetic and powerful books promises to ignite appreciation and understanding in the hearts and minds of readers.The five books abound with vivid stories of faith. The Song of Songs, dedicated to Solomon, celebrates the wonder of human love. The book of Ruth, a masterpiece of storytelling, tells of two valiant women who move from emptiness to fullness, desolation to redemption. Lamentations, telling of the destruction of Jerusalem, recognizes that the Lord has struck and that only the Lord can heal. Ecclesiastes teaches the futility of vanity and storing up riches. The book of Esther tells the story of a Jewish woman and her uncle who, by their courage and wit, deliver the Jews from threatened genocide.Gathered together and artfully explored, this volume offers readers a wealth of information to inspire deeper understanding of the human journey and God's presence in the lives of those who trust in him.

  • af Kathleen M. O'Connor
    119,50 kr.

    The book of Job is a vivid testimony to pain, a plea for justice, and a wrenching theological debate about suffering and its causes. Central to this debate are questions about the roles that God and humans play in causing human suffering and whether divine-human relationships can proceed in the midst of overwhelming anguish. Like a riddle, the text grasps readers' minds and emotions, inviting them to participate in Job's story and to work toward their own solution to the dilemmas of both Job and his friends.

  • af Richard J Clifford
    98,95 kr.

  • af Feidhlimidh T Magennis
    213,95 kr.

    First and Second Samuel tell the story of the beginnings of monarchy in ancient Israel. These two powerful narratives present many great figures of biblical history--Samuel, Saul, and David--and explore the complex interaction of historical developments and human fidelity under God. In the books of Samuel, characters interact to influence and persuade, to express motivation and desire, and to shape the reader's understanding of the issues that faced the Israelites as they responded to God's invitation to covenant. Through the medium of story, the reader shares in the perennial struggle to discover, in the midst of personal and political conflict, God's ways for humanity.

  • af Irene Nowell, Ronald D. Witherup & Catherine Upchurch
    683,95 kr.

  • af Mark S Smith
    233,95 kr.

  • af John Michael Talbot
    238,95 kr.

    In todays fast-paced and often fractured culture we all seek inner peace and unity. John Michael Talbots The Universal Monk is a powerful way for everyone to find it!It is written from his experience in public international ministry and as founder and spiritual father of The Brothers and Sisters of Charity, a new integrated monastic communityof celibates, singles who can marry, and families who live in an integrated monastery or in their own homes. This book walks us through a treatment of the current issues that face us, offering real spiritual and lifestyle answers that come from a fully unified and integrated life in God. If you are tired of the same old, same old, this book is for you!

  • af Alice Ogden Bellis
    568,95 kr.

    2019 Association of Catholic Publishers Book of the Year In this volume, Alice Ogden Bellis considers the book of Proverbs as a structural whole, the sages having designed it in such a way as to make positive statements about women and to undercut the negative ones. By grouping Proverbs together around common issues, the reader is called to consider the perennial moral questions of wealth and poverty, diligence and laziness, and integrity and corruption, as well as the relationship among these values. The result is much more complex and has greater depth than the random list of bromides that most of Proverbs is often thought to be. This volume opens up a multi-dimensional spiritual puzzle.

  • af The Monks of Saint John's Abbey & Maxwell E. Johnson
    508,95 kr.

  • af Joshua J McElwee
    298,95 kr.

    A Pope Francis Lexicon is a collection of over fifty essays by an impressive set of insightful contributors from around the globe, each writing on a specific word that has become important in the ministry of Pope Francis. Writers such as Sr. Simone Campbell, Cardinal Blase Cupich, Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, Fr. James Martin, Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Anglican Archbishop Justin Welby, and Carolyn Woo explore the Pope's use of words like joy, clericalism, money, family, and tears. Together, they reveal what Francis's use of these words says about him, his ministry and priorities, and their significance to the church, the world, and the lives of individual Christians. The entire collection is introduced by a foreword by Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, the spiritual leader of Orthodox Christians worldwide, and a preface by one of Francis's closest advisors, Cardinal Sean O'Malley. This is no set of encyclopedia entries. It's a reflective, inspiring, and often heartfelt book that offers engaging answers to the question "What is this surprising Pope up to?"Themes and Contributors:Volume foreword Patriarch Bartholomew Volume preface Cardinal Sean O'Malley, OFM Cap Baptism Cardinal Donald Wuerl Benedict XVI David Gibson Capitalism Bishop Robert McElroy Careerism Cardinal Joseph Tobin, C.Ss.R. Church Elizabeth Stoker Bruenig Clerical abuse Francis Sullivan Clericalism Archbishop Paul-Andre Durocher Collegiality Archbishop Mark Coleridge Conscience Austen Ivereigh Creation Orthodox Fr. John Chryssavgis Curia Massimo Faggioli Dialogue Archbishop Roberto Gonzalez Nieves, OFM Dignity Tina Beattie Discernment Fr. James Martin, SJ Ecumenism Nontando Hadebe Embrace Simcha Fisher Encounter Archbishop Victor Manuel Fernandez Episcopal Accountability Katie Grimes Family Julie Hanlon Rubio Field Hospital Cardinal Blase Cupich Flesh Msgr. Dario E. Vigano Gossip Kaya Oakes Grandparents Bill Dodds Hagen Lio Fr. Manuel Dorantes Hope Natalia Imperatori-Lee Immigrant Sr. Norma Seni Pimentel, MJ Indifference Sr. Carmen Sammut, MSOLA Jesus Fr. Agbonkhianmeghe E. Orobator, SJ Joy Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, OP Judgment Michael O'Loughlin Justice Sr. Simone Campbell, SSS Leadership Kerry Alys Robinson Legalism Sr. Teresa Forcades i Vila, OSB Martyrdom Bishop Borys Gudziak Mercy Archbishop Donald Bolen Miracles John Thavis Money Andrea Tornielli Periphery Carolyn Y. Woo Prayer Bishop Daniel E. Flores Reform Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga, SDB Refugee Rhonda Miska Saint Francis Fr. Michael Perry, OFM Satan Gregory K. Hillis Second Vatican Council Archbishop Diarmuid Martin Service Phyllis Zagano Sheep Archbishop Justin Welby Sourpuss Fr James Corkery, SJ Tears Cardinal Luis Antonio G. Tagle Throwaway culture Sr. Pat Farrell, OSF Women Astrid Lobo Gajiwala Worldliness Mollie Wilson O'Reilly Youth Jordan Denari Duffner

  • af Gertrud the Great of Helfta
    568,95 kr.

    "Gertrud the Great (1256-1302) entered the monastery of Helfta in eastern Germany as a child oblate. At the age of twenty-five she underwent a conversion that led to a series of visionary experiences, some of which she recorded in Latin "with her own hand," in what became Book Two of The Herald of God's Loving-Kindness, the standard version of her revelations. The other four books were written down by a close confidant of the saint, now often known as "Sister N."Recently a different version of Gertrud's revelations has been discovered, in an early fourteenth-century manuscript held at the University of Leipzig, Germany, much older than the known manuscripts of The Herald. The Memorial of the Abundance of the Divine Sweetness is shorter than The Herald, and while the two versions have some text in common (notably most of The Herald's Book Two), the new manuscript also contains some completely new material, which sometimes modifies and sometimes complements what readers already know of the saint. "--

  • af Barbara E. Reid, Hyeran Kim-Cragg & Mary Ann Beavis
    568,95 kr.

  • af Wilda C. M. Gafney
    568,95 kr.

    From the Wisdom Commentary series . This volume offers a womanist and feminist analysis of the books of Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, attending to translation and textual issues, use of power and agency, and constructions of gender and its significance for the real and metaphorical women in the texts. The unit on Nahum takes an unflinching look at God's role and rhetoric in the rape of Nineveh and considers implications for the women of Nineveh and Israel and for contemporary readers. Habakkuk is read employing a womanist stratagem, talking back to God. The section on Zephaniah explores the racialized history of interpreting "Cushi" in Zephaniah's genealogy and the figures of Daughter Zion/Jerusalem. The commentary also assesses these texts as scriptures of synagogue and church, their use and utility. A Jewish feminist reading and womanist hermeneutic accompanies each biblical book.?

    1.038,95 kr.

    "Traducciâon en lengua Espaänola segâun la tercera ediciâon tâipica Latina."

  • af James Martin
    93,95 kr.

    The Christian longing to share anguish, fear, gratitude, and awe has found expression in many forms of prayer, beginning in Scripture and the practices and words of Jesus. Over the centuries many fruitful approaches to prayer have taken hold, but often there is a certain unease about what is right or what is best. In this welcome and welcoming book, Fr. James Martin eases these concerns with thoughtful, practical encouragement about prayer in all of its forms. In All Seasons, For All Reasons is drawn from "Teach Us to Pray," Fr. Martin's very popular monthly column in Give Us This Day.

  • af Pheme Perkins
    568,95 kr.

    "This commentary on 1-2 Peter and Jude provides a feminist interpretation of Scripture in serious, scholarly engagement with the whole text, not only those texts that explicitly mention women. It addresses not only issues of gender but also those of power, authority, ethnicity, racism, and classism"--

  • af Irene Nowell, Ronald D. Witherup & Catherine Upchurch
    598,95 kr.

  • af Various
    463,95 kr.

    Esta nueva edicion en espanol de la Biblia de Jerusalen condensa el resultado de los ultimos cien anos de investigacion y resulta mas proxima alos textos originales, ala vez que consigue un estilo mas agradale paralalectura. Esta cuarta edicion se beneficia de los estudios e investigaciones de la EscuelaBiblica y Arqueologica de Jerusalen y de losexegetas que forman el nuevo equipo de traductores de la Biblia de Jerusalen en espanol. Se ha pretendido conseguir: Una fidelidad todavia mayor al texto hebreo, griego y arameo. Una gran homogeneidad del vocabulario entre los diversos libros. Una mejora en el estilo castellano, especialmente en los libros poeticos.La actualizacion de la investigacion biblica explicalas novedades incorporadas en las introducciones y notas, Como por ejemplo en las introducciones al Pentateuco, alos Evangelios Sinopticos, alas Cartas de SanPaulo, y alos Hechos de los Apostoles, en la nueva estructuracion de la Epistola alos Hebreos y en un numero considerale de notas exegeticas del Nuevo Testamento.Este titulo disponiblesolamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only.The Jerusalem Bible Personal Size EditionThis new Spanish edition of the Jerusalem Bible brings together the results of the last hundred years of biblical investigation and comes closer to the original texts, simultaneously achieving a more pleasing style forreading. This fourth edition is enriched by the studies and research of the French Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem (Ecole Biblique et Archeologique Française) and of the exegetes who comprise thenew team of translators of the Jerusalem Bible in Spanish. The objectives of this edition include: An even greater fidelity to the Hebrew, Greek andAramaic texts.. A substantial consistency of vocabulary among the various books.. An improvement in the Spanish language style, especialy in thepoetic books.The updating based on the most recent biblical investigations is responsible for the new elements incorporated in the introductions and notes, as, for example, in the introductions to the Pentateuch, to the Synoptic Gospels, to the Letters of SaintPaul, and to the Acts of the Apostles. It is also responsible for the new structure of the Epistle to the Hebrews and a considerale number of new exegetical notes in the New Testament."

  • af Donald Jackson
    553,95 kr.

  • af James A Wallace
    398,95 kr.

    What should preachers aim for in Sunday preaching? In 1982, the USCCB document Fulfilled in Your Hearing: The Homily in the Sunday Assembly answered this question. Here, in a pastoral commentary on Fulfilled in Your Hearing, several Catholic scholars in homiletics, liturgy, and biblical studies both appreciate the abiding insights of Fulfilled in Your Hearing and also propose areas for continuing reflection. Following the four sections of the Bishops' document: The Assembly, The Preacher, The Homily, and Homiletic Method. This commentary emphasizes the document's continuing importance for the initial and ongoing formation of Catholic liturgical preachers, while also inviting conversation about present-day cross-cultural, liturgical, and communication concerns for Catholic preaching.Priests, deacons, seminarians, bishops, and all others engaged in the preaching task are invited to deepen their appreciation of the homily's unique role in the liturgical life of the church and to stir their enthusiasm for preaching and preaching preparation.

  • af Michael Kwatera
    573,95 kr.

    Let us bring our prayers to the Lord."Each week when the community comes together for Mass, we gather to listen to the Word, to partake of the Eucharist, and to pray. The Prayer of the Faithful is marked by the same needs from week to week, but it is always an opportunity to approach God collectively in a way that reflects the richness of our particular celebration. This series of prayers by Father Michael Kwatera is rooted in the present moment: the liturgical season, lectionary readings, and the needs of the church. He draws on the readings, as well as the significance of feasts and of other celebrations. He is also attuned to the many ways we approach God, in language that is clear and attentive to the oral quality of the prayer."To place prayerful words on human lips and in human hearts is a most sacred work," writes Father Kwatera in the introduction. The fruit of this work is a set of texts that invites the community to draw near to God each week in prayer.

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