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Bøger udgivet af Llewellyn

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  • af Ann Moura
    213,95 kr.

    In this manual, Hereditary Witch Ann Moura presents the Craft as a course of instruction, with eight magical classes that correspond to the eight Sabbats. This companion handbook to Green Witchcraft and Green Witchcraft II can also be used alone as an exploration of the Green path. Cultivate your knowledge of earth magic with the following lessons: *Introduction to the Craft, Basic Equipment, Altars *Casting a Learning Circle, Meditation, and Technique *Divination with the Celtic Ogham *Consecration of a Statue, Divine Couples, Holy Days *Divinations: Crystal Ball Scrying, Black Mirror Gazing *Casting and Creating Spells, Herb Craft, Candle Magic *Green Rules of Conduct, Circle Casting *Stones and Crystals, Elixir Preparations

  • af Linda Domin
    258,95 kr.

    Etched upon your palm is an aerial view of all the scenes you will travel in the course of your lifetime. Your characteristics, skills, and abilities are imprinted in your mind and transferred as images onto your hand. Now, with this simple, flip-through pictorial guide, you can assemble your own personal palm reading like a professional, and almost instantly.

  • af Valerie Worth
    163,95 kr.

    This charming little magic book holds the carefully guarded secrets that a wise woman of bygone days could have penned in her grimoire by candlelight. Herbal elixirs, powerful charms, amulets, balms for all folk who come to her seeking their heart's desire: enhanced health and healing, protection, love, marriage, fertility, wealth, youthfulness, beauty.Quaint and mystic, this treasury of lore also describes twelve rituals to guide you through the mysteries of a full year of seasons. Begin with an ice-sparkling ceremony for the first day of the year and celebrate the winter solstice in a glorious burst of red and gold fire. Each ceremony grows out of the unchanging truths of the cycle of seasons and of the universe itself.

  • af Donald Michael Kraig
    298,95 kr.

    Master a variety of powerful practices that heighten and amplify magickal energy raised during sexual activity, and discover how to use the energy to transform your magick and your life.

  • af John Michael Greer
    413,95 kr.

    From "Aarab Zereq" to "Zos Kia Cultus," this is the most up-to-date, comprehensive guide to the history, philosophies, and personalities of Western occultism.

  • af Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
    263,95 kr.

    The spells described are for love, wealth, success, protection, and health. You will learn about talismanic magic, exorcisms and how to use the I Ching, how to interpret dreams, how to construct and interpret a horoscope, how to read Tarot cards, how to read palms, how to do numerology, and much more. No magical library is complete without this classic text of magical history, theory and practical technique.

  • af D. J. Conway
    108,95 kr.

    Celtic magic. These words conjure up images of Druids and mystical oak groves, daring Irish warriors, fairies, elves, and ancient deities who took an active part in the lives of the people who worshipped them. Practical and easy to understand, Celtic Magic offers important features that distinguish it from other books written about the Celts.

  • af Aaron Leitch
    438,95 kr.

    The Angelical language channeled by alchemist Edward Kelley and recorded by royal astrologer John Dee has mystified magicians, linguists, historians, and cryptographers for generations. It’s even rumored that the language may be an encryption method of some kind, unbroken to this day.

  • af Christopher Penczak
    313,95 kr.

    In the fifth installment of the award-winning Temple of Witchcraft series, popular author Christopher Penczak explores the Descent of the Goddess. In the myth of Inanna, the Goddess journeys through seven gates to attain entrance to the Underworld and learn its secrets. In the book, the reader will embark on a parallel journey through each of the seven chakras, symbolically evolving from survival to a state of divinity. Each lesson has meditations based on the Underworld journey teachings, as well as an advanced discussion of some facet of magick or witchcraft often overlooked by intermediate books. This guide is for solitaries, eclectics, and non-traditional Witches hungry to go further, delve deeper, and experience the mysteries.

  • af Migene Gonzlez-Wippler
    118,95 kr.

    Dreams & What They Mean To You begins by exploring the nature of the human mind and consciousness, then discusses the results of the most recent scientific research on sleep and dreams. The author analyzes different types of dreams: telepathic, nightmares, sexual and prophetic. In addition, there is an extensive Dream Dictionary which lists the meanings for a wide variety of dream images.

  • af Brandi Auset
    248,95 kr.

    Introducing the most complete cross-reference ever for the universal worship of the Divine Feminine. The Goddess Guide is indispensable for anyone who's ever wondered which Goddess to invoke for a particular ritual, blessing, prayer, or meditation. Easy to use and comprehensive, this essential book provides instant, at-a-glance info on more than 400 goddesses from diverse cultures, belief systems, and traditions around the world. All goddesses are clearly organized according to: Names - Attributes - ColorsThe Four Elements - The Sabbats - Geographical RegionsFeminine Aspects (Maiden, Mother, and Crone) Whether you are a beginner or a long-standing practitioner who seeks a deeper connection with Goddess energy in your life, this guide to the Divine Feminine deserves a special place on your bookshelf.

  • af Heather Alicia Lagan
    198,95 kr.

    Gain insight into your gifts and challenges with this simple and empowering divinatory system. Chaldean numerology paints a clear picture of you and your personal "blueprint"--your essence, ...

  • af Migene Gonzalez-Wippler
    258,95 kr.

    The Pentagram, Star of David, Crucifix, rabbit's foot, painted pebble, or Hand of Fatima...they all provide feelings of comfort and protection, attracting good while dispelling evil.

  • af Edain Mccoy
    268,95 kr.

    All over the world, people have reported encounters with a race of tiny people who are neither human nor deity. This book reclaims that lost, rich heritage of working with faery folk that our Pagan ancestors took for granted.

  • af D. J. Conway
    133,95 kr.

    Elves and dwarves, gnomes and frost giants...Norse mythology is filled with tales of such supernatural beings, nature spirits, and powerful deities. Many people know that the Norse people were fierce warriors, but did you know that they were powerful magicians as well? Norse Magic has everything you need to learn in order to begin practicing Norse spirituality. Discover the history and religion of the Vikings, including Norse mythology, seasonal festivals, and magical techniques. If you are interested in practicing Norse Wicca, you'll learn about the three-fold goddess and the god, as well as how to celebrate the holidays, all from the perspective of Norse Paganism. Discover the secrets of herb magic, cauldron magic, cord magic, elf magic, dwarf magic, and more. These magical techniques are presented in a clear, step-by-step format. The practice of Norse magic enlists the help of the Asa-Gods, Light Elves and good Dwarves. It elicits aid from dead ancestors and the rulers of the Elements. It is an active magic, reserved for participants, not bystanders. In order to work the magic of this system you must attune yourself to the powers of the Elements, calling upon the Asa-Gods and other supernatural beings. Norse Magic includes complete instructions, exercises, and rituals for this technique. The Norse Pagans were one of the last European societies to convert to Christianity, but their Pagan mythology and magic survived and continues to thrive. Norse Magic is your key to the study and practice of this powerful and ancient spiritual system.

  • af Richard Webster
    188,95 kr.

    A popular figure in religious works of art, the archangel Gabriel is most famous for the Annunciation: telling the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the Messiah. God's messenger is also known as the Islamic angel of truth, the archangel of emotions and dreams, and the angel of hope and childbirth. Richard Webster's second book of the archangels series chronicles the appearances of Gabriel among Old Testament figures, Islam prophets, and modern philosophers and artists. Webster then offers an array of techniques for contacting the angel of Annunciation, who can help with inspiration, purification, fertility, childbirth, achieving a fresh start, seeing the future, interpreting dreams/visions, developing clairvoyance, and overcoming limitations, such as doubt and fear.

  • af Richard Webster
    183,95 kr.

    Michael is considered the greatest angel in the Christian, Judaic, and Islamic traditions. Throughout the ages, he has appeared as a protector, a messenger, a guide, a warrior, and a healer. In Michael, Richard Webster presents a thorough history of this famous archangel and offers simple techniques for contacting him. Readers are treated to a detailed introduction to Michael and his many appearances. The rest of this practical guide provides a variety of methods for connecting with Michael, petitioning his help, and creating a lasting bond. Through easy-to-perform rituals and meditations-some involving candle magic, crystals, and dreamwork-readers will learn how to get in touch with the Prince of Light for courage, protection, strength, and spiritual guidance.

  • af Shirley Andrews
    183,95 kr.

    The mysterious civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis become reality as Shirley Andrews, the author of "Atlantis: Insights From a Lost Civilization" combines details from scholars, scientists and the respected psychic Edgar Cayce. Her sober portrayal of disturbing parallels between the spiritual decay of Atlantis and our modern world, and her reasonable explanations for the vivid dreams and past life memories recounted by numerous people about life on the lost lands enhance this fascinating book.

  • af Kristin Madden
    228,95 kr.

    This groundbreaking book offers a complete "healer's toolkit" for shamanic practitioners. Along with an in-depth discussion of the theories, practices, and ethics of shamanic healing work, this ...

  • af Raymond Buckland
    218,95 kr.

    As human beings, we live in a world of symbols. From traffic signs to the very letters that comprise these words, symbols are woven into every aspect of daily life. Since prehistoric times humans have used symbolic representation to communicate with each other and with the divine.

  • af Konstantinos
    198,95 kr.

    Take a thrilling walk on the dark side with Konstantinos! The author of Nocturnal Witchcraft presents a collection of magickal techniques for working with dark forces. Developed and tested by Konstantinos, these rites and rituals have proven to be quite powerful in harnessing nocturnal energies—even helping the author overcome a serious medical condition in a miraculous recovery that shocked doctors! Drawn from diverse sources—ceremonial magick, folk magick, ancient Greek ritual, and divination—these techniques enable magicians and novices to conjure and control primal energies, thoughtforms, Lovecraftian entities, egregores, sigils, and other forces. Those attracted to the dark mysteries will relish Konstantinos' bold exploration of sex magick, death magick, altered states, dream grimoires, and forbidden tomes.

  • af Brandy Williams
    178,95 kr.

    Anyone can practice magic to improve their everyday lives. Practical Magic for Beginners is a straightforward introduction to magical practice for Christians, Pagans, Jews, atheists, and people of all religious traditions.

  • af Christopher Penczak
    315,95 kr.

    As you enter the heart of witchcraft, you find at its core the power of sacred space. In Christopher Penczak's first book, The Inner Temple of Witchcraft, you found the sacred space within yourself. Now The Outer Temple of Witchcraft helps you manifest the sacred in the outer world through ritual and spellwork. The book's twelve lessons, with exercises, rituals, and homework, follow the traditional Wiccan one-year-and-a-day training period. It culminates in a self-test and self-initiation ritual to the second degree of witchcraft-the arena of the priestess and priest. 

  • af Ann Moura
    218,95 kr.

    Utilizing themes, motifs, and images from witchcraft, this guide takes the reader step-by-step through the Major and Minor Arcana. It also shows how, through an awareness of environmental energies, you can make informed decisions about career, life, and spiritual development.

  • af Michelle Skye
    273,95 kr.

    The changing of the seasons, phases of the moon, even our personal experiences—all are reflections of the Divine Feminine. Create a stronger connection to the sacred world and your own divinity by welcoming these thirteen powerful Celtic and Nordic goddesses into your life. As you make your way through a transformative year, know that each goddess has a different energy and a unique lesson to teach you. Starting with the Winter Solstice, the eight seasonal Sabbats and five faces of the moon provide the guideposts along your path. Through ritual, invocation, guided meditations, and magical activities, you'll explore each goddess's unique mythology and discover her message for your life. Cerridwyn: Welsh Goddess of Rebirth and Renewal Brigid: Irish Goddess of Healing, the Forge, and Creative Inspiration Eostre: Anglo-Saxon Goddess of Spring Freyja: Norse Goddess of Love and WarAine: Irish Goddess of Faeries and Fertility Danu: Irish Mother Goddess of Wisdom Modron: Welsh Mother Goddess of Mystery Hella: Norse Goddess of the Underworld Branwen: Welsh Goddess of Sovereignty Maeve: Irish Goddess of Personal Power The Valkyries: Norse Goddesses of Battle Magic and Soul Journey Morrighan: Irish Goddess of Magic and Death Rhiannon: Welsh Great Queen and Horse Goddess

  • af Chic Cicero
    293,95 kr.

    According to Chic & Sandra Tabatha Cicero, the tarot is much more than a collection of symbolic images--it's a vibrant ecosystem of interconnected energies and entities. In this groundbreaking approach to tarot, they introduce how these powerful cards can be magically transformed into talismans and amulets.

  • af Ted Andrews
    158,95 kr.

    Everyone is affected by color. We use colors to describe our physical health, our emotions, even our spiritual experiences. Now you can learn how to use color to restore health and balance energy. Popular author Ted Andrews presents an effective system for developing your innate healing skills, including a chart that lists the beneficial colors for over fifty physical conditions. With this easy-to-follow guide, you will learn the basics of color healing, why it works, and simple techniques for healing yourself and others using colored lights, candles, cloths, and charged water. Discover how to: Use color to balance and restore your energy Determine which colors you need using simple assessments Project and absorb the healing properties of color Develop the ability to "sense" color with easy, fun exercises

  • af Robert Bruce
    318,95 kr.

    Projecting out-of-body requires a delicate balance of mind, body, and spirit. Mastering Astral Projection offers everyone the opportunity to explore nonphysical dimensions and learn more about their spirituality. This practical guide to achieving conscious out-of-body experiences is based upon Robert Bruce's extensive knowledge of astral projection, Brian Mercer's methods for personal success, and valuable feedback from volunteers who have tested this program. Presented in an easy-to-follow workbook format, the thirteen-week program introduces astral projection methods and provides daily exercises that progressively prepares and trains readers for this incredible, life-changing experience. 2005 Coalition of Visionary Resources (COVR) 2nd Runner Up of Interactive Sideline category

  • af Jonn Mumford
    176,95 kr.

    Now in hardcover and with a new introduction! This exhilarating book provides sexual techniques and positions for ritual intercourse that will flood you with overwhelming physical ecstasy and activate expanded states of consciousness. These tantric practices teach you how to build sexual love and passion to an amazing peak and how to push your mind even higher to achieve transcendental bliss. Bring holiness and magick into your sexual relationship with Ecstasy Through Tantra. Discover the God/Goddess as incarnate in your beloved, and experience the same Divinity within yourself, through the joy of complete physical and spiritual union.

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