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  • - Ending Our Love Affair with Punishment
    af Danny Silk
    154,95 kr.

  • - Preparing Our Kids for the Kingdom of God
    af Danny Silk
    212,95 kr.

    If you are a parent, this series is for you. It has solutions to many of your everyday questions. Although there isn't a formula for raising mistake-free children, there is hope that you can learn to control yourself no matter what choices or lessons your children invite into their lives. The peace and power that comes from making the right adjustments in the presence of your child's mistake is phenomenal. If you complete this material, you are going to see tremendous breakthrough in both your own personal peace and in the loving connections you can form with your child. Loving Our Kids on Purpose will give you tools to: -Protect your connection with your children -Teach your children to manage increasing levels of freedom -Replace the tools of intimidation and control -Create a safe place for children to build confidence and personal responsibility This manual can be used by itself or in conjunction with the Loving Our Kids on Purpose DVD/CD Parenting Series found at

  • - Conectando de Corazón a Corazón
    af Danny Silk
    147,95 kr.

    Amando a Nuestros Hijos a Propósito muestra como plantar los principios del Reino de Dios y el corazón del Señor en tus hijos. Este plan de fácil implementación te ofrece herramientas para educar a tus hijos en el gozo y la plentidud del Señor Jesús. Mas que dar un enfoque tradicional, este libro enseña a los padres a educar a sus hijos para que gestionen su libertad y protejan sus importantes relaciones de corazón a corazón. "... donde esta el Espíritu del Señor, allí hay libertad" (II Corintios 3:17) Los hijos han sido diseñados con una necesidad intrínseca de libertad. Negar o ignorar esta realidad llega a destruir la conexión de confianza existente entre el padre y el hijo. "En el amor no hay temor, sino que el perfecto amor echa fuera el temor; porque el temor lleva en si castigo. De donde el que teme, no ha sido perfeccionado en el amor" (I Juan 4:18) Amando a Nuestros Hijos a Propósito presenta paradigmas, percepciones, técnicas e ideas que ayudan a reducir el temor de los padres eliminando el castigo y fortaleciendo los corazones de sus hijos para alanzar sus destinos.

  • af Danny Silk
    137,95 kr.

    ¡UN ENTORNO QUE SUSTENTA VIDA, HONOR Y DESTINO! En este poderoso libro repleto de revelación, Danny Silk describe el significativo cambio de paradigma en la vida de la iglesia, del gobierno y de las relaciones que han creado y sostenido la cultura de avivamiento de la Iglesia Bethel en Redding, California. Mediante muchas y relevantes historias verídicas, retrata a la iglesia como un lugar de libertad, respeto, capacitación y sana disciplina (no castigo). Cultura de Honor desafía el status quo de la estructura del liderazgo de la iglesia y presenta un punto de vista refrescante sobre el ministerio quíntuple. Jesús reconoció este importante principio en Mateo 20:25-26, "Entonces Jesús, llamándolos, dijo: Sabéis que los gobernantes de las naciones se enseñorean de ellas, y los que son grandes ejercen sobre ellas potestad. Mas entre vosotros no será así, sino que el que quiera ser el primero entre vosotros será vuestro siervo". Si los que tienen poder saben cómo dárselo a aquéllos que les rodean, entonces seguro que ocurrirá que, "Venga Tu Reino, hágase Tu voluntad en la tierra así como en el cielo". Puedes aplicar - hoy - las verdades reveladas en este práctico conjunto de principios, aunque cargado de lo sobrenatural, en tu familia, lugar de trabajo, comunidad, ministerio, iglesia - allí dónde trates con otras personas.

  • af Bernii Godwin
    177,95 kr.

    Reignite your fire for teaching and education.Do you spend more time "managing" behavior than teaching? Are you exhausted by the time you reach the holidays? Imagine a school where students, parents, teachers, and leaders joyfully take responsibility for their own choices, behavior, and learning because they have mastered connection. Through the lens of applied neuroscience, Loving our Students on Purpose will empower you with the tools to shift from the weariness of reactive behavior management to purposeful behavior education, which will result in teachers enjoying teaching and students enjoying learning. Loving our Students on Purpose has everything you need to stay connected with your students whilst they learn from their mistakes. You will never argue with a student (or parent) again! "With a compassionate and sensitive personal story and careful attention to current research, this book matches its title. Loving our students as we teach provides the best kind of education. This book weaves together the science and insightful stories from personal experience into a wonderful blend of warmth and practical knowledge." Dr. John Arden, PhD, Author of Mind-Brain-Gene: Towards Psychotherapy Integration

  • af Brittney Serpell
    161,95 kr.

  • af Danny Silk
    132,95 kr.

    The Chicken Coop Kid is a true story that highlights the connection between young Brittney and her poor decision regarding a family chore. You will enjoy this humorous tale as you read how Britt learned to value and take hold of her daily tasks.

  • af Danny Silk
    162,95 kr.

    What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, "Women in Ministry"? A. Nursery Worker B. Children's leader C. Pastor D. It's complicated If you are like most your answer would be, "It's complicated". Many believers are still confused about the proper place for women in the church. Powerful and Free is a call to address the structural message of inequality.It is not a theological treatise on the biblical case for female leaders (there are many excellent resources for this already). It is not a political program to implement some kind of affirmative action in our leadership teams, because that doesn't work. Rather, it is an appeal to the hearts of men and women to recognize the existence of the glass ceiling for women and to challenge themselves to align more fully with a Kingdom vision for gender-blind leadership in the Body and equal male-female partnership in the home.

  • - Restoring the Heart of Business
    af Danny Silk & Bob Hasson
    162,95 kr.

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