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  • af B. B. Pierce
    223,95 kr.

    Collection of age gap MILF stories previously published. Disgusting lewd decadent kinky nasty sex scenes with too many to mention orgasmic happy endings. Older females having sex with younger makes and females roleplaying and even LGBTQ. Spanking foot and panty fetish BDSM humiliating sexual situations galore. If you have never been in any of these bizare scenarios after reading this book you will wish that you were.

    143,95 kr.

    في عالمٍ مليء بألوان الإبداع وأنغام العواطف، يتجسد فن وإبداع الفنان التشكيلي والشاعر حسن وهبه في كتابه الثاني "مكعبات حسن وهبه". هذا الكتاب الساحر يجمع بين أجمل قصائد العامية المصرية وألوان الفن الفريدة التي خطها الفنان في فترة لامعة بين عامي 1975 و1981.بأسلوبٍ لا يُقاوَم، تأخذنا هذه المجموعة الشعرية إلى عوالم الشغف والحب والأحلام، ترافقنا بلغة العامية في خواطرٍ جريئة وعاطفية تخاطب القلوب والأرواح. تتنوّع المواضيع وتنساب الكلمات كألوان فريدة على لوحة ساحرة، ترسم لنا لحظات البهجة والحزن والتأمل بأسلوبٍ يبهر القارئ.لكن المفاجأة لا تكتمل هنا، فالكتاب يتضمن رسومات الفنان التشكيلي الاستثنائية التي نسجها بأيديه الراقية خلال تلك الفترة الذهبية. تأخذنا الرسوم في رحلة إبداعية ممتعة ترسم مشاهد فريدة تعكس مسيرة الفنان وتطوره الفني على مدار السنوات.في كتاب "مكعبات حسن وهبه"، ينسج الفنان والشاعر معًا بين الحروف والألوان، فتتحد الكلمات مع الرسوم لتخلق تجربةً متكاملة من الفن والأدب تأسر القلوب والعقول. استعد للانغماس في هذه الرحلة الفنية المذهلة، حيث يلتقي العمل الشعري العاطفي بالتعبير الفني المبدع، وتنساب الإبداعات في عالمٍ ساحر من المشاعر والتجارب الإنسانية.

    193,95 kr.

    "البناية رقم سبعة" هي رواية مشوقة للكاتب مصطفى عوض تأخذنا في رحلة مثيرة إلى عالم مليء بالغموض والتشويق. تبدأ القصة بشخصية ماري، التي تجد نفسها متعلقة بشدة بهذا المكان، وذلك بعد احتفالها بعيد ميلادها الرابع والعشرين.تستيقظ ماري صباح اليوم الأول من العام الجديد مبكرًا، معانية من الأرق وليلة غريبة حيث تعتاد عادةً على النوم العميق. تقرر ماري مغادرة المنزل وتشرع في استكشاف البناية رقم سبعة التي تسكن فيها، والتي تحمل الكثير من الأسرار والغموض.تقودنا مصطفى عوض ببراعة إلى الداخل المظلم للبناية، حيث تختبئ الغرف المغلقة والأشياء الغامضة التي تحتفظ بها أم ماري. تكتشف ماري تفاصيل مثيرة عن علاقة والدها بكبار الموظفين والتجار وحتى أعوان الجمارك، وتشتعل بداخلها رغبة في كشف الحقيقة وراء هذه العلاقات المشبوهة.مع تقدم الرواية، تتصاعد التوترات والمفاجآت، وتتلاحق الأحداث المليئة بالتشويق والإثارة. تجد ماري نفسها محاصرة في شبكة من المؤامرات والخيوط المشدودة، وعليها أن تكشف الألغاز وتواجه الأخطار للكشف عن الحقيقة المرعبة التي تكمن وراء البناية رقم سبعة."البناية رقم سبعة" هي رواية تجمع بين أجواء الرعب والغموض، مع قصة مثيرة وشخصيات معقدة. تأسرنا صفحات الرواية وتدفعنا للمضي قدمًا في رحلة استكشاف الحقيقة ومواجهة المخاطر. إنها رواية تثير الفضول وتشد الانتباه، وستبقى محيرة حتى الصفحة الأخيرة.

  • af Larry Kite
    153,95 kr.

    182,95 kr.

    في عالم الأدب العربي، تتواجد أعمال كتابية رائعة تترك أثرًا عميقًا في تاريخ الأدب والثقافة. ومن بين هذه الأعمال الفذة تأليفًا مشتركًا بين الروائي والناقد سيد الوكيل والكاتبة مرفت يس، يبرز كتاب "الأستاذ من جديد". إن هذا الكتاب يعد تجربة أدبية استثنائية تعكس قدرة المؤلفين على التعبير الفني والنقدي بأسلوبهما الخاص.يتميز "الأستاذ من جديد" بمجموعة من المقالات والدراسات النقدية التي تستكشف أعمال الروائي العالمي نجيب محفوظ وإرثه الأدبي. يتناول الكتاب بعمق وتفصيل العديد من الجوانب الأدبية والفكرية التي تميز كتابات نجيب محفوظ، مما يساعد القراء على فهم وتقدير هذا الكاتب البارز وتأثيره على الأدب العربي المعاصر.ما يجعل هذا الكتاب مميزًا هو تنوع المداخل المتاحة للقراء. فهو يقدم مجموعة واسعة من الرؤى النقدية والشهادات والترجمات التي تأتي من مختلف الجنسيات والأجيال والمراتب العلمية. يتمحور الكتاب حول تسليط الضوء على الأثر العميق لنجيب محفوظ في ثقافتنا، وبالتالي فإنه يعد مصدرًا قيمًا لكل محبي الأدب والمهتمين بالتحليل النقدي.يتميز سيد الوكيل ومرفت يس في هذا الكتاب بقدرتهما على تقديم رؤى نقدية متعمقة وشاملة لأعمال نجيب محفوظ. يستخدمان تصنيفات متنوعة مثل التصنيف الموضوعي والشكلي والبنائي والجمالي والفكري لاستكشاف الأعمال الرائعة التي خلدها نجيب محفوظ. وبفضل تعدد المداخل النقدية، يتيح الكتاب للقارئ فهم عمق الأفكار والروح التي تتجلى في أعمال الكاتب الراحل.يعد "الأستاذ من جديد" خلاصة للدراسات النقدية والشهادات والترجمات التي نُشرت إلكترونيًا في موقع صدى (ذاكرة القصة المصرية)، وقد تم تجميعها في هذا الكتاب الورقي القيم. يعكس هذا العمل الجهود المشتركة لأولاد وأحفاد نجيمحفوظ في تكريم وتذكير العالم بإرثه الأدبي الثري.في الختام، يعد كتاب "الأستاذ من جديد" مصدرًا قيمًا لكل من يهتم بالأدب العربي ويرغب في استكشاف أعمال نجيب محفوظ بعمق وتفصيل. يقدم الكتاب تحليلات نقدية ممتعة وشاملة، ويلقي الضوء على التأثير الذي تركه نجيب محفوظ على الأدب العربي المعاصر. بفضل الجهود المشتركة لسيد الوكيل ومرفت يس، يتيح هذا الكتاب للقراء فهمًا أعمق لأعمال هذا الكاتب العبقري وتقدير إرثه الأدبي الذي لا يُنسى.لذا، يُعد كتاب "الأستاذ من جديد" واحدًا من تلك الأعمال النادرة التي تستحق القراءة والتأمل، ويمكن أن يُعتبر وجهة مثالية للمهتمين بالأدب والثقافة. إنه كتاب يحاكي جمالية وإبداع نجيب محفوظ، ويقدم فهمًا عميقًا لعالمه الأدبي. فلنستعد للغوص في صفحات هذا العمل الرائع ونستمتع بالتجربة

  • af Mj Blehart
    148,95 kr.

    Time's up!All the pieces are in place and the conspirators have set their plot in motion.Confederation Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Marshal Onima Gwok, Deputy Marshal Kara Martinez, and clone Jace Rojas must use every resource available to them to halt the conspiracy in its tracks.But the CBI has been compromised. Onima and her team must work to not only save the Confederation - but the lives of tens of thousands of clones throughout colonial space.Taking Jace, the unexpected witness, across space and through the clone conundrum to unravel the conspiracy has been all about bold moves. Not just for Onima and her team - but the conspirators.Will Jace and his companions end the conspiracy - or will the conspirators end them?

  • af F. M. Digby
    188,95 kr.

    A Mysterious Man, A Forbidden Love, A Deadly Trap "An absolutely gripping romantic thriller!" Until she found him tangled around another woman, Katie had been sure her boyfriend was preparing to propose. The discovery of his betrayal called for a fresh start. For Katie, that meant moving to London to blog about her life of casual dating, partying, and fun. But three years later, Katie's fresh start had grown stale. Unemployed, single, and struggling, she makes a New Year's resolution to get more serious about life. Vincent seems like just the kind of guy a girl could get serious with. She thinks he could be Mr. Right until his ex-girlfriend shows up with a secret that would make any girl think twice. So, when Katie meets a sexy and commanding David, she is hooked because he only has eyes for her... or so she thought. David offers a forbidden world of dark and sultry romance with sex and pleasure like Katie has never experienced, but is he too mysterious? While torn between two men and making choices she is second-guessing, Katie shouldn't be surprised when she starts receiving threatening letters. She wanted to get serious with life, but this was too serious. When Katie finds herself locked in the back of a limo filling with smoke, she wonders if she chose the right man... and if she will live to find out.Content WarningThis 18+ romantic suspense novel contains explicit sexual content, including scenes of BDSM and power play. It also contains themes of violence, including physical and emotional abuse, and may not be suitable for all readers. Additionally, this novel contains depictions which may be triggering for some readers. Reader discretion is advised.

  • af John Frederick Zurn
    198,95 kr.

    The Extraordinary Journey of Uriel Fox is a collection of stories with themes about social justice, individual morality and miraculous events expressing Uriel's incessant search for purpose and meaning. The themes often overlap and merge blending into a larger pattern. Each story's unique setting and action reflects Uriel's personality and desires. Uriel uses his intuition, compassion, and scientific curiousity in his encounters in the physical world and more subtle dimensions. He is both a mysterious figure and naïve seeker. He roams the world helping others, even as he seeks answers.

  • af Alan Kern
    248,95 kr.

    What did Heidi discover when she time traveled back as a prisoner to a Nazi concentration camp, and what did Oliver see when he did the same back to the Jan.6 Capital rally? And will his deeper voice-change help him conquer his dorkiness and finally win her heart? Why did Marv and Lillian's honeymoon get interrupted by time traveling forward to the Tribulation Period, and what did they see happening? In this third episode of the Immortal Blood series, Poking God's Eye, the Appleby tribe continues in their battle against sinister powers out to subjugate the befuddled masses and take over the world. With random appearances from an old, white-haired man who hears messages from Above, to a Grand Kahuna from the Apostolic Family of Light and Wisdom, to a highly discredited backwoods pathologist who refuses to give up his name, to the collected wisdom gained from the locals at the Lusty Viking Bar and Grille, and from an obscure, dedicated pastor from an insignificant, Norwegian-American village that had once been a part of Canada, our heroes continue to expose the hidden works of darkness before experiencing the ultimate victory.

  • af José Leon Machado
    208,95 kr.

    Com o planeta a sair de uma pandemia e a envolver-se em mais uma guerra, Marco Túlio Ferreira faz duas viagens por trabalho e lazer. Vai a Cabo Verde, onde conhece uma realidade de contrastes que o intrigam, e aos Açores, onde reencontra um espaço de memórias e redescobre cheiros, sabores e paisagens. Quatro refugiadas ucranianas que recebe em casa darão algum propósito à sua vida no momento em que as desilusões o levam a duvidar de si e dos outros. Numa sociedade cada vez mais violenta e instável, manipulada pelos senhores da informação, do dinheiro e da guerra, talvez o amor ainda faça sentido.

  • af Nicole Higginbotham-Hogue
    208,95 kr.

    Tev Wassberg doesn't believe in dating online, but when she has trouble finding a date for a work party she has to go to, that's where she is forced to look. With the help of her friend Lacey, Tev finds a woman that fits the bill, but Tev begins to second guess her decision. Will Tev embrace her newfound dating life, or will she give up this opportunity because she is stuck in her ways?

  • af Brina Brady
    103,95 kr.

  • af Russom Teklay
    222,95 kr.

    ካብ ስቕ ዝበለ ድምጽታት ክሳብ ዝጠፍአ ሕልሚ፡ ሳንሱር፡ ዓፈና፡ ምዕፋን ሰብኣዊ መሰላት ኣብ ልዕሊ ኤርትራውያን ኣብ ውሽጢ ዶባት ሃገር ይኹን ኪኖኡ ዘለዎ ዓሚቝ ጽልዋ ክንምርምሮ ኢና።

  • af Nardi Parekh 'Nandi'
    176,95 kr.

    પુનિત મંડળનાં સંતોના સુભાશિષ અને ઈશ્વરની અસીમ કૃપા વડે, તમારાં સુધી આ પુરુષોત્તમ ભગવાનનાં ગુણવાનુંવાદ પહોંચાડવાનું પરમશભાગ્ય સાંપડ્યું છે તે માટે પરમેશ્વરનો અંતઃકરણ પૂર્વક આભાર માનું છું. તેની કૃપા તો "વરસે અનરાધાર જોને મુજ પર જગદાધાર"એ અનંત કૃપાને પ્રતાપે જ વિવિધ પ્રસંગોએ, વિવિધ મનોરથના ગુણાનુવાદ લખવાની પ્રેરણા થાય છે તે શબ્દાંંકન કરી પેન માંથી વહાવ્યા કરું છું. પરમ પૂજ્ય રામ ભગત, ધનંજયભાઈ, ત્રિભોવન ભગત તેમજ મનુબેનના આશીર્વાદથી પાવન થયેલ આ પુસ્તકની પ્રથમ આવૃત્તિ 2004 માં સુમન પબ્લિકેશન દ્વારા શ્રી ગિરીશભાઈના સહયોગથી પ્રકાશિત થઈ હતી. જેમાં પુરુષોત્તમ અને શ્રાવણના ભજનો હતાં. ફરીથી આ સુંદર યોગ આ વર્ષે આવ્યો છે ત્યારે મને થયું કે પુરુષોત્તમ ભગવાનની જે અનંત કૃપા છે તે તેનાં ભક્તો સુધી પહોંચાડવી જરૂરી છે! પરંતુ પુસ્તક રૂપને બદલે ઈ-બુક સ્વરૂપે વિચાર કર્યો, જેનાં લીધે સર્વેનાં સમય, કાગળ અને પૈસાની બચત સાથે તેનું નામ ઘર ઘર પહોંચે અને દરેક વૈષ્ણવને તેમાં ભીંજવવા નું ધેય પણ પાર પડે સાથે સાથે પર્યાવરણની સુરક્ષા નો લાભ પણ મળે! એ ઉમદા હેતુથી જ આપ સૌ ભાવિકો સમક્ષ આવી રહેલ આ અધિક માસના અધિષ્ઠાતા શ્રી પુરુષોત્તમ ભગવાનનાં ગુણગાન, આરાધના, થાળ, વગેરેનો સુગેય થાળ પીરસી રહી છું. આશા છે તેનો આસ્વાદ માણી, આપ આપનાં પ્રતિભાવ ને પ્રતિસાદથી પ્રોત્સાહિત કરશો... આપ સર્વની આભારી...

  • af Maimai Bee
    138,95 kr.

    Ezra tak sengaja bertemu dengan Handoko, dosennya sewaktu kuliah dulu. Handoko menjadi peserta pada seminar teknologi yang diselenggarakan oleh perusahaan tempat Ezra bekerja.Pria itu menghampiri Ezra dan memintanya berbicara empat mata. Ternyata Handoko mengetahui kecurangan Ezra sewaktu kuliah dahulu dan membeberkannya. Ezra terancam mendapat hukuman pidana dan kemungkinan besar ijazahnya akan dianulir. Tak hanya itu, ia pun beresiko kehilangan pekerjaan. Belum lagi nama baiknya yang akan tercoreng. Pria muda itu merasa sangat cemas.Namun, Handoko memberi solusi. Ia berjanji tidak akan membongkar semuanya bila Ezra mau berjanji padanya. Yaitu menikahi putri semata wayangnya. Disertai dengan sejumlah persyaratan lainnya. Akankah Ezra menerima permintaan Handoko? Terutama janji untuk membahagiakan wanita yang tidak pernah dicintainya?

  • af Matti Charlton
    258,95 - 313,95 kr.

  • af Zibia Gasparetto
    308,95 - 368,95 kr.

  • af Tu Guia Financiera
    178,95 kr.

    ¿Alguna vez has deseado liberarte de las cadenas de la pobreza y alcanzar la seguridad financiera que mereces? Muchos de nosotros buscamos soluciones rápidas, secretos mágicos o fórmulas misteriosas para mejorar nuestra situación económica. Pero la realidad es que la mayoría de estas soluciones son temporales y poco efectivas a largo plazo. En este libro, Grey Lima te ofrece una perspectiva fresca y práctica sobre cómo mejorar tu situación financiera de manera sostenible. El ahorro es la clave. Descubrirás cómo el simple acto de ahorrar puede marcar la diferencia en tu vida financiera. Pero esto no es solo sobre guardar dinero debajo del colchón. Aprenderás estrategias inteligentes para ahorrar, invertir y cambiar tus creencias limitantes sobre el dinero. Este libro es un viaje paso a paso hacia la libertad financiera. Grey Lima comparte sus técnicas probadas y prácticas que te permitirán no solo acumular riqueza, sino también mantenerla y hacer que crezca. Cambiarás la forma en que ves el dinero y las oportunidades financieras. Este libro es más que una guía, es una invitación a un cambio de vida. Te desafiamos a dar el primer paso hacia una vida de prosperidad financiera. No se trata de riquezas instantáneas, sino de construir una base sólida para un futuro financiero estable y próspero. ¿Estás listo para transformar tu relación con el dinero y tomar el control de tu futuro financiero? "¿Quieres Salir de la Pobreza? Aprendes Ahorrar" es tu guía. Adquiere tu copia hoy y comienza tu viaje hacia la abundancia y la prosperidad. ¡No esperes más!

  • af History Nerds
    103,95 kr.

    Delve into the remarkable and inspiring life of one of history's unsung heroes, Irena Sendler. This compelling biography chronicles the extraordinary journey of a Polish social worker who, during the darkest days of World War II, risked her life to save over 2,500 Jewish children from the clutches of the Nazi regime.Follow Irena's early years as she becomes a dedicated social worker and activist, driven by her unyielding compassion and sense of justice. Witness her courageous efforts to smuggle Jewish children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, creating a clandestine network that would come to be known as "Zegota." Despite the constant threat of capture and execution, Irena's unwavering determination and cunning ingenuity allowed her to orchestrate daring rescues, ensuring the survival of countless innocent lives.This captivating tale not only explores the dangerous world of resistance during the Holocaust but also delves into Irena's post-war life, where she faced persecution under the Soviet regime and lived in relative obscurity. Unearth the untold chapters of her life as her heroic actions slowly come to light, bringing her the recognition she truly deserved.

  • af Tracy Eire
    223,95 kr.

    A Morgwn warship arrives in Bridges, bringing whispers with it.Ora Buckmaster knows the town Council must keep their defection from Morgwn under wraps or else.But the town has a powerful ally.The Lock-Maker King rules the North with his mystical powers. He brings such fertility to the land that the town is growing rich. As a result, Bridges is unwilling to give up their strange ruler.But the ship's captain wants to meet with the Morgwn Town Master urgently. He has no idea that Baron Beaulay has been deposed and imprisoned in the new Kingdom. As Outrider Chief and now Master of Forces, Ora is ready to defend Bridges directly, but the Council decides the wisest course is subterfuge.It's hard to conceal the truth once night falls and mysterious voices begin to sing in the wild. The town is on edge, as lights move across the land, and, suddenly, the King and his people depart.With orc attacks on the rise, dragons threatening, and a Morgwn warship in the wings, Ora must find her King.Loyalties will be tested, love will spark, and the fate of the North will hang in the balance.This Noblebright fantasy novel is a must-read for fans of Elvish, The Elvish Trilogy, The Silvan Saga, and the Path of a Novice series. Get lost in a world of magic and adventure.

  • af Brent M. Jones
    148,95 kr.

    This inspiring book from Brent M. Jones, a business executive and career development coach, offers a unique perspective on embracing your humanity, telling yourself a story, and finding your true life's path. Through this book, readers can learn how to take an honest look within, make the best decisions for themselves, and build their careers with tools such as networking and informational interviews. This book will equip readers with the strategies and powerful insights they need to take control of their life and career.The benefits of reading this book include:- Unlocking the superpower of gratitude and service to create a successful and happy life- Discovering the key to staying curious and motivated- Learning how to channel your energy and find your true purpose- Gaining powerful insights on how to land the job you want through informational interviewsWhat's included in this book:- Why staying curious and taking the time to learn about yourself and others is critical to success and a sustained happiness- How to find inspiration and motivation- How to use the information you learned to land the job you want through informational interviewing- The superpower of gratitude and service to one anotherTake advantage of the opportunity to take control of your life and career

  • af Suleyman Turan
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    "If you thought that the fate of the Titanic was like what you saw in movies or read in books, you'd be mistaken.""Because John Kennedy was a very enlightened and democratic man. According to the masters, the President was preparing to move America towards left-wing politics. Although he didn't show it, he admired Karl Marx, the father of communist philosophy. Oswald, the shooter who killed Kennedy, was deliberately portrayed by the press as a socialist.""Marx wanted to avenge his weaknesses on all of humanity. These weaknesses were at the root of his anarchist ideas. For example, on a very cold winter day in Germany, he even sold his coat to buy firewood, and this was too much for him. He wanted to take revenge for his weaknesses."

  • af Miguel Angel Puerta
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    Kayla is a mountain girl who can see through the thick darness, with her vision where a beast nwly created by a god of the abyss hodes to destroy her home.On the mountain of Gandua, where the races are protectec by the Buma, She must find a warrior capable of lifting a thousand-yerar-forged sword, thet can pierce the skin of the beast and the god of the abyss.

  • af Tess Shelley
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    When Tess and her close friends' relationships take a naughty turn, their passion for each other knows no bounds! From passionate BDSM encounters to intimate moments of love, these women friends explore the depths of their connection in a series of short stories that will leave you wanting more.Tess explores a world of consentual BDSM. From hot scenes to tender moments, follow her journey as she discovers the power dynamic and the pleasure of being a Verses, switching between sexual positions of power to give and receive pleasure-each short story aimed at pleasuring the reader.

  • af David Booker
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    Harry Prentice is a computer administrator for the Services Squadron at RAF Mildenhall. Due to his unique abilities he is utilized from time to time by the Office of Special Investigations. Usually his portion is passive but when he pieces together a disk for them and sees that a young woman has been strangled on base he can't remain passive any longer. Using his analystic abilities he thrusts himself into the case much to Agent Olivers amusement. Together they solve clue after clue and lay a trap for the culpret that almost ends with Harry's death. Harry is invited over to OSI and begins working with Oliver on a regular bases, Not all cases call for danger but will require all the talents they have to bring the culprits to book. With Oliver and his new friend Hattie its adventure and intrigue around every corner. In some of the other stories Rocky is a news reporter who has a talent for being in the right place at the wrong time. His search for stories places him in harms way as he seeks to clear an innocent mans name who was railroaded and put in the electric chair. A slow news day leads Rocky on a string of stories as he hears things and jumps to conclusions then has to prove them.

  • af John Pirillo
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    ROCKETMAN TIME STREAMS Get ready for a thrilling ride with ROCKETMAN, the super hero of World War Two and Three! In these two exciting, action-packed science fiction adventures, you will witness how ROCKETMAN uses his amazing powers to fight against the evil forces of Hitler and his allies. Rocket Man Time Streams is a two book collection, book one of a series to be released. In MISSION BERLIN, ROCKETMAN is faced with his own possible death in order to bring down Hitler's latest diabolical invention. Will he succeed in stopping the Nazi menace before it's too late? In TIMESTREAMS, ROCKETMAN is torn from the ones he loves to destroy Hitler's base on the moon. But he soon discovers that he is not alone in this cosmic battle. Who are the mysterious allies that help him along the way? And what secrets lie behind the timelocks that threaten to change history forever? Don't miss this exhilarating, upbeat book that will keep you on the edge of your seat. ROCKETMAN TIME STREAMS is a must-read for all fans of science fiction, adventure, and heroism!

  • af Elodie Nowodazkij
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    Sem promessas. Sem falsos amanhãs. Esse era o plano. Nova cidade. Nova vida. Ao menos é nisso que acredita a jovem de dezenove anos, Jen Harrison. Por fora, ela está vivendo seu sonho: dançando em uma prestigiosa companhia de dança em Paris. Mas a morte de sua irmã e os erros que ela tentou enterrar ainda a assombram. Ele se tornou profissional em esconder quem realmente é e definitivamente não quer nenhum homem para lhe atrapalhar. Um caso de uma noite ela pode ter, mas nada mais. Ela definitivamente não planeja ver novamente o atraente estranho que a fez rir pela primeira vez em anos.Garotas não viram as costas para Lucas Wills. Garoto problemático que se transformou em estrela do rock, ele tem sua parcela de groupies. Sempre direto, não promete falsos amanhãs, pois o amor pode destruir tudo. Ele já passou por isso. Sua ex não apenas mentiu para ele, mas também pisou em seu coração, o usou para ficar famosa e quase o arruinou. Então, acordar sozinho depois de uma noite além de seus sonhos mais loucos com uma garota que ele acabou de conhecer não deveria lhe incomodar, não deveria inspirar uma das músicas mais tristes que ele já escreveu, não deveria lhe fazer querer ir atrás dela.Quando Jen, o caso de uma noite que escapou, faz uma audição para ser uma dançarina no próximo clipe de Lucas, eles não conseguem conter sua crescente atração. Mas os segredos de Jen e sua ex podem abalar as carreiras que eles tentaram tão arduamente construir. E seus corações... Eles terão que decidir o que é mais importante e se vale a pena lutar pelo amor.

  • af Charley
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    A fated mate and the love of her life, what more could a woman want? Her mirror soul. A man who could set her soul on fire with just a few words. A rogue Lycan Alpha Dom hailing from Australia, with neither the time nor inclination for any long-term relationships. An attraction that was unmistakable, undeniable, and would set the world on fire. Let it burn. From the ashes, she will rise. Trigger warnings: This book contains explicit sexual scenes with BDSM themes. If such material offends you, please do not purchase.

  • af Vincent Zandri
    193,95 kr.

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