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  • af R. Paton McAuliffe
    277,95 kr.


  • af John M. Coulter
    382,95 kr.


  • af Frederic Edward Clements
    477,95 kr.


  • af Augustus Edward Hough Love
    192,95 kr.


  • af Leonard Eugene Dickson
    152,95 kr.


  • af Adriance Sherwood Foster
    317,95 kr.


  • af R. T. Glazebrook
    247,95 kr.


  • af Walter Smith
    357,95 kr.


  • af J G Lesure
    327,95 kr.


  • af John Locke
    297,95 kr.


  • af R. Schulze
    397,95 kr.


  • af John Morris Gillette
    342,95 kr.


  • af Egon Ernest Bergel
    342,95 kr.


  • af Edward Cary Hayes
    262,95 kr.


  • af Brysson Cunningham
    327,95 kr.

    Introductory, Harbour design, Surveying, Marine and submarine, Piling, Stone:Natural and artificial, Breakwater design, Breakwater construction, Pierheads, quays, and landig-states, Entrance channels, Channel Demarcation,

  • af Stanley Lane-Poole
    557,95 kr.

    The Invasions 712-1206, Introduction-The Arabs in sind, 712, The IDOL-Breakers-Mahmud of Ghazni 997-1030, The Men of the mountain-Ghazni and Ghor 1030-1206, The Kingdom of Deli 1206-1526, The Slave Kings-The Turks in delhi 1206-1290, First Deccan Conquest-Ala-Ad-Din Khalji 1290-1321, A man of ideas-Mohammad Taghlak 1321-1388, Disintegration-Provincial dyansties 1388-1451, The Moghul Empire 1526-1764, The coming of the Moghuls- The Emperor Babar 1451-1530, The EBB of the Tide-Humayun 1530-1556, The United empire-Akbar 1556-1605, Akbar's Reforms-The divine faith, 1566-1605, The Great moghul-and european travellers 1605-1627, Shah-jahan-The magnificent 1628-1658, The puritan emperor-Aurangzib 1659-1680,The Ruin of Aurangzib-The maratha war 1680-1707, The fall of the moghul empire-The Hindu revival 1707-1765

  • af A. C. Burnell
    367,95 kr.

    Introduction, The Probable date of the introduction of writing into india, Palaegraphical elements, The South-Indian alphabets and their development, The South Indian numeral figures, Accents and signs of punction, Elemts of south-Indian diplomatics, The writing materials used in south-india, The formulae of the different kinds of south indian inscriptions

  • af P. Duhem
    437,95 kr.

    Introduction, Work and energy, Quantity of heat and internal energy, Chemical Calorimetry, Chemical Equilibrium and the reversible transformation, The principles of chemical statics, The phase rule, Multivariant systems, Trivariani systems, Quadrivariant systems, Monovariant systems, Multiple points or transformation points, Displacement of equilibrium, Bivariant systems. The indifferent point, Transition and eutexia, Mixed crystals. Isomorphous mixtures, Optical Antipodes, Metallic alloys, Critical states, Chemical mechanics of perfect Gases, Capillary actions and apparent false equilibria, Genuine false equilibria, Unequally heated spaces, Chemical dynamics and explosions, List of authors cited in this work,

  • af Emile Durkheim
    437,95 kr.

    Introduction, Religious sociology and the theory of knowledge, Preliminary questions, Leading conception of the elementary religion, Leading conceptions of the elementary religion, The elementary beliefs, Totemic beliefs, Origins of these beliefs, The Idea of the soul, The principal ritual attitudes, The positive cult,

  • af Henry W. Wolff
    397,95 kr.

    The call for rural Reconstruction, Training for country live, Teaching the cultivators, Need of organistion, Co-operation, Providing the funds, Business methods, How to settle, Security for outlay, Labour, Village industries, Woman's part in the work

  • af Stanley Lane-Poole
    637,95 kr.

    Introduction, Historical outline, The cabinet of moghul coins, Minf cities, Eras, begnal years, and persian months, Inscriptions, titles weights, & C, Images and zodiacal coins, Nisars or presentation money, Copper coinage, Coinage of the east india company, Local coinage, The coinage,

  • af Thomas Yeates
    382,95 kr.

    Oriental Christian Churches-a desirable, but much neglected part of ecclesiastical history, Apostolic period, and first planting of churches in syria and mesopotamia, and other parts of the east, Arabian christians, Persian Christians, Armenian Christians, with a list of their churches, Christianity in China, Syrian Missions in china, Christian establishments in india, Tartary and china, State of the christian churches of malabar, A.D. 1500-1600, List of churches of malabar, Number and population of the christians of Malabar, and other parts of the syrian communion, Account of the thomist christians, from the reports of the danish missionaries, Letters from Mar Thome, Bishop of the syrian church in india to his patriarch, Pilgrimages to St.Thomas's mount and other peculiar customs, Christians of malayala, Dr.Kerr's reflections on the moral political and religious improvement of the natives of india, Subjoined to his report and addressed to lord william bentinck governor at madras, Missionary correspondence relative to the improvement of such establishments in india, Remarks on the doctrine and discipline of the syrian christians, Report of the missionaries of Tanjore respecting the syrian christians, Religion of the chinese, State of the catholic missions in china in the beginning of the present century

  • af Arthur H. Blanchard
    652,95 kr.

    Historical review, Preliminary Investigations, Surveying and mapping, Design, Drainage, Foundations, Earth and sand clay roads, Gravel roads, Broken stone roads, Bituminous materials, Dust prevention by the use of palliatives, Bituminous surfaces, Bituminous gravel and bituminous macadam pavements, Bituminous concrete pavements, Sheet asphalt and rock asphalt pavements, Wood block pavements, Stone block pavements, Brick pavements, Concrete pavements, Miscellaneous roads and pavements, Street cleaning and show removal, Car tracks, Pipe systems, Comparison of roads and pavements, Sidewalks, curves, and gutters, Bridges, culverts, and guads rails, Economics, administration, and legislation,

  • af F. E. Turneaure
    422,95 kr.

    Introductory, Historical sketch. Use and advantages of reinforced concrete, Properties of the material, General theory, Tests of beams and columns, Working stresses and general constructive details, Formulas, diagrams and tables, Building construction, Arches, Retaining-walls and dams, Miscellaneous structures, Reinforced-concrete chimneys

  • af Gardner Dexter Hiscox
    342,95 kr.

    Historical sketch, Hydraulics properties of water, Measurement of the flow of streams, Flow from subsurface orifices and nozles, Flow of water in pipes, Siphons of various kinds, Dams and great storage City and town water supply, Wells and their reenforcement, Air lift method of raising water, Artesian wells, Irrigation of arid districts, Water-power, water wheels, Pumps and pumping machinery, Reciprocating pumps, Hydraulic power, Hydraulic mining, gold washing, Canals, ditches, conduits, Marine hydraylics, Tidal and sea wave power

  • af William Manville Hogle
    297,95 kr.

    The beau de rochas cycle, The clerk cycle, The diesel motor, Comparison of the cycles, Practical operation, Care of engine, Troubles and remedies, Starting devices, Carburettors, vaporizers, and injectors, Producers, Fuels and combustion, Compression, The indicator card, General dimensions, The cam mechanism, The reduction gearing, The valves and ports, The cylinder, The flywheel, The frame, Engine foundations, THe crank shaft and reciprocating parts, The piston, wrist pin, and piston rings, Governing devices, Ignition, Engine testing, Report of tests,

  • af Harry E. Pulver
    342,95 kr.

    Plasters and natural cements, Gypsum Plasters, Natural cement, Miscellaneous cements, Limes and lime mortars, Limes, Lime mortars, Portland Cement, Definition and classification, Manufacture of portland cement, Properties and uses of portland cement, Portland cement mortars, Definitions and materials, Proportioning and mixing mortar, Properties of portland cement mortars, Plain concrete, Proportioning of concrete, Mixing of concrete, Deposition of concrete, Impervious concrete, Concrete stone, block and brick, Building stone, Classifications and descriptions, Stone Quarrying and cutting, Brick and other clay products, Stone and brick masonry, Brick and hollow Tile masonry, Timber, Durability and decay of lumber, Selection and inspection of timber, Pig Iron, Cast Iron, Wrought iron, Steel, Special steels and corrosion of Iron and steel, Non-Ferrous metals and their alloys, Some miscellaneous materials,

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