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Bøger udgivet af Mazo Publishers

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  • af Yehiel Grenimann
    182,95 kr.

    Joe Kamens stared into the glass case in the military museum in Minsk. There it was, his coat, just like the one he had found as a child in a dusty suitcase in Melbourne. Once, it had kept a heroic Jewish partisan warm in the freezing forests of Belarus.Yanosh and Eva, Holocaust survivors, have built new lives in Australia, far away from the horrors, but Joe, their son, caught up in the passions and intimacies of a Zionist youth movement, is inexorably drawn to the alternative they rejected: Israel. Arriving in the land of his dreams in the devastated aftermath of the 1973 Yom Kippur War, he hopes to find the partisan behind his coat. Is he still alive? Really dead? Or now a Mossad agent?Joe is intent on strengthening the country he loves and building a family of his own. But as he begins to unravel the fragmentary stories of friends and family members, the coat's enigmatic original owner criss-crosses his life, forcing him to question his loyalties, his faith, and his identity.

  • af Sara-Rivka Yekutiel
    177,95 kr.

    Raizi and the Passover Plans takes place during the week before Passover when the wacky Rosenberg family, who lives in a small town near Jerusalem, prepares for the holiday.Raizi, Lili, Rikki and Shmuli add to the humorous tension as their Yoga teacher Mom and a Rabbi Dad try to keep every crumb of chametz out of the house. And then, just when everything seems to be under control, Grandpa shows up with his new girlfriend, and things get really complicated.During this year's visit, Grandpa reveals an amazing secret to Raizi and her family that gives new meaning to "making plans."For Readers 9-120

  • - Interpreters of the Tanakh and Talmud
    af Cyril Mazansky
    412,95 kr.

    This book is an encyclopedic and bibliographic approach to the Rabbis from the days of the Mishnah through our own generation who interpreted and transmitted the Written and Oral Torah. Dr. Cyril Mazansky has created a comprehensive English-language biography of the more prominent of these great Sages and presents categories and classifications of their works using a straightforward approach to clearly present this wealth of data. This information will provide the general reader and student with a comprehensive reference book, in English, on the great scholars and religious authors of the Biblical and Talmudic interpretive tradition throughout the centuries.

  • - Stories From The Masters
    af Dov Peretz Elkins
    217,95 kr.

    LARGE PRINT EDITION: Nuggets of Ethical Teachings and Wise Insights: In the course of many generations a host of edifying stories about the spiritual giants of the Jewish People have accumulated. This collection in "Heart and Scroll: Heartfelt Stories From The Masters" assembles the acumen and vision of a multitude of teachers of the Jewish People, in many generations: men of piety, righteousness, unquestionable integrity, high principles and moral values. They cover subjects such as relations between people, between humans and their Maker, and between an individual and his own soul. Eli Wiesel, author and Nobel Prize Laureate, said "The telling of the Hasidic tale is a special skill and one that Simcha Raz knows well. It is truly a pleasure to observe how he has regenerated and restored legends and tales drawn from the wellspring of Hasidic lore."

    192,95 kr.

    ... und oft der erste Jude ist eine Chronik der Leistungen, Abenteuer und "ersten Male" in Deutschland für Rabbiner Stephen Lewis Fuchs und seine Frau Vickie, beide Kinder von Überlebenden des Holocaust.Rabbiner Fuchs erzählt von der Verhaftung und Misshandlung seines Vaters Leo Fuchs in der "Kristallnacht" und wie er überleben konnte. Vickie berichtet von der Verfolgung ihrer Eltern und ihrem anschließenden neuen Leben in den Vereinigten Staaten.Rabbiner Fuchs schreibt über die Möglichkeiten, an eben den Orten über die Schrecken des Holocaust zu reden und zu lehren, wo die Nazizeit begann. Oft wissen ihre Zuhörer wenig von dieser tragischen Periode ihrer Geschichte.... und oft der erste Jude umfasst die geradlinige Botschaft, die sie den deutschen Nachkriegsgenerationen vermitteln: "Wir können die Vergangenheit nicht ändern, aber es ist an uns, die Zukunft zu gestalten."***... Rabbiner Stephen Fuchs nimmt uns mit auf eine Reise der Heilung und der Hoffnung nach Deutschland ... schmerzhafte Erinnerungen werden umrahmt von erhebenden Lehren, die Zeugnis ablegen von der Widerstandskraft des menschlichen Geistes. ... Rabbiner Rick Jacobs, Präsident der Union for Reform Judaism***... angesichts des zunehmenden Antisemitismus in Europa bin ich dankbar, dass so viele Deutsche Rabbiner Stephen und Vickie Fuchs kennen lernen können. ... Claudia Linker Monnet, Direktorin, ALS Aktivierende LernSysteme, Flensburg***... Geschichten voller Optimismus ... Menschen jeden Alters, die bereit sind, sich mit diesem schwierigen Erbe auseinander zu setzen und die Wunden der Geschichte zu heilen. ... Walter Joshua Pannbacker, Vorbeter/Religionslehrer, Jüdische Gemeinde Kiel

  • af Larry S. Milner
    304,95 kr.

    Infanticide is the crime of killing an infant. It is one of the commonest, yet least understood of all human crimes. Estimates of its frequency, based upon historical studies and modern data, indicate that up to 10-15% of all children ever born have been killed by their parents: an astounding seven billion victims! Most people find it difficult to accept that anyone, except the most severely mentally disturbed felon, would kill their own child.The author provides the first exhaustive survey of infanticide, drawing on historical data from around the world. He then uses this survey as a basis for investigating why infanticide has been present in every form of human society throughout history.Although academic articles document isolated aspects of this problem, a single, unified analysis of infanticide has not been completed until now.Both comprehensive and compelling, this important study will intrigue students of human psychology, social welfare, and child abuse, and will promote further research on this alarmingly overlooked atrocity.Dr. Larry S. Milner, an expert in the field of infanticide, brings to light reasons why parents have so often resorted to murdering their offspring.A board-certified physician in Internal Medicine, Hematology and Oncology as well as an attorney, Dr. Milner wrote this book to inform the public about the historical and current practice of infanticide in order to promote prevention.INCLUDES INDEX

  • af Josh Yehoshua Rubin
    147,95 kr.

    When is the moment that the light in a child's eyes goes out? It is the moment when he/she has received so much discouragement at school that he/she has given up. The child is still alive, but there is no more light! That is why this children's book, The Holy Fliers, is so crucial and important! The Holy Fliers story is all about the miracle of encouragement! Encouragement is the motivating force that reignites the light in children's eyes!This story is about one teacher who encourages one student, until the light is rekindled!Woven within the The Holy Fliers story, there is another encouraging story that requires some "out-of-the-box" thinking. When a group of Hasidim want to say the blessings for the new moon, and are stymied because of dark clouds, it is their Rebbe who encourages them to see the light in a very creative way, even when the clouds cover the light.***Do you know someone who needs to be encouraged? Do you know someone who needs to be reminded that they still have light in their eyes? The Holy Fliers is a book for them.

  • af Ken Bresler
    132,95 kr.

    We use our hands to celebrate and enjoy Shabbat - from covering our eyes when we bless the Shabbat candles to inspecting our hands with the light of the Havdalah candles. In between, we wash our hands before eating and use our hands to cover our eyes during the Sh'ma.Shabbat Hands presents 10 ways that we use our hands on Shabbat, one for each finger. - Shabbat Shalom.Easy reading for young children.

  • af David De Wolf
    228,95 kr.

  • af Jeff Lefkowitz
    127,95 - 187,95 kr.

  • af John Himmelman
    192,95 kr.

    "Describes the life cycle and the feeding and migratory habits of the hummingbird'--

  • af Carol G Ekster
    112,95 kr.

  • af John Himmelman
    187,95 kr.

    "Illustrations and simple text describe the daily activities and life cycle of a wood frog"--

  • - Judaism's Transformation To Zionism
    af Gol Kalev
    367,95 kr.

  • - An Observer's View Of Israel's Shifting Society
    af Shalom Pollack
    177,95 kr.

  • - Some Fundamental Truths About The Arab-Israeli Conflict
    af Abraham A Sion
    347,95 kr.

  • - Attaining Your Potential Through the Lens of the Bible
    af Moshe Silver
    192,95 kr.

  • af Yehiel Grenimann
    190,95 kr.

  • - A Tale of Three Citizens
    af Isabel Berman
    322,95 kr.

  • - Explore The Stories Behind The Biblical Stories
    af Yossi Maimon
    342,95 kr.

  • - Seventy Stories about the Spirit of Israel: A Tribute to Rebirth in the Land of Our Ancestors
    af Israela Meyerstein
    201,95 - 297,95 kr.

  • af Kirsti Call & Lisa M Griffin
    132,95 - 207,95 kr.

  • af Carol Gordon Ekster
    132,95 - 208,95 kr.

  • af Dvora Waysman
    177,95 kr.

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