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  • af Ervin Nubian Holloway
    127,95 kr.

    Thoughts about, or relating to why women use nontraditional interests to choose a specific kind of 'man' has been a topic that is either widespread or growing. This book is packed with true events, along with vivid and seemingly details that provides a critical analytical approach as to why women are attractive to certain kinds of 'men' or a specific kind of 'man'. Could mere ATTRACTION be the paternal result? Or, could it be love? Or, could it be she is affected by her ENVIRONMENT that shaped her behavior? Or, could it be her INVOLVEMENT with choosing a specific kind of 'man' has shaped her heart?

    172,95 kr.

    Life got off to a rough start for Corona Cocaine Cash, called Sweets by friends and family. She grows into a woman hell-bent on making it. After deciding that college life is not for her she struggles to make her way in the world on her own terms, but finds easy money when curiosity pulls her into her boyfriend's hustle. She and her two closest friends Dimples and Black enter into a whole new world of free money. All they have to do is take it, and that's exactly what they do... But what you do to others always comes back to haunt you or someone very close to you. That's why Karma is not a bitch to be played with, unless you're ready... but how can anyone be ready for Karma? Words like love, respect, loyalty, trust and family are not often paired with the word streets. Will Sweets and her friends base their lives on the things that matter? Or will they cast those things aside; to put some extra stacks in their stash? Will survival, success, and addiction become a lifestyle that defines who they are? Will they allow free money to overpower their lives? Or will the streets teach them some cold hearted lessons?

    82,95 kr.

    Mr. D captivates the reader's attention with Under Pressure taking them through the internal politics and realities of life inside some of the most dangerous federal prisons in the United States/ The plot shows what may lead a person to sit in a prison cell and plan the murder of another prisoner. With Chapter titles such as Enough, Vengeance, Mercy, Karma and Freedom, the stories take the reader on a psychological voyage they are unlikely to forget. The plot takes twists and turns to keep the reader waiting for the next chain of events that Mr. D delivers in dramatic, exciting and raw scenes. A serial killer escaped prosecution for his more sinister crimes. He does not escape the piercing sword of Lady Justice in the end. Love is not lost in prison. Love drives Stan Mason between his desire to get out of prison or risk spending the remainder of his young life inside to protect his sister. With shank in hand, he plans to prevent the plan that may lead her to prison. The pressure is on as he squeezes the handle.

    132,95 kr.

    The justice system is a game that's bigger than the player and it's dirty little secret is about to be awaken and revealed in the game of drug trade marketing, contribution and historical game perception on the other side with ones who are in control with power. "Dirty," better known as Carlos Bowman, is trapped in a circle where destiny has no course or direction. The officer of the law who abuses his authority and who hides behind a badge and does what real criminals do - take advantage and extort his victims. Then, Dirty's brilliant mind thought he knew more but knew not his character as a person and a position surrounding his work ethic; blind to the fact that nothing moves besides the wind without approval. Finally, after Dirty had the momentum going his way, out of the blue, the craziest thing happened....Dirty's life depended on a female named Justine. Whether he lives or dies, will Justine help at a critical moment or will she bail, replacing her old shoes with new ones?

  • - The Bluegrass Story
    af Tyrene Collins
    127,95 kr.

    Life is about choices. So when you make one, have no regrets about it. For me I made a choice early in life. And I've been walking in these jungles of untamed animals for a long time. Only the strong survive in these jungles. So to you who have not made this decision, let one of these untamed animals give you a little advice: If you're not strong enough, stay out of these jungles, because we will feed on you. It won't hurt you to be the one who just looks and take a moment longer to make a choice. 'Cause these wild animals are alwayz hungry...

  • af Tehuti Atum-Ra
    172,95 kr.

    The gripping tale continues introducing the FOLD. A group of young anti drug activist lead by a focused man-child known only by a single name, SunRise. Whose main objective is geared toward intercepting the distribution of illegal drugs flowing into the black community. But SunRise's focus becomes obscure after meeting Robin Hoods, a young, self-centered, female thief who had been taught to rip-off precious jewels by an old, Italian, master thief known as, the antique dealer. But after spending a few days alone with SunRise. Whose strong sense of Family, Oath, Loyalty, and Dedication revolutionized her criminal mind into the FOLD. But first, he seeks to collect on an old dept. One that would ultimately cost Vicki her new life only to open a door to another.

  • af Lee Charles Daniels
    127,95 kr.

    "We have a target," the sub-commander told his superior. "There are about one hundred and sixty ships in all; several are unknown, the rest are human." "Two hours and closing" ... Crippled and fighting for their lives, the Manta Ray and her survivors are drawn into a maelstrom that forever changes their way of thinking. If they are to live, Captain Thor and his Boss, General Wesley Thomas Hawk must adapt to thinking way out of the box. Two bickering empires out to destroy one another; both want what the humans have. Neither know for sure just what it is - but they want it simply because the humans have it and they are willing to fight and die to keep and protect it. Some might call it freedom.

  • - Testimony
    af Antonio Berry
    172,95 kr.

    Read Part-2 of Coast Playa's and a true continuation of the story that led to Antonio "Tony" Berry's demise. After the building of one of the largest drug "Enterprises" to ever originate in the Southern District of Mississippi between the mid 80's and early 90's as detailed in the book "It Is What it Is" by Gerald H. Duffy, Tony is confronted with a soul-searching decision that has him in turmoil with many sleepless nights. His most trusted and thought to be loyal friends and confidants have agreed to cooperate with the Government against him to help them secure his conviction and send him to his grave. Tony has only two options placed before him; that's not much to choose from. He can become a turn-coat snitch for the Government as the others, or remain stead-fast on his morals and principles, which he truly believes in, and roll the dice. If Tony rolls the dice and craps out, it could mean a life sentence that would keep Tony in federal prison for the remainder of his life with no possibility of parole. Tony was raised to believe that people are suppose to be held responsible for their own actions whether good or bad and that devious devils will throw rocks and hide their hands. Would Tony take his chances with being judge by twelve and walking out the court room a free man, knowing it could spell the remainder of his life seeking resurrection from the cross that awaits him. Or will Tony take the easiest most evil way out of the predicament which he finds himself as his co-defendants? "THE ENTERPRISE" tells the story of love, envy, jealousy, betrayal and the weak. Remember your so called friends could turn out to be your worse enemies and executioners.

  • af Charles Carpenter
    172,95 kr.

    A compelling true story about a young man who ventured on the wrong path despite a mother's best efforts to keep him on the straight-and-narrow path. This honest collection of memoirs written by Charles Carpenter while in the confines of California's notoriously violent state prison (New Folsom) depicts Mr. Carpenter's early years and details what led to his membership with the faction of Crips known as "Tray-Five-Seven." The book explains how a young man became fixated on a life of crime and through a distorted perception, viewed the gang subculture as a normal way of life. The Charles Carpenter story is a brutally honest account of his experiences in various juvenile facilities during the 1980's and the members of various gangs he met during his unfortunate stints of incarceration.

  • af Jesse R Curry
    372,95 kr.

    "Once upon a time, long lone ago, in a far away lane filled with magical creatures, there lived a dragon. Now this was not just some plain, ordinary dragon; this was a little pink dragon." "Really grandfather; a little pink dragon?" asked Elisabeth. "That's right. And the little dragon was so pink that his mother and father named him Pinky. "Well, as you can imagine, Pinky was different from the rest of the dragons that lived in his village, for all the dragons in his village, and other villages of his race, were green dragons. Even Pinky's parents were green dragons. The other dragons thought Pinky was very strange and he was considered an outcast. So, life was much harder for him while he was growing up in the Great Woods where his village was. Pinky had never had any friends; all the younger green dragons were mean to Pinky just because he was a different color. But little did they know just how special Pinky truly was; not even Pinky knew. "But I knew," said grandfather "So look closely into my crystal ball, as I tell you the tale of Pinky the dragon, and of the day his life was forever changed."

  • af Rapheal Cameron
    117,95 kr.

    Is a truthful reality of the life and choices our kids see and live every day. This book is broken up into different chapters such as Gangs, Family, Friends, School, etc. As you will see, the author, Rapheal, is a guy who lived on the South Side of Chicago that never listened to anyone. The stories the author gives you about himself and some of his friends are honest and painful. This is a book that kids and parents will both better understand the choices we make on the streets and if you listen, you will not serve many years in jail like everyone else who puts the streets in front of their family.

  • af Nathan Charles Sollish
    172,95 kr.

    This epic allegory is a story about a fellow who dies in his sleep, while having a dream that he is in a boat, on a journey to Heaven. Our character does not realize at most points of his dream that he actually is dying. Towards the END of the story, he begins to REALIZE that this dream, in actuality, IS real. While our character sleeps, he dreams that he is in a boat with seven beautiful women, who each represent part of the life that our character spent, while alive, in this world. As he accepts in HIMSELF, the way he has spent his life, he loses, in his Dream, the ladies, one by one to awesome experiences, until he is alone in the boat, as he is in his sleep. At this point, in the DREAM, our character reaches Heaven in his dream-boat, and is accepted INTO the Kingdom of Heaven. In REALITY, he dies, views his dead self, merges with the Divine and then, his spirit speaks to his audience from that far away place. Throughout the story, our characters mind drifts back and forth, from reality, his lifetime, to non-reality, his Dream. Now, as you READ my story, let your Mind drift with the Thought that Life, in itself, IS a Dream and all that you see and hear is only an extension of your OWN dying self - NATHAN CHARLES SOLLISH, AUTHOR

  • af George T Vickers Jr
    282,95 kr.

    What I intend for this book to do is, help guide teenagers & young adults, to help them learn from experience, not what someone else has read or saw in a movie, that something you thought wasn't a big deal, could actually cost you dearly! I believe, like Samson and the other two men in this book did for me, I can do for others before they learn the hard way, which might cost them eternally! I have been there, done that and got the tee-shirt!

  • af Courtney 'Fame' Smith
    172,95 kr.

    The Diamond Assassin novel is a thrilling turn of modern events of a young girl named Paula. Her gift and curse depicted from her past in which enriched her with looks and a body of a Vixen with a heart cold and viscous as a diamond assassin. The more money her diamond eyes saw, the more vindictive her thirst craved the blood of the bastards who defiled her.....

  • af Jerry Garcia
    97,95 kr.

    Zacharias, a ten year old from Texas, is informed by his parents that they are moving to Denver, Colorado, to a great mansion that his (Bis-Abuelo) Great-Grandfather had built at the turn of the century. It has stood empty for two generations. Upon arrival, Zacharias soon befriends Julie and Blackie, two neighbor¬hood kids, allying himself with his new friends they go on an exploration of this great mansion. What they encounter: are the ghosts of Aztec warriors, the battle stench of the Mexican Revolution, and the device that cradles their destiny, the C.O.T. Celestial Osmosis Transmigrator, which is the instrument that makes time travel possible! What ensues is a lesson in history. A lesson in bravery, and the discovery of the true meaning of friendship. How will these three, during the course of their journey, deal with the moral obstacles they encounter? Will they choose the path of least resistance, or rely on each other to summon the courage to do what is right? Never in their wildest imaginations would they have thought that they would have to deal with the age old questions: If you possessed the power to alter history, Would you? Could you? Should you?

  • af Michael Urias
    282,95 kr.

    For all those whose hope wavered, but whose faith may be at a low ebb, this book is for you - as it will transform the state of your soul. - T.C. Basil Decatur From the 60's Now this book's thoughts on life is without question and undoubtedly the most enlightening ever read. And, if you're looking for the keys to joy, success and happiness, then this book is a must read for you as this book goes into how thoughts are things and that thoughts in their own realm of existence are more concrete than physical material objects. And, how thought energy fashions and sustains the material physical world. And how anyone can learn how to create their own reality via their thoughts. And, also this book discloses and shines light on long suppressed knowledge that has been kept hidden and suppressed for eons by a small but powerful group. This, to me, is a must read for anyone who wants to break free from the ubiquitous programming, conditioning, and mind control that has been cast on us all by this small, but powerful group of men better known as those of who clandestine control the U.S. government. The potential for motivation, inspiration, enlightenment, and success contained in the concepts of this book is nothing short of phenomenal. This book will awaken in your power and forces that you never knew existed and I guarantee you that this book will be like an elixir to you and your life - consciousness the uplifting and raising of human consciousness which is going on now and the global spiritual awakening is detailed. You will want to read this book over and over and over again as it will replenish and nourish your soul every time and it is sincerely hoped that as many as possible get a chance to read this truly enlightening and transcending peace of work.

  • - Expressions to a Social Generation
    af N Malaki Crayton
    117,95 kr.

    This book is not about me, but showing that human compassion and camaraderie exceeds all limits. We must recognize as a human family that bad ideas that harm us must not be allowed to succeed. This book was compiled to show you, the reader, that even in the harshest of places, positive ideas are still effective. Apply it and manifest yours.

  • - The Bluegrass Story Book II
    af Tyrene "topp Dawg" Collins
    152,95 kr.

    When Dawg went away to prison, he thought he knew it all. But the school bell had just rung and class is now in session. He would learn things that would help him in life and other things that would make people think he's an animal. Love would be lost, but it would find its way back to him, times two. With graduation fast approaching and job offers on the table, now is the time to put what he learned to work and put The Streets in a full Nelson.

  • af Antonio Roundtree
    172,95 kr.

    Omar Johnson, also known to the hood as O, had a dream a little different from most kids his age. While most kids had 'hoop' dreams, Omar had his eyes set on the top position in the drug game. Omar felt in his heart that he could be the biggest dope boy his city had ever laid eyes on. He also felt as though the dope boys before him were stupid and he wouldn't go out like them; or at least hoped he wouldn't. One thing was for sure, Omar had his mind made up: he was going to be Rich or get 100 hundred years in prison trying. The question is, will O see his dream come true, or will he wake up and realize that this cold world has enough young men and women throwing their lives away chasing that same dream, before it's too late?

  • af Antonio Berry
    172,95 kr.

    Read the story that placed Antonio Berry a/k/a Tony Berry from the Coastal Towns of Moss Point/Pascagoula Mississippi on a life course only to be double crossed and left to die in a federal prison by his most trusted friends and confidents. Unbelievable he has resurrected and ascended upon the freeway of life once again. Tony came from a prominent, business, political orientated working middle class family. His rebellious nature caused him to choose the street life opposite of his family beliefs and wishes. Contrary to being an honor student in High School, the streets were calling Tony and he was destine and insisted on answering. His plan and idea was to become a major figure in the underworld. Tony drives/ride you through the streets of many States and Cities across America while he executed the street game of Short con. Many have heard but it's doubted by Tony that you understand the game to be played and executed the way he presents it to you in his story. His story ventures into the world of greed, Larsen, deceit and often time sex. Most say they would have killed the 5' 7 and a half light skin complexion man for such a cold blooded premeditated perpetuated act of con. Tony says to those, don't hate the Coast Playa's, and don't even hate the game. View it as a lesson well learned.

  • af Sheik Andrell Parham Bey(c)(Tm)
    172,95 kr.

    This book of hardcore reality is not fiction. The Cultivation of I Am is an educational venue of work in a mythology created by the author. Included in the book is a sample lesson book that gives explanations on what the book is about and how to decode it.

  • af Mack "knowledge" Trimble
    77,95 kr.

    The story in this book is realistic in nature and comes to you straight from the Georgia Penal system.

  • - An Easy to Understand Verse by Verse New Testament Commentary
    af Barry J Holcomb
    227,95 kr.

    I Timothy 2:15 tells us to "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." This commentary is a great tool for any workman desiring to rightly divide the Word of God. It is designed to be read along with your Bible. It will help you unlock God's treasure chest one verse at a time.I lost hours which seemed like simple minutes as I explord my study of the New Testament using this commentary as my guide. I found it to be indepth, enlightening and much easier to follow than alll the other study resources I've previously used. I would highly recomment both novice and scholars to use this commentary as their guide to a greater understanding of the New Testament.Like a highly trained SEAL in the Special Forces of our Creator, Barry Holcomb's combinations of street-smarts and years of repentant study of the Word, has yielded spiritual insight we can all relate to. All you have to do is pick up a King James Bible, follow along with this commentary and learn how to better use the only weapon fit for spiritual warfare: the word of God.

  • - A Guide To Landing The Job You Want
    af Shedrick McKenzie
    197,95 kr.

    Marketing Your Job Talents is packed with insights and techniques on helping you to secure the job you want. With such tough competition in the job market today, it is crucial to make a strong impression. Don't just be a part of the faceless job seekers, tone your skills and market yourself using knowledge and confidence and you'll greatly increase your chances of landing that dream job. Identify what you are good at and what you are capable of achieving is the first step in marketing yourself successfully. From this, you develop a much-need focus in your job search strategy. You can then customize your resume according to your qualifications and their incompatibilities with the requirements of a specific position or company. This book also gives step-by-step instructions on developing each resume section and it offers a chapter on "freelancing." Here is a book that will make a big difference in your life. Just follow the steps, tips, and techniques offered in this book and you will begin meeting with employers who will want to hire you.

  • af Charles Carpenter
    172,95 kr.

    Charles Carpenter, the author of the revered memoir Handcuffed does it again with Colors of Oppression. The well written narrative explores the anatomy of the often hostile, racially divided prison environment. Charles Carpenter details the social and psychological ramifications of oppression, and describes the wisdom needed to navigate through a microcosm of hatred, racism, deception, and prison politics. This book highlights various deceitful tactics employed by the correctional officers and inmates, thus giving the general public an unadulterated glimpse into the world with a world - prison. Colors of Oppression is an educational tool for anyone interested in a career in the field of corrections. This book also raises the awareness level for those interested in analyzing the dynamics of prison life.

  • af Sherrod Karim
    172,95 kr.

    His first book for inner city life lessons being taught Mr. Karim has made this exciting read available for sale on, a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to empower urban youth to get them to engage in critical thinking and avoid prison and young death. Success is the new cool! Mr. Karim is donating 2015 dollars in back to school supplies, clothes, computer and tech equipment to the student who purchases the 2015th copy of Lady, The City & Sam or a grant for the 2015 dollars to the school of choice. Go to for further details.

  • af Ladaro Pennix II
    97,95 kr.

  • af James Lacy
    172,95 kr.

    Lacy is a master storyteller. This autobiographical account of life in South Central Los Angeles and some of the nation's toughest prisons reads like a masterfully crafted work of fiction. Gangs, drugs, bank heists, murder and retaliatory murder will grip you by the throat and hold you breathless with each turn of the page. In Lacy's fact filled drama, you get to walk the bloodied corridors of some of America's notorious prisons, and brush shoulders with some of America's most infamous criminals. Lacy's moral character develops with each triumph over tribulation, eventually leading him to a point in life where he overcomes his criminal impulses. This book entertains, educates and frightens with a heart aching clarity. A must read for anyone contemplating a life of crime and a much needed help for any parent trying to scare their teen straight. In his life's story lie hard learned lessons about the detriments of rebelliousness and crime.

  • af Ladaro Pennix II
    97,95 kr.

  • af Vernon Nelson
    117,95 kr.

    Grief drives us to hunger for human touch. But what will Beauty do when her life is shattered from the tragedy that struck ten years earlier - and who is Robert-Moses really? Discover the mystery. The adventure and the secrets of the passionate eye-opening story of seduction, love, betrayal, vampires and blood lust. Uncover the feeling & Enjoy the adrenaline rush in Beyond Beauty. ISBN-13 978-0-9898748-1-6 196 pages $10.00

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