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Bøger udgivet af Munksgaard International Publishers

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  • - Ecology of Woody Debris in Boreal Forests
    832,95 kr.

    Today dead trees are not only viewed upon as waste and as potential sources of pest species. Instead they have gained an increased attention as key factors for biodiversity in many ecosystems. This change in focus and concern has sparked intense research activities directed to explore the ecological role of dead trees in forest ecosystems. Focus is directed into three main areas: 1) to understand the patterns of woody debris availability in relation to forest stand dynamics and effects of forestry, 2) the role of woody debris in nutrient and particularly carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems, and 3) the pattern and biology of the utilization of woody debris for a large number of wood-dependent species. This volume summarises the present knowledge and presents a set of case studies on the role of dead wood in boreal forests. The focus is on Fennoscandian boreal forests. However, the results presented have a wide applicability and thus the volume may serve as a general introduction to the importance of woody debris in forest ecosystems.

  • - Environmental Constraints on the Structure and Productivity of Pine Forest Ecosystems
    708,95 kr.

    This type of exercise of review and analysis for one component (carbon) of a relatively simple forest type is more generally useful in focusing thought and perhaps field research; critical knowledge gaps identified for pines presumably also apply to more complex forest ecosystems. This volume also serves to illustrate the value of comparative field studies, which in this case were totally unplanned and retrospective.

  • - Effects of Acid Deposition and Troposhperic Ozoneon Forest Ecosystems in Sweden
    720,95 kr.

  • - Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives Research in Arctic Life and Earth Sciences
    774,95 kr.

    In 1985, Abisko Scientific Research Station, situated in the mountains of subarctic Sweden, celebrated the 50th anniversary of its affiliation with the Academy with a symposium entitled Research in Arctic Life and Earth Sciences: Present Knowledge and Future Perspectives. Seven invited papers were presented covering subjects on which research is being done at the station. The abiotic environment of the Arctic, and relateed areas, was described in a series of three papers which discussed mountain climatology, geology and periglacial geomorphology. Four remaining papers considered the biota of the Arctic, from their origins through soil microbiology and plant resource utilisation to population biology. These presented papers are published in this volume together with an additional article discussing Man's direct and indirect influence on the ecosystems of the area, an influence which must, or should be, considered when evaluating environmental data today. This subject is also an important part of the research programme of the station.

  • - Proceedings of a Symposium held 7-12 September, 1986, at Wageningen Ecological Implications of Contemporary Agriculture
    708,95 kr.

    Agronomists and ecologists need each other and can learn from each other: agriculture cannot ignore ecological facts, neither can ecology study and conserve ecosystems without understanding contemporary agriculture. With this intention a symposium was organized on "the ecological implications of contemporary agriculture". Five major groups of problems were discussed, related to major elements of the system, each corresponding to a session of the symposium: - the soil and its life; - the plants, especially the unwanted ones; - the fauna, with emphasis on the control of pests; - the nutrient cycles and nutrient budgets (the driving force); - the connecting elements in the rural landscape, related as they are with lotting out. For each subject (session) two invited papers were presented in combination with a varying number of posters. All these papers were encompassed by the opening and closing lectures, which sketch the societal framework within which a more ecological approach of agriculture has to be worked out. In this overview the different elements are rearranged and assessed according to four major groups of problems: lotting out, nutrient management, soil treatment, and weed and arthropod control. It is concluded with some comments on the possibilities to realize more ecological approaches in the framework of farming-practice and EC-politics.

  • - Similarities and Differences
    947,95 kr.

    Presents rhinitis and asthma research together to give an integrated review of current knowledge of the two diseases, both of which occur in the airway mucous membrane and which have similar pathophysiology.

  • - Plant Ecology in the Sub-Artic Swedish Lapland
    821,95 kr.

  • - The Ystad Project The Cultural Landscape During 6000 Years in Southern Sweden
    821,95 kr.

    This volume presents the results of the project "The Cultural Landscape during 6000 Years", based on interdisciplinary collaboration between six disciplines at Lund University during the period 1982-90. Before this project was initiated, researchers and teachers had long shown an interest in studies of the interaction of society and landscape in a historical perspective, but this interest led to only limited collaboration between the humanities and the natural sciences. One of the enthusiasts behind such collaboration in Lund has been Professor Berta Stjernquist, who also played a major role in designing the present project with its theoretical background and investigation area, the Ystad area.

  • - In An Interdisciplinary Perspective
    af Bangsbo
    513,95 kr.

    Presents a multi-disciplinary scientific approach to various sports, namely sailing, soccer and running. This title contains information and perspectives within various disciplines in sport science. It is intended for researchers, university lecturers and students, as well as interested coaches.

  • - The Use of Population Viability Analyses in Conservation Planning
    727,95 kr.

    The scope of this volume is intentionally broad. We review applications of spatially realistic occupancy models and age- or stage-structured demographic models as well as individual-based demographic models. These three main Population Viability Analysis (PVA) approaches initially are compared with other conservation assessment tools in an overview by Akcakaya, Lacy and Sjogren-Gulve and Hanski, with a special chapter on plant PVAs by Menges, all using illustrative examples. Fleishman et al. subsequently outline how nested subsets analyses can help discern focal species, taxa whose habitat requirements may encompass those of larger species groups and can be subjected to PVAs. Kindvall then compares the predictive accuracy of simpler occupancy models versus a democratic model for predicting local extinctions and colonizations in a bush-cricket metapopulation. Thereafter, four case studies which use the three model categories are presented (papers by Berglind, Ebenhard, Lennartsson, and Vos et al.). The volume concludes with Gardenfors' paper on the use of PVAs in the classification of threatened species, and Lacy's presentation of the structure and logic of VORTEX, a widely used demographic and genetic PVA model.

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