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  • af Ed Rampell
    182,95 kr.

  • af Jan Tenbruggencate
    114,95 kr.

  • af Curt Sanburn
    108,95 kr.

  • af Gail Bartholomew
    262,95 kr.

  • af Carly Tan
    137,95 kr.

    Lily is a playful young girl who loves her Tutu and Papa. On this beautiful day in Hawaii, Lily learns how to make her Tutu's famous banana bread and, in the process, discovers some of the benefits and challenges of growing up. This story was written by two students in the Iolani School One Mile Project class and Colby Takeda, an administrator with The Plaza Assisted Living. It is their hope that stories like this can help children begin to understand the aging process and continue to form important intergenerational relationships.

  • af Kristin Zambucka
    137,95 kr.

  • af Chris Cook
    157,95 kr.

  • af Mindy Pennybacker
    232,95 kr.

  • af Muriel Miura
    172,95 kr.

    262,95 kr.

    Hawai'i's Community Cookbook has over 600 delicious recipes from the islands' most treasured community cookbooks. Back in the day, most cooks did not keep written recipes. The community cookbook became a way to preserve culinary and cultural traditions from generation to generation. As more people arrived in the islands from other countries, they became neighbors and generously shared their food with each other. The cookbooks they compiled reflected Hawai'i's diverse communities and how different cuisines were melded. Some cookbooks were a proud statement of heritage. Some spread the mission for organizations of every type--schools, business groups, civic groups, churches, quilting guilds, choirs, hospitals, and more. This anthology of recipes, selected from fifty community cookbooks, invites the home cook to a statewide potluck with an abundance of personality. There are "old-fashioned" recipes that are popular again, like popovers and made-from-scratch breads and biscuits, chutneys and jams. There are neighborhood favorites like Chicken Hekka, Coconut Fish, and Pulehu Ribs and recipes for quick, easy-to-make meals like Beef Tomato, Mochiko Chicken, and Saimin. Salads, vegetable dishes, pūpū, and desserts use island ingredients like 'ulu (breadfruit), taro, 'ōhelo berries, liliko'i, and more.

  • af Kristin Zambucka
    142,95 kr.

    In this pictorial biography, over 180 old photographs, anecdotes written by personages of the day, letters, and newspaper accounts paint a glowing picture of the colorful reign of Hawai'i's last king. David Kalākaua ruled the Hawaiian Islands from 1874 until 1891 at a crucial time in Hawai'i's history when the Islands were undergoing great changes. There was an alarming influx of foreigners who brought with them other cultures and unknown diseases. King Kalākaua saw that the only way to preserve his fast diminishing people was to lead them back to their old traditions. Thus he set about reviving the ancient chants and hula and the Hale Naua (The School of Wisdom). Under the king's patronage there was an enormous resurgence of Hawaiian culture. But his enemies in the missionary party were relentless in prying this innovative king from his throne. The strain of withstanding their attacks took its toll on Kalākaua. After reigning over his island kingdom for seventeen years, he went to San Francisco to alleviate his failing health in late 1890. He died there, at the Palace Hotel, in January, 1891.

  • af Maxine Mrantz
    101,95 kr.

    Throughout the history of Hawai'i, women have played a crucial role in shaping the government, societal landscape, and future of the Islands by leading their people through immense change. Women of Old Hawai'i offers a basic overview of just a handful of the outstanding figures whose iinfluence and work are still felt today. Author Maxine Mrantz begins by just scratching the surface of what life was like for women in ancient Hawai'i, explaining the importance of genealogy and bloodlines, marriage and children, and women's roles as caregivers, artists, rulers, and lawmakers. Among the most notable women presented are Queen Ka'ahumanu, wife of Kamehameha I, Chiefess Kapi'olani, Elizabeth Kīna'u, Kekāuluohi, Princess Victoria Kamāmalu, Queen Emma, Princess Ka'iulani, and Queen Lili'uokalani. Their accomplishments exceed what's listed here and continue to be seen and felt throughout Hawai'i today--from the laws created, to the buildings erected, to the land preserved, to the songs written. Hawai'i's presence on the world stage would not have been possible without the courage and strength of the women leaders who paved the way forward.

  • af Sam Choy
    232,95 kr.

    Chef Sam Choy had his first bite of 'ulu as a child growing up in Lā'ie, on O'ahu's North Shore, in a neighborhood where everyone had a breadfruit tree in their yard. Sam learned methods of preparing 'ulu from both family and neighbors who originated from all over the Pacific, bringing to Hawai'i their cherished traditions. This upbringing permeates his entire professional career. Sam Choy's 'Ulu Cookbook is a rare recipe collection devoted to a truly Hawaiian and Polynesian staple. The recipes are Sam's own, from friends, and the Hawai'i 'Ulu Cooperative, who partnered in creating this book. Galyn Wong, who felt passionately about 'ulu's health values, pioneered with Sam the idea of an entire book devoted to what she considered was a wonder food. The book comes at an ideal time for home cooks now that the Hawai'i 'Ulu Cooperative has helped to increase supply and make frozen, recipe-ready 'ulu available throughout the islands and even by mail order. The recipes are both traditional and contemporary: 'Ulu chips with a multitude of dips to accompany them. Salads that pair 'ulu with other island favorites like hō'i'o (fern shoots). Soups made substantial and creamy through the magic of 'ulu. Burgers, croquettes, and more--including a host of desserts.

  • af Douglas Peebles & Jan Tenbruggencate
    347,95 kr.

  • af Joleen Oshiro & Betty Shimabukuro
    192,95 kr.

  • af Jan Tenbruggencate
    152,95 kr.

    Generations of Hawai'i's residents have been raised on stories about the Menehune as magical and mischievous little people, living primarily in the mists of Island forests, in the history of our oldest places, and at the very edge of our vision. But Menehune are far more than a fairy tale, and there is ample evidence that the tradition has changed dramatically over time. Across 30 years of research, journalist and historian Jan TenBruggencate has tracked down the Menehune tale's many tendrils. Today's Menehune stories are drawn from separate traditions"€"the Menehune of O'ahu, the Melehuna of Kaua'i, and tales from other Pacific islands. The Menehune of the earliest stories in the earliest traditions are very different from those we recognize today. Menehune Mystery is a retelling of favorite narratives: The 'Alekoko fishpond, the Kk-a-Ola aqueduct, Laka's canoe, the wizard Kahano-a-newa and K-leo-nui, and Kamapua'a's house, among others. It is also a forensic analysis of the myth's trajectory. Were Menehune the ancestors of Hawai'i's people? Did the famous Wainiha Menehune census actually take place? Which storytellers carried the stories forward faithfully? Who were the narrators who twisted the tale to suit their own objectives? And what evidence exists that little people might once have existed in Polynesia?

  • af Ron Hirschi
    137,95 kr.

    Young Kai and Lehua hop aboard the SS Scoutabout for an adventure of a lifetime, studying sharks with Captain Mike, biologist Aunt Jan, and their seafaring pup, Scout. Cruising from Hawai'i to California, they encounter beautiful oceanic whitetips, great whites, thrashing threshers, and the biggest fish of all, the whale shark. Approaching the mainland, they discover all is not well for some sharks in California waters and the two kids make plans to help the sharks, to help the ocean! Beautifully illustrated by local illustrator, Tammy Yee. Full of facts, figures, and Instagram-type snap shots of Kai and Lehua's journey of discovery"€"perfect for young generation Z kids who want to learn about the Earth and how to help sustain all its creatures.

  • af Laurie Shimizu Ide
    142,95 kr.

  • af Leslie A. Hayashi
    137,95 kr.

    "The Strong family is poor," teased the neighborhood boys. Eight year old Austin and his family have just arrived in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Here, goldfish swim in the horse troughs of the wealthy. But not in the Strong's trough. Theirs is nothing but an old rusty tub. Then one day two visitors tell of a precious gift from their emperor to the king--double tailed goldfish. Immediate Austin is determined to catch a goldfish for his family's trough. But when he arrives at the park, there is a warning: Fishing in the Park is strictly prohibited and will be punished with the full severity of the law, Kalakaua, Rex. Will Austin steal the king's fish to forever stop the boys' teasing? And if he does, is he ready to face the ultimate punishment?

  • af Tom Stevens & Douglas Peebles
    472,95 kr.

  • af Myra S. Ikeda
    197,95 kr.

    A Harvest of Hawaii Plantation Pidgin: The Japanese Way examines, from the perspective of language, the plantation experience of the issei and subsequent generations who came to Hawaii (Tengoku) to work in the sugar fields. Hilo-born Myra Sachiko Ikeda, shows how the Japanese language spoken by the first workers became influenced by the need to communicate with other workers, and how pidgin, the common plantation language that had developed earlier among the Chinese, Portuguese, and Hawaiians to understand each other, quickly integrated Japanese words. Ikeda, sharing her personal story and motivation in tackling this project, includes important descriptions of plantation life along with discussion of camp names, children's games like Jan Ken Po, and Hanabata Days. She also shows that for workers living close together, socializing and sharing food at lunchtime, planation camps came to have a great or even greater impact on identity than ethnic background and the important role that Hawai'i Pidgin English played in the dynamics of local identity. Ikeda's work is particularly timely as living cultural reminders of the plantation era become fewer with sugar towns disappearing or transforming. Her pioneering work, centering on where she was raised, will make it easier for scholars and linguists to research the pidgin spoken by others. Language, word usage and development varied from island to island and, in some cases, even from district to district (the game called kamapio not only varied in spelling and pronunciation, but was even played by different rules from town to town.) Ikeda provides more than just a starting point, but a valuable framework for others to follow. A Harvest of Hawaii Plantation Pidgin: The Japanese Way appeals to several audiences. Old timers who grew up in plantation villages will recapture memories to share with their grandchildren eg. "Hanabata Days." [This may be considered the perfect Japanese Pidgin term, for not only does it combine Japa

  • af Lynette Lo Tom
    232,95 kr.

    Chinese cooking has to be the most popular cuisine in Hawaii. It's found everywherebuffets, potlucks, local celebrations. And of course, everyone has their favorite Chinese restaurant to brag about. A Chinese Kitchen does more than just show how to cook more than 100 recipes. It takes you behind the scenes explaining the recipes, providing stories, vintage photographs and insights into Chinese food traditions and the Chinese culture and experience in Hawaii. Former TV reporter and public relations firm proprietor, Lynette Lo Tom shares recipes from friends and family. These dishes range from quick-and-easy to ones that require more time, from the well-known ones not found everywhere. Enjoy cold ginger chicken, cake noodles, minute chicken, char siu, and other mouth-watering recipes.

  • af G. Brad Lewis
    212,95 kr.

    117,95 kr.

    Hawai'i's culinary terms can be baffling, whether supermarket shopping, looking for recipe ideas in local cookbooks, or reading restaurant menus, particularly at fine dining ones where chefs like to show off by using new and fancier food terminology. While newcomers to the islands are at the most disadvantage, even longtime residents can get stumped by forgotten meanings of ingredients. Being familiar with every culinary term or ingredient, particularly those not from one's heritage/ethnicity, is impossible. Add in local pidgin and one can be excused for not knowing the meaning of many local culinary terms. Hawai'i's Food Dictionary ends all the confusion and unknowns. No longer do you have to be in the dark about an ingredient's meaning or a food term. No longer do you have to be stumped at the grocery store or intimidated at a restaurant when you hear the specials. Culling over 40 local cookbooks, from The Choy of Seafood by Sam Choy, to A Taste of Hawaii by Jean-Marie Josselin, from D.K.'s Sushi Chronicles from Hawai'i by Dave D.K. Kodama, to Roy's Fish & Seafood by Roy Yamaguchi, Hawai'i's Food Dictionary is all inclusive to understand local culinary food usage including many relevant non-Hawai'i meanings.

  • af H. Douglas Pratt
    162,95 kr.

    The Hawaiian Islands are probably best known for spectacular scenery and wonderful climate. But ever since they emerged above the sea as volcanic mountaintops, they have provided a home for a unique and constantly changing community of animals. First to arrive were seabirds and sea turtles. Of course, birds dominated the scene, but two mammals, a seal and a bat, also managed to find the islands. Hawai'i's wildlife today is an odd mixture of native and introduced species. Seabirds such as boobies, frigatebirds, tropicbirds, terns, and shearwaters find refuge on offshore islets, and songbirds such as cardinals, bulbuls, sparrows, white-eyes, and finches. The most conspicuous mammal is the small Indian mongoose, and skinks, geckos, frogs, and toads add an element absent from pre-human Hawai'i. In rural areas, today's birds and mammals include deer, mouflon sheep, turkeys, pheasants, francolins, partridges, and quail. In lowland forests, feral pigs provide sport for local hunters and all but a few birds are non-natives. In high elevation native forests, native species of honeycreepers, thrushes, and 'elepaios still predominate, and hoary bats, hawks, and insects at night. Also included are the ocean creatures Hawai'i is known for: dolphins, whales, sharks, rays, reef fish, and freshwater fish. Butterflies also make a beautiful showing.

  • af Stephanie L. MacDonald
    172,95 kr.

    Knitting in Hawaii is Hawaii's very first knitting book showcasing exclusive design wear for Hawaii's tropical lifestyle. Whether you knit in Hawaii or are planning to visit the islands or another warm weather destination, there is a pattern to inspire you to pick up your needles. Only basic knitting skills are needed to create any of the 15 quick and delightful projects. The warm weather patterns include: airy shrugs, a beach bag, comfy beach pullovers, and charming evening wear, and there are bright and colorful patterns for your favorite toddler and young child, too. More than a pattern book, this is a book of inspiration, appreciation, and island traditions. Feel connected to the island culture behind the projects as you bring your own special knit-wear to life.

  • af Daniel Harrington
    233,95 kr.

    This highly illustrated timeline, with over 300 photographs, moves readers through the history of Hawaiian Islands, telling a story point by point until a fuller picture emerges. In this volume are collected the dates and names of the men and women who have affected these Islands, some for the better, some for worse. Here is Kamehameha I, unifier of the Islands, alongside Captain Cook, whose voyages to the Islands precipitated years of contact with the West and the near eradication of Hawaiian culture. Here are a multitude of people and events that have shaped and made these Islands into what they have become. This timeline is not a picture of Hawaiian history in its totality; that would require a work of numerous volumes. It does, however, provide the reader with a starting point for further investigation and he or she is encouraged to read the entries gathered in the succeeding pages and seek out further volumes of history to gain a fuller understanding of the events written of here. In this way the book becomes a collection of points guiding the reader onward to new and different horizon.

  • af Jane Gillespie
    117,95 kr.

    Visitors to Hawaii will inevitably encounter the term aloha at some pint during their stay. They will most likely hear the tour group gettingAloha!When they arrive. They will see aloha as part of many business names, as the closing salutation on signs and letters, and hear aloha as an everyday word spoken in encounters with local people. As they venture out to become more familiar and knowing of Hawaii, they will begin to sense that there is a deeper meaning and usage of the term. They will hear it said of someone"He has aloha," or "That is true aloha." They will soon realizes that aloha is not just a word, but a concept that is multi-dimensional, that it encompasses random acts of kindness, that it means giving love or affection to both close ones and strangers, and that it represents an attitude, a way of thinking, a spirit of living, a philosophy. Aloha is an integral part of the Hawaiian culture and can be considered its gift or legacy to the world. Giving aloha, acting with aloha, and caring with aloha sets examples for all mankind to follow.

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