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Bøger udgivet af Myrddin Publishing Group

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  • - A Collection
    122,95 kr.

    Christmas O'Clock is a collection of holiday-themed stories including magic, space travel, and Rudolph. With two complete chapter books, lots of stories, and plenty of spirit, this anthology is great for kids of all ages. All proceeds go to Water Is Life to help children and families in an international effort.

  • - A Spirit Guide Q & A
    af Joan Hazel
    87,95 kr.

    Do your spirit guides watch you shower? Can you have an alien as a spirit guide? What if I don't have a guide? Our spirit guides are constantly with us, even if we do not realize it. Your Guide Said What? A Spirit Guide Q & A, answers the questions many people have but were either afraid to ask or did not know who to ask.

  • af Joan Hazel
    182,95 kr.

    Your life will change today... When Janet Beesinger writes the words in red on her calendar, she has no idea what they mean. But, as a psychic, she knows when the universe gifts you with personal information, you listen. Too bad the Universe didn't give her any more information. How was she to know the Universe meant an irritating and sexy shape-shifter who would challenge everything about her life? Saint Wolfe can feel the gravity of his arrangement with the goddess Hel closing in around him, forcing him to confront his past and the betrayal of the woman he was to marry. Needing to make peace with his past, he returns to New Orleans in search of forgiveness, only to be confronted by his own immortality. His only hope for atonement lies in the hands of a woman claiming to be a psychic. Will Janet be able to help Saint find salvation before his debt to Hel comes due?

  • - book three: Betrayal
    162,95 kr.

    One bite started it all . . . Joshua, Remy, and the twins are settled in their new life. However, life doesn't always run smoothly. An argument between Becky and her twin causes unforeseen circumstances, an admission by Samir almost costs him his life, and the traitor provides critical information to Liam. But who is it? As Jakki's visions begin to focus on the turncoat's activities, a member of the coven disappears, and others find themselves endangered. And when Liam's coven attacks, who will endure? Fate continues to toy with mortals and immortals alike, and as more hearts descend into darkness, can they overcome the dangers they face and survive?

  • - Lamplighter's Special
    af Alison DeLuca
    157,95 kr.

    Lizzie and her sister are forced to work in a huge manor and on a steamship to support their family. They are caught up in several mysteries: The squire's oldest son cannot leave the attic An old typewriter seems to move time and space A passenger hides in a secret room A beautiful visitor is plotting against them And Lizzie discovers that she has a strange, new ability. She and her sister must discover the secrets of The Lamplighter's Special before their enemy catches up with them. "DeLuca writes in an enjoyable faux-Victorian voice, capturing the 'prim and proper' spirit of the times while simultaneously subtly critiquing conventions (for example, the Marchpane's treatment of Mana, a black governess). Mostly, the style gives the novel both a lightness of touch and, when the voice is at its strongest, an authenticity."

  • af Stephen Swartz
    157,95 kr.

    The truth about being a vampire: It is not cool, not sexy. It's a painful, miserable existence. Good reason to avoid that situation, thinks medical technician Stefan Székely. He's too busy falling in love with TV reporter Penny Park. Until one day when she notices a dry patch of skin on his face. At first it's just annoying, nothing to worry about, some weird skin disease he can treat with lotions. However, as his affliction worsens, Stefan fears that his unsightly problem will ruin his relationship with Penny. If only that was all Stefan has to worry about! He soon realizes there is a lot more at stake than his handsome face. To save himself, Stefan must go in search of a cure for the disease which is literally destroying him inch by inch. If only his parents had told him of the family legacy.

  • af Stephen Swartz
    177,95 kr.

    Íris is a refugee from an abusive youth in Iceland, further abused on the streets of Toronto - until she sees Art as an escape. With a scholarship, she drifts from depression to nightmare to Wiccan rituals to the next exhibit. There's a lot she must forget to succeed in a life she refuses to take responsibility for. Eric is settling in at Fairmont College, starting a new life after betrayal and heartbreak. Divorced and hitting forty, he has a lot to prove - to his father, his colleagues, and mostly to himself. The last thing he needs is a distraction - and there's nothing more distracting than Iris. A BEAUTIFUL CHILL is a contemporary romance set in the duplicitous world of academic rules and artistic license.

  • - Diaspora
    af Stephen Swartz
    192,95 kr.

    Set-d'Elous (a.k.a. Sebastian Talbot) finds himself paralyzed and mute, tormented daily by the mocking spirit of the evil Empress-his wife. His only hope is to be rescued, but all his fellow Voyagers have been blown to other places, some back to Earth. They awaken to a world they had left and now cannot comprehend. Tammy's son, Chucker, awakens in the jungle, however, and in his years there realizes what went wrong in his team's assassination attempt on the Emperor of Sekuate: they shot the wrong guy. Feeling guilty, Chucker tracks Set-d'Elous to Earth, where he is locked up in a prison hospital, let out once a month for a day with Dr. Toni Franck, his former psychiatrist now wife. With the aid of a retired cop, Chucker must rescue Sebastian in order to counter the rise of a violent prophet's cult back on Ghoupallesz. Only a final battle will decide the truth-a truth that permeates the next few centuries.... Legend tells of a comet that will cleanse the world, and governments realize its near. Fortunately, Jinetta-d'Elous (a.k.a. Gina Parton, Interdimensional Voyager), a struggling mother of two, comes forward to offer assistance. Leading the aerospace commission, she tries to drive forward Ghoupallean technology from airships to interstellar spacecraft in the time remaining. However, success has its price and as the clock counts down, Gina must rescue her daughter from the evil Overlord and secure seats aboard the last spacecraft departing before the comet strikes. THE DREAM LAND trilogy concludes in Book III with an epic crash of time lines and an unforgiving planetoid coming to test even the heartiest of Interdimensional Voyagers!

  • - Dreams of Future's Past
    af Stephen Swartz
    192,95 kr.

    SAVE THE ONE OR THE MANY? OR BOTH...IF YOU ARE AN INTERDIMENSIONAL VOYAGER! After his adventures in Book I, Sebastian Talbot (a.k.a. Set-d'Elous, legendary warrior and Sekuatean cavalry captain) has exiled himself to a desolate island, content to laze away the days writing his memoir. Until the emissary from Queen Tammy arrives with a mission he cannot refuse. Tammy, the IRS clerk he took to Ghoupallesz along with Michael in Book I, wants him to go fetch her son who she left on Earth. How could she return for him? She married the King of Aivana. That mission raises desperate questions for Sebastian: If he can go back and forth through these interdimensional doorways and arrive in different time periods, perhaps he can do something to prevent the big war he fought through, the war that destroyed his family and millions of others. So he returns to his Ghoupalle wife Zaura. While on patrol duty, he comes upon a young poetess he knows will become the rebel leader who helps overthrow the monarchy and causes the wars. What would you do? Meanwhile, back on Earth in another timeline, Sebastian awakens from a coma and is helped in his recovery by Dr. Toni Franck. An affair develops-just as his opportunity for escape comes along. Later, as Sebastian/Set escorts teams of mercenaries back and forth to conduct their history-changing business, he tries to meet up with Toni again only to realize the police are still in pursuit. Desperate to see her, he arranges a meeting only to have a SWAT team show up, cornering him. Can he escape through an interdimensional doorway this time? THE DREAM LAND trilogy continues in Book II with parallel time lines, world domination and world destruction, and as always the minutiæ of heroic minds playing god without a rule book.

  • - Book I: Long Distance Voyager
    af Stephen Swartz
    192,95 kr.

    How far would you go to save the love of your life? Through a doorway to another world? When high school sweethearts Sebastian and Gina discover a doorway to a new world, adventure-loving Gina falls in love with the world of Ghoupallesz and wants to stay. But studious Sebastian fears losing touch with Earth, so he returns alone. Nevertheless, he sneaks back time and time again for his own strange adventures before finally giving up the habit after too many lost loves, betrayals, and war. Years later, working night shift at the IRS service center, Sebastian feels the cosmic pull once more. Gina is in trouble--again. Of course he must return and save her! Perhaps this time, they can stay together. Returning through the interdimensional doorway, Sebastian must first gather his comrades from the war, cross the towering Zet mountains, and free Gina from the evil Zetin warlord's castle. Unfortunately, Sebastian finds there are more questions than answers. Is his adventure on the other side real? Or is it just the dream of a psychotic killer? That's what the police want to know when friends and co-workers go missing. THE DREAM LAND is an eloquently efficient epic of interdimensional intrigue and world domination by high school geeks, filled with twisted humor (think double-helix), some steampunk pathos, a patina of psychological thriller (imagine a police procedural gone bad), passionate romance (tears will be shed!), graphic violence (de rigueur in battles scenes with a cast of millions), and the inevitability of quirky conundrums of time and space. "Long Distance Voyager" is the first volume of The Dream Land trilogy.

    157,95 kr.

    Alex Parris has been fascinated by the Trojan War all his life, but when he meets the seductive Eléna on a cruise to Turkey, he cannot help but see the two of them as a modern Helen and Paris. However, following seduction in Istanbul and their tour to the ruins of Ilium, Alex is forced to fight his way back to his lover-if he can find her, and if the rugged Turkish coast doesn't kill him first.

  • - The Devil's Kitchen
    af Alison DeLuca
    157,95 kr.

    In The Night Watchman Express, Miriam and Simon were kidnapped and thrown on the strange train... Now in Book Two of The Crown Phoenix series, they arrive at the terrifying destination known as Devil's Kitchen. There they will face human experiments in a laboratory known as The Infirmary. Miriam will be forced to work in an underground factory. Simon is held in a luxurious prison by jailers who are as beautiful as they are deadly... And their courage will be tested to the breaking point. "The story is told almost as if it were a fairy tale, but it has a gritty steampunk quality that makes it a perfect rainy weekend read. There is danger, there is darkness, and suspense; there is a serious good vs. evil plot. I found that I was thinking about the characters at the end, and wondering what was going to happen next. This story captured my interest from page one, and kept me reading all the way through it to the end. I enjoyed it immensely, and I am looking forward to reading more of DeLuca's work."

  • - Night Watchman Express
    af Alison DeLuca
    157,95 kr.

    An underground factory, a terrifying laboratory, and the eerie whistle of the Night Watchman Express... Miriam has only her guardians' son for company, and she and Simon dislike each other from the start. But they must find a way to trust each other, or they will end up on the sinister Night Watchman Express. Full of danger, suspense, betrayal, and a hint of romance, this steampunk adventure is for readers of all ages. "Alison DeLuca is a master storyteller who deserves much more recognition than she gets. I would not hesitate to recommend not only this book but also the entire series. This is Steampunk adventure at its best!"

  • - Three Modern Fairytales
    af Connie J Jasperson
    97,95 kr.

    Three grownup Tales from the Dreamtime in one novella... A conversation with Galahad, A prince on a quest and a goddess in mourning, A stolen kingdom and the Fractal Mirror. Three tales of wonder and great deeds Three tales of heroes and villains. Open the door and enter the Dreamtime, the world of fairytales, the flower of all that is delightful and mysterious, frightening and amazing.

  • - A Tale of Billy's Revenge
    af Connie J Jasperson
    157,95 kr.

    Huw Owyn is the last true bard in Waldeyn. Fleeing a burning city, Everything he ever loved in ashes behind him. Penniless and hunted, no place is safe. Abandoned and alone, eighteen-year old Huw the Bard must somehow survive. It's two-hundred leagues to safety, And then two-hundred more. A lot can happen to a man on a journey like that.

  • af Stephen Swartz
    157,95 kr.

    Ice and snow are all 12 year old Anuka knows outside the hut in Greenland where she was born. When her mama dies, Anuka struggles to survive. The harsh winter forces her to finally journey across the frozen island to the village her mama always feared. But the people of the village don't know what to do with this girl. They try to educate and bring her into the modern world, but Anuka won't make it easy for them. She sees dangers at every turn and every day hears her fate echoing in her mama's voice. Her mama gave her that name for a reason. She is A GIRL CALLED WOLF who searches for the place where she belongs, a destination always just out of reach, on a path she will always make her own.

  • af Stephen Swartz
    157,95 kr.

    When the handwritten letter from Japan arrives, Benjamin cannot help but flash back to when he lived in Hawaii and met Hanako, a Japanese stewardess. But Addy, Benjamin's wife of three years, knows what the letter really means: a love child was born. Now Benjamin must save a child he has never met, learn the truth about Hanako's life there, and risk his marriage and his career to do the right thing. But venturing into the lonely woods of northern Ishikawa throws him into an ancient world of strict customs and tight-lipped villagers, where secrets are not easily revealed. AIKO, a love story wrapped around a tragedy, unfolds like a modern version of "Madame Butterfly" told from his side.

  • af Alison DeLuca
    117,95 kr.

    Three years without a word from the magical half of the world, and suddenly there was a demon in her bedroom. And not just any demon, but Samanith the representative of the sinister Kendrick & Clarke Temp Agency and he had come with a job offer. To feel the intoxicating power of magic just one last time, Vara Harper would have said yes to anything. Even if it meant breaking her promise never to practice magic again. Besides, it was only a babysitting position and it would be their secret. What would be the harm in doing one simple job? What Sam neglected to mention was that the 'baby' was a headstrong teenage girl, heir to a fortune, the only daughter of the Agency's most influential client, and she had been bitten by a werewolf. Vara finds herself facing her brooding ex-boyfriend, currently working as the heiress's bodyguard. He still harbors a grudge over their breakup and has resolved to make her job an unpleasant one. Will Vara survive the rabid wolf instincts growing inside the teenage heiress who hungers for her magic? Or the lecherous tabloid reporter determined to turn the situation into a front page scandal? Or the pack of wolf hunters who want the heiress dead, and possibly Vara too, and all because she had been HIRED BY A DEMON.

  • af Connie J Jasperson
    212,95 kr.

    Edwin Farmer and his companions journey deep into the shadowed lands claimed by the dreaded Bull God, determined to rescue a kidnapped healer at any cost. Battling creatures born of magic, fierce minotaur warriors, and the mad priest of the Bull God, Edwin must transform himself into a hero. The Gods are at war and Neveyah is the battleground. Magic and destiny wait in the Tower of Bones.

  • af Lee French
    192,95 kr.

    Without a Sultan, corrupt Fire Dancers and their pompous Caliphs abuse power and wage fruitless wars across the parched sands of Serescine.Fakhira wishes her family could afford to solve their problems with magic. Sometimes, wishes come true. In the worst possible way. A simple peasant, she'll have to find the strength to survive and shoulder her fate before the desert is bathed in the blood of innocents.The Fires blaze in dozens of wild, capricious Dancers.The Waters anoint only one champion, one Al-Kabar to serve--and save--the people of the desert.

  • af Lee French
    182,95 kr.

    Everybody knows girls can't be knights......Nobody told Claire.Can she survive proving them wrong?After 6 difficult years in Portland's foster care system, sixteen-year-old Claire has given up all her dreams. Hope and trust? What are those?But she'll need both.Portland has a ghost problem, and it doesn't care about her issues.Armed with a magical locket, the only thing she has left of her family, will Claire find the strength to accept the help offered by a would-be mentor?You'll love this heartwarming young adult urban fantasy because finding family is best done in strange places.Get it now.

  • - Conclusion to the Stefan Szekely Trilogy
    177,95 kr.

    Midnight, 31 December 2099. As the Empire of Europa celebrates the new millennium with battle lines in Ukraine and preparations underway for invading England, the Emperor in His capital of Budapest welcomes His guests, the elite of vampire society. Yet all is not well in the empire. Different factions agree the time has come for new leadership. As rabid mobs protest and attack palace guards, Emperor Stefan and his closest staff huddle in the imperial suite, awaiting rescue. But how do you get away from the clutches of the supreme demon who lives forever and exists everywhere? If Stefan can free himself, the world may yet be saved. If he fails, the destruction will continue until the Anglo-American Union falls and vampire society rules the world.

  • af Connie J. Jasperson
    182,95 kr.

    What if the Druids had conquered Rome? What if Arth Ur Pendragon's sword Caliburn had been cursed? The world would have been a different place … A place like Bleakbourne, on the River Heath. Leryn the Bard is in search of these stories and more. Merlin, under a terrible curse, enlists Leryn's aid. In return, Leryn will have the tale that will make him the bard all bards want to be. However, as Leryn will soon discover, in Bleakbourne, no good deed goes unpunished.

  • af Maria V A Johnson
    88,94 kr.

  • af Kate Bitters
    132,95 kr.

  • af Stephen Swartz
    192,95 kr.

  • - Minkie Monster and the Birthday Surprise
    af Ceri Clark
    137,95 kr.

  • - Minkie Monster and the Lost Treasure
    af Ceri Clark
    167,95 kr.

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