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Serial storytelling has the advantage of unlocking rather than simplifying the complexities of digital culture. With their worldbuilding potential, TV series open up new artistic horizons, particularly for the dystopian genre. Situated at the nexus of dystopia, complex TV, and a metamodern cultural logic, Dystopia on Demand: Technology, Digital Culture, and the Metamodern Quest in Complex Serial Dystopias offers readers novel insights into the dynamics of serial dystopias in the contemporary streaming landscape. Introducing the term 'complex serial dystopias' to describe series that allow audiences to engage with the dystopian premise from multiple angles, the book examines four Anglo-American series, including Black Mirror, Mr. Robot, Westworld, and Kiss Me First. The in-depth analyses trace the variety of ways in which these series offer critical reflections on the human-technology entanglement in digital culture.
This study connects the idiosyncratic modernism of Wyndham Lewis, co-founder of the Vorticist art movement, with works of several artists from the British art rock tradition, among them Bryan Ferry, David Bowie, art-punk pioneers Wire and electronic pop musician John Foxx. By taking a transdisciplinary and intermedial approach to texts from two fields normally studied in isolation and staking out the elements of a shared modernist ethos, the book presents a new perspective on both fields relevant to scholars of literature, popular culture, and the visual arts alike. While the book rests on sound research from the fields of literary criticism, art history, and pop theory, the structure and writing of the book is fundamentally designed to be accessible and comprehensible to non-scholarly readers.
Illustrierte Bücher sind für viele Kinder der Einstieg ins eigene Lesen, nachdem Oma oder Papa ihnen vorgelesen und ihren 'Leseappetit' geweckt haben. Mit etwas Glück werden sie bald eifrige, sprachgewandte und weltoffene Leser:innen. Die Bilder in einem gedruckten Text erleichtern den Zugang zu den sperrigen Buchstabenfolgen, indem sie ein Vorverständnis bereitstellen. Das gilt auch für erwachsene Leser:innen, denen das Lesen durch Illustrationen auf diese Weise attraktiv und gelingend wird, dass es bald zu ihrem Alltag gehört. So haben viele Menschen in der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen in Frankreich, Deutschland und Großbritannien immer öfter zu den in großer Zahl angebotenen preiswerten Büchern mit Holzschnitten gegriffen und sind selbst zu Leser:innen und Sammler:innen geworden. Die vergleichende Untersuchung dieser illustrierten Erzähltexte zeigt, wie verschieden die Entwicklung in den drei Ländern war, und bietet eine systematische Einführung in die verschiedenen Illustrationsformen und ihre Wechselwirkungen mit den Texten.
Today, virtually all BA programs in English at German universities place a strong focus on Cultural Studies. However, textbooks that introduce first-year students to the subject are rare, and the few existing ones are too complicated or not comprehensive enough. By contrast, this textbook introduces the key theories and concepts of Cultural Studies systematically and thoroughly. It puts particular emphasis on their application, aiming to enable students to do their own analyses of cultural artefacts and practices. The author draws on many sample examples, mostly taken from American culture, but in each chapter, he applies the ideas introduced to The Hunger Games franchise and the Coronavirus pandemic to show how different theories can lead to very different interpretations of the same phenomenon. Each chapter ends with exercises that allow students to apply what they have learned.
Contemporary Indian English Literature focuses on the recent history of Indian literature in English since the publication of Salman Rushdie's novel Midnight's Children (1981), a watershed moment for Indian writing in English in the global literary landscape. The chapters in this volume consider a wide range of poets, novelists, short fiction writers and dramatists who have notably contributed to the proliferation of Indian literature in English from the late 20th century to the present. The volume provides an introduction to current developments in Indian English Literature and explains general ideas, as well as the specific features and styles of selected writers from this wide spectrum. It addresses students working in this field at university level, and includes thorough reading lists and study questions to encourage students to read, reflect and write about Indian English literature critically.
This book offers a nuanced, integrated understanding of EFL learning and instruction and investigates both learner and teacher perspectives on four thematically interconnected parts. Part I encompasses chapters on psychological aspects related to teaching and learning and presents the latest research on positive language education, teacher empathy, and well-being. Part II deals with EFL teaching methodology, specifically related to teaching pronunciation, language assessment, peer response, and strategy instruction. Part III addresses aspects of cultural learning including inter- and transculturality, digital citizenship, global learning, and cosmopolitanism. Part IV concerns teaching with literary texts, for instance, to reflect on social and political discourse, facilitate empowerment, imagine utopian or dystopian futures, and to bring non-Western narratives into language classrooms.
Der didaktische Wert von picturebooks für den Englischunterricht in der Grundschule gilt als unumstritten. Jedoch gibt es in Forschung und Unterrichtspraxis derzeit kaum Ansätze, wie der Transfer dieses vermeintlich kindlichen Literaturmediums in die Sekundarstufe gelingen kann. Dieser Band legitimiert picturebooks als komplex angelegte Textform, die sich auch mit fortgeschrittenen Lernenden zu kompetenz- und inhaltsorientierter Arbeit im Englischunterricht anbietet. Die im Band versammelten konzeptuellen und empirischen Perspektiven zeigen angehenden und praktizierenden Lehrkräften konkret auf, wie vielfältig picturebooks den Unterricht bereichern können. Eine große Bandbreite praktischer Beispiele verdeutlicht ihr Potenzial für den Englischunterricht der Sekundarstufen - von der Förderung verschiedener literacies und literarischen Lernens bis hin zur Fokussierung von Themen wie Umwelt, sozialer Gerechtigkeit oder kultureller Diversität.
This volume is dedicated to the logos of Cambyses at the beginning of Book 3 in Herodotus' Histories, one of the few sources on the Persian conquest of Egypt that has not yet been exhaustively explored in its complexity. The contributions of this volume deal with the motivations and narrative strategies behind Herodotus' characterization of the Persian king but also with the geopolitical background of Cambyses' conquest of Egypt as well as the reception of the Cambyses logos by later ancient authors. "Herodotean Soundings: The Cambyses Logos" exemplifies how a multidisciplinary approach can contribute significantly to a better understanding of a complex work such as Herodotus' Histories.
This is a fully integrated course book aimed at university students of English in the German-speaking region. It presents a staged and clearly developed introduction to the theory of pronunciation combined with a wealth of transcription exercises provided online. The book requires no prior knowledge of linguistics. From the outset, it explains key concepts in easy-to-understand language, highlights key terms in the text for easy review, and gives translations of many of the terms into German. Additionally, a glossary provides students with a handy quick reference. The transcription exercises guide students from exploratory tasks to basic transcription to the more demanding transcription of natural dialogue, and all exercises are supplied with annotated solutions. The book is carefully divided into lessons and exercises which can be managed in 12 two-hour classes, leaving enough time for review and examination in a university term of 14 weeks or more."a well structured and easy-to-follow introduction to the basics of the theory of pronunciation, accompanied by a carefully designed set of practical exercises and a step-by-step transcription course"(Snezhina Dimitrova, Linguist List)
The crucial role of feedback in the learning process is undisputed. But how can feedback be exchanged in the digital age? This book equips teachers and learners with a research-based overview of digital feedback methods. This includes, for instance, feedback in text editors, cloud documents, chats, forums, wikis, surveys, mails as well as multimodal feedback in video conferences and recorded audio, video and screencast feedback. The book discusses the advantages and limitations of each digital feedback method and offers suggestions for their practical application in the classroom. They can be utilized in online teaching as well as to enrich on-site teaching. The book also provides ideas for combining different feedback methods synergistically and closes with recommendations for developing dynamic digital feedback literacies among teachers and students.
As a result of migration, more than 25% of Romanian L1 speakers live outside of Romania and Moldova - mostly in other European countries, but also in America and Australia. In the meantime, many second-generation speakers have become part of this group. The situation has resulted in various different constellations of language contact, both within the group of Romance languages and amongst typologically different and unrelated languages. Despite the fact that these contact scenarios present a wide range of research perspectives, there have been hardly any studies on Romanian as a language of migrants up until now. The volume Romanian in the Context of Migration brings together contributions on the Romanian language in Europe and in North America in the context of current migration linguistics. It includes studies on Romanian in Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia and Spain and on the Romanian of those who return to Romania and Moldova.Über 25 % der Sprecher mit Rumänisch als L1 leben heute - infolge der Migration - außerhalb von Rumänien und der Republik Moldau, zumeist in anderen Ländern Europas, aber auch in Amerika und Australien. Inzwischen sind zahlreiche Vertreter der 2. Generation hinzugekommen. Aus dieser Situation ergeben sich unterschiedliche Konstellationen von Sprachkontakt, sowohl innerromanisch als auch mit typologisch verschiedenen und nicht verwandten Sprachen. All diese Kontaktszenarien eröffnen vielfältige Forschungsperspektiven. Dennoch gibt es bislang kaum Untersuchungen zum Rumänischen als Sprache von Migrantinnen und Migranten. Der Sammelband Romanian in the Context of Migration vereint Beiträge zum Rumänischen in Europa und Nordamerika im Kontext der aktuellen Migrationslinguistik. Er umfasst Studien zum Rumänischen in Deutschland, Frankreich, Italien, Kanada, Portugal, Slowenien und Spanien und zum Rumänischen der Rückkehrer.
This foundational coursebook offers an accessible and up-to-date introduction to all relevant areas of Teaching English. Definitions and practical examples guide the understanding and reflection of basic and advanced concepts of foreign language learning. The fully revised second edition responds to new developments in language education: (1) Recent policies from the Kultusministerkonferenz and updates of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages with its Companion Volume (2020) pay more attention to language awareness, mediation, and media literacy. (2) New empirical research explores the aims, methods, and impact of professional teacher education, Task-Based Language Teaching, and Content-and-Language-Integrated Learning. (3) The dramatic need for online teaching has met with refined concepts of multimodal media competence and cutting-edge tools for the digital classroom. This essential introduction and the PowerPoint presentations online facilitate multimodal teaching and learning.
The first edition of this book published in 2007 became a widely read reference work in the broader context of humanistic approaches to foreign language teaching and learning. Its development of the concept of teaching as an art draws on multiple historical and theoretical perspectives, as well as on qualitative research studies focusing on artistic teacher education and foreign language learning through drama. This new and updated edition will consider further developments in these and related fields, along with discussing the heightened relevance of this concept in light of the increasing standardization and digitalization of education.I believe that the book will become a standard reference point for all those who, against the current tide of 'scientific', objectives-based, test-oriented, control-obsessed, sterile approaches to language teaching, continue to believe that language teaching is indeed an art, and a joyful art at that.Prof. Dr. Alan Maley in English Language Teaching JournalPeter Lutzker is a major educational thinker and has spent half an earthly span living towards this major book. (...) I have placed Peter's book on my shelves next to those of Rogers, Curran, Dufeu and Stevick. Mario Rinvolucri in Humanising Language Teaching
bachelor-wissen "English Linguistics" is a compact and easy-to-use introduction to English linguistics which - is tailored to the needs of students of English at German, Austrian and Swiss universities - contains graded exercises to motivate students to carry out independent research, and - bridges the gap between linguistics and the literary and cultural-studies components of the typical BA in English Studies. Bachelor-wissen "English Linguistics" goes beyond the usual introduction in offering accompanying web resources which provide additional material and multi-media illustration.The new edition includes current theoretical approaches in the fields of sociolinguistics and World Englishes.
The focus on communication in TBLT often comes at the expense of form. In this book, the task-based approach is enhanced and coupled with insights into (cognitive) grammar, an approach which sees grammar as meaningful. The book shows how grammar teaching can be integrated into a communicative lesson in a non-explicit way, i.e., "by the backdoor". The learners are involved in situations that they may also encounter outside their classrooms and they are given communicative tasks they are to work on and solve, usually with a partner or in small groups. What teachers need to invest for preparing such lessons is their own creativity, as they have to come up with communicative situations which guide the learners into using a specific grammatical structure. The book first discusses the didactic and the linguistic theories involved and then translates these theoretical perspectives into actual teaching practice, focusing on the following grammatical phenomena: tense, aspect, modality, conditionals, passive voice, prepositions, phrasal verbs, verb complementation, pronouns, articles.
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