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Bøger udgivet af New Falcon Publications,U.S.

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  • - Empirical Evidence of the Human Soul
    af Timothy Owe
    182,95 kr.

    Do you have a soul? How can you know? Can science demonstrate its existence? What difference does it make? These are among the difficult and important questions at the heart of "Beyond Death". In the wake of the revolution of quantum physics, an increasing number of scientists have acknowledged the very real possibility of the existence of spirit or soul. The book sets out to prove the existence of spirit and its survival after death, not by appealing to some airy-fairy new age theory or religious dogma, but from empirical evidence gathered by qualified researchers from a number of scientific disciplines. Mind-matter interaction, research into healing and remote viewing, consciousness at the cellular level, near-death experiences and biological evidence of reincarnation are among the many perspectives from which this crucial subject is explored. What does this mean to you? Imagine it is after your "death" and you are looking back on this, your past life. Ask yourself what kind of life from here onward would please you as a spirit? What personal challenges met, fears overcome, actions taken and deeds done would make you proud? By answering this question NOW and moving on through life with that answer always present in your heart, you will have unlocked the secret of spirit and the true purpose of your life.

  • af Gary Reiss
    185,95 kr.

    Most people feel disturbed by the political and social problems we see every day yet, at the same time, feel helpless to solve them. We feel even more disturbed as we and others give up our personal power in futile attempts to solve these problems. We have given our power away to politicians and others who accomplish little or nothing as they serve their own narrow interests. People have become apathetic because the world situation is just too overwhelming. This book will help you to view the world situation in a way that is not overwhelming. It provides ways for you to take back your power for personal growth and social change.

  • af Jesse Davis
    254,95 kr.

    Ten percent of the population is homosexual. These people are not just numbers on a graph. They come into this world as infants, born to everyday mums and dads. They go to school, play, grow up just like everybody else. But when they get to young adulthood they are in a no-man''s land. No help, no understanding, no acceptance. Here is a book that gives hope to these lonely, perplexed kids -- and their parents.

  • - The Unpublished Writer
    af J Marvin Spiegelman
    304,95 kr.

  • - The Unhealed Healer
    af J Marvin Spiegelman
    304,95 kr.

  • - Distilling the Quintessence of Magick
    af Stephen Mace
    304,95 kr.

  • af Ph.D. Spiegelman
    254,95 kr.

    A courageous exploration of the passions of lust, power, betrayal and greed and the psychic need for love, creativity and religion. Using the powerful technique called "dynamic active imagination", you enter the hidden and forbidden realms of the mind as you explore the elegant structures of the Archetypes and world myth, and expand into the realm of collective historical experience.

  • - Reclaiming Our Liberty Through Magick
    af Stephen Mace
    304,95 kr.

    Stephen Mace explores the magick of using power to deal with the two institutions that seem to do the most to cripple our access to it: the Corporation and the State. Of these, the former is surely more odious than the latter, and infinitely less vital. Most odious of all, of course, is the carnal union of the two, but such depravity may tend toward the decline of both parties, and "Seizing Power" examines the dynamics of this process as well.

  • - Claiming Our Divinity Through Magick
    af Stephen Mace
    304,95 kr.

  • - Sex, Religion & Magick
    af Christopher S Hyatt
    354,95 kr.

    Be warned! This book contains descriptions of practices which might be considered as horrid or shocking to most in the Western world. The extensive case histories and rituals expose what is perhaps the most unspeakable (and, for its practitioners, unspoken) taboo of the Western psyche: the union of sex and religion. A must-have for those interested in Sex Magick, Chaos Magick, Thelema, and the Golden Dawn.

  • af J Marvin Spiegelman
    304,95 kr.

  • af Charles Kipp
    317,95 kr.

    Why is astrology both so appealing and so maligned? Orthodox religion proclaims it to be heretical and demonic. Philosophers consider it to be superstitious and uncritical. Scientists object to it as being presumably unverifiable. All these objections, however, are self-serving. This is not to say that such objections should be disregarded, but the mental attitudes from which they emanate ought to be evaluated within the context of the larger debate to which they contribute. Using the controversial figure of "The Wickedest Man in the World" -- Aleister Crowley -- as a focal point, this book provides a tremendous contribution both to the body of available data and to the manner in which such data may be evaluated.

  • - A Reader's Guide to Persons, Places & Things in the Tales of H P Lovecraft
    af Anthony Pearsell
    387,95 kr.

  • af Spiegelman
    296,95 kr.

    THE TREE OF LIFE is an expressive description of Jung's individuation process made colorful, brilliant and alive through its ten mythological' stories of different religious and spiritual paths.

  • - Volume V
    af Timothy Leary
    404,95 kr.

    Written in 70s with all the influence of the wild and counterculture rebelliousness of the 60s, The Game of Life reflects the depth of mind of one of the unique human beings of the 20th century. From famed psychologist and Harvard professor to LSD Guru, to stage and film star, computer junky, and more. Tim leaves no stone, or for that matter, person unturned. As an unrepentant advocate of personal freedom and development, he was on a mission to wake humanity up, to encourage us to use our brains and open our minds up to different ways of thinking. One of his favourite mottoes was "Think for yourself and question authority". The Game of Life is an organic computer, (although when Leary wrote it he wasn't yet into hyper-interactive computer intelligence.) In this book he updated the meaning of Medieval Tarot Cards and Chinese I-Ching Triagrams and used the symbology to express his fascinating theories within a multi-dimensional structure. With a unique intelligent wit, he expresses his perceptions, wisdom and ideas that evolution is proceeding into pre-programmed post-human stages which will carry us off the planet, but also that some human beings are (have always been) literally ahead of their times in having activated what Dr Leary calls "circuits" of their nervous systems years or even centuries ahead of general human development. The Game of Life is not simply a book: it is an experience.

  • - New Edition
    af Lon Milo Duquette
    297,95 kr.

  • af Timothy Leary
    254,95 kr.

  • - A Manual on the Use of the Human Nervous System According to the Instructions of the Manufacturers
    af Timothy Leary
    304,95 kr.

  • - 20th Anniversary Edition
    af Aleister Crowley
    304,95 kr.

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