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  • af United States Space Force
    152,95 kr.

    Must read for all Space Force personnel and highly recommended for anyone interested in its activities, per the Introduction: "This Chief of Space Operations' Planning Guidance (CPG) provides foundational direction for the Space Force to advance National and Department of Defense (DoD) strategic objectives. This authoritative Service-level planning guidance supersedes previous guidance and provides the context and outline for our new Service design. In some areas, the CPG will define specific actions, timelines and offices of primary responsibility. In other areas, the CPG describes my intent and desired outcomes. This guidance is intended to empower space professionals at all echelons to take initiative consistent with their delegated authority and mission focus to implement Service priorities. To enable initiatives, I will also specify several efforts that should be deprioritized to generate resources for reinvestment.This CPG communicates my intent and defines the capabilities and culture the USSF will pursue over my tenure. I will update intent, expand on guidance and review the progress of transformation initiatives via Force Design guidance annually. I expect all echelons to read, understand and implement this guidance.This durable hardcover case laminate edition offers a high quality reading experience that can be a preferable alternative to flipping through dogeared printouts or squinting at a PDF on the big screen.

  • af Federal Bureau Of Investigation
    322,95 kr.

    There is no substitute for looking at primary documents and real-time work product to understand how people's minds were actually working in history. In October 2020 the FBI declassified a 94-page spreadsheet that it used to track its analysts efforts to corroborate the so-called Steele dossier of allegations against then-Presidential candidate Donald Trump. The spreadsheet was referenced by FBI Inspector General Horowitz in a report that sharply criticized the FBI for its handling of the Dossier. Reporting on the released spreadsheet noted that it relied heavily on media reporting, some of which in turn relied on leaks from ... the Steele dossier. Commentators also observed that the corroboration analysis relied heavily on Steele's primary subsource, Igor Danchenko. The spreadsheet does not note that Danchenko had previously been suspected of being a Russian spy by the FBI.Reproduced in landscape format for easy reference and case laminate matte cover for durability.

  • af W Frederick Zimmerman
    232,95 kr.

  • af Richard Worth
    647,95 kr.

    Caught up in global chaos, the navies of World War II had to fight campaigns that rarely matched prewar planning. Each country found itself adapting its fleet compositions, ship designs, personnel training, and weaponry to ever-changing circumstances and ever-fluctuating resources-with varying degrees of success.An understanding of the successes and failures requires an uncompromising critique of the tools of war. Fleets of World War II pins down the warships' actual qualities, a nation-by-nation survey covering everything from the mightiest battlewagons to modest patrol craft.After fifteen years as a staple of naval research, Fleets of World War II now appears in this updated edition with expanded text and more than 150 photographs.Praise for the first edition: "With a substantial library of good books on the fighting ships of the last century and a half, I am glad to add Richard Worth's Fleets of World War II to my collection." -Frank Uhlig, Jr., U. S. Naval War College"This one book contains a perfect distillation of facts, theory and application on almost any ship that saw use in World War II.""Fleets of World War II probably represents the best single-volume comprehensive treatment of World War II warships available today." -William J. Jurens, Warship International

  • af Frank J. Andruss
    432,95 kr.

  • af Daniel Abbott
    422,95 kr.

    The successful application of the Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic" (Rees 2009, following in the spirit of Clarke's Law, propounded by the author of 2001: A Space Odyssey) "any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"). The Fifth-Generation warrior hides in the shadows, or in the static. So, then, how can analysts and researchers study and discuss 5GW? Other questions also demand answers. What is the xGW framework, which many theorists use to describe 5GW? What alternatives to the xGW framework exist? What 5GWs have been observed? What are the source documents for the xGW framework? What is the universe of discourse that the xGW framework emerged from? Why bother trying to understand 5GW?This handbook attempts to provide systematic answers to these questions in several major sections, each of which is written by many contributors. While this handbook records many different voices of 5GW research, it speaks with one voice on the need to understand 5GW, the fifth gradient of warfare.This Kindle version includes all images and figures from the printed book; some images will not display well on grayscale devices.

  • af W. Frederick Zimmerman
    222,95 kr.

  • af Pepe Escobar
    237,95 kr.

    In RAGING TWENTIES, Pepe Escobar smashes a triple-wide jumbo bulldozer of erudition and insight through the painfully narrow and now Big Tech-fortified Overton window of conventional American political discourse. This volume includes 25 essays written for Asia Times, Consortium News, and Strategic Culture in the incomparable year of 2020 and adds a new introduction, afterword, and table of abbreviations. Educated people of all political persusasions will enjoy Escobar's stinging prose and his display of his wide-ranging and truly global knowledge of poetry, history, and political philosophy. American readers already skeptical of the dominant narrative will enjoy this scintillating dissection of the mammoth hypocrisy involved in the standard governmental and corporate narrative. And those with perspectives similar to the American mainstream will benefit from reading a truly Other-centered exemplar of the several billion people who find the political perspectives that are commonplace in Asia, Europe, China, Russia, and Iran more congenial than those of a US establishment that has gifted the world with seventy-five-plus years of continuous war. Escobar's first book in the US, Globalistan (Nimble, 2007), brilliantly anticipated the future of a disintegrating international system in an era of "Liquid" (hybrid) war. These were followed by Red Zone Blues (2007); Obama does Globalistan (2009); Empire of Chaos (2014); and 2030 (2015), all by Nimble Books.From the Introduction: The Raging Twenties started with a murder.That lethality was amplified when a virus cannibalized virtually the whole planet, devouring time.As time has been standing still-or imploded-ever since, we cannot even begin to imagine the consequences of the anthropological rupture caused by SARS-CoV-2.A new world starts when language-either a living entity, or a virus from outer space (William Burroughs)-starts metastasizing new words.A basket of concepts already stand out. Circuit breaker. Biosecurity. Negative feedback loops. State of exception. Necropolitics. New Brutalism. Hybrid Neofascism. And, as we shall see, New Viral Paradigm.The proliferation of new words-and concepts-paradoxically developed in parallel with the slow fade out of The Word.Cameroonian philosopher Achille Mbembe summed it all up: "This end of the word, this definitive triumph of the gesture and artificial organs over the word, the fact that the history of the word ends under our eyes, that for me is the historical development par excellence."We all now live in Google town. Suddenly, we were forced to identify the lineaments of a new regime. A new mode of production: a turbo-capitalist survival engineered as Rentier Capitalism 2.0, where Silicon Valley behemoths take the place of estates, and also the State. That is the "techno-feudal" option, as defined by economist Cedric Durand.Squeezed and intoxicated by information performing the role of a dominatrix, we were presented with a new map of Dystopia, packaged as a "new normal", featuring cognitive dissonance, a biosecurity paradigm, the inevitability of virtual work, social distancing as a political program, info-surveillance, and triumphant Trans-humanism.

  • af Malcolm Wright
    1.267,95 kr.

    During World War II, navies developed camouflage for their ships. Applying it to both vertical and horizontal surfaces, they reduced visibility and confused the identities of their ships to the enemy. Maritime artist Malcolm Wright, author of popular books on British naval camouflage schemes in World War II, now turns his attention to the ships and aircraft of the Imperial Japanese Navy and Army from 1932 to 1945. Many schemes included in this volume are difficult to find without intensive research, making this a unique and valuable resource. The book covers every ship type from battleship to the smallest auxiliary, including the riverine craft that fought in China, all the ships in the separate fleet operated by the Imperial Japanese Army, and three special bonus pages describing camouflage schemes for selected hard-to-research ships from other navies. The timespan covered actually goes beyond 1932-45 and includes developmental milestones for each ship and class, from the 1914 construction of the battlecruiser KONGO to the 1946-47 repatriation service of the surviving vessels and their subsequent transfer to victorious navies.At 288 11" x 8.5" hardbound pages with half-inch margins and 9-point type, this book offers almost double the content area of the previous volumes in the series, which were 196 10" x 8" pages each, with a somewhat challenging 7-point font. This expansive and reader-friendly layout allows for numerous full-page spotlight views of important and interesting ships and planes, for a total of 952 images and captions. The durable case laminate jacket and 70-pound premium paper assure a long-lasting and pleasant physical experience.The captions combine construction, refit and service histories with sharp personal assessments of ship performance, accompanied by plank-level illustrations of the color schemes applied to ships and planes. Since sadly most pictures of World War II are in black and white, this book is a delight for anyone who wants to visualize the war as it actually occurred, in color. With its unparalled depth of technical detail and breadth of coverage, it is a must-have for students of naval history, the war in the Pacific, wargaming, and ship and aircraft modelling.The highly readable captions combine construction, refit and service histories with sharp personal assessments of ship performance, accompanied by plank-level illustrations of the color schemes applied to ships and planes. Since sadly most pictures of World War II are in black and white, this book is a delight for anyone who wants to visualize the war as it actually occurred, in color. With its unparalleled depth of technical detail and breadth of coverage, it is a must-have for students of naval history, the war in the Pacific, wargaming, and ship and aircraft modeling.The current printing includes fixes to several issues reported by reviewers, including making the ship scales consistent on page 7, cleaning up images on page 49 and 67, increasing image size on page 123, and removing a duplicate paragraph on page 187.

  • af Shaheen Chishti
    187,95 kr.

  • - Great Power Politics Meets Techno-Feudalism
    af Pepe Escobar
    257,95 kr.

  • af Frank J Andruss
    387,95 kr.

  • - Organizational Failure at Leyte Gulf
    af David L Brooks
    112,95 - 242,95 kr.

  • - Considering the Cruisers of World War II
    af Richard Worth
    282,95 kr.

  • - The Italian Regia Marina and the Armistice of 8 September 1943
    af Vincent O'Hara & Enrico Cernuschi
    282,95 - 312,95 kr.

  • - The American Invasion and Destruction of Iraq
    af Nicolas J S Davies
    322,95 kr.

    The invasion and occupation of Iraq wasn't just a tragic mistake. It was a crime.From the planning of aggression in 2002 through years of hostile military occupation, the United States systematically violated the United Nations Charter, the Geneva Conventions and virtually every principle of international law and order.America's crimes against the people of Iraq were shielded from public scrutiny by what senior U.S. military officers called the "quiet, disguised, media-free approach" developed in Central America in the 1980s. The echo chamber of the Western corporate media fleshed out the Pentagon's propaganda to create a virtual Iraq in the minds of the public, feeding a political discourse that bore no relation to the real war it was waging, the country it was destroying or the lives of its inhabitants.In an easily readable and flowing narrative, Nicolas Davies has carefully taken apart the wall of propaganda surrounding one of history's most significant military disasters and most serious international crimes: non-existent WMDs; the equally fictitious "centuries-old sectarian blood feud" in Iraq; and the secrecy of the dirty war waged by American-led death squads. Unlike other writers, Davies has firmly placed each aspect of the war within a coherent context of illegal aggression, hostile military occupation and popular resistance, to uncover the brutal reality of a war that has probably killed at least a million people."A clear, intelligent and accurate description of how we are involved in aggression in Iraq. Congratulations!" - Benjamin B. Ferencz, former Chief Prosecutor, U.S. War Crimes Tribunal, Nuremberg."If the Iraq occupation lasts another 50 years, it's doubtful a better account of it will be produced than this one." - David Swanson, Author of Daybreak: Undoing the Imperial Presidency and Forming a More Perfect Union.

  • - An Antidote to the World Is Flat
    af Pepe Escobar
    362,95 kr.

  • af Pepe Escobar
    232,95 kr.

  • - US Navy Guided Missile Cruiser
    af Nimble Books LLC
    442,95 kr.

  • af Kimberly Ruff
    232,95 kr.

  • - What Really Happened Off Samar
    af Robert Lundgren
    522,95 kr.

  • - Ww2 Wargames in the Frozen North
    af Mal Wright
    282,95 kr.

  • af W Frederick Zimmerman
    207,95 kr.

  • - The Death of a Submarine in the North Atlantic
    af Bruce Rule
    345,95 kr.

  • - F. W. Maitland
    af Alan Professor MacFarlane
    257,95 kr.

  • - The Case of the Armored Allosaurus
    af Stephen Penner
    167,95 kr.

  • - How We Failed to Get Bin Laden and Why It Matters Today (Decisive Battles of the 21st Century)
    af States Senate United States Senate
    232,95 kr.

    First volume in Decisive Battles of the 21st Century. From the Executive Summary: On October 7, 2001, U.S. aircraft began bombing the training bases and strongholds of Al Qaeda and the ruling Taliban across Afghanistan. The leaders who sent murderers to attack the World Trade Center and the Pentagon less than a month earlier and the rogue government that provided them sanctuary were running for their lives. President George W. Bush's expression of America's desire to get Osama bin Laden ''dead or alive'' seemed about to come true. Two months later, American civilian and military leaders celebrated what they viewed as a lasting victory with the selection of Hamid Karzai as the country's new hand-picked leader. The war had been conceived as a swift campaign with a single objective: defeat the Taliban and destroy Al Qaeda by capturing or killing bin Laden and other key leaders. A unique combination of airpower, Central Intelligence Agency and special operations forces teams and indigenous allies had swept the Taliban from power and ousted Al Qaeda from its safe haven while keeping American deaths to a minimum. But even in the initial glow, there were concerns: The mission had failed to capture or kill bin Laden. This failure and its enormous consequences were not inevitable.

  • - Inside the Cell
    af Erin A Pyne
    282,95 kr.

  • - Essays on the Battlecruiser
    af Richard (BSC Mrcs Mrcgp GP Principle with a Specialist Interest in Orthopaedics UK) Worth
    312,95 kr.

  • - Kriegsmarine Illustrated Ship Histories
    af Antonio Bonomi
    272,95 kr.

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