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Bøger udgivet af Oca Brazilian Culture LLC

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  • af Maria Esther Maciel
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the three essays gathered here, the poet and essayist Maria Esther Maciel creates an innovative and important reflection on literature and animality.

  • af Manuela Carneiro Cunha
    172,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In this seminal essay, anthropologist Manuela Carneiro da Cunha, one of the most active ethnologists in Brazil, presents an original view on the issue of intellectual rights in indigenous and traditional peoples.

  • af Kabengele Munanga
    162,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. The present book brings three essays by Kabengele Munanga, an important Brazilian-Congolese anthropologist and professor, considered to be one of the great researchers on the relationship between the two continents, on African and Afro-Brazilian art.

  • af Joel Rufino Santos
    162,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In this essay, the Afro-Brazilian historian Joel Rufino dos Santos, considered a reference on African culture in Brazil, presents a deep and propositive reflection on the presence of blacks in Brazilian society.

  • af Claudio Willer
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. The poet and literary critic Claudio Willer presents in this volume a panorama of the little known influence of surrealism in Brazil, as well as a retrospect on the figure of the damned poet and his resonances in our culture.

  • af Eduardo Guerreiro Losso
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the essay presented in this volume, reflecting on the relationship between mysticism and literary criticism, Eduardo Guerreiro B. Losso, considered to be one of the most prominent researchers on the history of Gnosticism and the history of mysticism currently active in Brazil, presents an instigating review of Brazilian symbolism and of a "delirious tradition" present in Brazilian culture.

  • af Raquel Rolnik
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Architect and researcher Raquel Rolnik, considered one of the greatest specialists in cities in Brazil, presents proposals for urban policies for Brazil and creates a historical overview of the occupation by the black population of cities such as Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo.

  • af Mário Schenberg
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Considered the greatest Brazilian theoretical physicist, Mário Schenberg was also an important literature and art critic. In "Art and Technology", he reflects on the relationship between modern art, technology, and science. This volume is completed by two interviews with the author, conducted by the concrete poet Haroldo de Campos and the musician Gilberto Gil.

  • af Mário Pedrosa
    137,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Considered the most important Brazilian art critic, Mário Pedrosa was a restless figure, capable of engaging with various areas of culture and thought. In this volume of Cadernos Ultramares, we bring together his proposals and reflections on indigenous art and his project for the Museum of Origins.

  • af Paulo Prado
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. With the subtitle "Ensaio Sobre a Tristeza Brasileira" (Essay on Brazilian Sadness), "Retrato do Brasil" is a provocative text about the ills and obstacles that, according to Paulo Prado, hinder the country's development.

  • af Paulo Prado
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. With the subtitle "Ensaio Sobre a Tristeza Brasileira" (Essay on Brazilian Sadness), "Retrato do Brasil" is a provocative text about the ills and obstacles that, according to Paulo Prado, hinder the country's development.

  • af Antonio Alcântara Machado
    137,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Antônio de Alcântara Machado was, besides being the great renovator of modernist prose, one of the most active agitators of the movement, editing important magazines and participating in the cultural and political debate of the time. The essays collected here, combat texts, show his irreverent and critical verve in the best form, in addition to being an important document for understanding the anthropophagic movement in which the author participated alongside Oswald de Andrade, Raul Bopp and Tarsila do Amaral.

  • af Luiz Tatit
    132,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Luiz Tatit's work may be considered the first major effort, with lasting results, to construct a theory of song in Brazil. In the present volume, he presents a broad and tasty overview of the history of Brazilian song, from the 19th century until the end of the 20th century, through samba, Bossa Nova and Tropicália.

  • af Bento Prado
    147,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Bento Prado Jr. was one of the most renowned philosophers in Brazil. In the two essays collected here, he deals interventively with the question of philosophical work, especially in Brazil.

  • af Marcio Selligmann-Silva
    137,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. The sociologist Márcio Seligmann-Silva presents in this essay a powerful praise of nomadism, in face of the imminent risks in every community, always structured by the logic of identification and exclusion.

  • af Nuno Ramos
    137,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the present essay, visual artist Nuno Ramos uses the image of Moebius' band, in which an outward movement finds a limit in itself, which makes it return and not at all realize its power of self-affirmation, as the basis for an original interpretation of Brazil.

  • af Vitor Ramil
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. The aesthetics of cold, created by musician and writer Vitor Ramil, proposes an alternative view of Brazil to the hegemonic version of the tropics, the coastal strip, and the sun as the defining factor of Brazilian identity.

  • af Vladimir Safatle
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Vladimir Safatle is one of the main and most active contemporary Brazilian thinkers, author of a work of strong political intervention. In this essay, he analyzes the potentiality of the inhuman in politics.

  • af Hélio Oiticica
    162,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Hélio Oiticica was one of the most powerful thinkers on contemporary art in Brazil. In the essays collected in this volume, Oiticica proposes and performs, as Mário Pedrosa has said, an "experimental exercise of freedom" by presenting his most important creations, such as the Bólides, the Parangolés, and the Penetráveis, which allowed the artist to think in a seminal way about environmental art.

  • af Francisco Bosco
    137,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the essay The future of the idea of author, philosopher Francisco Bosco, one of the most original thinkers in Brazil today, analyzes the challenges surrounding the figure of the author in current times, in the face of all the impact of digital culture.

  • af Ismail Xavier
    157,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the essays contained in this volume, Ismail Xavier, considered to be the main active thinker of Brazilian cinema, makes a broad reflection on allegory in contemporary culture and presents a panorama of modern Brazilian cinema, with emphasis on Cinema Novo and Cinema Marginal of the 1960s and 1970s.

  • af Tania Stolze Lima
    167,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Anthropologist Tânia Stolze Lima elaborated, with Eduardo Viveiros de Castro's contribution, the innovative concept of Amerindian perspectivism. This is the central theme of the two essays in this volume, among them the seminal "The Two and Their Multiple", where the term was first presented.

  • af Heloisa Buarque Holanda
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In celebration of the 80th birthday of Heloísa Buarque de Hollanda, one of the most restless and instigating cultural thinkers working in Brazil, Cadernos Ultramares presents three essays by the author on the subject of feminism and the Brazilian culture.

  • af Suely Rolnik
    147,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. This volume contains two complementary essays by Suely Rolnik, one of Brazil's most original and active contemporary thinkers: "Zumbi Anthropophagy" and "What the Guarani teach us about micropolitics".

  • af Luiz Rosemberg Filho
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the fragments gathered in this book, a union of essay and testimony, filmmaker Luiz Rosemberg Filho makes a strong defense of the experimental and the non-spectacular image as a form of freedom.

  • af Sergio Buarque Holanda
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. This volume features two fundamental essays by Sérgio Buarque de Holanda, one of the most important thinkers on the formation of Brazil: the classic "O homem cordial" and "Um mito luso-brasileiro".

  • af Benedito Nunes
    147,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. In the essays collected here, philosopher Benedito Nunes reflects on the literature of Clarice Lispector. The volume also includes an interview with the author conducted by Clarice in 1966, discussing modernism and Brazilian literature of the time.

  • af Jorge Mautner
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Jorge Mautner is one of the most original contemporary thinkers in Brazil. In the three essays collected in this volume, and originally published in the 1973 book "Fragments of Soap", Mautner reflects on the cultural environment of the time, such as the Tropicália and the counterculture.

  • af Carla Rodrigues
    147,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. Carla Rodrigues is one of the greatest specialists on feminism working in Brazil. The essays collected in this volume are a relevant document of the vitality of thought on feminism in Brazil, creating at the same time a historical panorama and a critical reflection.

  • af José Miguel Wisnik
    152,95 kr.

    Cadernos Ultramares seeks to present Brazilian culture and thought in a qualified way, through volumes bringing together important essays by renowned authors in different areas of knowledge. The critic José Miguel Wisnik has become a reference for the insertion of the analysis of popular music lyrics as a major form of Brazilian literature. That is what he does in the first essay of this volume, by creating a historical overview of the dialogue between popular music and literature in Brazil. In the second essay, he broadens the scope of his research by dealing with soccer as a source for the analysis of Brazilian society.

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