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  • af Jo Hammers
    117,95 kr.

    Some male ministers rant and rave that women cannot be preachers; that a woman's place is at home, barefoot, pregnant, and being a door mat for their husbands. Full of themselves, male ministers say a woman preaching is her usurping authority over man, her God given head. They see women as inferior creatures, animals to be raped, abused, and owned. Male ministers, who verbally assault women called to preach, are probably wife beaters and abusers at home as well.

  • af Ivey Key
    107,95 kr.

    I have a story to tell, a dark one of being stalked by Satanist humans. People need to know what goes on inside churches amongst those sitting piously on pews. Pews are filled by the criminal elements of life, who want quick fixes for their criminal activity in the form of salvation and forgiveness by another. Christians, as a rule, are the former criminals and dark beings of society, not light beings or souls of light. Salvation is a costume they wear, like a paper doll wears a paper doll dress that changes its appearance. You have child molesters wearing the salvation costumes of ministers. Thieves, con-artists, and gamblers wear the salvation costumes of deacons and Sunday school teachers. If your Sunday school teacher or deacon hangs out in the casinos on Saturday, he is a dark being who wears a salvation costume six days a week and reverts to being him-self, a dark gambler, one day a week. There are female dark assaulters with their tongues who are wearing an 'I am a Christian' costume. In the church, salvation costumed dark women slyly attack as church gossips. I have always wished I could tell my story, my observance of devils sitting on church pews (as seen from my position on the church's piano bench). One day, in a fast food restaurant, I met an author who was willing to ghost write my story. This tale is mine. The writing and telling of my story in written words is from her perception.

  • af Jo Hammers
    107,95 kr.

    Welfare gutter rats are women who choose to live year after year in the gutters of life, drawing welfare checks and raping 'freebee' clothing, food banks, and other charities to keep from working. They are lazy, dark soul beings who are welfare 'Couch Potatoes'. The only thing they will get off of their welfare couches for is to walk to the mailbox for their next check and food stamp card. They are users of society; not contributors.

  • af Jo Hammers
    292,95 kr.

    A mystic is an orb soul that is traveling in a male or female human body vehicle on Earth for one human lifetime. A mystic knows where he has entered Earth life from, as well as his purpose for being on Earth. Mystics are masters and forerunners of chosen prophets, new dispensations, and advancements in thought. John the Baptist was the forerunner of a master orb known as Christ. Masters walk amongst you today, traveling earth in human bodies. They hold the secret keys to unlocking the future. Each master traveling Earth has a specific mission. I, Jo Hammers the Mystic, am a trumpeter of words. My trumpet's sound calls man to rise in his thinking, to be caught away, to rapture. There are other trumpeters besides me that are scattered all around Earth. We are trumpeting angels. We are light being orb souls traveling in human flesh. This page of written words is the sound of my individual trumpet. "Hear ye your trumpet sound!"

  • af Jo Hammers
    142,95 kr.

    Moon Dance, a stranded alien being from Planet Weelo, is surviving on Earth by stepping down thru the centuries taking host bodies to live in, that have been discarded by humans in death. Moon Dance has powers humans don't. She is able to fly and heal human bodies. In her current incarnation, she has assumed the life of a fortune telling Tarot reader named Rio Rosa. Aliens are discovered in her vicinity harvesting humans for food. She fears that a doctor, she is in love with, has been one of those harvested. "Night Hawk's Witch" is about portals to other worlds, love, betrayal, aliens, and cannibalism.

  • af Jo Hammers
    152,95 kr.

    Moon Dance, an alien three eyed female being from planet Weelo, was stranded on Earth after her space ship, Noah I, crashed. She was a renowned scientist who was harvesting animals and plants from Earth to study. While waiting for another space craft from Planet Weelo to come and rescue her, she stepped down thru centuries of time incarnating to survive. In her last life as a Native American medicine woman, she fell in love with a human named Michael Haven Gray Feather. He betrayed Moon Dance by making love to a younger woman and having a child by her. When it seemed Moon Dance and Gray Feather might get back together, he married an older woman of the tribe shattering Moon Dance's heart. When her rescue spacecraft finally did arrive, she refused to board. She couldn't bear the thought of accompanying Gray Feather and his new bride on a long space journey home. Moon Dance remained on Earth and step down thru the centuries again incarnating till another rescue spacecraft could be sent for her. In the Southwest, along the Rio Grande, Moon Dance enters a new human body becoming the sister of two wealthy, Arizona brothers who live to pull pranks and hit high notes. Living with a new family of crazy Native American ranchers, Moon Dance reconsiders her rash emotional decision to not go home.

  • af Jo Hammers
    142,95 kr.

    My name is Zeke. As a teenager, I was a window peeper. My teachers always said I was curious as a cat. I peeped in school closets and strange doors. It was more that curiosity. I found what was missing in my life looking in the windows of others. The following confession is about my career as a window peeper during my last three years of high school. My family was the lowest form of white trash being drunks and makers of meth. I hated my family and peeped in the windows of others and dreamed of having a respectable life. I had big eyes, but silent wings. A boy must learn to fly and become a man with eyes focused on the future and not in wishful wanting of what is seen thru the windows of others. This is the story of my survival in the white trash gutter, the earning of my wings, and becoming a man.

  • af Jo Hammers
    152,95 kr.

    Pansy Sky Walker, a Weelo Indian Woman, discovers a stranger setting in the middle of a small desert road holding his head. Having no memory of who he is, he accompanies Pansy to the reservation where she convinces him that he is a Native American. After embracing the Weelo culture, memories of his former life begin to flood back. Will he trade the life he has for the life that once was?

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