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  • - Engaging the Mystery
    272,95 kr.

    Where can we find clues about who God is? God is, essentially, indescribable-beyond space, beyond time, beyond human comprehension. Yet God desires to be known and to relate to humanity. These sessions focus on a few of the ways we glimpse the character of the divine: in what God created, in the biblical record of God's faithfulness, through the psalmist's witness, in the images and metaphors the biblical writers use, and through church tradition. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Basic Tenets of Faith
    272,95 kr.

    What makes Christianity Christian? This unit will ferry youth through six basic tenets of the Christian faith-liberation, covenant, salvation, baptism, discipleship, and community-in a roughly chronological look at salvation history and how believers respond to it. Baptism marks our decision to embark on a life of following Jesus in the company of the faith community. This short course on the basics is a way to test the waters (baptismal) of Christianity before diving in, or to get a refresher. (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Parables of Jesus
    272,95 kr.

    What is God like? What is heaven like? Jesus turned people's worlds upside down when he told them-through parables.This study highlights how parables reveal God's reign as radically different from the world we live in, and what that means for the life of faith. Some drank up his words with thirsty souls, and others recoiled from his radical statements about God's way of loving and judging. How will it be with you? (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - The Bible on Self-Esteem and Peer Pressure
    272,95 kr.

    In the vastness of space and time, why would the great Creator of the universe choose humans for a special relationship, and love us through life, death, and back into life? Society sends messages defining what and who we need to be-"somebody." God has a different message-a message of unconditional love. Through stories of biblical characters, youth will discover what the Bible has to say about living in harmony with their Creator, where we find our self-worth, gain strength against the onslaught of society's pressures, and can help each other navigate those rocky paths. (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Encountering Other Faiths
    272,95 kr.

    Why should I commit to Jesus when other religions also claim to have truth? Religion is the way humans have wrestled with fundamental questions about the purpose and problems of living. Beginning with "Big Questions," this study looks at how Christianity compares and contrasts with other major religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and Islam. It is a broad overview intended to help youth learn from the thoughts and beliefs Bible-based explorations of issues facing Youthof others-even their unfamiliar theologies. Part of our Christian calling is to be open to learning and making friends with people of other faiths. Study of major world religions can expand appreciation for the uniqueness of Jesus. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - A Faith Response to God's Creation
    272,95 kr.

    Can the ancient book of Genesis shed light on today's environmental issues? The stories of "beginnings" highlight the earth as God's, and creation as a "book" that reveals Life and light at the heart of all that has life. God is embedded in this treasure, reason enough to hold and protect it, and our attentive relationship with God's good gift of creation means ensuring that it continues to function according to God's design. (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Building Skills for Bible Study
    272,95 kr.

    What does the Bible tell us about God? How did God communicate before there was a Bible? How did the Bible come to be, and where will it lead us? Help youth find their way through the Bible as it points directions, if not destinations, and make it an effective study tool for a life of faith. The unit provides resources to understand the context in which life-giving and life-shaping stories were handed down. Together with your own contagious love of the Bible, inspire youth to uncover a relationship to the God toward whom the Bible points. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - The Bible Reveal's Friendship's Heart
    272,95 kr.

    What is a true friend? Does the Bible give us examples to follow? Friendship supplies much-needed security, loyalty, and love. With friends being so important to them, youth want to figure out what to look for, and how to make and keep friends. Each session focuses on a quality that can raise relationships to a new level. Each quality is modeled by Bible figures-David and Jonathan (trust), Ruth and Naomi (loyalty), the Samaritan woman and Jesus (taking risks), Paul and Barnabas (reconciliation), and Jesus and his disciples (servanthood and commitment). (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Wisdom in the Bible
    272,95 kr.

    How do you find the good life? The teachers who wrote down the proverbs and other wisdom literature were responsible for making their students aware, wise, and smart-the way to keep people out of trouble. While other parts of the Bible talk about how God gets involved in life and protects us, wisdom emphasizes that people can figure out right and wrong without having to be zapped by a divine lightning bolt. Wisdom-available to everyone at all times-teaches that we gain knowledge of the world, ourselves, and God through experience and observation. It also asks questions central to the human condition-about divine justice, about fairness, and about suffering of the innocent. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Violence in the Bible
    272,95 kr.

    Is the Bible friend or foe to the peacemaker? The Bible challenges us to be reconciled to one another and work for justice. So what do we do with the stories that seem to condone violence or even encourage it? How do we reconcile a "warrior" God with the God of love embodied in Jesus? In a world filled with violence, is following Jesus' Way of nonviolent confrontation realistic? This unit leads you and your group to grapple with these tough questions, with the help of new insight and information about stories of "violence." (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - A Christian Approach to Conflict
    272,95 kr.

    What is the best way to view and deal with conflict? Even if it's uncomfortable, even painful, conflict is a necessary part of the most loving, harmonious, and united relationships. It's not something inherently bad or dangerous. The Bible is packed with records of conflicts, from Adam and Eve, to Abraham, to Moses, to the prophets, to Jesus, and particularly among early Christian communities. Today's youth are learning to see conflict as a positive force for transformation, and this study can help them learn how to respond with skill and insight. It is through an appreciation of differences that we can bring life, excitement, and positive change to our relationships. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Ethics Shaped by Faith
    272,95 kr.

    How do you know what's right and what's wrong? Even when you figure it out, the right thing is often the unpopular or unpleasant choice. More than just a system of do's and don'ts, doing the right thing is grounded in a phrase from the past: "Remember who you are...." If we are clear about who we are, what to do next will become a little clearer. Using both the ancient testimony and New Testament, this unit pairs everyday ethical issues with convictions basic to the biblical story. Youth who complete this unit can have a clearer sense of what it means to claim a faith identity, a foundation that can help them sort out the gritty details of ethics shaped by faith. (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Signs and Wonders in the Gospel of John
    272,95 kr.

    Can we experience "signs" and "miracles" like those in the Gospel of John? Not unless we approach the topic of miracles with hearts open to mystery and wonder in the realm of a living, active, loving God. In John's Gospel, the greatest miracle is that God became flesh and lived among us. John's other miracles-the wonder of abundance from little, healing and restoration, signs of impossibility and faith-all point to the great act of the resurrection and the divinity of Jesus. We witness the miracles, too, and then respond by following the signs toward the Way of Jesus. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Discipleship and the Gospel of Mark
    272,95 kr.

    What does it take to be a disciple of Jesus? According to the Gospel of Mark, it takes more-and less!-than we might think. More, because those who truly follow this suffering Messiah will always pay a high price. Less, because as the early twelve disciples demonstrate, we don't need perfect faith. This study focuses on the requirements for following Jesus' Way and the abundant life that is available as a result. (5 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Blessings and the Sermon on the Mount
    272,95 kr.

    What is the good life to which Jesus calls us? Start with the Blessings from Jesus' preaching-where his disciples started their preparation for a life of service in the Spirit. The teachings of the Sermon are radical-they drive to the root-both in their simplicity and in the difficulty of living them. Yet this is the bedrock of what it means to live as a disciple of Jesus. This unit will use the instructions in the same way they were used by the early Christians-as catechism, teaching the essentials to new believers. It explores the Sermon under four main sections: the Blessings, Salt and Light, Jesus and the Law, and Heavenly Teachings. (6 sessions, plus extender session) - About IN REAL LIFE: Help youth apply the Bible to real life and discuss their faith. This all-in-one curriculum guides youth and their leaders on a journey for meaning and identity. This series encourages youth to encounter and explore Scripture to make it their own. In a time of violence, injustice, materialism, and hard questions, In Real Life offers a different point of view.

  • - Volume 2: 20 Creative Prayer Lessons & Activities
    af Phyllis Vos Wezeman
    272,95 kr.

    This focused, fun, faith-filled second volume to teaching prayer opens the door to creative techniques that can be used for intergenerational sessions and other classroom settings. The lessons are concrete and practical, centering around activities designed to bring out a particular prayer theme. Activities include drama, dance, games, music, storytelling, and art to shape a stimulating environment in which to bring prayer alive. This valuable resource is a simple and direct method for teaching both children and adults how to talk with God. 21. Meal Time Prayers 22. Evening Prayer 23. Psalm 23 24. 24 Hours 25. Feast Days 26. Letters of the Alphabet 27. Books of the New Testament 28. Promises of God 29. Syllables 30. Pieces of Silver 31. Prayer Guide 32. Names of Jesus 33. Jesus' Passion 34. Body Postures 35. Creation 36. Growth Chart 37. Symbols 38. Spontaneous Prayer 39. Prayer Chain 40. Wilderness Experiences

  • - Volume 1: 20 Creative Prayer Lessons & Activities
    af Phyllis Vos Wezeman
    272,95 kr.

    This focused, fun, faith-filled guide to teaching prayer opens the door to creative techniques that can be used for intergenerational sessions and other classroom settings. The lessons are concrete and practical, centering around activities designed to bring out a particular prayer theme. Activities include drama, dance, games, music, storytelling, and art to shape a stimulating environment in which to bring prayer alive. This valuable resource is a simple and direct method for teaching both children and adults how to talk with God. Overview 1. God 2. Prayer Partners 3. Trinity 4. Parts of Prayer 5. Senses 6. Jars of Water 7. Gifts of the Spirit 8. Beatitudes 9. Fruit of the Spirit 10. Commandments 11. The Lord's Prayer 12. The Apostles' Creed 13. Disciples 14. Works of Mercy 15. Stations of the Cross 16. Old Testament Prophets 17. Saint Patrick's Prayers 18. The Pharisee and the Publican 19. Gospels 20. Fingers and Toes

  • - A Collection of Action, Echo, Rhythm, and Syllable Stories
    af Phyllis Vos Wezeman
    247,95 kr.

    This delightful collection tells Bible stories in creative, interactive ways that will engage anyone from the toddlers through adulthood. They are a great way to add life to classes or retreat-like experiences, and include stories about creation, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, Moses, Jesus, John the Baptist, Peter, the Good Samaritan, the Prodigal Son, the woman at the well, the apostle Paul, and many, many more. These playful stories involve the learner in the process and ensure that the Bible story is understood an internalized.Phyllis Vos Wezeman utilizes a variety of storytelling techniques: - Action stories include gestures and movements to interpret each line.- Echo stories are initiated by a leader, with the last phrase of each sentence repeated by all participants.- Rhythm stories are rhyming verses that can be accompanied by a clapping pattern.- Syllable stories are organized into lines of two syllables each, and can be accompanied by a quick, catchy thigh slapping and snapping.Participants will love these stories and so will you as a leader!

  • af Phyllis Vos Wezeman
    252,95 kr.

    Our faith stories have been passed down from generation to generation, and entrusted to us to share in fresh and interesting ways that make an impression. You'll find here a wealth of practical possibilities for telling and reviewing these stories to the young and old. These easy-to-use techniques require very simple materials; for some you need only a Bible and your imagination. Each technique can be used for multiple purposes: to teach a prayer, to tell the story of a saint, or to enjoy a Scripture story in a new way. For each teaching technique there is a list of materials needed, a clear description of the technique, and examples of how to use it. 100 Creative Techniques for Teaching Bible Stories is a treasure chest of fun ideas and activities. It is an ideal resource for catechists and religion teachers as well as for those preparing liturgies, summer programs, and intergenerational activities. Chapters: - Telling the Story through Art - Telling the Story through Banners/Textiles - Telling the Story through Creative Writing - Telling the Story through Dance/Gesture/Movement - Telling the Story through Drama - Telling the Story through Games - Telling the Story through Music - Telling the Story through Photography - Telling the Story through Puppetry - Telling the Story through Storytelling

  • - Tools for Forming Families: Icebreakers, Social & Service Ideas, Events, Rituals & Prayer
    af Kathleen O Chesto
    377,95 kr.

    Bring families of all ages and backgrounds together through play, learning, and prayer! If you're looking to strengthen your parish community-to encourage families to work and play together while sharing and living out their faith-the tools in this resource will make it easy. This extensive toolkit offers a wealth of fun and thought-provoking suggestions for jump-starting the process, drawn from Kathleen O'Connell Chesto's decades of experience leading whole family catechesis.You will find great ideas and guidance, such as: - Icebreakers for learning names or for filling your space with loud animal noises.- Seasonal social activities, such as "Potluck Scripture" meals, "Liturgical Tablecloth" events, Mardi Gras parties (with or without pancakes), and "Family Drive-In" movies.- Seasonal service activities, such as garage/tag sales, litter hikes, Valentine's Day activities with shut-ins or at convalescent homes, and Advent letter-writing.- Family day events, such as "Saints Alive," celebrating the holiness of family life, and a "Sacrament Scavenger Hunt."- Rituals and prayer services, including a ritual for starting the school year and a "Celebration of Mercy."- A session and prayer experience on forming and celebrating a Covenant, which can be used to kick off a new catechetical year or pastoral program.The resource is divided into four sections: Part 1: IcebreakersThis section includes engaging games for learning names, getting to know one another better, and learning to work and play together. These games have been used successfully with Scouts, P

  • af Bill Huebsch
    252,95 kr.

    The story and promise of the Second Vatican Council are part and parcel of the church's daily life throughout the world. It isn't possible to prepare for or enact pastoral ministry today without being a student of Vatican II. From participatory liturgy to whole-family faith formation, from the RCIA to the deaconate, and from the renewed call to holiness to the renewed age of mercy, the springboard of the modern church is Vatican II. Because of this, knowing about the story of Vatican II is essential to understanding its promise. This volume tells that wonderful story of the council-and it does so in plain English. It follows an exciting chronological pathway from the beginning of the council to its final bell. But the deep promise of the council is found in the documents themselves. Church documents don't always make for compelling reading but the plain English presentations which author Bill Huebsch provides here make this book a page-turner! Huebsch captures the excitement and rapidly unfolding drama-all set in the theater of St. Peter's Basilica during those four years in the early 1960s. He treats each character with dignity and respect, moving beyond the judgments of "too liberal" or "too conservative" that have dogged the Church and created division rather than unity. This book fills its readers with hope and equips them to unfold the promise of the Second Vatican Council in today's world.

  • - Activities for Sensing the Seasons of Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany
    af Phyllis Vos Wezeman & Anna L Liechty
    222,95 kr.

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