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  • - Understanding Same-Sex Attraction
    af Richard (University of California San Diego USA) Cohen
    248,95 kr.

  • af Mark Ukra
    138,95 - 238,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cohen
    273,95 kr.

    Finally, our 250+-page Counselor Training Program Manual and 40-hour film series (in English and Arabic), and MP3 series (in English), provides a roadmap for recovery. This groundbreaking and comprehensive therapeutic protocol is for therapists, coaches, ministry leaders, and anyone who wishes to assist those struggling with sexual orientation and gender identity issues.¿For 35 years, psychotherapist, educator, and author Richard Cohen has helped hundreds of men and women worldwide transition from a homosexual to a heterosexual orientation. He has assisted hundreds of parents in restoring relationships with their SSA loved ones. Cohen has traveled throughout the USA, Latin America, Europe, and the Middle East training thousands of psychologists, psychotherapists, coaches, and ministry leaders. He shares the "how tos" of implementing these groundbreaking protocols in this landmark film series and manual.Topics include:Identifying the basic causes of Same-Sex Attraction (SSA) Developing a comprehensive four-stage treatment plan for healingSuccessful therapeutic modalities for each stage of healingProtocol for group therapy and support groupsTwelve principles for parents to establish greater intimacy with their SSA loved onesSupport group curriculum for parentsTaking care of the caregivers, preventing burnout"I am so blessed to have participated in the first course for certification as a Sexual Orientation Coach with the Positive Approaches To Healthy Sexuality. I feel it has thoroughly prepared me to deal with clients in this sensitive area. Comprehensive in scope, sensitive in approach, and detailed in methodology, this course will untangle the nuances of counseling the struggler with unwanted SSA. As more therapists become familiar with this course, many SSA strugglers who have been disappointed with traditional therapeutic approaches will obtain the help they need to progress in the difficult journey towards personal wholeness and heterosexuality."Keith Vennum, M.D., LMHC, Former President of The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity"Richard Cohen, with his keen sensitivity and ability to empower and transform lives, is just phenomenal. Being a part of the training, responding to, and helping persons with Same-Sex Attraction has revolutionized and empowered my ministry. The content of this training was consistent with the Word, a courageous Work, and challenged my Will."Pastor Anthony MooreCarolina Church"No one today has more practical, real-life experience helping individuals process and explore unwanted SSA than Richard Cohen. I have applied techniques and ideas that I've learned from Richard with great success as I've worked with life-coaching clients and groups over the years. His instruction and mentoring have been invaluable."Rich WylerFounder and Director, Brothers Road

  • af Richard Cohen
    158,95 kr.

    La asistencia a quienes sienten atracción indeseada por el mismo sexo y a sus seres queridosDescubre el auténtico significado tras la Atracción por el Mismo Sexo (AMS). Cohen conoce esta cuestión desde ambos lados del diván de la consulta: de cliente gay, a terapeuta y heterosexual. Ha ayudado a cientos de hombres y mujeres que experimentaban AMS indeseada a cumplir sus sueños de tener una familia con una pareja del sexo opuesto, ha asistido a cientos de padres a reconstruir su relación con sus hijos LGBTQ+, y ha formado a miles de terapeutas profesionales y líderes ministeriales. Temas importantes que aborda este libro:El significado tras la Atracción por el Mismo Sexo (AMS)Un modelo en cuatro etapas para resolver la AMS indeseadaCómo asistir a familiares y amigosUn programa en doce pasos para crear cambios amorosos y duraderos en el sistema familiar"No hay nadie hoy por hoy con más experiencia práctica y de campo ayudando a personas a superar una atracción indeseada por el mismo sexo que Richard Cohen. He aplicado técnicas e ideas que he aprendido de Richard con gran éxito, trabajando con mis clientes de Life Coaching y de terapia de grupo. Su instrucción y mentoreo han sido inestimables."-Rich Wyler, Fundador de Brothers Road"Ha sido una gran bendición haber participado en el primer curso para ser certificado como Coach de Orientación Sexual. Siento que me ha preparado exhaustivamente para tratar con clientes en este área tan delicada. De alcance integral, con un enfoque sensible y de metodología detallada, este curso desentrañará las sutilezas de aconsejar a quienes lidian con la AMS indeseada."-Keith Vennum, Doctor en Medicina, Consejero Diplomado en Salud MentalEx-Presidente de The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity

  • af Richard Cohen
    158,95 kr.

    Discover the true meaning behind Same-Sex Attraction (SSA). Cohen knows this issue from both sides of the therapist's couch - from gay client to straight counselor. He has helped hundreds of men and women, who experienced unwanted SSA, fulfill their heterosexual dreams, assisted hundreds of parents in resolving relationships with their LGBTQ+ children, and trained thousands of professional therapists and ministry leaders.Important issues covered in this book:Meaning behind Same-Sex Attraction (SSA)Four-stage model of resolving unwanted SSAHow to assist family members and friendsTwelve-step program to create loving and lasting changes in the family system"No one today has more practical, real-life experience helping individuals overcome unwanted same-sex attraction than Richard Cohen. I have applied techniques and ideas that I've learned from Richard with great success as I've worked with life-coaching clients and groups. His instruction and mentoring have been invaluable."-Rich Wyler, Founder of Brothers Road"I am so blessed to have participated in the first course for certification as a Sexual Orientation Coach. I feel it has thoroughly prepared me to deal with clients in this sensitive area. Comprehensive in scope, sensitive in approach, and detailed in methodology, this course will untangle the nuances of counseling the struggler with unwanted SSA."-Keith Vennum, M.D., LMHCFormer President of The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity

  • af Alice Teeter
    183,95 kr.

    Alice Teeter's Book of Revelations is gentle and brutal, devoid of the supernatural and full of nature. Her poetry gives us a recipe, a warning, a hint at what is to come. Somehow she scares us and reassures us at the same time. - Franklin Abbott, poet and psychotherapistAlice Teeter combines both tremendous ambition and wonderful skill in her deft, notational, imagistic, and riveting long poem. Here, at the end takes readers on a journey they might not have thought of taking. This is a poem Basho might have written if he travelled through the world of Mad Max instead of over the Japanese mountains. So there's no Zen here. There's no peace. The coffee isn't fresh. The luggage is zipped up and crammed. The car lacks air conditioning. But it doesn't matter. Alice Teeter is driving and driving and the reader has his seatbelt on and can't believe what he sees.- Mike James, author of Portable LightAll my life long I've wondered what the end would be like. Now, thanks to Alice Teeter, I know. Thanks a lot, Alice! - Lewis Turco, author of The Book of FormsI want to begin with a confession. At first I was disinclined to like these poems. I have become quite curmudgeonly in my old age, and I am increasingly impatient with much of free verse. However, I do like these poems very much. I have read them over a number of times, and I find that they have grown on me...I have always admired your strong sense of detail...I enjoy [the poems] immensely.- Brian McAllister, Professor of English, Albany State UniversityAs someone who is convinced that the earth is about done with humans, I resonate with Alice Teeter's poetic elegy and farewell.- Elise Witt, Songwriter, Musician, Poet, Gardener

  • af Richard Cohen
    173,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cohen
    103,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cohen
    178,95 kr.

  • af Whitney Boole
    193,95 kr.

  • af Susanna Fields-Kuehl
    193,95 kr.

  • af Andre L. Smith
    83,95 kr.

    What's your testimony? Every one of God's First Responders had a testimony. Some testimonies were revealed, and some were not. Regardless of their past, they did not give up or stop their God-given assignment. Like people today, we still have God-given assignments, and God is waiting for us to accept it and step into His presence. Regardless of what your past may look like, God can use you. Don't let your past or what you've been through hold you back. Let it motivate you and push you forward. I have been through it, but I didn't let it claim me. You may be one of God's known First Responders, or you may be an Unknown First Responder. Wherever you fall, just know that God can use you. God can use whoever is willing to submit and be used. You may be rejected, talked about, hated on, or not seen as what you are, but God is the creator of all and everything has a purpose. In this book, you will find out that it's not always easy becoming a First Responder, but with God's help you can be used greatly in building and edifying the Kingdom. So, what is your purpose, as a First Responder of God?

  • af Gina Canter
    333,95 kr.

    Hilarious, touching and perhaps a little magical, this collection of more than 100 stories from the famed L.A. deli is a testament to the human spirit, and to a restaurant that shares its legacy with each of its patrons.

  • - Life Planner Journal, Quality 200 pages, Photos Friendly
    af The Path
    178,95 kr.

  • - Tiempo, Tacto y Trato
    af Richard Cohen
    228,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cohen
    168,95 kr.

  • af Richard Cohen
    218,95 kr.

  • - Tiempo, Tacto y Trato
    af Richard Cohen
    228,95 kr.

    ¿Por qué las personas heterosexuales necesitan ser sanadas?Entre el 12% y el 55% de personas a nivel mundial se divorcian.Las investigaciones indican que el 33-75% de los hombres y el 26-70% de las mujeres son infieles en su matrimonio.El mayor sitio web de porno en el mundo (Pornhub) tuvo alrededor de 33,5 billones de visitas en 2018.Cada segundo hay un gasto de 4000 dólares en porno.Pastores, sacerdotes, políticos y actores están siendo acusados de abuso sexual a niños, jóvenes y adultos.La investigación sobre el consumo de drogas a nivel mundial, World Drug Report 2019, señala que 35 millones de personas en el mundo están afectados por el consumo de drogas.Todos necesitamos amor. No podemos vivir sin amor. Somos tantos los que estamos hipersexualizados porque estamos mal nutridos. Como a diario no recibimos suficiente contacto físico sano, muchas veces nos vemos haciendo aquello que no queremos hacer, sexo con uno mismo, masturbación y sexo fuera del matrimonio. El contacto físico sano ayuda a sanar el cuerpo, la mente, el corazón o el espíritu sediento.Sanando la Heterosexualidad: Tiempo, Tacto y Trato (TTT) Es una guía para la sanación y restauración de la humanidad y un camino para recuperar una vida mucho más sana y feliz.Si estás frustrado en tus relaciones y contigo mismo, Sanando la Heterosexualidad tiene respuestas. La gran diferencia entre este libro y otros es que este contiene muchas soluciones prácticas para resolver aspectos presentes y pasados de tu vida.TTT te enseñará cómo sanar tu corazón y tu mente y a establecer relaciones íntimas más duraderas y afectivas.TIEMPO: Herramientas de cambio para tu sanación personal, la de tu familia y tu comunidad.TACTO: Ejercicios esenciales sobre el contacto físico sano para transformar tu vida y la de aquellos a los que quieres.TRATO: Competencias de comunicación para fomentar una mayor intimidad en tus relaciones personales y profesionales.

  • - Time, Touch & Talk
    af Richard Cohen
    168,95 kr.

    Why do heterosexuals need to be healed?Why is there a 50% divorce rate? Why does research indicate that 33 to 73 percent of men and 26 to 70 percent of women are sexually unfaithful in marriage? Why are men and women getting hooked on porn, spending $4,000 a second?Why are more and more men being exposed for sexually abusing children, adolescents, and/or adults? Why does the USA, with 5% of the world's population, consume 80% of the world's opioids?Porn, affairs, and addictions are illegitimate attempts to meet legitimate needs for love.Are you looking for love? Longing to be held? Perhaps settling for sex instead? If you want to experience greater love in your life, Healing Heterosexuality: Time, Touch, and Talk (TTT) will provide you with the keys to fulfill your heart's desire. TTT has solutions that will change your life for good!Each of us needs to belong - family, friends, faith, work, and community. If you did not connect or securely attach with your primary caregivers in childhood, you may need more touch as an adolescent or adult. Perhaps you have used sex to fulfill those primal needs for connection. The problem is that sex never fulfills the basic need because it is that of a child, not an adolescent or adult. In fact, sex obstructs the very thing that you may be looking for - bonding, belonging, and just to be loved for who you are, not what you do, or how you look. All unwanted behaviors are driven by Unhealed Wounds and Unmet Love Needs.TTT will teach you how to heal your heart and create more loving, intimate relationships.TIME: Life-changing skills for your personal healing, family healing, and community healing.TOUCH: Essential exercises for healthy touch to transform your life and the lives of your loved ones.TALK: Communication skills to foster greater intimacy in your personal and professional relationships.

  • - The Other Side of Tolerance
    af Richard (University of California San Diego USA) Cohen
    153,95 kr.

    Everything you ever wanted to know about homosexuality but were afraid to ask! In simple language, Straight Talk About Homosexuality will help you understand: The hidden meaning behind same-sex attraction (SSA). Clues why five celebrities experience SSA. How to love your homosexual family members and friends. Unmasking the homosexual myth-"born gay and can't change." Discover the real facts-not born with SSA and can change.Did you know that every day people change from "gay" to straight? This is a must read for every parent, teacher, counselor, clergy, and all who wish to understand what drives homosexual feelings and how to respond in love.

  • - A Plan for Family Healing
    af Richard (University of California San Diego USA) Cohen
    243,95 kr.

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