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  • af Kay Arthur
    118,95 kr.

    Sermon on the Mount (Precepts For Life Program Study Companion: color version) Early in His ministry Jesus passed through the region of Galilee teaching in synagogues, preaching "the Gospel of the kingdom," and healing every kind of sickness. As news of these miracles spread rapidly to several other regions, people brought their desperately sick relatives and friends to Him. When He healed all of them, a huge crowd began to follow Him. At a strategic point, He headed up a mountain overlooking the Sea of Galilee to teach them what has become known as the "Sermon on the Mount." Now what exactly did He say that was so important to such a vast audience and to us today? You'll discover what in these ten programs: 1. Who the religious authorities in His day were 2. Why you should choose Jesus to be your authority 3. How "sons of God" live in our age of darkness-what they value, how they think, and what they do. 4. What God has planned for His sons both in this life and in the next Throughout this Sermon Jesus presses the point that His Father is creating a kingdom of sons of light to invade, lighten, and conquer darkness for all eternity. Join us in this exciting study to learn all it means to be a son of God, to be all in for God "so that you may be sons of your Father in heaven."

  • af Precept Ministries International
    98,95 kr.

    Christmas: Receiving and Giving Love. Precepts for Life Study(R) Companion (Color Version) is a 5-day study of God's special gift to the world for you and your family (or friends) to do together. We've included scripture-based questions and puzzles and all the scriptures you need to find the answers. This study is based on five episodes of Kay's award-winning Precepts for Life(R) program which are available in audio or video formats to enhance your study.

  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Jesus: Entendiendo Su Muerte y Resurreccion - Un estudio de Marcos 14-16 - por Kay Arthur y David Arthur Descubre nuevamente las buenas nuevas del evangelio. El tan esperado Mesias habia finalmente llegado - solo para ser traicionado y sentenciado a muerte. Por que querria Jesus, quien sabia de antemano todo lo que ocurriria y quien tenia el poder del cielo a Su disposicion, someterse a ser humillado, torturado y finalmente asesinado? En este poderoso estudio centrado en los capitulos finales del Evangelio de Marcos, consideraras por ti mismo todo lo que Jesus soporto para traer perdon a los pecadores y esperanza para los desahuciados. Y entenderas como nunca antes por que es tan importante compartir con otros las buenas nuevas de Su muerte y resurreccion Jesus: Understanding His Death and Resurrection - A Study of Mark 14-16 - by Kay Arthur and David Arthur Discover afresh the good news of the gospel. The long-awaited Messiah had finally arrived-only to be betrayed and sentenced to death. Why would Jesus, who knew beforehand all that would happen and who held the power of heaven at His command, submit to being humiliated, tortured, and ultimately killed? In this powerful study centered on the final chapters of the Gospel of Mark, you'll consider for yourself all that Jesus endured to bring forgiveness to sinners and hope to the hopeless. And you'll understand as never before why it's so essential to share with others the good news of His death and resurrection.

  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Jesús: Escuchando Su Voz - Un Estudio de Marcos 7-13 - por Kay Arthur y David Arthur Escuchar verdaderamente no es simplemente oír las palabras de Jesús; involucra creer, que resulta en compromiso activo. A través de Su ministerio terrenal, Jesús interactuó con personas de todo tipo de ámbito en la vida. En cada caso, esos individuos pudieron escoger entre creer en Sus palabras y cosechar las recompensas de la fe o resistirse a la verdad y perderse todo lo que en realidad importa. Esta misma decisión tienes que tomar hoy. En este segundo libro que conforma este estudio de tres partes del evangelio de Marcos, puedes leer por ti mismo las palabras de Jesús en Marcos 7-13. Si entonces te alineas con Aquel que es Verdad, experimentarás por ti mismo la libertad que viene de verdaderamente escuchar y seguir la voz del Salvador. Jesus: Listening for His Voice - A Study of Mark 7 -13 - by Kay Arthur and David Arthur True listening isn't simply hearing the words of Jesus; it involves belief that results in active commitment. Throughout His earthly ministry, Jesus interacted with people from all walks of life. In every case, those individuals could choose to believe His words and reap the rewards of faith-or resist the truth and miss out on everything that truly matters. This same choice is yours today. In this second book in a three-part study of the Gospel of Mark, you can read for yourself the words of Jesus in Mark 7-13. If you then align yourself with the One who is Truth, you'll experience for yourself the freedom that comes from truly listening for and following the voice of the Savior.

  • af Kay Arthur
    88,95 kr.

    Jesus: Experimentando Su Toque - Un Estudio de Marcos 1-6 - por Kay Arthur y David Arthur Los primeros 6 capitulos del Evangelio de Marcos con historias de personas acercandose a Jesus, anhelando experimentar de primera mano el toque del Salvador. Una y otra vez, Jesus responde con compasion, interactuando de manera personal con individuos que han sido echados de la sociedad, sus circunstancias se consideran sin esperanza. A medida que profundizas en las historias de este poderoso estudio - el primero de tres partes del estudio del Evangelio de Marcos, descubriras por ti mismo, la diferencia que hace cuando interactuas con Jesus personalmente y experimentas Su toque en tu vida. Jesus: Experiencing His Touch - A Study of Mark 1-6 - by Kay Arthur and David Arthur The first six chapters of Mark's Gospel overflow with stories of people drawing near to Jesus, longing to experience firsthand the touch of the Savior. Over and over, Jesus responded with compassion, interacting on a personal level with individuals who had been cast aside by society, their circumstances deemed beyond hope. As you delve into their stories in this powerful study--the first in a three-part study of the Gospel of Mark, you'll discover for yourself the difference it makes when you engage with Jesus personally and experience His touch in your life.

  • af Kay Arthur
    108,95 kr.

    Marriage Without Regrets Study Guide (Precepts For Life) "And so they lived happily ever after!" What happened to yesterday's fairy tale ending? Today we're living every other "ending," a time when marriage is devalued, minimized, trivialized, even scorned. The commitment to stay married in spite of poverty, sickness, and "worse" things has been replaced with "so long as it works well for me!" Fuses are short, anger long and bitter. Separation and divorce are rampant. Alternatives like "living together" last only a short time. Warring genders seek out their own sex for comfort (homosexuality). Children are major liabilities many prefer to do without. Why has our culture abandoned marriage? There's a simple answer to this. Our society has rejected marriage because it has rejected the God of truth who created not only the covenant of marriage but also the very genders to enter into the contract. Today these truths and principles of God's eternal Word are rejected, mocked, belittled, or just plain ignored. And we've inherited all the heartache, isolation, regret, guilt, loneliness and hopelessness that accompany the rejection of a personal God. We're alienated first from God and then from each other. It doesn't have to be this way in your life, beloved. The eternal Word we turned away from is the way out-the path to not just a marriage but also a life without regrets. Jesus said "I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through me" (John 14:6). I took this "way" a long time ago and have never looked back. Following it entails courage to swim upstream, go against the grain, reject status quo. It means taking a stand against a culture that has taken particular aim at God's first two covenants-life and marriage. It means defying majority belief, standing up for absolutes in a relativistic culture. God promises more than just "no regrets." Jesus said He came so that his sheep "may have life and have it abundantly" (John 10:10). That means abundant marriages too, abundant relationships generally, a new family, a new future, a new you. If you're married or are planning to marry, I know you want a marriage without regrets, an abundant marriage filled with love, trust, hope and great memories. I have a lot to share with you because I failed miserably the first time around when I was an unbeliever. Jesus changed all that; He raised me out of the living death I was "living." Join me in this study of His Word. Let's renew our hope together! -Kay PFL Marriage Without Regrets is a 40-lesson study based on the 40-program "Precepts For Life" series with the same title based on Kay Arthur's Gold Medallion Award winning A Marriage Without Regrets (@2000, Harvest House Publishers).

  • af Precept Ministries International
    98,95 kr.

  • af Kay Arthur
    133,95 kr.

    Ensename Tus Caminos: El Pentateuco - Genesis, Exodo, Levitico, Numeros, Deuteronomio Empieza en el inicio - Creacion, matrimonio, pecado, civilizacion. Luego aprende acerca de la continua Misericordia y fidelidad de Dios con Su pueblo del pacto, incluyendo cuando ellos lo defraudaron. Estudio de 37 semanas: Genesis-8 semanas; Exodo-10 semanas; Levitico-7 semanas; Numeros-6 semanas; Deuteronomio-6 semanas. Seis dias de lecciones guiadas, de 20 a 30 minutos de duracion, te ayudan y ensenan a descubrir los preceptos, propositos y promesas de Dios por ti mismo. Se proveen preguntas para la discusion en grupo o estudio individual en el Septimo Dia con un comentario de cierre. Teach Me Your Ways: The Pentateuch - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy Begin at the beginning - Creation, marriage, sin, civilization. Then learn about God's continuing lovingkindness and faithfulness to His covenant people, even when they let Him down. 37-week Study: Genesis-8 weeks; Exodus-10 weeks; Leviticus-7 weeks; Numbers-6 weeks; Deuteronomy-6 weeks. Six days of guided lessons, 20 to 30 minutes long, help and teach you how to discover God's precepts, purposes and promises on your own. Questions for group discussion or individual study are provided on Day Seven along with closing commentary.

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