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Bøger udgivet af Presses Interuniversitaires Europeennes

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  • - Congres de Rome SIBMAS (2002)- SIBMAS Congress in Rome (2002)
    359,95 kr.

  • - The Role of Member States
    768,95 kr.

  • - Theatre Adaptation in Ireland (1970-2007)
    738,95 kr.

    This book examines the dramatic rewritings that emerged in the period 1970-2007, during which stage adaptations flourished in Ireland. The year 1970 marked the beginning of a significant theatrical renaissance in Ireland, recalling that which occurred in the early twentieth century. This renewal was characterized by the prominence of major playwrights such as Brian Friel, Tom Murphy and Thomas Kilroy. The essays collected in this volume seek to provide new perspectives on theatre adaptation in Ireland, while shedding light on the particular features of the contemporary Irish theatre landscape. Far from being an exhaustive history of theatre adaptation, these articles, using differing methodologies, investigate the many ways in which adaptation has left its imprint on Irish theatre since the 1970s. Appended to this book is a DVD that offers excerpts from a staged reading of Enda Walsh¿s Pondlife Angels. This DVD also includes the recording of a roundtable discussion, in which two Irish directors express their views on contemporary Irish theatre.

    768,95 kr.

    A strong brand is a key factor in business success, both in the short-term and in the long-term. Brands help to provide a better understanding of the corporate and commercial culture of different firms. A brand reveals the knowledge capital held by a company, but also often reflects the perception of the firm held by consumers and stake-holders. The book explores the historical process of building some of the most famous brands among European businesses and examines the extent to which the brands have contributed to the image of the firms and their differentiation against competitors in the industry.

  • - The Ideological Construction of a New European Identity within the EU
    af Christoffer Kolvraa
    783,95 kr.

  • - Balancing between Opportunities and Risks
    768,95 kr.

    648,95 kr.

    The aim of this book is to highlight the crucial challenges the EU and its partners are facing within the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The approach followed is of an interdisciplinary nature. Lawyers, economists, political scientists and experts of geopolitical and geostrategic issues have contributed to this book that is sub-divided into three parts, namely: ¿transversal challenges¿, ¿challenges in the Mediterranean and the Middle-East¿, and ¿challenges in Europe and Eurasiä. The book focuses on the main challenges emanating from the debate that emerged during the process of the 2011 revision of the ENP, including the potential consequences of the uprisings in the Mediterranean countries. The main challenges for the EU will be to support democratic transitions, to contribute to the resolution of protracted conflicts in the area and to progressively define the model of economic co-development and integration of the Pan-Euro-Mediterranean Area. L¿objectif de cet ouvrage est de mettre en lumière les défis cruciaux auxquels l¿UE et ses partenaires doivent faire face dans le cadre de la Politique européenne de voisinage (PEV). L¿approche suivie est de nature interdisciplinaire. Des juristes, des économistes, des politistes et des experts en géopolitique et géostratégie ont contribué à cet ouvrage qui se subdivise en trois parties : « les défis transversaux », « les défis en Méditerranée et au Moyen-Orient » et les « défis en Europe et en Eurasie ». L¿ouvrage se focalise sur les principaux défis qui ont emergé lors du processus de révision de la PEV en 2011, y compris les conséquences potentielles des révoltes dans les pays méditerranéens. Les principaux défis pour l¿UE seront de soutenir les transitions démocratiques, de contribuer à la résolution des conflits de longue durée dans la région et de définir progressivement un modèle de co-développement économique et d¿intégration de la zone pan-euro-méditerranéenne.

  • - Critic Rationalism as Historical-objective Transcendentalism- Edited by Fabio Minazzi- Translation from Italian by Richard Sadleir
    af Fabio Minazzi
    898,95 kr.

  • - The Place of Nation in the Political Theory of Democracy and Federalism
    af Ramon Maiz
    693,95 kr.

  • - The Perspective of European States
    718,95 kr.

  • - A Cultural History of the Classroom
    828,95 kr.

  • - American Aid and European Re-Industrialization
    324,95 kr.

  • - A biography
    af Johan van Merrienboer
    873,95 kr.

    Mansholt, a biography is the inside story of one of the founding fathers of the European Union. As a European Commissioner the Dutchman Sicco Mansholt (1908-1995) initiated the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP). A federalist and a Eurocrat who forced through an allegedly bad policy that is still a millstone round the neck of European taxpayers, Mansholt was also every inch a politician who had the courage of his convictions. A charismatic leader and a model for EU-statesmanship. The book offers a critical appraisal of Mansholt¿s life and work as well as a concise history of 20 century Europe. According to Chancellor Adenauer Mansholt ¿ being a socialist and a farmer ¿ was too much of a good thing. President Kennedy welcomed him as a good European, while de Gaulle denounced him as an enemy of France. And as far as President Nixon was concerned Mansholt was «that jackass in the European Commission in Brussels».

  • - Performing Power at a Courtly Dining Table
    af Danielle De Vooght
    813,95 kr.

  • - The European Literary Heritage in an Age of Globalization / L'heritage litteraire europeen dans une ere de globalisation
    963,95 kr.

  • - Towards the Emergence of a New Form of Regulation? / Vers l'emergence d'un nouveau mode de regulation ?
    828,95 kr.

    Is the major crisis that began in 2008 nearing the end? Governments and analysts have time and again announced that. Yet this diagnosis remains very premature even now. The level of unemployment is still high in many countries. While the massive aids provided by the States to the economy have allowed them to avoid the collapse of the economic system, they have paradoxically exposed the States to their own failure. Many countries in Europe are in precarious situations. Far beyond Europe the role played by the State is in question. Which measures must be taken by the public authorities in order to remedy the economic crisis? Are we witnessing the emergence of a new form of regulation? How will the general interest be carried and defended in future? How have the relations between the State and citizens changed? What are the national or continental variations on these themes? Through international comparisons, specialists from Europe, Africa and the Americas linked to CIRIEC International bring new answers to these important questions. La crise majeure débutée en 2008 est-elle terminée ? Gouvernements et analystes l¿ont annoncé à maintes reprises. Pourtant, ce diagnostic reste aujourd¿hui encore très prématuré. Le taux de chômage demeure élevé dans de nombreux pays. Car, si les aides massives apportées par les États à l¿économie ont permis d¿éviter l¿effondrement du système économique, elles ont paradoxalement exposé les États à leur propre faillite. Plusieurs pays d¿Europe sont dans des situations précaires. Bien au-delà de l¿Europe, le rôle joué par l¿État est en question. Quelles mesures doivent être prises par les autorités publiques pour remédier à la crise économique ? Assiste-t-on à l¿émergence d¿un nouveau mode de régulation ? Comment est désormais porté et défendu l¿intérêt général ? Comment les rapports entre l¿État et les citoyens sont-ils transformés ? Quelles sont les variations nationales ou continentales sur ces thèmes ? C¿est à ces questions communes que différents spécialistes d¿Europe, d¿Afrique et des Amériques liés au CIRIEC international répondent dans cet ouvrage dans une perspective comparée.

  • - Reconstructing Contemporary Europe in Vienna and Berlin
    af Monika De Frantz
    968,95 kr.

  • - Survival and Metamorphosis in Contemporary British Literature and Culture- Followed by an interview with David Lodge
    af Ana Raquel Lourenco Fernandes
    918,95 kr.

    This book has been shortlisted for an ESSE book award 2012 in Literatures in the English Language, Junior Scholars. This book gives an account of the significance of the rogue in contemporary British literature and culture, focusing on this character¿s survival and metamorphosis from the second half of the 20 century onwards. While the character of the rogue is most often associated with the 16 and 17 centuries, the author focuses on contemporary literary texts, as well as cinematographic adaptations. She discusses the revival of the rogue mainly in the 1950s, adopting a comparative approach, establishing connections to other fields of representation besides literature. Thus, the originality of this book lies in its interdisciplinary nature. The focus on contemporary writers who have put the character of the rogue at the forefront in their works, particularly Martin Amis and Irvine Welsh, and the author¿s awareness of the socio-political circumstances in which the books were written, adds substantially to our understanding of the rogue character.

    908,95 kr.

    During the last decade the rapid growth of justice and home affairs as an internal policy making domain of the European Union has led to the Union emerging as an increasingly important international actor in this field. This book covers the institutional and legal framework of the external dimension of EU justice and home affairs; issues of policy interaction as well as specific challenges; policy responses and results in the fields of migration policy; judicial cooperation; counter-terrorism; and cooperation with major international partners. Taking into account the changes introduced by the Treaty of Lisbon as well as the priorities set by the 2010-2014 Stockholm Programme the book provides an in-depth exploration of the political and legal dynamics of a major new dimension of the EU.

  • - From the Nineteenth Century to the Twenty-First Century
    873,95 kr.

    Behind the conflicts and the crises, the agreements and the severing of ties, the oil sector is above all a global business, number one in terms of the scale of trading. The sector is not only essential to the world economy, but it is generally thought to be of strategic importance. The history of oil gives scholars the chance to track and analyse changes in the world in the twentieth century, especially through the transition from unequal trading towards more balanced solutions, in which oil-producing countries can really profit from their resources. Numerous solutions have been proposed to ensure that oil revenue is not lost, but also to ensure that profits are made and supplies are secure. In order to examine the diversity and complexity of the recent history of the oil industry, this book considers the twentieth century across different continents, using original examples and new research on regions such as Latin America and Africa. Different views are analysed and changes in the industry are put into context. Today¿s realities are brought into focus by putting the spotlight on long-term changes. The volume concludes that the oil sector has not yet fully established itself as a sector of strategic importance.

  • - Politique et enjeux securitaires au Canada depuis le 11 septembre 2001
    628,95 kr.

  • - Multi-ethnic, Indigenous, and Intertextual Dialogues in Drama
    848,95 kr.

  • - The Fiscal Sociology of Interventionist Democracy
    af Marc Leroy
    963,95 kr.

  • - Entering a different world / A la decouverte d'un nouveau monde
    480,95 kr.

  • - Towards a More Social EU?
    698,95 kr.

  • - Image, Identities, Future Perspectives
    af Pascaline Gaborit
    733,95 kr.

  • - Dialogue around a collective challenge
    828,95 kr.

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