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Bøger udgivet af Prodinnova

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    268,95 kr.

    Fun with Maths and Physics details a large number of intriguing physics experiments, entertaining mathematics problems, and amazing optical illusions.The book's main objective is to arouse the reader's scientific imagination, teach him to think in a scientific manner, and create in his mind a variety of associations between physical knowledge and a large number of real daily life observations.Immensely instructive and entertaining, it has been one of the best sellers in Russia during the first part of last century.

  • af Lewis Carroll
    153,95 kr.

    This fascinating book of Lewis Carroll is the first published version of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland. It is shorter than the more widely published version: some scenes were later added, and other scenes were expanded, for the later version.

  • - A Short Story
    af Brian Williams
    88,95 kr.

    For many years, Land Rover was synonymous with capable, good-value, and easy-to-maintain vehicles that served farmers and adventurers so well all over the world. But starting from the nineties, successive new owners stole the soul of the brand and made it into another luxury brand making opulent vehicles for "lifestyle" customers with a focus on marketing instead of products. Consequently the new models have lost their simplicity, good value, and reliability. They are now completely out of touch with their owners needs. Will Land Rover be able to recover what made it so original and thrive or will it join Rover, MG, and TVR in the list of extinct British automakers?

    143,95 kr.

    You don't know that much about physics. You don't understand everything about gravity, magnetism, electricity or light, but you are curious and want to know more about these fields. This book helps you reaching this objective using many instructive and entertaining experiments. These are simple enough to be carried out using everyday objects at home or around it. They will fascinate not only teenagers but also adults who want to understand some of nature's fundamental laws and use them in their daily lives.

  • af Rodolphe De Warsage
    133,95 kr.

    Deux savants danois, le géologue Ottar Wallens et l'astronome Olaf Densmold, partent explorer le pôle Sud. Au cours de leur périple, ils rencontrent un habitant de la planète Mercure échoué avec son vaisseau dans l'Antarctique. Les trois individus tentent alors avec grande difficulté d'établir une communication.

  • - A Short Story
    af Brian Williams
    108,95 kr.

    In less than a century, Jaguar grew from a tiny motorcycle sidecars manufacturer into one of of the leading luxury carmakers, surviving one World War, one oil crisis, and the Japanese invasion of the luxury segment. But that impressive growth and resiliency came at a price. Marketing replaced good engineering, branding won over product design, mass production and economies of scale took over craftmanship. Is the roaring Jaguar still alive? Will it be able to bounce again despite successive changes of owners? This book is a short account of the carmaker's story, and the men behind it.

  • af Henry Ford
    143,95 kr.

    In this book, Henry Ford, the founder of the Ford Motor Company, details how he got into business, the strategies that he used to become a wealthy and successful businessman, and what others can do by learning from the examples he has outlined. This book should be read by small business owners, business students and those interested in the history of the automobile. Henry Ford will take you through a journey of history, business and lessons to be learned from which he used to develop his financial empire.

  • - A Short Story
    af Brian Williams
    113,95 kr.

    From a tiny Swedish carmaker, Saab grew into one of the most recognized brands in the auto industry building truly inspired and captivating cars. Under GM umbrella, it entered into a slow but steady decline before going bankrupt in 2011. This book is about the carmaker and its evolution, its people and their ingenuity, its cars and their quirkiness, and its fans and their loyalty. It is about what had made this carmaker so special.

  • af Alexis de Tocqueville
    223,95 kr.

    The Old Regime and the Revolution is Alexis de Tocqueville's great meditation on the origins and meanings of the French Revolution. One of the most profound and influential studies of this pivotal event, it remains a relevant and stimulating discussion of the problem of preserving individual and political freedom in the modern world. This translation provides a faithful, readable rendering of Tocqueville's last masterpiece, and includes notes and variants which reveal Tocqueville's sources and include excerpts from his drafts and revisions.

  • af Salim Bouzekouk
    148,95 kr.

    Le Six Sigma est aujourdhui une des methodes les plus importantes et les plus significatives pour ameliorer la qualite des processus et des produits. Le petit livre du Six Sigma est un guide pratique de mise en place de la methode. Il ne sadresse pas uniquement aux managers; il est aussi un guide pratique pour les operationnels. Il couvre: 1. Introduction et historique de la methode. 2. Une demarche d amelioration en cinq etapes (DMAAC). 3. Un ensemble d outils pour chacune des cinq etapes. 4. La conception pour le Six Sigma.

  • af Étienne de La Boétie
    143,95 kr.

    Dans sa brève existence de trente-deux ans, si La Boétie eut le temps de composer plusieurs opuscules, fort divers d'allure et de ton, il ne put en publier aucun. Montaigne lui-même, héritier des papiers de son ami disparu, imprima, dès 1571, les vers latins ou français de La Boétie et ses traductions de Xénophon et de Plutarque, mais il ne jugea pas à propos de divulguer ni le Discours de la Servitude volontaire, ni les Mémoires de nos troubles sur l'édit de janvier 1562, dont Montaigne confesse formellement la paternité à La Boétie, mais à qui il trouvait la façon trop délicate et mignarde pour les abandonner au grossier et pesant air d'une si malplaisante saison ...

  • af Yakov Perelman
    233,95 kr.

    This is another book is Yakov Perelman's successful series of science books. Presented in an easy form, well within the reach of most astronomy amateurs, it is useful introduction to this science. Through five key chapters (the Earth, the Moon, planets, stars, and gravitation), the author analyses the most important aspects of modern astronomy.

  • af Yakov Perelman
    188,95 kr.

    The purpose of the book is to initiate the reader into the basic facts of astronomy. Ordinary facts with which you may be acquainted are couched here in unexpected paradoxes, or slanted from an odd and unexpected angle. The theme is, as far as possible, free from "terminology" and technical concepts that so often make the reader shy of books on astronomy. The book contains chapters relating to the Earth, the Moon and other planets. The author has concentrated on materials not usually discussed in works of this nature. This book is written in a witty style and remains a reference for astronomy students around the world.

  • af Yakov Perelman
    233,95 kr.

    Unfortunately, the extent of our physics knowledge still does not allow us to see clearly the crucial importance of this science. A wide range of physics notions such as the theory of motion, strength, force, and mechanics in general are still vague for beginners. Those "who do not know movement, do not understand nature" Aristotle once said. Although several pages of the author's book "Physics for Entertainment" (2 volumes) are dedicated to mechanics' problems, it very useful that he devoted a separate, but similarly written, book to mechanics. "Mechanics for Entertainment" is not a textbook. Instead it is a freestyle book with some entertaining experiments and descriptions of some exciting natural phenomena. I have included a number of mechanics laws applications in engineering, sports, circus performances and many other unexpected areas.

  • af Yakov Perelman
    233,95 kr.

    This book is different from other books of similar content, not in term of the material it contains but in term of the way this material is processed and presented. It does not only study the arithmetic topics studied in school, but also analyzes how these ones can be used in various other areas and in solving real life problems. Additionally, it does not try to turn enjoyable and entertaining problems into tedious tasks that are often fruitless for serious work. It avoids difficult problems and selects only the material that is accessible for the majority of the readers.

  • af Yakov Perelman
    153,95 kr.

    First published in 1915, a best-seller in the 1920s and long out of print, Interplanetary Travel is a short excursion into space physics. Using conundrums, entertaining examples, and unexpected comparisons, Yakov Perelman dispelled some of the public prejudice that prevailed against celestial mechanics and physics of being too abstract and unable to nourish the mind. He explored, in a witty style, the opportunity of successfully completing the flights imagined in some novelists' wildest fantasies. He checked and corrected their boldest ideas. Even today, this book remains a reference for science students around the world.

    108,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of four short works by famous science author Yakov Perelman. They are: Amazing Mazes, With A Single Stroke, Young Physicist at a Camp, and Quick Arithmetic: Thirty simple tricks of mental arithmetic. These ones include serious notions in the fields of mathematics and physics. This book does not seek to replace school textbooks. Instead, its purpose is to entice the reader and especially the young one to engage in the study of mathematics and physics.

    233,95 kr.

    This book is a collection of several physics and mathematics experiments. Many of them are simple pastimes meant for the recreation of young and old, assembled round the family table. Others, on the contrary, being of a really scientific character, are designed to introduce the reader to the study of Physics and mathematics. Regardless of their nature, all the experiments can be carried out without any special apparatus and are consequently without the least expense. Instruments used include kitchen utensils, corks, matches, glasses, and plates. The book is very useful for the young physicist who wishes to entertain his friends. It will show him not only how to do things by which he can render himself more entertaining than the best talker or the best joker in the company, but will reveal to him a hundred things by which he can amuse and astonish everybody he knows. The book is equally useful for the teacher who wishes to create in his students an interest in science. It will enable him to illustrate scientific principles, and render his instructions as interesting as an Arabian tale.

  • af Jean Hess
    248,95 kr.

    On a publié des milliers et des milliers de livres, de brochures, d'articles de journaux sur l'Algérie; le détail en fut étudié, présenté, souvent avec vérité; les observateurs, qui limitaient leur travail, quelquefois ont vu juste; un brave homme qui s'applique à regarder une chose déterminée, pour nous la décrire ensuite, lorsqu'il ne s'inquiète de rien autre, il y a chance qu'il voie clair et ne mente pas. Mais, s'il est animé par d'autres passions que celle de la vérité, il ne voit pas, et il peut arriver qu'avec la meilleure foi du monde il mente; car il n'étudie pas objectivement, sa méthode est subjective. Nous verrons que ce fut le cas en Algérie même pour des questions très simples, très nettes et parfaitement limitées comme celles de thermométrie; c'est un fait abracadabrant, mais c'est un l'ait, il a fallu que M. Jonnart vînt au gouvernement général de l'Algérie pour que les thermomètres officiels se décidassent à ne plus mentir !...

  • af Yakov Perelman
    188,95 - 198,95 kr.

    Published in 1913, a best-seller in the 1930s and long out of print, Physics for Entertainment was translated from Russian into many languages and influenced science students around the world. Among them was Grigori Yakovlevich Perelman, the Russian mathematician (unrelated to the author), who solved the Poincaré conjecture, and who was awarded and rejected the Fields Medal. Grigori's father, an electrical engineer, gave him Physics for Entertainment to encourage his son's interest in mathematics. In the foreword, the book's author describes the contents as "conundrums, brain-teasers, entertaining anecdotes, and unexpected comparisons," adding, "I have quoted extensively from Jules Verne, H. G. Wells, Mark Twain and other writers, because, besides providing entertainment, the fantastic experiments these writers describe may well serve as instructive illustrations at physics classes." The book's topics included how to jump from a moving car, and why, "according to the law of buoyancy, we would never drown in the Dead Sea." Ideas from this book are still used by science teachers today.

  • af Brian Wilkinson
    153,95 kr.

    Si vous voulez un guide conventionnel pour les entretiens d'embauche, oubliez ce livre, il n'est pas fait pour vous. Il y a d'autres ouvrages qui font cela, mais qui ne donnent pas obligatoirement les meilleurs conseils. Ce livre va directement à l'essentiel de l'entretien d'embauche sans chercher à compliquer. Il donne, dans un langage simple, des conseils de professionnels inspirés de l'expérience de l'auteur en la matière.

  • af Brian Williams
    133,95 kr.

    You have always wondered how financial markets work, how companies structure their ownership and raise capital, why regulating financial companies is important. This book answers these questions in a simple and concise manner. It addresses 67 different notions in modern finance in three different sections: Corporate Finance, Markets and Financial Products, and Financial System and Regulation. Multiple examples that explain how financial mechanisms work are included.

  • af Yakov Perelman
    233,95 kr.

    This is a book of entertaining problems that can be solved through the use of algebra, problems with intriguing plots to excite the readers curiosity, amusing excursions into the history of mathematics, unexpected uses that algebra is put to in everyday affairs, and more. Algebra For Fun has brought hundreds of thousands of students into the fold of mathematics and its wonders. It is written in the form of lively sketches that discuss the multifarious and exciting applications of algebra to the world about us. Situations considered are quite diversified and range from a motley collection of conundrums and mathematical stunts to useful practical problems on counting and measuring.

  • af Eichi Kobayashi
    178,95 kr.

    The Truth about Toyota and TPS explains how Toyota works and focuses on three areas: the production system and how it is built, the marketing of Toyota cars as being superior in quality and its ability to capitalize on this perception, and lastly the management of its workforce. However, behind the cast-iron reputation of the carmaker lays an obsolete organization struggling for survival in one of the auto industry most serious slumps. Will Toyota, the company that survived and succeeded through sixty years of competitive markets, be able to transform itself and prosper? Will it be able to reinvent the car of the 21st century and recover its supremacy?

  • af Salim Bouzekouk
    268,95 kr.

    Ce livre descrit comment des multinationales ont pris le controle de l'industrie du divertissement et de la culture. Il descrit comment elles ont rapidement industrialise la culture en remplacant la creation artistique par le marketing. Mais cette transformation a aussi elimine l'innovation dans leurs produits et a fini par les ruiner. Comment en est-on arrive la ? Comment ces multinationales ont fini par obtenir les resultats inverses de ce qu'elles esperaient ? L'obstination de quelque uns sera-t-elle suffisante pour mener la resistance et renverser la tendance ? Peut-on sauver la culture avec Internet et sa capacite a supprimer les intermediaires et a connecter les createurs directement avec leur public ? C'est a toutes ces questions que ce livre tache de repondre

  • af Alfred Fouillee
    143,95 kr.

    L'éducation est un développement de l'esprit, soumis aux lois de toute évolution, individuelle ou collective. De là ce problème qu'on s'est posé récemment en Allemagne et en Angleterre: - La doctrine de l'évolution justifie-t-elle les études classiques, au double point de vue du développement individuel et du développement national ? - Les réponses sont fort diverses, soit en Angleterre, où MM. Spencer et Bain attaquent les études gréco-latines, soit en Allemagne, où MM. Preyer, Haeckel et Goering rejettent ces études, tandis que M. Vaihinger les défend. En France, chose curieuse, le latin et le grec sont battus en brèche par la plupart des purs littérateurs ; ils sont soutenus, au contraire, par des philosophes tels que MM. Ravaisson, Renouvier, Renan, Lachelier, Guyau, Rabier et bien d'autres, en même temps que par des critiques littéraires aux vues philosophiques, tels que M. Brunetière...

  • af Alfred Fouillee
    143,95 kr.

    La psychologie prend de nos jours une direction qui mérite d'être signalée et appréciée à cause de toutes les conséquences qu'elle entraîne. Si on s'intéresse aux généralisations de la physique moderne, comment ne s'intéresserait-on pas davantage encore aux grandes conclusions de la psychologie, qui touchent de si près à la morale, à la science sociale, enfin à la métaphysique et à la religion? Au temps où M. de Hartmann publiait ses ouvrages, l'inconscient était à la mode : on voulait le voir partout, et on faisait de la conscience une sorte de feu follet promenant çà et là sa lueur accidentelle dans le grand cimetière de l'inconscience...

  • af Charles Martins
    133,95 kr.

    Tout voyageur descendant ou remontant la vallée du Rhône remarque entre Orange et Avignon une grande montagne qui s'élève majestueusement au-dessus de la fertile plaine arrosée par la fontaine de Vaucluse. C'est le Mont-Ventoux (Mons Ventosus). Sa forme pyramidale, sa large base, son sommet triangulaire, blanchi par la neige pendant l'hiver, charment les yeux de l'artiste et arrêtent surtout l'attention du géologue, qui devine là un riche terrain de recherches. Le botaniste de son côté se plaît à comparer les zones végétales échelonnées sur ses deux versans, depuis celle de l'olivier jusqu'à la région alpine...

  • af Alfred Fouillee
    143,95 kr.

    La vie inconsciente est aujourd'hui l'objet préféré des recherches psychologiques comme des spéculations métaphysiques : c'est là qu'on poursuit l'obscure origine de tout ce qui apparaît au grand jour de la conscience. L'ancienne philosophie, éprise avant tout de clarté, se tenait volontiers à la surface du monde intérieur, où la lumière est plus visible ; la nouvelle psychologie scientifique comprend que ce qu'il y a de fondamental en nous est aussi ce qu'il y a de plus reculé et de plus insaisissable. Elle s'efforce de ramener nos actes et nos états de conscience à des éléments inconscients. L'observation même semble nous faire pressentir l'existence de ces éléments...

  • af Alfred Fouillee
    143,95 kr.

    La France est-elle la grande dégénérée , ou subit-elle sous une forme plus aiguë et plus visible, une crise morale et sociale commune à toutes les nations modernes ? Et par quels moyens généraux peut-elle sortir à son honneur de ce péril, comme elle est sortie de tant d'autres dont son histoire est remplie ? Un tel problème mérite, de la part des psychologues et des moralistes, l'attention la plus impartiale, en même temps qu'il impose les conclusions les plus prudentes. À toutes les époques on trouve des pessimistes à côté des optimistes, et il est des périodes particulièrement douloureuses où il semble que tout soit perdu parce qu'on ignore l'avenir. Les maux dont nous souffrons actuellement, a dit Guizot, nous semblent toujours incomparables....

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